Homeschoolers don't hvae to wear uniforms. do they? because that would be so weird.
*laugh* ILF: Pretty much, if you're homeschooled, you wear what you want as long as it's ok with your parents. I know homeschoolers who have the females wear only dresses/skirts--I know homeschoolers who stay in their pajamas all day at home--I know homeschoolers who dress in "fashionable" clothes--I know homeschoolers who do all 3.
It depends.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
The public school I went to in 8th grade had a very strict dress code. We were only allowed to wear 3 colors (orange, white, and navy you can imagine, it was mostly white and blue because no one wanted to wear orange. ). We also could not have any type of wording, pictures, or patterns on our shirts and our jeans could not be faded or even light colored. And of course we had the obvious rules of "Don't show your stomach", etc etc.
I had gone to a private Lutheran school before that and we didn't have dress codes like that!
But anyways......ILF - I don't wear a uniform, no.
I wear whatever I so choose.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss
I love being able to dress anywhere between Natalie Teager and Luna Lovegood!
If I went to a school with that dress code, mm1991, I think I would wear an orange jumpsuit just to see how people would react.
One nice thing about homeschooling is that people don't judge you by your clothes. I have never bought anything from Aero or AmEagle (unless you count the shoes at Payless) in my life and I never will. I just don't like logos splashed all across my clothing.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
I can see the dress codes in america are very different from the australian ones. They banned jeans and they have and in private schools you have to wear the uniforms they sell in public you can buy somethign thats looks simlair though.
Homeschoolers don't hvae to wear uniforms. do they? because that would be so weird.
*raises hand* CS and I have to wear plaid maroon for the first few weeks, or semester. I think we're allowed black pants, but plaid maroon just fits everything better for me where as CS prefers black. So, we're like the .1 % who do, I think.
I don't think it's too weird; it teaches us discipline of dress code, so I appreciate it.
But it's not so strict and military; if it gets too cold or if it's most convenient to, then we're allowed to wear jeans and a hoodie but for the first few weeks uniform is something that we have to do. Unless we're sick, under no circumstances can we wear pajamas to school. (Which I don't mind, because I feel terribly untidy if I do, most of the time.
As far as dressing goes, I respect families who only allow their girls to wear skirts and I respect on the same value those who wear modern clothes. It's just personal preference, I guess. My mom and dad have never been strict on clothes, so CS and I can wear whatever we like but they trust us not to wear anything immodest, and we don't want to. But, like, we do wear jeans and all. Neither baggy nor skinny jeans, but the type that fits right and looks just as fashionable.
(Goes for all our clothing, not just jeans.) And at the same time, I love when I get the chance to wear a long peasant skirt. But, really, I don't care about what's the latest thing that people are wearing so I have a different dress than nearly everyone I know, so it's not exactly put in two categories "Those who dress modern" and "Those who dress like homeschoolers"... It varies. If it was up to me and a time travelling machine, I wouldn't mind being in the 1800's wearing those neat dresses they did. Of course, as long as they were comfortable. And that I could wear jeans if I really wanted to.
We use the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum
I do too! I've been doing it since first grade, and our family loves it. We hope to do it all the way to 12th grade.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
About dress codes--I've never attended a public school, but from what I've heard from friends and others makers me think that public schools could stand to have stricter rules about attire...
But I'm only a homeschooler. I will not pass judgment.
I'm homeschooled, but go to public school for one class (orchestra). The school has a dress code, basically just no spaghetti straps/hatlers/strapless tops and no bare midriffs. Practically nobody follows these rules, because tons of people wear spaghetti straps. At home I pretty much follow the public school dress code, the way it's supposed to be, not the way people actually take it...
I wouldn't say that I'm "fashionable" because I don't care about what the latest trends are, but people are sometimes surprised when they find out I'm a homeschooler. I don't know if that means anything.
Homeschoolers don't hvae to wear uniforms. do they? because that would be so weird.
No luckily we don't!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
We have a couple of free dress days to rais money but their are rules to say what you are and aren't aloud to wear.
I suppose I'm a little late to the discussion but I thought that I'd take the moment to declare that I was home-schooled too!
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
Gladius wrote
Greetings, wild rose! It's cool to know another ACE kid is on Narniweb.
Do you ever go to the student conventions?
sorry that I am late with the answer, I haven't been here in a while. Nope I don't participate in student conventions. Don't ask why, there is usually a different reason every time .
On the subject of dress codes I just wanted to say that public schools have some sort of dress code that hardly any of the students care about. only about half, if not less of the kids will wear the school uniform. Private schools have their own uniform of course.
In our home we don't have any sort of uniform, we just have to be dressed decently (we have to be out of our PJs by seven-thirty in the morning *sigh*, this applies on for school days though. Although my mom isn't to fond of us walking around in our PJs all day on free days either.)
always be humble and kind
wild rose thats america here we get in a lot of trouble if you don't wear uniform.Everyone does at my school. execpt the new people who haven't got it yet.
I would hate to wear uniform.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
ILF- It's not necessarily in general that in America kids don't get in trouble for not wearing uniform. Perhaps you weren't saying that, though. So I apologise in advance if I misunderstand you. As far as I remember, when I went to a public and private school for a short time, uniform was strictly enforced and there were minute specifics that had to be met. I understand that now most schools here are more lenient towards dressing and allow casual clothing on all days with some limits, but there are some places that are strict on uniform. (Including my school for the first few weeks, and I'm homeschooled. )
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
It seems like different school in america have different rules regarding uniform. ... s_code.php
this is the best i could find on google.