Hello Narniawebbers.
I've had several fascinating discussions with my friends concerning happiness. It appears to me that everyone's opinion of happiness differs. Some define it as merely being satisfied, while others would say that happiness is one of the best feelings in the world. Some would say that if they're not happy, their existence is without meaning, while others say that being happy is not important.
So I've decided to invite people here to share their thoughts on the matter. Here are some questions. You don't have to answer them all--feel free to just answer one or two.
1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being the least and 10 being the most) how important would you say it is for you to be happy?
2. Have you ever gone through a rough time and felt that you could never be happy again? How did you cope?
3. If you were faced by the dementors from Harry Potter, what is your happiest memory that you would think about to fight them off?
4. Have you ever pursued happiness at the expense of someone else's happiness? Did it work? Why, or why not?
5. Would you say that the sad times in your life have given you a greater appreciation for happiness?
6. How does your religion and/or lifestyle contribute to your personal happiness or help you define what it means?
7. What is your personal definition of happiness?
8. Would you say that there is a difference between happiness and joy? What would it be?
9. Is there a certain person, place, or thing that can always make you happy? What/who is it?
Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear!
Forever a proud Belieber
Live life with the ultimate joy and freedom.
1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being the least and 10 being the most) how important would you say it is for you to be happy?
I think happiness is something everyone should strive for. It's even in our Constitution: everyone is endowed with certain unalienable rights among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without happiness, life has no meaning and you'd just go through it without ever truly enjoying it. I'd say happiness is at least a nine for me.
2. Have you ever gone through a rough time and felt that you could never be happy again? How did you cope? Oh yea. I've had several times like that. When that happens, you just have to push through. And make yourself believe that you will be happy again. I got through it by turning back to God and making myself read my Bible again.
3. If you were faced by the dementors from Harry Potter, what is your happiest memory that you would think about to fight them off? Umm, I don't know. I have lots of happy memories. Spring break with my cousins, all the mission trips I've been on, performing with my dance team, rock climbing, hanging out with friends and laughing so hard.
4. Have you ever pursued happiness at the expense of someone else's happiness? Did it work? Why, or why not? Not that I can recall.
5. Would you say that the sad times in your life have given you a greater appreciation for happiness? I've never really thought about it. However, it certainly would seem so.
6. How does your religion and/or lifestyle contribute to your personal happiness or help you define what it means? Well, like I said above, I got through my hard times by turning to God and forcing myself to believe that he was there even when it didn't feel like it. By making myself read my Bible even when I didn't want to and it felt like it was doing no good.
7. What is your personal definition of happiness? Feeling joy.
8. Would you say that there is a difference between happiness and joy? What would it be? There's not much difference, I don't think. There is a difference but I can't express it in words.
9. Is there a certain person, place, or thing that can always make you happy? What/who is it? Jumping on the trampoline always makes me happy. My cousins never fail to make me happy.
1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being the least and 10 being the most) how important would you say it is for you to be happy?
Hmm . . I personally think happiness is not the most important thing in the world; but when it comes to real life . . 7.
2. Have you ever gone through a rough time and felt that you could never be happy again? How did you cope?
Definitely. That almost happens every day. Okay, not quite . . I forget about it.
3. If you were faced by the dementors from Harry Potter, what is your happiest memory that you would think about to fight them off?
Time with my best friends.
I can't finish this yet; but I'll be back.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I'm going to do a later question first.
8. Would you say that there is a difference between happiness and joy? What would it be?
Happiness: Happiness is a very broad, general, and vague term. But I'd say it's a collective term containing many things. Just like the word "Science" is broad and contains many different types (such as zoology, medicine, archaeology, etc.), happiness has many different types. Pleasant thoughts, laughter, days where the world seems pleasant and sunny, friendliness, cheerfulness, etc. I think this is something everyone experiences to some degree. There are mild forms that stick around for the long run. And strong forms that come in short bursts, such as times with friends when you have fun or laugh so hard tears are in your eyes.
Joy: Joy is more rare and it's the strongest thing you've ever felt. I don't think anyone can have it all the time; at least, not while we're still here on this earth. But I think it's possible that everyone has at least gotten a glimpse of it, though some haven't felt it strong enough to quite understand what it was. And it's the one thing in the whole world that's hardest to desribe. Many people see it when they're gazing at a waterfall or the Grand Canyon, sky diving, running, dancing, or even quietly contemplating or watching a sunset. And it's not exactly the thing you're doing itself that's the joy; but rather, a glimpse of something else you get while doing it. Like the curtains are drawn and you can finally see something you missed before.
