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[Closed] Favorite Quotes and Sayings...

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Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

As the subject says, this is the place all those favorite quotes, whether books, movies, or otherwise. B-)

Here's two of mine for tonight:
From Hornblower: The Fire Ship -
Acting Lt. Horatio Hornblower: I need my men, Mr. Tapling!
Tapling: I have pains in my body, I cannot move. The hand of Death is upon me.
Acting Lt. Horatio Hornblower: In that case, you shall have no need for rations.
[Takes away his food]
Tapling: You would withold rations from a dying man?
Acting Lt. Horatio Hornblower: I would consider it my duty to help speed your release from this world, sir.
Tapling: [gets up] The Admiral will hear of this!

From Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil-
[Knowing that his ship has only four guns]
Hornblower: How many guns does the "Oriental" have, Mr. Hunter.
M'Man Hunter: Forty-eight, sir.
Hornblower: Well, we'll certainly give them a run for their money, won't we Mr. Styles?
Styles: Certainly will sir. Take them at least a minute to sink us.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : September 8, 2009 2:34 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Mine are "otherwise" tonight.

"I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person." ~unknown

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do His best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." ~ C.S. Lewis

"A little science takes man away from God. A lot of science brings him back." ~Sir Francis Bacon

"Have an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out." ~ unknown


“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot

Posted : September 8, 2009 3:02 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

I like those quotes, Scarlet.

From Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil-
Capt. Pellew: Yes, England, boy. A big, damp, foggy island nor-noreast of Ushant. Think you can find it?

From the movie Come What May-
Caleb Hogan: “My father was right. If you don’t believe your wife is precious, you won’t cherish her. If you don’t believe love is best when it is pure and new, you wait patiently for it. If you don’t believe the baby in the womb is the living handiwork of God, you’ll do nothing to protect it! What do you believe?”

From Fireproof-
Caleb Holt: You never leave your partner! Especially in a fire!

Michael Simmons: Man, God meant marriage to be for life. That's why you gotta keep your vows to Catherine. You gotta beg God to teach you to be a good husband. And don't just follow your heart, man; 'cause your heart can be deceived. But you gotta lead your heart.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : September 9, 2009 11:49 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Nice topic. I'll be coming back here as quotes come back to me.
The Ultimate Gift

Emily- You better be back by CHRISTMAS!

Emily- Look at her. Isn't she beautiful? I mean, except for her choice in lipstick...

Posted : September 9, 2009 1:48 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

“True love is faithful, like spring in April. It is as dependable as time. And it is able to hold on and survive, when other loves might say good-bye.”-Nicole C. Mullen

More from Fireproof-
Michael Simmons: Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it.

Mr. Rudolph: Irma, I don't want you talking to that boy. He's weird.
Irma Rudolph: Takes one to know one.

From Gladiator-
Maximus: What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : September 10, 2009 12:25 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Well i like the saying.

" don't jump the bullet"

Posted : September 10, 2009 1:05 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Three more from me tonight.

"Sarcasm is for the weak." ~ J.C. (a friend of ours)

From my favorite cookbook: "If you just want to smile, say, 'CHEESE,' but when you want to smile and be really happy, say, 'CHEESECAKE.'"

And a great quote from one of America's greatest humorists: “Every time a woman leaves something off, she looks better, but every time a man leaves something off, he looks worse.” – Will Rogers


“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot

Posted : September 10, 2009 3:19 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Firefighter's saying:

"Let no man's ghost return to say his training let him down."


"Let no man's ghost return to say his training let him down."

Posted : September 10, 2009 4:53 pm
Lady of the Narnians
NarniaWeb Regular

My favorite quote is from the LWW. When Aslan says to the White Witch
"Don't resite the deep magic to me Witch! I was there when it was written!"
I just think that is the coolest line in the whole movie ,and the way he says it is just so powerful! :D

A Lady of Narnia Always a Lady of Narnia

Posted : September 10, 2009 4:58 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Lady of the Narnians: Oh, absolutely! That quote still gives me chills! :)

Hmm, my favorite quote...that would have to be from Audrey Hepburn:

"I believe in pink. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, in kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles."

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."

"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Posted : September 13, 2009 11:58 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Something my mother used to always say..."Patience is a Virtue." :)

"We have nothing if not belief"

Posted : September 13, 2009 5:28 pm
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Excellent thread!

One of my favorites quotes ever...

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." - G.K. Chesterton.

That's all I have right now, I'll have to find some more and post them. :)

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : September 13, 2009 5:43 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Ok, here's mine:

"Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne.


My Graphics Site

Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya

Posted : September 13, 2009 6:59 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

May you live in interesting times ... Ancient Chinese curse

Though they go mad, they shall be sane. Though they sink into the sea, they will rise again. Though lovers be lost, love shall not, and death shall have no dominion. ... Dylan Thomas

May fortune favor the foolish ... James T. Kirk

Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals...except the weasels. ... Homer Simpson

Come to the edge, he said.
They said, We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them...and they flew.
-Guillaume Apollinaire

Posted : September 14, 2009 8:48 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Paden: Can't you see this horse loves me?

Amazing Grace:
Pitt the Younger: Barbara. You have my deepest condolescences.
Barbara Wilberforce: (feigning seriousness) Thank you.

Clarkson: We don't want any fuss. We just need somebody who is... really, really boring.

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." ~ George Washington


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : September 17, 2009 10:53 am
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