I wouldn't mind internet homeschooling.
http://joyfullyathome.blogspot.com/2009 ... tered.html
http://joyfullyathome.blogspot.com/2010 ... -what.html
http://joyfullyathome.blogspot.com/2010 ... truth.html
http://www.voddiebaucham.org/vbm/Blog/E ... ument.html
very good articles by some of my favorite bloggers.
I'm have been homeschooled for ten years.... though i'm going to school next year... but i don't mind. I get a bit lonely at home. lol
I remember the days of childhood
They told a story of Romeo and Juliet
I remember thinkin’ it was so romantic
But I never thought it would hurt so.
Interesting blogs, and I appreciate their honesty, but some of the writers seem to be a bit self-righteous for my liking. As I've said before. There are bad homeschools and there are bad public and private schools. There are also good examples of each. A good school is a combination of staff, students, resources, curriculum and community. It's not meant to be Us (all homeschoolers) Vs. Them (everyone else).
I'm training to be a primary teacher. I'm not sure where God will lead me. My main passions in teaching are to teach children a biblically Christian world-view, to spur their imaginations and encourage them to think critically.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
waterkid72 wrote
I'm homeschooled though, but because I live rather far from the city. I admit is kind of fun to study wearing pijama or eating a snack.
How I envey all of you who are allowed to do school in your pijamas. We have a family rule that on school days we are out of our PJs by breakfast, which is at seven. I never did school in my PJs (exept of course that isn't counting the times I was sick and did school in bed).
Warrior 4 Jesus your training to be a primary teacher, awsome I am going to take the same field of study after I graduate (I'm a high school senior )
always be humble and kind
My main passions in teaching are to teach children a biblically Christian world-view, to spur their imaginations and encourage them to think critically.
I totally agree with you. In a lot of schools they ban Christianity and I personally believe that we should do something about it. If you install Christianity into a child when he is young, he will usually remember it for the rest of his life.
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
we are out of our PJs by breakfast, which is at seven. I never did school in my PJs (exept of course that isn't counting the times I was sick and did school in bed).
I don't know any homeschoolers who do school in pajamas.
I do homeschooling in my pajamas sometimes, but not all the time.....sometimes I will be in them until I can get a shower......or sometimes I just won't get dressed until after lunch...............but most of the time I will get dressed!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Liberty Hoffman, I usually get dressed to but on days like today when everybody but me sleeps in I have to wait...
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
^^ lol! I know what you mean!
I was a bit lazy today and I stayed in my pajamas until three in the afternoon.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^^ lol! I know what you mean!
I was a bit lazy today and I stayed in my pajamas until three in the afternoon.....
wow that is late. my mom is very picky about us in pajamas. If we are still in our PJs when we come to morning devotions (7:30) our mom is not very happy. And defiantly need to change before school starts (9:00).
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
De_De: wow! you have a set time for when school starts? don't get me wrong, we're not careless, but e don't start usualy until 10:00 or 10:30.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I don't know if this is a stupid question but... do your parents teach you? And if they do, don't they have to work? I'm just interested
. As you can probably tell I'm not homeschooled! xx
Lucy Pevensie <3
I am not homeschooled myself. Most have their parents teach them but a few have tauters. As for work i have no idea.
my mom teaches me (she doesn't have a job, she's a stay-at-home mom!) and my dad goes off to work! at my house we don't have a set amount of work or time constraint, but we get our work done!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are