And it's like there's a rushing, uncontainable fire inside you -- a joy so strong it's like pain, but a good sort of pain that you never want to end. And everything feels different, like you can finally see everything for what it really is. And all the things around you that seemed normal, and every person, and yourself -- it all seems so huge, beautiful, and miraculous. And everything is so big, you don't know how it can contain itself, and you feel you and the world might burst if it continues; but you don't care. And you realize that, at that moment, you are getting a glimpse of who God truly is. That He really isn't the childish idea of that boring, cruel, stern and grim being all people get when they sit through dull sermons in some hot, stuffy church. All of that is so far away, and even just the tiny part of the Real Thing your glimpsing now is so much bigger than that; so much bigger than anything. And you remember all the things your heart truly wanted, all the times you saw beauty, all the favorite childhood memories you've ever had, and suddenly it all makes sense. And you realize that's who God was this whole time. That all of those beautiful things we've wanted, seen, experienced: that was God calling us, showing us little parts of Himself. (Not that those things -- the feelings, the beauty, etc. -- are, in and of themselves, a god, or that God is just a representation of those things. But rather, that He's a real Being, more real and beautiful than anything, and these things show us who He really is, what His nature is, because He made them. Just like the style of a poem shows the nature of its author.) And suddenly all evil, fear, insecurity, and worry seem far away. And it feels like you, and everything else, is so much more real and meaningful than ever before. And any missing piece inside your soul is now filled.
And suddenly, words like "pure" and "holy", which sounded so dull, whitewashed, and constraining back when we were taught them in church, now take on new meanings for us. Truer meanings. Now "pure" is a beautiful word that describes this feeling of joy, because it is so pure, and no trace of anything ugly can be found in it. And "Holy" describes it as well, because it is so precious to us, we don't want anything to spoil it; and deep down, we know nothing can, even if everything and everyone in the world tried its very hardest to do so.
1. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being the least and 10 being the most) how important would you say it is for you to be happy?
Hmmm....It's hard to tell, because I don't really think much about it, when it comes to a number on a scale. I think happiness is a very good thing, a beautiful gift like many other things that have been given to us. But putting it on a scale is hard. It's kind of like... making a scale on how important is it to you to eat a good dessert, or get birthday gifts, or feel charitable toward someone else. It's not that those things aren't important. It's just I don't really think about what number they are on the scale... I guess it's because my mind is too busy thinking about other things about them, like... being busy eating the dessert, or wondering what's in the presents, or thinking of ways how I can be charitable.
I'd say happiness is one of many valuable things.
2. Have you ever gone through a rough time and felt that you could never be happy again? How did you cope?
There were definitely times when happiness felt very far out of reach, and that made a part of my mind wonder if I would be scarred somehow from it, and feel different from then on. But another part of my mind knew that these feelings have a way of dissipating over time. As for coping, it depends on what sort of situation you're thinking of. Do you mean something that was my fault, something that was out of my hands, etc.? That makes a big difference when it comes to handling something. I guess I just prayed, talked to people, did what I could in accordance to what the situation was at that time.
3. If you were faced by the dementors from Harry Potter, what is your happiest memory that you would think about to fight them off?
Ah. It's moments like these that I wish I had read/watched Harry Potter. Do good memories fight off... whatever dementors are? Let's see. Favorite memory. I'd have to say this one goes back to the first question I answered about Joy. It's one of those moments that's hard to describe, and you'd kinda have to be there. But I remember one day about 9 years ago, where that feeling of joy I described was there stronger than ever, and I felt like it didn't matter if anything bad happened; because I was safe and nothing could touch me.
4. Have you ever pursued happiness at the expense of someone else's happiness? Did it work? Why, or why not?
In small things, maybe? Like if I'm having a lazy day and I don't want to get something, I might make someone else get it for me, and it ends up really putting them out. But you probably meant something bigger than that. If so, then no, not that I know of. I don't think I really could be happy, knowing I was hurting someone else.
I've always been very... empathic (if that's the word), where if someone else is happy, then I am; and if someone is sad, I am. Almost like I'm feeling what they're feeling. XD But really, making someone else happy is one of the best feelings you can have.
5. Would you say that the sad times in your life have given you a greater appreciation for happiness?
Could be. I'd say trials and bad experiences and bad days have taught me more about other things. But I guess it might have done that too.
