this is a very cool thread topic!
1) Finn from Enna Burning: I just love his personality. He's quiet, yet tough and he seems oh so sweet.
2) Merlin from BBC's Merlin: He's funny, and witty and loyal. He'd be like the best friend ever!
3) Ziva David from NCIS: She's sooo tough, but even though she has this hard exterior, she has this really soft interior. Haha and I love how she gets her "American" phrases mixed up.
4) Jane from Boston Jane: She's a tomboy in a society who wants a lady. Then when she learns how to be a lady, she's put into an eviornment that doesn't need a lady. And she's clumsy (sounds like me!)
5)Calwyn from The Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy: She's so innocent, it's kind of funny, but she knows how to stand up for herself.
6) Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings: My friends have a joke how he's my fictional "husband" while Merlin's my fictional "boyfriend" yeah I don't know how thats supposed to work.
7) Matilda from Matilda: Um a six yr old who can move things with her mind? How cool is that?
8) Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender: The most epic character ever. He makes a great comic relief but he can also be so serious.
9) Ariel from The Little Mermaid: She's my girl. haha by that I mean she's been my role model since I was like 2
Haha ok before I introduce this next character, no laughing
10) Bridge Carson aka the S.P.D Green Ranger: So I used to watch Power Rangers with my brothers, by either staying up late on Monday nights (by late I mean 8 ) or waking up early on saturday mornings. He's my favorite Power Ranger. Everytime he says "buttery" he just has to wiggle his fingers in front of his mouth.
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Sillygoose, I LOVE Finn in Enna Burning! Isn't he just the best?!
Okay, well here's my list...
1. Lucy Pevensie. Lucy, of course, is the best. She's always been my favorite Pevensie, and I love how she always believes in Aslan.
2. Ashley from the Dragons in our Midst series. She's so cool - she's this genius and a math whiz, and I love how smart she is.
3. Gen from the Attolia books. I loooove Gen! He has the funniest sense of humor, and he's always cracking me up with his dry wit.
4. Kale from the Dragon Keeper Chronicles. She's this sweet, funny heroine, and I can really relate to her.
5. Annabeth from the Percy Jackson books. Seriously, who doesn't love Annabeth? She's smart and brave and a great fighter. I also love Nico, though...but Annabeth is still better.
6. Lizzie Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. I love how she speaks her mind and stands up for herself!
7. Enna from the Books of Bayern. She's so strong and true, she's always been one of my favorites.
8. Marianne from Sense and Sensibility. I know some people who think she's stuck-up, but I love how passionate she is!
9. Marian from BBC's Robin Hood. She's the best - I love how she's so stubborn, lol!
10. Lastly, Sapphira Adi from the Oracles of Fire series. I've always admired Sapphira because she's thousands of years old and can make fire sprout from her hands...totally cool.
Anyway, yeah. Guess that's it.
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Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
Has anyone read "A song of Ice and Fire?" (be warned if you want to readit: Its an excellent read but has adult material.) Jon and Dany are two of my favorite characters. I can't wait to see the HBO adaption.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
wow, let's see:
1 Meggie Folchart from the Inkheart books by Cornelia Funke: She loves reading, like me, she wants to go to the places she reads about, like me.....
she's a lot like me in many ways I can totally relate to her
2 Lucy Pevensie from Narnia: she's curious and bold and willing to check out strange and different places. she's adventurous. one of my favorite characters to hang out with between the pages of a book
3 Edmund Pevensie from Narnia: for me, the best guy character in any book. he's mean at first but then learns his lesson and never turns back. awesome redemption! I just like reading about him
4 Danny from "Travel Team" and "Summer Ball" by Mike Lupica: Danny is an underdog and easily overlooked by those who aren't his friends. but he shines as a basketball kid who can do things people say he can't and can be friends with people no one else wants to be friends with.
5 Luke Haggerty from "The Island Trilogy" by Gordon Korman: I just love Luke's character because he reminds me of myself. he's good at taking charge of a situation and leading others to do things even when ciaos is everywhere. and he's sensible but not perfect.
6 Reepicheep from Narnia: he's a four foot mouse who wields a sword and plays chess. what more could I ask for! and he's smart and witty. love it!
7 Ellie from "The Tomorrow Series" by John Marsden: she's just one of the awesomest characters I have met in a book. she's strong but scared, a leader but she'll fall back and let others lead when appropriate. she's caring of others but she isn't perfect. she's just Ellie and she's awesome!
8 Leven Thumps from the "Foo" series by Obert Skye: he's so awesome. I love his sarcasm and his witty remarks. he's not perfect but he's able to do what he has to do and he's one of my favorites!
9 Dan Cahill from "The 39 Clues" series: Dan's just cool. he hates spending time in old ancient museums and wants to be in action all the time. he won't sit long before he is off looking for mischief.
10 Marty Preston from "The Shiloh Trilogy" by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor: I really like his narrative in these books! he is out looking for answers when everyone else just thinks that what they have heard is true and he can't swim (like me). I really like how he will do stuff even when he's scared.
