What do you all think is the general attitude of homeschoolers towards school compared to that of students in public school? I know that many students in public schools would rather not be there. Do you think homeschoolers are more positive or negative about school? Or is it about the same?
Umm, I would say homeschoolers generally feel more negative about public school. I don't feel negative toward it. If that's what works for you, do it. Sometimes, I feel I would have done better in school if I had the actual teacher making you do stuff and if you didn't, you'd fail.
All the public schoolers that I know or work with are just like, whatever about it or they'll ask a few questions when I first meet them and then they're like, "Cool," and that's the end of it.
I think we may be in the minority here, Juliana. I must say that while I went to public schools in my growing-up years, and we chose that our children do the same, I really respect the dedication of homeschooling families. And as others have said, each set of parents has to decide what is best for their children, for there can be a number of variables. The one non-variable, though, is that the home needs to be a loving place where the children learn and grow in the ways and knowledge of Christ.
De-De, you mentioned on the previous page that Christianity was 'banned' in a lot of schools. I have a similar comment as bkey: I'm not sure where you are from, but in our area, the vast majority of schools (high schools, specifically) have at least one active Christian group. I haven't heard of any school around here where our faith is purposely pushed out ... not that it's encouraged, but it's certainly not banned. Where did you hear this information, De_De? Or maybe you're from an area that is more intolerant to Christianity. Is so, that is very sad to hear.
it is possible to maintain a christian lifestyle and a strong moral compass even in a public school setting. My school had plenty of christian organizations on campus, and I was also involved in my church youth group. Sure, there is more of a temptation to give into certain peer pressures, but there are still plenty of opportunities to not only grow in your faith, but also to be a witness to others.
Yes! We found that Christians have substantial opportunities in the public school setting to be lights and witnesses for Christ, practically showing His love to others, which also aids in their own growing relationship with Him. (I often think of Matthew 5:14-16 in regards to this, 'though those verses apply to every area of life.) Yet, one has to be careful not to compromise one's standards: it is important to have a strong support group, so you don't feel like you are the only 'light' in that setting. And throughout the years it has been a fun challenge discovering who the Christian teachers were at the local schools our kids attended (elementary, junior, and high), and then connecting with them. Yes, there is much growth that can take place in our faith in such public arenas, as we learn further to give an answer to every man the reason of the hope within us.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
johobbit wrote
De-De, you mentioned on the previous page that Christianity was 'banned' in a lot of schools. I have a similar comment as bkey: I'm not sure where you are from, but in our area, the vast majority of schools (high schools, specifically) have at least one active Christian group. I haven't heard of any school around here where our faith is purposely pushed out ... not that it's encouraged, but it's certainly not banned. Where did you hear this information, De_De? Or maybe you're from an area that is more intolerant to Christianity. Is so, that is very sad to hear.
Sorry that I am answering for De_De it's just that she was rather embaressed cause she didn't quite word that sentence right, so she doesn't feel like answering. What she meant when she wrote that, was not the Christianity was banned but that these days it is sort of lacking in schools. We are from Russia and our public schools never truly had God in them, (they were built without him). Christianity exsits in our schools, but not in the way usually thought. It is there in the teachers and students themsevles who are Christian. Bibles and prayer are allowed in schools though (at least now they are). I think I mentioned in an earlier post that she wasn't speaking for all the public schools in the world. Just the ones she knows about.
Juliana wrote
What do you all think is the general attitude of homeschoolers towards school compared to that of students in public school? I know that many students in public schools would rather not be there. Do you think homeschoolers are more positive or negative about school? Or is it about the same?
