Lady Haleth, yeah I heard it! My brother loves Need to Breath I really like that song too
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I've been continuously playing Regina Spektor's albums...
I'd be interested to hear any comments you may have on her music W4J, especially her newest album.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I just barely got Citizen Way's debut album Love is the Evidence preordered yesterday. And now for staying away from YouTube until the CD arrives.
My brother decided to go ahead and get Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets, he had been debating whether or not to get it now. Plus we got Everything Sad is Coming Untrue by Jason Gray for my Mom for Mother's Day and Offerings by Third Day was $5, so I had to get it for my collection. There is going to be a lot of new music at our house!
Almost like Christmas.
Aaron Shust has a new single! Totally awesome! His new CD, Morning Rises, will be released on July 16th, 2013.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Wow SnowAngel, looks like you really got some bargains! I love it when that happens...
Also, that's really neat Aaron Shust is coming out with some new stuff soon, the singles good, so I'm looking forward to the whole thing.
Has anyone ever seen this before?
I just heard it on Pandora and fell in love with it. Learned how to do that years ago, someone just taught me how to do it, just thought it was something she made up, I had no clue others actually did it, or set it to music and put it into a film, no less. Made my day.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Wow SnowAngel, looks like you really got some bargains! I love it when that happens...
Yes, we did. I am looking forward to giving Mom the Jason Gray CD, she knows we got something for her, but she doesn't know what it is.
Love is the Evidence is excellent! It is worth every bit of the $11 I paid for it. Best songs are Should've Been Me and Love is a Mess.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Yay, Breath of Soul
Actually, thanks to you Princess Anna, I got hooked to Lady Antebellum! I just love them
I'd love to respond to each post since my last few. But I don't have tons of time. However, I thought this deserved to be seen. It's odd... in December Jake called me their "number one fan", and yet I JUST TONIGHT (not that long ago, in fact) found out about this huge news? Wow. Just... wow.
<--all of those equal my reactions since I found out
Very cool. I don't have those yet (only Once, Dark Passion Play and Imaginerium). I love Within Temptation and I've heard a few Epica songs so far and really enjoyed them. Thanks!
Glad to find another Nightwish fan, Warrior!
A lot of my favorite songs come from "Imaginerium" and "Oceanborn". Very good inspiration for fantasy writing and poem writing, if you ask me.
I really like other bands in the symphonic metal category. I'd recommend Within Temptation and Epica for starters.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Honestly, guys... I feel awful that I haven't looked at all those vids yet. Someday I will, I promise.
Anyway, yeah... so, more news on the music front where my friends are concerned.
Ok, so after that news was dropped on us, I just had to get to the bottom of this. I mean, they were being very vague... and that is just weird for me. So, what did I do? I tried messaging Davey on gmail. Nothing. So, I decided to try a different route... and messaged Jake on fb.
me, on Friday at 10:54pm
wait, what now? new person? since when? how? OH MY GOSH! what voice part?
me, on Saturday at 9:38pm
any approximate idea on when the new video will be coming? "next week" is so vague
him, 12:36am today
Hey Andrea, ya we got a 5th member for the sing off audition and we liked him so much that we kept him! He's a great guy, can't wait till y'all can see a show with all 5 of us..the video is "tentatively being dropped by next weekend. We will shoot it this next week!
me, around three hours ago
Cool! Thanks for the info oh, right... how'd the audition go?
Blake Breithaupt
Thought you'd want to know... I talked with B a little less than an hour ago. (on fb) And our convo went like this:
me: any news on your EP?
Blake: Should be done and released this fall!
me: yay! ohhh, maybe it'll be ready for my birthday!!!!! Now THAT would be a birthday present
So, there ya have it, folks! All the updated news I could get for ya.
Oh, almost forgot... new graphics are in non-narnian if anyone is interested.
oh, right... how'd the audition go?
Well, I just heard back!
Jake, at 5:42pm
Your welcome. The audition went very well! We will see what happens! We will know for sure by next Saturday.
me, at 5:43pm
Cool, Princess!
