guess I'm just a bit old fashoned Fantasia_kitty. I must admit to still having the little kid in me that looks up to heros like Captain America. I might see Guardians out of curiosity, to see how it connects with the other Marvel films, etc, but that will be the extent of it.
As for other films, I am still looking forward to Alone, but not Alone. Whenever there is a historical film that's low budget, I tend to think that they try to be more accurate than higher budget films that try to hard to become epics.
I read Heaven is for Real (2010) yesterday. What an amazing testimony! In one chapter, Colton Burpo talked about seeing angels using swords to keep Satan out of heaven – after he and his family watched LWW on DVD. I hope they show this episode in the movie. “Heaven is for Real” (2014) premieres in theaters on April 16. Greg Kinnear plays Colton’s dad. Thomas Haden Church also appears.
I don't understand you. You rail against Noah, a movie you haven't seen and don't plan on seeing, and yet you market non-biblical so-called non-fiction that you've read eg. Heaven is for Real. I find it baffling!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
@Puddleglum, I chuckled when I read your post because to be honest, I had the exact opposite reaction.
I am so sick to death of superhero movies. I haven't seen the last several that have come out and have no plan to really because they're all the same... But Guardians of the Galaxy looked quirky and fresh and different. I'm kind of interested in it, but like all movies anymore, I'm waiting for reviews before I make a decision.
I'm kind of intrigued by this Jupiter Ascending movie coming up. It doesn't exactly look original, but it does look like it could be good and I like that type of storyline.
Haha! I had the same reaction. I'm unfamiliar with the Guardians of the Galaxy but the trailer looked fresh and subversive and Captain Star Lord looked like he was meant to be this generation's Han Solo (or at least heavily inspired by him).
I'm not a big fan of superheroes but I've enjoyed many of the movies. Captain America: Winter Soldier looks good but I'll leave it for DVD.
I'm looking forward to Transcendence and a movie called Lucy.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
@Warrior: Although I initially liked Heaven is for Real, I have some biblical concerns with it - i.e. the details he gives about Jesus and heaven. They certainly don't match the book of Revelation. However, I haven't read book reviews yet. I don't like some people who are supporting the film either, namely Roma Downey and Kenneth Copeland. :/
I saw "The Book Thief" on DVD last week. I still haven't read the book, but I didn't like the movie's attitude toward death. Here's my review.
Here are some Christian films coming to theaters in May and June.
Mom’s Night Out (May 9) – PG
Virtuous (May 9) – NR [Proverbs 31]
A Long Way Off (May 16) – PG [Prodigal son]
Alone Yet Not Alone (June 13) – PG-13
What? No mention of one of the most interesting looking movies this summer?
Ah well, the following is probably my most anticipated movie for the Summer season... well, next to HTTYD2.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Wowsers! Thanks, PrinceCor! Not only does that look like a great Godzilla movie, it looks like really good movie in general. Pumped! I actually didn't have a problem with the ah... American remake in the 1990's but I was a kid. This rendition looks brilliant and much truer to the original Japanese movies (well, the first few anyway).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I'm really excited for the Godzilla movie also. I watched a ton of the old Japanese movies when I was ten or so; it's great to see kaiju movies finally breaking into the American market via last year's Pacific Rim and this movie.
@Puddleglum, I chuckled when I read your post because to be honest, I had the exact opposite reaction. I am so sick to death of superhero movies. I haven't seen the last several that have come out and have no plan to really because they're all the same... But Guardians of the Galaxy looked quirky and fresh and different. I'm kind of interested in it, but like all movies anymore, I'm waiting for reviews before I make a decision.
The Cymru household is very excited about this movie. It looks like an American film with a British sense of humor - very Douglas Adams. I would personally love to see Rocket Raccoon and Tony Stark in the same room. It's very Dirty Dozen, yes - and Star Lord looks rude - but so was Han Solo - and the Empire deserved the rudeness it got. I don't know anything about these comics, but I'm interested! The buzz in Hollywood for the last 10 months or so has been that they didn't know how to take the script at first (always a good sign, imho) but once it started filming, the buzz was good. Very very good. They're kinda freakin out about it.
Marvel has been pretty brilliant so far but this could admittedly be a dud. I'm with you. I have hope, but will hold on and just see for myself. I do appreciate the risk...
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
Anyone else interested in the new King Arthur movies that are in the works?
I'm a huge, although new-ish, fan of Arthurian legend, so I'll be watching this progress with great interest. I'm not terribly enthused with Guy Ritchie directing, because I didn't like his Sherlock Holmes movies but I'll reserve judgement.
I'm really hoping this film series will go back to the medieval/Romantic Revival method of telling the Arthur stories i.e. with magic, chivalry etc. instead of another attempt to ground the story in historical reality.
That article was very interesting, Reepicheep.
I like the idea of starting off a series of films with Arthur as a young boy and then watching him mature. I've always been a big fan of T.H. White's The Sword in the Stone, as well as the lighthearted Disney film version from the 70's, because it's an interesting imagining of what Arthur was like before he pulled the sword from the stone and became king. I don't know if they've ever done a live action movie like that before.
The comparisons between Harry Potter and King Arthur are intriguing; I hadn't thought of those similarities before! I hope that they go the magic and chivalry route as well. That would be a breath of fresh air in cinema.
@Reepicheep: discuss what you didn't like about the Holmes films in my thread! viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7934
I like the King Arthur legend as well, but it doesn't matter to me how filmmakers approach it. I've seen "The Sword in the Stone," which I enjoyed but which sometimes seemed downright silly, thanks to Disney. I really liked "First Knight" though. It's one of my favorite films ever.
@Reepicheep: discuss what you didn't like about the Holmes films in my thread! viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7934
I don't know enough about Sherlock Holmes to add much to the discussion. I've only watched the new movies, and it's been a while. Sorry.
@Reepicheep: that's okay! Just contribute what you can. My post to my own thread, published today, is below.
Being a big fan of Tangled and Frozen (Tangled more so), I've been watching the development of the next fairytale animated film from the House of Mouse: Giants, set to release in 2016. Unsurprisingly, it's their take on Jack and the Beanstalk.
This article, released back in August of last year, has a lot of interesting tidbits about the plot and characters, though I wouldn't be surprised at all if the film has changed a lot by the time 2016 rolls around. (In May 2013, barely six months before the release of Frozen, they released a summary saying that Anna would battle an army of snowmen, something that clearly didn't happen in the movie.) I would bet money on this "Angelina" girl having something to do with the magic harp, though. Angels and harps kind of go together.
Hopefully, it will be very character-driven and will offer a unique, creative spin on the familiar fairytale. I thought Tangled was great in both of those respects, and I have pretty high hopes for Giants since one of the directors from Tangled is at the helm.