The general reaction I get when I state that I am homeschooled is as follows "huh" "you're what" "school!!! at home!!!!" That is because although in Russia homeschooling is becoming more popular, it is still in the minority
My personal attitude to public schoolers is far from negative, as it is up to every person to decide what type of schooling works best for him or her. I don't believe that there is any one type of schooling that is the very best. You just have to find our what works best for you. I myself perfer homeschooling to any other type but then that is just my personal prefrance and I have nothing against those who prefer some other method. I never did understand the negative attitiude of homeschoolers to public schoolers and vica verca. I guess that is because I live in a country where homeschooling has been quite unheard of up until a few years ago and I grew up with public schooling as the norm, most of my friends were in public schools. Actually at one point in my life I just quit saying that I was homeschooled because I would right away get bombarded with questions that I wasn't sure how to answer. Things have changed as the years have passed but still people tend to look at me in an odd way way I say that I'm homeschooled. I guess they can't quite comprehend how it is done. Though recently I have met people who go "oh yes I heard of that," or "oh homeschooling right, I heard people do that sort of thing" (it's rather comforting to hear that as one tends to tire of people looking at you with wide eyes and go 'is that possible')
always be humble and kind
to De_De, and please let her know we would love to see her back here again. I hope she took no offense at my comment, and I apologize for any embarrassment: I was just curious about the 'banning' aspect. Thanks for explaining, wild rose.
I would agree that Christianity seems to be lacking in schools, in general. It's sad, because Canada has a Judeo-Christian heritage, and now that is being inter-mingled with many other religions and thoughts in many areas. Yet, while Christianity is not being overtly taught in public schools, some high school class discussions have sprung up, often unexpectedly, regarding various faiths, which gives the Christ-followers a chance to also speak and be heard. And thankfully Christian groups are still allowed to meet in the schools. It does seem that as Christianity is slowly being relegated to the background, the believers in those places are becoming stronger in their stand for Christ.
I pray for the Christians in public schools, both in your area of Russia and here in Canada, that their light will shine for Christ in these public institutions. (By the way, if English is your second language, you both write very well. )
Also, I understood that De_De wasn't referring to every school. No worries there. I find it really interesting to hear of other cultures and how open (or closed) they are to Christianity.
How positive to hear homeschooling is becoming more accepted/popular in Russia. Do you have a homeschool group with whom you meet from time-to-time?
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I think Juliana is asking not "what do homeschoolers think of public schoolers," but what we/they think of school. In my experience homeschoolers are a lot more positive toward learning. I think it has to do with the lack of peer pressure--they've never been taught that good marks and doing your best are uncool. My dad teaches at a private school and his students are smart enough, but refuse to work at anything. If everyone else is goofing off, why should they stand out and be the geek and the workaholic?
Mandatory Disclaimer: Obviously this is a huge generalisation and does not apply to everyone.
Also, homeschooling is a lot more flexible for different learning styles, just because it's one-on-one.
Yes! We found that Christians have substantial opportunities in the public school setting to be lights and witnesses for Christ, practically showing His love to others, which also aids in their own growing relationship with Him. (I often think of Matthew 5:14-16 in regards to this, 'though those verses apply to every area of life.) Yet, one has to be careful not to compromise one's standards: it is important to have a strong support group, so you don't feel like you are the only 'light' in that setting. And throughout the years it has been a fun challenge discovering who the Christian teachers were at the local schools our kids attended (elementary, junior, and high), and then connecting with them. Yes, there is much growth that can take place in our faith in such public arenas, as we learn further to give an answer to every man the reason of the hope within us.
I like your method, Jo. I know so many Christian kids who have been ruined by public schools, as in, they grew up in the church but now that they're older wouldn't even call themselves Christians. But a couple of the most wonderful families I know also put their kids through public school, and they're still wonderful
I think it depends most on the parents--how much they invest in their children and influence them, so that the kids can in turn influence their peers.
I would never put my child in public school from the beginning, as I have seen six-year-olds and could never trust them not to act like everyone else. Once they're mature enough not to follow the crowd, sure. The public school classes I've done in the last 2-3 years have been a very good experience indeed.
signature by Starsy
I think public and probably private give more of a feel like lifes like in the real world.Being aroudn people that don't support your views, is good in away.
