Ooh, the Eagle of the Ninth sounds cool. I remember reading the book as part of my school curriculum when I was young. I hated it. Then I read it again six years later and liked it pretty well. I hope they keep it close to the book.
After early speculation and uneasiness, I am now really looking forward to seeing Toy Story 3 in June. After seeing the second trailer and a couple of clips from the film, I'm feeling really good about the story.
Have you taken a look at these reviews from an early screening of Toy Story 3?:
They contain very, very mild spoilers (not plot spoilers) but they really solidified my feelings on Toy Story 3. Before reading them I was feeling somewhat unexcited for it (although never doubting that it would end up being amazing, consider it is Pixar) but I was dieing to see the movie afterwords! Very encouraging; I have no doubts about Toy Story 3 anymore!
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
Stephen Kings "The Gunslinger" first book in the Dark Tower series is under pre-production. I was so happy at first to hear that JJ Abrams was going to buy the rights to direct it but now he lost it to Ron Howard. IDK about Ron Howard because he is more of the family/comedy stuff, i'm worried. Does anyone read the Dark Tower series?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Thanks for the date, narnian1! I've never read that Sutcliff, but maybe I'll try to before the film comes out.
Well, I do expect some stuff to be lost in the adaptation of Beastly, DamselJillPole. I'm not sure about a Twilight look, but it does seem to be a bit, well, 'shiny' for lack of a better word. I was rather surprised by the casting as well, but if they can pull it off, I have no problem with the 'famousness' of the folks cast.
I keep forgetting about Tintin, Lucy P. Do you know if there's a release date yet? I would like to see it, as I'm a fan of the books.
I'll probably see Toy Story 3 at some point, but I've no idea when. I was never too excited by the first two and there are other Pixar films that I'm more interested in that I've not seen, so those'll probably be watched first.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
In response to everyone wondering about
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
Stephen Kings "The Gunslinger" first book in the Dark Tower series is under pre-production. I was so happy at first to hear that JJ Abrams was going to buy the rights to direct it but now he lost it to Ron Howard. IDK about Ron Howard because he is more of the family/comedy stuff, i'm worried. Does anyone read the Dark Tower series?
I'm really disappointed that Abrams won't be adapting The Dark Tower series, he'd have done a great job and you know he's a fan from all the King references in Lost. I'm not sure about Ron Howard doing it, and I heard it's going to be made a trilogy rather than a series? The books aren't that long but I'm still not sure you can squeeze it all into 3 films.
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Checkers thank you for that update, it makes me so relieved. Can't wait for The Last Airbender.
JJ Abrams is the only director out there whom I know can do something like the Dark Tower, it reminds me so much of Lost.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
This summer, I have to big movies on my list that I really want to see. First is Robin Hood, but my window of opportunity to see it is going to be quite slim. Then I also really want to see Last Airbender. But because I will be a long ways from a theater this summer, that may be unlikely. However, I will have an open window to go see it when I go to Atlanta for Summer Nationals. That is if I can locate a theater that will be accessible via a subway (the train, not the restaurant). My best bet for Robin Hood at this point will be Sunday or after I return from my Intervarsity Chapter Camp next week.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
I don't know of any release for the movie, The Adventures of Tintin:The Secret of the Unicorn but it will be sometime towards the end of 2011 (which is painful because I've been waiting since I first heard plausible rumours about 13 years ago. Needless to say I'll be seeing it!
As for The Dark Tower I haven't read the book yet, but I've heard it's very good. J.J. Abrams has actually had very little to do with LOST beyond the initial pilot, an outline of the series, casting etc. and several episodes here and there. Damon Lindelof has been there from the beginning and LOST is more his baby (and Carlton Cuse's - he joined not long after the series began).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Have you taken a look at these reviews from an early screening of Toy Story 3?:
They contain very, very mild spoilers (not plot spoilers) but they really solidified my feelings on Toy Story 3. Before reading them I was feeling somewhat unexcited for it (although never doubting that it would end up being amazing, consider it is Pixar) but I was dieing to see the movie afterwords! Very encouraging; I have no doubts about Toy Story 3 anymore!