I have so many more favorites but I had to try to choose 10!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Liberty, I love Dan Cahill too! Isn't he hilarious? For some reason I also love Ian Kabra too...his personality is just so fascinating! lol!
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
1. Tahn and Netta (Trilett) Dorn from the Tahn Trilogy by L.A. Kelly. I loved Tahn and Netta right from the start of the book. Their story is so unique, a dark angel turned Christian with group of orphans and a lady of virtuous's almost as good a fantasy as Narnia.
2. Landon and Ashley (Baxter) Blake from the Baxter books by Karen Kingsbury. One of my favorite couples ever. I love how even though Ashley made mistakes Landon never stopped loving or believing in her. Something you don't always see in today's world.
3. Robin and Marion Longstride from Robin Hood(the movie). What's not to like about Robin Hood and Marion?
4. Shiloh and Cheney (Duvall) Irons-Winslow from Cheney Duvall M.D. Series and Cheney and Shiloh: The Inheritance Series by Gilbert Morris and Lynn Morris. They’re so serious and funny, they ague and agree, and they love God and each other so much. And they lived in one of my favorite time periods.
5. The Wortham Family from the Wortham Family Series and Country Road Chronicles by Leisha Kelly. Despite difficult times, they stick together and grow closer to one another. Julia and Samuel have to work hard to care for their own children and neighbor's children too.
6. Thane and Angela (Peterson) Andrews from Roses For Mama by Janette Oke. She almost marries the wrong guy, but realizes his true colors before it's too late and that Thane was always the one for her. Her love for her siblings is one of my favorite things about her.
7. Nick and Nora Charlesfrom the Thin Man movies. Who doesn't like Nick and Nora? Nick's the best detective and Nora's the nicest "moneypot" , and together they make a great team. Plus they're super hilarious.
8. Maximus from Gladiator(movie). Maximus is an awesome character - he is loyal, brave, and never gives up.
9. Jimmy Patterson from Medal of Honor: Frontline(video game). Because Frontline is my favorite MOH game and Jimmy is the main character.
10. Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell(video game). Sam Fisher is so cool and his SC-20K is an awesome gun.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Let's see. . .
[By the way, these are in no particular order.]
1) Lord Vetinari from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. He's just so calm and collected all the time, and he does a great job of being a tyrant of a city without ever actually becoming a villain.
2) Temeraire from the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. I haven't finished all the books in the series yet, but I really, really like Temeraire. He's a very believable dragon, and he's quite funny at times.
3) Bartimaeus from The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. Bartimaeus is a really interesting character; he's always sarcastic and a bit insulting, but he's quite loveable all the same. Whenever I read one of his chapters, they always make me laugh. Even at the end of the trilogy,
4) Sid from the webcomic Fey Winds. Sid is pretty much a hopeless wimp at the beginning, but he's slowly getting some courage. Sid's also got a really cool power
5) Westley from The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I love Westley. After he gets separated from his true love, Buttercup, he does everything possible to try to return to her, and even goes off and saves her when he finds out she's captured. While Buttercup is just sitting around, Westley does all the work of saving her. Westley is brave, loyal, extremely intelligent, and very likeable.

6) Luthien from The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. Luthien is not your average elf-maid. Even though she's famous for being pretty and falling in love with Beren, she's not just a damsel in distress. In fact, she ends up being the one doing the rescuing. I really like Luthien's courage and determination.
7) Mogget from the Old Kingdom Trilogy by Garth Nix. Mogget is very sarcastic most of the time, but he does give good advice and he's usually pretty helpful. Throughout the books, Mogget's allegiance is rather ambiguous,
8) Holly Short from the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. Holly is sensible, brave, and smart, and she makes sure Artemis doesn't do anything too stupid.
9) the Hat Guy from the webcomic xkcd. I'm not sure if he really counts as a character, he's pretty awesome. Hat Guy is really sadistic and likes playing mean tricks, but it's quite funny too.
10) Demi from Little Men by Louisa May Alcott. Demi's very intelligent, and he's a lot like me--always reading. I like reading about him and Daisy, his twin.
Liberty, I love Dan Cahill too!
Isn't he hilarious? For some reason I also love Ian Kabra too...his personality is just so fascinating! lol!
he is SO hilarious! he's awesome! yeah, I agree, Ian Kabra is rather interesting.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hmm, this is going to be hard for me. I'm not sure I'll even make it to ten (how embarassing). In no particular order:
1. Sun Quan- from the film Red Cliff, not so much his portrayal in the book Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Reasoning: his growth as a character, having to find a way to believe and find confidence in himself.
2. Lara Ritchie- from the film Echo of Thunder based on the book Thunderwith by Libby Hathorn. I can't say much from the character based on the book because I have yet to read it (I just can't find a copy anywhere). Reasoning: for her ability to have courage in several cases of being afraid.
3. Chloe Sullivan- Smallville. I don't know what it is about Chloe, but I am always drawn to her character.
4. The Pevensies- I think we all know where they are from. Reasoning: they are normal kids that I can relate to, each with their own sets of challenges.