You're right there, IlF: being sometimes around people who don't hold to exactly the same beliefs—as long as your own convictions are and remain firm—is an excellent opportunity to grow stronger.
I know so many Christian kids who have been ruined by public schools, as in, they grew up in the church but now that they're older wouldn't even call themselves Christians. But a couple of the most wonderful families I know also put their kids through public school, and they're still wonderful
I think it depends most on the parents--how much they invest in their children and influence them, so that the kids can in turn influence their peers.
How sad that you know some kids who have been "ruined" by public schools, wow! In the opposite vein, it's great to hear the positive side, which has thankfully been our experience. Another side benefit/advantage to having our children go through the public school system is that I, as a stay-at-home mom, could become actively involved in the elementary school (so much so that the staff joked about letting me have my own office ). Those twelve years were great ones for ministry amongst the other parents, some of whom we have been able to have Bible studies with, and are now some of my closest friends.
Yes, Alyosha, much depends on the parents and how they approach sending their children to a public school.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Some close friends of mine went through a lot of thought about 20 years ago, when they began having children, as to whether they'd be homeschooled or attend public school. They have good friends who've chosen to homeschool their kids and are thrilled with it.
After careful deliberation my friends chose to send their kids to school, understanding that a strong home life could give them the support and strength they needed to be lights to their fellow students.
All but one of the kids have since graduated high school and I'm very impressed at how they indeed were able to be lights to a needy generation. Their faith remains strong and they've participated in some amazing discussions with other kids regarding apologetics and the relevance of the Gospel. I'm amazed at their spiritual depth and maturity. They graduated with an excellent education and have moved on to university or other post-high school training.
This is not to say that the same can't be done in a homeschool environment; I can cite several examples in which it did. I just mention this to point out that public schools are not necessarily a 'graveyard' for your children's faith; it can in fact bring deep spiritual growth and maturity.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
johobbit wrote:
How positive to hear homeschooling is becoming more accepted/popular in Russia. Do you have a homeschool group with whom you meet from time-to-time?
To tell you the truth I never heard about such a thing as a homeschool group till I read about it here. Maybe such things do exsit here (in my area) but I don't know about them. We're a large family though so I never did school on my own. (there are only three of us school kids left though, me and my two younger sisters). Actually I was just wondering, what do you do at homechooling groups?
always be humble and kind
wild rose, I know it varies vastly from homeschooling group to homeschooling group. When I was younger, we'd do tons more stuff with the group, but especially once I got into junior high and high school, there was pretty much nothing for my age group. But in the lower grades, there was a variety of activities. We'd go on field trips (museums, aquarium, zoo...the local police station
), have PE groups, sing in choir, have spelling and geography bees (never did spelling, did geography a couple of times when they needed people), and my personal favourite---drama club. That was tons of fun.
Some groups have joint classes together or sport teams and such, I believe. Hope that was somewhat helpful.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Are spelling bees exclusively an American thing? Because I don't think I've heard of them in Australia.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
I have only ever heard of them oon the simpsons and stuff but at the schools i have been to we have never had them. We had soemthign simlair but it wasn't like a comp in front of the school. I would rather somethign simlair but you are given math problems instead. sicne i would have a chance at winning them.
We used to have a homeschooling group. We didn't really do much together except have an annual meeting. But now, it's broken up because so many people have stopped homeschooling or moved so there's now group now.
The parents would pick a time period and each kid would act out or do something from that particular time period or read a paper on it or something.
We had a couple of field trips too when I was younger. It was really fun.
I have done "feild trips" with some friends who also homeschool! museums are great for that.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
The great thing about homeschooling is you can do stuff when other people can't and avoid crowds.
My entire family on my mom's side (my mom's parents, all of my mom's siblings and their spouses and kids) went to an indoor water park on a week day once. We had the entire thing to ourself for the first three hours or so. Then we had another three hours with just us and a handful of other people. Not until about 3:30 did a bunch of people start coming in and there were lines.