A couple of weeks ago I preordered Building 429's We Won't Be Shaken which was released on Tuesday the 4th. It came in the mail today, so excited! It is very good. It is a little bit loud which my Mom doesn't like and my big brother will. Right now I am listening to Revolution.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Sounds interesting, SnowAngel!
Ok, so... about four days ago (?) I finally was able to reach Davey on gmail. We had a decent sized conversation, but I'll only post the bit relevant to you and this thread.
so... what voice part does this new guy sing? and how did you find him? all Jake would say is that you got him for the audition and decided to keep him. lol
he's a tenor and we found him on facebook
not facebook
isn't that how you found Jake? and wow, another tenor... what's that like, not being the only one anymore?
yup. exactly how we found jake. and its really nice. Gives JEsse and I a break every now and then
what... you need a break? Glad he can give you guys a well deserved break now and again
well a person can only sing in the highest part of their range for so adding another tenor gives me a break between songs
((I remember thinking "well, for the entire run of B.I.G. choir you were our only tenor, and did fine..." but didn't say that. ))
true. and you deserve one. wow... I'm curious how it'll sound with two tenors
Well, we don't have to wait to find out! I mean, I did... but you don't have to!
The guys released their new video tonight. So, without further ado, here is the first video to have Beck Martin as part of BOS!
I heard this new Stellar Kart song on SpiritFM last week, it is the most recently added song to my list of favorites.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
Anyone hear Skillet's new album "Rise"? I just loved it, a definite step up from Awake. I really like the spirit of the albulm, it as this aliveness to it. Anyone who hasn't heard it yet, I really suggest you get it. It is awesome!
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
De_De, I' have not heard their new album but if I'm being completely honest I've never been a big fan of theirs. I don't hate them but I don't love them either.
Has anyone heard Relient K's new album? I have always loved them and was really looking forward to this album but I'm not sure how I feel about it. Thoughts?
smartypants, I have always really loved Relient K too! I'm still not sure what to think about their new album. I really enjoy how their sound has evolved. I think the pop sound really works with Matt T's voice. But some of their lyrics are just...questionable. To the point where, sometimes, I feel like I'm listening to a completely different band. I wouldn't completely give up on their music. Some of their songs on their new album are still really fun to listen to. My personal favorites right now are "Can't Complain" and "Lost Boy". But yeah...I'm kind of with you on the "whatever happened to Relient K?"
Have any of you heard of Jenny & Tyler? They are pretty new to the music/Christian music scene, but they are rapidly making their way up my list of favorite artists ever. The depth and creativity of their lyrics pretty much exceeds most Christian artists and their sound is so fun, often really acoustic with a touch of pop and soft rock. Some of my favorite songs from them right now include "One Eyed Cat", "The Past Don't Own Us Anymore", and "Skyline Hill".
Another newer/obscure artist I've been getting into recently is the band Future of Forestry. I don't really know how to describe what they sound like because it varies depending on what song you are listening to. Sometimes they sound really bubbly and poppy or acoustic and at other times they sound really techno and electronic and...some of their songs lean more towards rock. The band members themselves are absolutely brilliant, which is kind of why I fell in love with their music. The lead plays this accordion keyboard thing as well as guitar and the other members play a variety of instruments including mandolin, guitar, drums, and...cello! Makes for a beautiful collaboration. Some favorites of mine from their Travel EP Series include "Slow Your Breath Down", "Set Your Sails", and "Close Your Eyes". All of their lyrics are as artistic and creative as their well as clean. I am pretty sure they are Christians since they specifically reference Jesus in several of their songs, but I haven't done a whole lot of research on the members' beliefs or religious backgrounds...
For anyone who likes Audrey Assad, she is currently giving away two free tracks on, one a single from her new album, and the second track is her version of "Come Thou Fount". Both are beautiful, of course! I wouldn't expect anything less from her.
It's good to be back on one of my favorite threads ever!
God bless and hopefully I will see you all on here again.
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member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
De_De, I have. I really like it, too. I like all of the songs in Rise, but I only liked four of the songs in Awake. I definitely think Rise is better than Awake.