I'll always be a,
Thanks for the heads up NL101 . I haven't really been reading up on Toy Story 3 news very much since I wasn't too sure on it, so I haven't read this before. It certainly does help. There was a partial screening of the film recently here that I really wanted to go and see, but I no longer had the requirements needed to get inside this year. Major bummer.
I felt the same way you did. I never, never doubt Pixar's talent or creative storytelling. My main concern was that sequels tend to be non creative in the story department and tend not to do well. The time lapse between the last film and this one was also a concern. Now I'm feeling good about the film.
Having seen a couple of clips from the film already, I can't wait for the whole film in June. It's gonna be good. I'd really like to hear the ratio in ticket sales between the younger kids going to see the films and those of us that grew up on the first two.
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
I know wiki isn't a very reliable source but I found this on the page for the 39 Clues series!
Film Adaptation
Steven Spielberg acquired film rights to the series in June 2008. DreamWorks CEO Stacey Snider believes the books can amount to three or four films. Spielberg and Scholastic Media president Deborah Forte will produce the series, while Spielberg is interested in directing the first film. It is expected to come out around 2011. Jeff Nathanson was hired to write in September 2008.
I may be one of the few people looking forward to Prince of Persia next week, but... yep, that's actually one of my most anticipated summer movies. POP is what got me into gaming - it proved to me that games were an effective storytelling medium in their own right. Obviously a lot has been changed to make it work as a film but I'm still stoked, because the creator of POP (Jordan Mechner) worked closely with the film crew to adapt it and is reportedly very happy with the final product. Yay.
The Last Airbender is the only other summer film I'm really dying to see.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
I know wiki isn't a very reliable source but I found this on the page for the 39 Clues series!
Film Adaptation
Steven Spielberg acquired film rights to the series in June 2008. DreamWorks CEO Stacey Snider believes the books can amount to three or four films. Spielberg and Scholastic Media president Deborah Forte will produce the series, while Spielberg is interested in directing the first film. It is expected to come out around 2011. Jeff Nathanson was hired to write in September 2008.yay!
I can't wait! I was hoping they would make movies of The 39 Clues! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and it sounds like the sequel to Journey To The Center Of The Earth will be coming out, though Brendan Fraser's presence in the movie seems to be undecided.....
click here to find out why:
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I may be one of the few people looking forward to Prince of Persia next week, but...
I’m so looking forward to seeing POP! It seems like they really pulled off the look of the game in the movie, the climbing, jumping, fighting, and so on.
I never played the original trilogy that the movie is based on, but I Love 2008 POP, and after seeing the movie I’m planning on getting the new game Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, since that takes place after the movie!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Stephen Kings "The Gunslinger" first book in the Dark Tower series is under pre-production. I was so happy at first to hear that JJ Abrams was going to buy the rights to direct it but now he lost it to Ron Howard. IDK about Ron Howard because he is more of the family/comedy stuff, i'm worried. Does anyone read the Dark Tower series?
I've read The Gunslinger numerous times, as well as Drawing of the Three, Wastelands, and Wizard and Glass. The remainder of the books were written in a very hurried fashion and were very poorly edited, so they feel very different when compared to the excellent first four books. They are as epic as Lord of the Rings (in my humble opinion), although the way the series ended.... King had his automobile accident in the 90's, had been finishing a Dark Tower series book once every 8 years or so, and thought to himself that if he got himself killed no one would know how the series would end, so he hurried through and finished the whole thing, which is a major part of the reason that the last three books in the series got such a lukewarm response from his fans.
If they're making a movie based on The Gunslinger I can only see it being a really good film...the subject matter is a bit gritty for most NWebbers, but it's definitely riveting stuff, combining Westerns (cowboy related themes), some Medieval (Roland is essentially a knight, but one who wields a pair of six-shooters rather than a sword), lots of science-fiction (the setting is a future version of our world, or alternate Earth, where scientific gadgets like robots and laser beams still sit beside magic and sorcery), and some truly wild villains. It's so very creative and addictive! And a great opening sentence that I'd always envisioned Charlton Heston narrating as the movie opened..."The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed". Unfortunately Heston is no longer with us , but they probably wouldn't use a narrator anyway
. Let's see what comes of it, and hopefully if they do the full franchise they'll fix the huge error/s King made at the end of the books.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf