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Everyone here(liek in my town). that goes to apublic school or has been most have somethign against private schools, i just have something against one private school. They just annoy me so much. They laugh at you in the streets when your wearing your school uniform.

Posted : December 17, 2009 10:21 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I was homeschooled and did not learn much about evolution until highschool. It's sticky subject-- I'm glad I'll prolly be reading Darwin in college to see what it's really all about.

I couldn't agree more with you! I was homeschooled fro grade 4-Graduation, and our program was a Christian based curriculum. After finishing school, I just couldn't figure out why anybody believed in Darwinian evolution, because to me, it just seemed stupid.

This came, of course, from having biased textbooks and teachers. The teachers, when it came to the evolution chapter of our science texts, would often cover the material in just a few lessons, and the book itself was filled with so many fallacies, and assumptions about evolution, that were based in trying to make the topic seem stupid, instead of presenting it as a perfectly valid scientific theory.

It wasn't until I got to college that I learned what the theory really says, and finally realised what some atheists/humanists saw in it.

Like I've always said, people cannot truly understand their own argument, until they know their opponent's. That is why I always encourage my friends to study out evolution. See what the theory actually says, and make up your mind from there. Just blandly assuming either Creationism or Evolution isn't what God would want in our lives. He gave us our logic and reasoning skills, and I believe that He wants us to use it. (I think this is becoming a CRAP thread kind of post, but. . . I digress)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : December 18, 2009 2:51 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Totally agree - I think the most important part of education is not restricting what our children learn to what the parents believe in, but teaching them to assess what they come across in the world logically and rationally. I personally cannot be sure of my beliefs on something until I've checked out and understood both sides.

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

Posted : December 18, 2009 3:16 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Digs and Shantih--I completely agree. :) A lot of people blame schools for only teaching evolution, but then when the parents homeschool their kids, they teach them ONLY creation, and just say "Oh, evolution is stupid/don't believe it/the Bible says it's not true/etc". I like to get a good, well-rounded view of subjects I'm learning. :p

I don't consider someone saying 'hey mom can i homeschool' as actually considering homeschooling.

Ditto...I know quite a few people have said to me "Aw, I wish I could be homeschooled." I would say to their face "Um, no, you wouldn't."
It isn't for everyone. Some kids enjoy public schools better, others thrive on homeschooling.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Posted : December 18, 2009 7:42 am
Member Moderator

One of the things my parents never did was shield me from the creation vs. evolution argument. Maybe because I had already been exposed to it in public school, but I remember the text books I had for science mentioning it.

When my parents didn't know something we went to the support group and asked for help. Several parents offered classes like math and science, so I spent Algebra figuring things like the square footage of the New Jerusalem with the measurements from the Bible as bonus questions. For science, one of the moms did biology and we even did dissections. I can't stand formaldehyde! ;))

decarus, I'd have to disagree with you when it comes to saying the majority have never considered homeschooling. I've been around homeschooling since the 80s when my parents first discovered it and hardly anyone had even heard of it. We started homeschooling in '91 and my mother worked for a regional support group. We had call after call asking for the basic info so frequently that they had a brochure put together with just the absolute basics and a packet put together for those who were really curious. We probably sent out 100 + a month. And that's just in southeast Texas.

Yes, homeschooling has its flaws, but there is no one to blame for them except the parents and the kids when those flaws crop up. People have to take responsibility when doing something like this. There is no one to rely on in making sure nothing gets skipped over.

Homeschooling isn't for everyone. I'm well aware of that. I had two homeschool friends who returned to public school. One returned to homeschooling and the other didn't. It really is what works best for the student.

I taught at a private school last year and the format wasn't the best one for one of my students. I haven't been nosy enough to ask after her grades, but watching her this year (she's in public school now) she seems to have grown quite a bit.

Warrior, Shadowlander, you guys are very right. Homeschooling is simply another form of education. One isn't better than the other. Its what is best for the student.

Posted : December 18, 2009 7:54 am
wild rose
Member Moderator Emeritus

the way that I am homeschooled is we are still part of the school and use the same curriculum but we do it at home. (it's a christian private school) It is more inexpensive that way and to say personally it is better for me.(I am a bit slow in stuff like math and chemistry and if it weren't for my mom's personal tutoring I would be seriously behind. Thanks to her however I am actually able to keep up.) I agree that homeschooling isn't for everyone, and for some it would probably be better to go to school. Homeschooling has helped me to develop hobbies that I probably wouldn't have developed otherwise and gives me lots of free time. Also in helping my younger sisters with there school (when my mom and older sister are out) I get the skills that I will one day need. I plan to become a teacher when I finish school.

