A thread for all the Holiday tales! As always mods, please move or delete as needed.
One of my favorite holiday stories is about Halloween at our church. My sister, (Pendragon) and I had never gone trick or treating since our fam wasn't really into Halloween. One year at our church we decided to go to the church on Halloween night because they were going to have a fun character night, act out Bible stories, and hand out candy. Our church is really big on food, so we knew it was going to be good =P. We dressed my little sister as a princess, our brother as a superhero, but we had no idea what we could wear. So my mom threw something together for each of us. My sister was wearing a sheet with a velvet Christmas dress underneath and a white skirt on her head. I was wearing a dress, a towel and a lace skirt on my head that looked like a veil. It was sooo funny because everyone at the church thought we were something different and no one, including us, knew what we were. We got everything from royalty to Shakespeare. Now we dress in something totally strange every year, and still no knows what in the world we are wearing!
I'll post another one later
"Hello there!" - Obi Wan
Copywriter, Academic Writing, Fiction, Children's Literature
That was funny! My hair was directly on top of my head in a huge curly bun, and i wore a black dress, and a huge wool black poncho! I have no idea what I was. I think I was holding a plastic light saber too...
avatar by Flambeau!
That's pretty random, Scribbler and Pendragon
The church I grew up in always did a harvest party alternative to Halloween. When I was four or five, my costume was that of a bumblebee, complete with face paint and a yellow and back striped outfit. But I thought I had to act like a bee too, so I went around pinching people (to my mind, that was an acceptable substitute for stinging). My mom was NOT happy when she found out
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
LOL, Scribbler & Pendragon!
ww, I think my brother was a bee one year...either that or a ladybug. I don't think he pinched anyone though.
I have extremely vague memories of halloween (we stopped trick-or-treating when I was about 7?), but one thing that sticks out was how much I hated having to wear PJ's under my costume. They would always fall down and then I'd be pulling thru my costume to try and tug them up (kinda like wearing tights). VERY annoying.
When I was really really little I went as a robot. My parents covered a huge box with tin foil, and cut arm/head holes in it. Then they did also covered a funnel with it and stuck it on my head.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
He he! I could just picture you wisewoman going around and pinching people, thats hilarious! Val, your robot story reminded me of an English project some kids in my class last year. We had read Macbeth and were supposed to place a scene from the play in a different setting. Some kids did a robot theme, and it was quite entertaining!
Another holiday tradition we have is that I always make my sibs do a Christmas play. It started when Pen and and I were about 4 when we would dress up as the nativity scene. As the years went by and our family grew, more victims were in my power! Nearly every year they would fuss and moan about "doing the Christmas play" and when I broke my leg one year and couldnt chase them into the dining room theater, they were quite pleased. That is until we were all sitting around the table at Christmas dinner and Pendragon said "you know, it just didn't feel like Christmas without the play." So know we always put one on, and we are going to film it this year due to our obsession with making movies!
"Hello there!" - Obi Wan
Copywriter, Academic Writing, Fiction, Children's Literature
LOL, all of y'all.
We've had a couple mishaps at Holidays, but the one that comes to my mind is the first Christmas (and second, I believe) we had with our kittens.
The first Christmas, our lighter one, Sugar, took a fancy to cimbing in the tree and started going in there and throwing down ornaments. Now, Cinnamon, is...on the pudgy side, and she'd want to go up there but every time she tried, she'd knock over a branch off (we don't have a real Christmas tree, sadly.) and get so scared. So, we'd come home or wake up to a tree with several holes in it and branches scattered across the floor.
The second Christmas, they were big girls who couldn't possible fit in the tree anymore, so they liked attacking the tinsel and the bead threads. One night, I guess with combined effort, they dragged down the entire Christmas tree and I was there to see it fall. It looked hilarous. The tree was sort of loaded with ornaments, and the (I guess) fat thing toppling over really tickled me. And the way the kitties scampered away from the crashing ornaments and fallen tree was just too funny to handle. (We had to tape the tree to the ground after that....
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Well, this Christmas our sheep had two twins early Christmas morning, so I suppose that's one of my favorites. There was a boy and a girl that we named Nick and Noelle. They're so adorable!!
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I have a good memory of one Halloween when me and my brother went on the trampoline at night and screamed and yelled like crazy (I was probably a young teen so I wasn't very considerate, lol). But hey, a good memory.
Another Halloween, one of my uncles dressed up as a French maid . He actually answered the door once when trick-or-treaters came, those poor kids are probably scarred for life!
Foe hollowen i wore green skinny leg jeans under a pink dress what had sparkles up the top a white very white vampire zombie mask a beenie and sunglasses on to of the mask and a pair long boxer shorts that were light blue under the dress. I wish i could show you the picture.