5. The Baudelaires- A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Reasoning: no matter how bad it gets, they are always there for each other. I also like the idea that together they have their prideful moments, but each also has a time to shine on their own.
6. Elphaba- Wicked. Reasoning: she is willing to give up everything for what she believes is right.
7. Woody- the Toy Story Trilogy. Reasoning: Andy: "Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you... ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what."
8. Olive Snook- Pushing Daisies. Reasoning: she's the most amusing charcter on the show. She never fails to put a smile on my face.
Well, I know I've got more. It just takes some time for them to surface in my mind. I might have to do a two-parter .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Oh dear:
1st: Larka and her brother Fell from The Sight and Fell, both by David-Clement Davies; Shakespeare from Meerkat Manor
2nd: Aslan, Reepicheep, Bree, Lucy from The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
3rd: Billy from Jurassic Park 3, Spock, McCoy, and Kirke from Star Trek I believe it was created by Gene Roddenberry, Jake Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Ok that's 11, I can't narrow it down anymore- I just can't.
Edit: Reasoning for top three:
Larka- I really feel for her character and can relate to her a lot, her pain, love, and her sacrifice
Fell- As an "anti-hero" he's really easy to sympathize with, especially in Fell. His regret, fighting spirit, and his ultimate redemption.
Shakespeare- He was always there for the Whiskers group. Brave, Courageous, Loyal.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm going to have to say that Sherlock Holmes, (and from LOTR) Smeagol and Pippin have all been added to my list of favorite characters!
It's so amazing how talented the classic authors were at making characters. I think it's mostly characters, actually, instead of plots and shocking twists, etc. which makes a book a classic.
9 Dan Cahill from "The 39 Clues" series
Oh, that boy can really get on my nerves sometimes, although he's always good for a laugh. Then again, he pretty much annoys all the Cahills at one time or another.
Ah... me? Okay, this isn't in any particular order.
1. Nicolae from the Left Behind series. Don't laugh. Seriously. I promise I'm not a devil worshipper, I just think evil characters are interesting....
2. Jamie Kelly. This probably gives away my age, but after reading Dear Dumb Diary a couple years ago, I pretty much fell in love with her sense of humor.
3. The Holt family, 39 Clues series. They have the weirdest, most hair raising scenes! The family as a whole is so, uh... charismatic?
4. Finnick from the Hunger Games. I don't see how anybody could not like him, and his ultimate sacrafice seals the deal here. Not much else to say.
5. Foxface from the Hunger Games- sort of weird since we never find out her real name, but she's probably one of the most clever tributes to be in the Games.
6. Hercules. Okay, so I know this is actually a mythology, but this guy rocks. Admit it.
7. Fledge. Back when I was very young, reading the Magician's Nehew, I thought that Aslan turned him into a cross between a butterfly and a unicorn- and who doesn't like that? Plus, his dialogue is amusing.
8, 9, and 10 are mysteries. Even to me. I'll have to think of them later....
Oh man only ten....okay here I go.
1: Gen from the Attolia books. I love his sense of humor and his faith(which is often blind faith) in things working out the way thier supposed to.
2 Irene Queen of Attolia. I love her because she is such acomplex character and there is alot complex emotion beneath the her surface. I espicially love her relationship with Gen, thier dialoge is very interesting.
3: Col. Brandon from Sense and Sensability by Jane Austen.
4:Spencer Reid from Crimminal Minds
5: Dr. Simon Tam from the tv show Firefly and the movie Serenity.
6: Prince Rilian from the Silver Chair.
7: Laura Glue from The Chronicle of the Imaginarium Geographica by James Owen.
8: Trey from the Shadow Children sequence by Maraget Peterson Haddix.
9: Princess Tamina from Prince of Persia(the movie)
10: Gilan from The Ranger's Aprrentice books by John Flanagan.
It is in thier "good" characters that novelists make, unaware, the most shocking revelations. C.S. Lewis
1. The Doctor (Doctor Who). I think either David Tennant or Tom Baker are my favorite incarnations but I liked most of them.
2. Will Stanton (The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper) I don't know exactly why, but I always liked him better than the Drews.
3. Anita Blake (Anita Blake series by Laurell Hamilton) Preferably how she was in the first 3 books or so.
4. Will Grayson #1 (from Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green). His sense of humor/way of thinking reminds me of myself a little. I listened to the audio book so the choice of voice narrator might have influenced my view of the character.
5. Is it weird to have a cartoon character? I've always loved Max (from Mighty Max cartoon tv series.)
I can't think of any more right now but I'm sure I will later. If I had to pick one from Narnia it would probably be Lucy, but I don't really have a clear favorite for whatever reason. Same with Harry Potter series, it's one of my favorites but I don't have a particular character who is my favorite.
My ten favorite characters are.
Lucy from LWW, PC, VDT
Edmund from LWW, PC, VDT
Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice
Aowyn from Lord of the rings
Faramir from Lord of the rings
Aragron from Lord of the rings
Anne from Anne of Green Gables
Claus von Stauffenberg from Valkyrie
I can't think of any more