I agree that homeschooling is just another part of education and one should find out what works best for him. Public schools these days though (at least where I am) are not the sort of place I would want to go (note I am NOT degrading public schools!!!!! Just stating my personal preferences). Crime, drugs and the like have edged in and God has been all but forgotten. So in my opinion one reason why people are homeschooling there children it to try to keep the Christian principles that are lacking in public schools these days

Oh and on the subject of school uniform you should see the dreadful uniform that they have in the school whose curriculum I use. The people who designed it seriously lacked in imagination :). Glad that I don't have to wear it :D (I only go to the school for their Christmas program and for the school year wrap up.

always be humble and kind

Posted : December 18, 2009 9:02 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

I am the last otu of four that my mom is homeschooling! next year is my last year! :D yay! B-)

if I had to do it all over again and had a choice between homeschooling and public school, I would definitly choose homeschooling, hands down! :D

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : December 18, 2009 10:44 am
Lucy P.
NarniaWeb Nut

No matter what we believe I think we should avoid an 'Us versus Them' mentality. That's not going to benefit anyone.

Agreed. :)

I'm really glad that homeschooling worked for me, and I'm doubly glad that it's legal in the U.S.

I asked a German kid once how many people homeschooled where he lived and he replied "It is not permitted in my country,"
Oh. Ah. A bit awkward.
Later on my friends and I were teaching him how to play a game with cups (everyone in a circle banging and flipping them to make a rhythm) and he asked
"Is this what homeschoolers do?" The image of homeschoolers sitting around learning to bang on dishes all day made me laugh. :))

I do think that homeschooling should be allowed everywhere-- it's a legitimate form of education and many children really benefit from it.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Posted : December 19, 2009 7:27 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

I think the reason I am so gung-ho about homeschooling because I have always been homeschooled.....I've never been to public school! :D

But I agree that homeschooling is not for everyone!

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : December 19, 2009 10:10 am
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I know that cup game!

The sad thing is that some homeschoolers can be really well educated and some aren't. On average homeschoolers do get better grades than public schoolers but we sometimes lack in other areas, whatever those may be. I find some homeschoolers are really shy while others make friends with anyone they meet, it really has nothing to do with the schooling. I myself will homeschool my children b/c I believe that's what the Bible says we should do, but I do see some positives in public school but I personally don't like the idea much.

Posted : December 21, 2009 5:23 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

On average homeschoolers do get better grades than public schoolers but we sometimes lack in other areas, whatever those may be

This is a horrible over-simplification, I think. To say that homeschoolers do better than public schoolers puts the accountability on the system rather than on the individual. There are some students that, if they were taken out of the public schools, and into homeschooling, that they would fail miserably, even though they may have been a decent student prior to being pulled out. The same thing could be said for homeschoolers. Some would fail miserably were they to go to a regular school, because they need that one on one attention.

People learn in all different ways, and it's not until a student finds the way that works best for them, that they will begin to really thrive academically.

Also. . .

I myself will homeschool my children b/c I believe that's what the Bible says we should do

What on earth do you mean by this? The Bible does not mandate homeschooling as the sole method of education for children. It merely says that parents need to provide their child an education. Certainly the Bible doesn't mean "If your child is thriving in a public or private school setting, that doesn't matter. God would much rather you pull that child away from their friends, and school them at home. Sure, they're likely to become depressed, and their grades will suffer, but God will be happier"

If homeschooling didn't work for a certain child, and if they were to thrive in a public school setting, than I think just the opposite. If parents refuse to provide the child with the tools to succeed, I think God would be much more disapointed, and displeased.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : December 21, 2009 11:11 am
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Good grief Glenstorm. Understand the context of the times when the Bible was written and gathered together. School as we know it is only a fairly modern occurrence. Before then children generally learnt the craft of their parents and there was no traditional school as such (except for the privileged few who would become politicians, philosophers and scribes etc.) You can make the Bible seem to say whatever you want it to, if you pick and choose the 'right' verses to support your argument. Let's avoid that elitism please. Thanks

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Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : December 21, 2009 12:04 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm not trying to be judgemental. I'm not saying that Public schooling is bad, just that it's not the best choice...for me at least. I have various reasons for wanting to homeschool my kids (when I have them) but not just b/c I believe the Bible says we should. God does say that we should teach our children all day about the scriptures, and how can we teach them if they're gone at school, come back and do more school, and then go to bed?

Posted : December 21, 2009 12:16 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

God does say that we should teach our children all day about the scriptures

Really? All day long? The Bible also says to "Pray without ceasing." Do you think that that means to pray while we sleep? Do you reccomend bowing your head while driving? Are you lucky enough to be able multi-task the concentration of a prayer while talking with one of your coworkers?

And at any rate, unless you're not going to be teaching your child science, history, math, grammar, english, social studies, etc. . . and only teach them Scripture, then you are not preparing them for life.

As great as the Bible is, it doesn't have the facts for everything. It certainly couldn't teach somebody calculus, or biochemistry, or medicine. I've got nothing against memorizing scripture, don't get me wrong, but doing nothing but that is not exactly what God wants us to do. After all, if we're not applying what we've memorized to our lives, we're being incredibly legalistic.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : December 21, 2009 12:28 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

But not just teaching scripture but teaching the school subejcts with a Biblical worldview. How are you supposed to learn true Biblical Science from an atheistic public school teacher? I am getting a very good education but it's well rounded. Bible is our foremost subject, and then theology and worldview. I am most definetly not behind in school (in fact I'm more than a year ahead of most kids my age) and I'll make sure my kids get the same class of education. But teaching the Scriptures is the most important to me.

Posted : December 21, 2009 12:38 pm
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