6. How does your religion and/or lifestyle contribute to your personal happiness or help you define what it means?
Well, I desribed a lot of that earlier. But another thing I noticed, is that a lot of the rules in the Bible sound really constraining. Like you could never be happy while following them. That was something that depressed me a lot when I was younger. But then I tried following them for awhile, and I actually ended up more happy then before. Like one time, as a kid, I had this toy I liked, and this other girl wanted it. And my mom suggested giving it to her, because it'd be a "Christian" thing to do. (So annoying when people say that.
) And I felt I couldn't bear parting with it. But I felt guilty about not doing it, so I just gave it to her, finally. And it made her so happy. I was just amazed how much she loved that thing, and what happiness it brought her. Much more than it ever brought me. And just the feeling that this person had so much happiness, and I was the one that caused it... I didn't miss that toy anymore, and I couldn't stop smiling. Frankly, I don't even remember what that toy was now. But I never forgot the smile on that girl's face. Stuff like that always ends up feeling much different and better after you do it, then you thought it would feel before you did it.
7. What is your personal definition of happiness?
Already answered this one further up.
9. Is there a certain person, place, or thing that can always make you happy? What/who is it?
Making others happy, as I said before. Certain friends who I'm closest to. Spending time with them. Writing and graphics-making, because I can express myself. Especially writing. Because suddenly I have a voice, and I feel I can tell the world anything.
Now I'll try to finish answering these questions.
4. Have you ever pursued happiness at the expense of someone else's happiness? Did it work? Why, or why not?
I think maybe unconsciously I do this a whole lot; but as such, I can't remember how it works.
6. How does your religion and/or lifestyle contribute to your personal happiness or help you define what it means?
Happiness is very fragile; but I cannot imagine how much it would be so, if it wasn't for my belief in God, and for the help he gives me.
8. Would you say that there is a difference between happiness and joy? What would it be?
YES! As I said in answer to an earlier question, I think happiness is not very important in the long run; one second we can be perfectly "happy" and in one second, that can all vanish. But I believe that Joy is long lasting. It doesn't mean you won't ever be unhappy, very sad, and feeling horrible, but you can still have a peace and . . well, Joy. Only God can give it.
9. Is there a certain person, place, or thing that can always make you happy? What/who is it?
My best friend. Always, always, always.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Narnian at Heart
I think happiness is something everyone should strive for. It's even in our Constitution: everyone is endowed with certain unalienable rights among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without happiness, life has no meaning and you'd just go through it without ever truly enjoying it. I'd say happiness is at least a nine for me.
You make a good points. I agree that happiness is definitely something to strive for and the pursuit of happiness is a constitutional right. (Thank you; I also appreciate our very wisely written constitution.) However, I can't agree that without happiness life has no meaning. I do not believe that the pursuit of happiness is the meaning of life. I think it's just a perk and living, in itself, is the meaning. Just my thoughts.
Ithilwen, your perspective on happiness and joy is very interesting. I would say that I have experienced intense moments of happiness, and I've been to the Grand Canyon, but I'm not sure that I would call it joy. At least, it wasn't exactly a spiritual epiphany.
Forever a proud Belieber
Live life with the ultimate joy and freedom.
Ithilwen, your perspective on happiness and joy is very interesting. I would say that I have experienced intense moments of happiness, and I've been to the Grand Canyon, but I'm not sure that I would call it joy. At least, it wasn't exactly a spiritual epiphany.
Not everyone gets their glimpse of it at the Grand Canyon. Everyone is different. And not everyone feels it to the same degree. There are some people who only get very small tastes of it. And, as I said earlier, there are even some people who feel it, but not enough to know quite what it is, or what causes it. I certainly can't say what group you fit into, since I haven't felt what you have felt. I'm just throwing stuff out there, hoping my opinions and ideas help in some way (or at least provide something interesting to read, if nothing else. XD ).
I've read some of your Tumblr, and it sounds to me like perhaps you might have gotten something close to it while dancing? The way you've described the feelings you had then, about feeling fully alive while on the dance floor, sounded pretty close to it to me. Maybe dancing is the way God speaks to you?
I have met people who have been spoken to by God through that way before.
However, I can't agree that without happiness life has no meaning. I do not believe that the pursuit of happiness is the meaning of life.
Ditto. Happiness is a gift, but it certainly isn't the ultimate gift. But it is one of many good things, in my opinion.