I agree, fantasia kitty and W4J, that the Hulk wasn't well written until The Avengers. This article in the New Yorker magazine explains the situation very well. (Note: written in all-caps as a Hulk voice.)
I haven't decided whether to see Iron Man 3. The previews make it appear as if everyone and his dog get to suit up as the Tin Man. I'll certainly watch it on DVD for free; I just haven't made up my mind whether to pay to see it.
It's back! My humongous [technical term] study of What's behind "Left Behind" and random other stuff.
The Upper Room | Sponsor a child | Genealogy of Jesus | Same TOM of Toon Zone
Arwenel, you don't like Johnny Depp? I thought all women loved him?
Just the words "all women love him" would be enough to put me off him. He's certainly a good actor, but i have yet to see a movie with him where i liked either the movie or his character.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
About Iron Man 3. Spoiler alert.
I saw the trailer for Thor: The Dark World in front of Iron Man 3. A few thoughts:
Loki has really long hair.
Everything in Thor's life is about to get worse. From what I've heard about the Winter Soldier, I suspect the same thing for Captain America--including the long-haired villain.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Wow, there a lot of films I want to see coming out this year.
Man of Steel: The third trailer for this movie was actually one of the best trailers I've ever seen. I really want to see a good Superman movie, and this looks like an awesome one.
After Earth: This movie has a really cool concept and the trailers were really good. I'm a little worried about M.Night directing. I've only seen his first 4 films which were mostly pretty good. But I've heard that all his later films are awful. But it's got Will Smith! and mini Will Smith too!
Pacific Rim: Giant Robots fighting Giant Monsters in a film NOT directed by Michael Bay and Need I say more?
Catching Fire: I really liked the book series and I thought the first film was good. But it had some problems. This one has a new director. I've only seen I Am Legend of the films he's done and I love that movie.
And the trailer looked really good too!
Thor The Dark World: I likes Thor. It had some problems, mostly because of a poor screenplay. But it was decent. This new one had a pretty good teaser trailer. Plus it has a new director which is probably a good thing. And it's an Avengers movie! So I'll have to see it!
And of Course The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug! I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain that one
I'm really worried for Pixar! Cars 2 wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. And Brave while pretty good wasn't amazing. And now Monster University is coming out and from everything I've seen from it looks terrible. And I loved Monster's Inc. And after that we get Finding Dory. Really? Finding Nemo was good but an entire film about Dory is a very bad idea, and Andrew Stanton is a rather boring director in my opinion. They need to get Brad Bird and Pete Doctor directing more.
I'm really worried for Pixar! Cars 2 wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. And Brave while pretty good wasn't amazing. And now Monster University is coming out and from everything I've seen from it looks terrible. And I loved Monster's Inc. And after that we get Finding Dory. Really? Finding Nemo was good but an entire film about Dory is a very bad idea, and Andrew Stanton is a rather boring director in my opinion. They need to get Brad Bird and Pete Doctor directing more.
I feel like my fandom of Pixar will be waning, at least for the newer films, as I'll always be fan of the previous stuff.Cars 2 was all over the place and had a weak storyline. Brave was thankfully an original film, but it also did not meet Pixar standards one way or the other. (However, a Disney princess whose story is mending the bond with her mother is certainly a very nice and noticeable Pixar story. This part of the film, with all its underdeveloped characters and annoying gags, made the film Pixar for me.)
I am a fan of Andrew Stanton; I think his films and input are really unique. Wall-E and Finding Nemo come across to me the most delicately poignant of the Pixars. But I agree with you on Finding Dory. I mean.... *headdesk*
However, I do believe that the sequels are Disney's ideas. I read on Wiki and elsewhere that Disney had started a studio to make sequels but there had been some squabbles about that, so then Pixar finally made them. If I'm not mistaken, Toy Story 3 (which I liked), Cars 2, Finding Dory, and a sequel to Monster's Inc. are largely Disney's idea. An unproven hypothesis, but that's how I feel about it. I think that Pixar's 2000-2010 creative era is kind of coming to an end, as many of the original employees seem to have moved on to other things. The Good Dinosaur and Pete Docter's movie (Inside Out?) look like they have some hope, though. Not sure how I feel about Dia De Los Muertos (which has a different title, I think, but I forgot it). Lee Unkrich is directing it, but I'm not sure why I'm just expecting it to be Tim Burton.
But, yeah, not too excited about Finding Dory either. And I'm expecting a lot of older-Dreamworksesque gags and humour in Monster's University. I wish these sequels would finally stop. IMO, the most workable sequel would be The Incredibles, but I believe Brad Bird said he would not do that until they thought of something really good to do with it.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Movies i'm anticipating this year.
- Oz The Great and Powerful
- Jack The Giant Slayer
- The Croods
- The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug
Movies that might be good:
- The Lone Ranger
- Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters
- Pacific Rim
- The Seventh Son
The trailer for "Sea of Monsters" looked like it might be better than the first PJO movie - which, admittedly, i didn't see but heard negative things about. Probably won't see it in theaters, though.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
The trailer for Ben Barne's bew film The Seventh Son was released:
I'm not to sure about it. Looks a bit too dark for my tastes, but - we'll see.
I'm interested to see more about it.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
^^ This sort of movie falls under the Dungeons and Dragons category for me. Magicians, evil sorcerers, monsters, magic, good, evil, and the token new guy mentored by the wizened wizard who saves the day.
I actually kind of like this sort of thing, but after a while the same story over and over again gets old. It just depends on how well this version is told. It's got a good cast. The special effects look um, better than sfx in The Hobbit...
(The creature I'm going to call a djinn looked awesome!) So I might see it eventually when it comes out on DVD or streams on Netflix.
The special effects look um, better than sfx in The Hobbit...
That's exactly what I was thinking! If only Smaug looked that good.
Has anyone seen this yet?
Naomi Watts as Princess Diana. The opening shots, the shots were we don't actually see her face, look very similar, but she lost me when she turned around.
I really like Watts, but I think there's just a litle something about her that's off as Diana. She has a softer, more round and short face, while Diana had a longer face with sharper features, I think.Still, I'm excited to see more of it as it comes closer to the release date.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I've never heard of The Seventh Son before. The story looks like you're average fantasy fare but the movie looks like a lot of fun. The monsters seem to be creative and the action looks interesting. I'd watch it on DVD.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
The new Catching Fire trailer is getting me excited all over again. It looks like they've done a great job adapting the book to the big screen without ruining it. And you can tell that they have a much bigger budget this time around.
The new Catching Fire trailer is getting me excited all over again. It looks like they've done a great job adapting the book to the big screen without ruining it. And you can tell that they have a much bigger budget this time around.
With the exception of the very first teaser trailer, i've been seriously impressed with the quality of all Hunger Games trailers. I am definitely looking forward to the movie coming out!
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
I agree!! I think this trailer is absolutely brilliant!! I was especially excited to see how .