For someone who hasn't listened to him or even know who he is, I liked the song.
Jeremy Camp's Reckless was released yesterday!
It's awesome!
We listened to it twice yesterday. Favorite songs - I'm not sure yet, other than Reckless!
I got my copy on Friday before the release. I love Jeremy Camp's music. Since his first CD, (well... not including Burden Me which was independent, and it's not available. Youtube has it, didn't like it though). My copy came with the Reckless EP.
Nothing much to the EP: Reckless, Overcome (Radio Edit) which is 4min shorter than CD version, The Way (acoustic), and an Adam Cappa song.
I didn't have this version of The Way, so I'm listening to it. I rather enjoy it, although it's nothing next to the original. Of the CD, I have only heard 3 songs since I am trying hard to listen to it a little at a time to make his new music last longer. At first first I was only WOW'ed by one song, but all three I really like a lot now. I am choosing my songs randomly:
Reckless, this wasn't a random choice. It's the first single so I chose to lead with it. I hadn't heard it once before getting the CD.
Paradise, I don't know why this one reminds me of There Will Be A Day from two CDs ago. One is slow and one is more upbeat, but a lot of the meaning is the same.
His song, My God, I just love it. He can almost never do anything wrong in my book concerning his music.
In other news, I'm also enjoying Third Day's latest CD. I'm also listening to it in pieces. I Need A Miracle I'm just starting to listen to. I love For The Rest of My life. I haven't heard any other.
Tenth Avenue North, I still have only gotten two songs from their latest. Strangers Here I think is great, but I love Losing! I began listening to these two last year, and I haven't tired of either one although I listen to them almost daily.
I have 5 more songs queued to purchase in the coming weeks.
Casting Crowns, I'm enjoying Volume 1 of their acoustic session CD.
Praise You In The Storm is terrific here. East To West is very good too. New song, Delivered, is fine but not a favorite of mine. I love the version of Set Me Free here too. I haven't heard any other song, not even the second new song.
Mercy Me, they released a new CD in May of last year. The Hurt and the Healer, title track, I love it, I have it retired for now I listened to it so much. The First Time and To Whom It May Concern I have just recently begun to listen to, and I think both are great. I haven't listened to the others year. But I have been listening to their previous CD The Worship Sessions, it's a little known CD since only Family Christian Bookstores sell it, exclusive. Off it I've only REALLY listened to Hosanna. I didn't realize I abandoned the CD. I recently began listening to Come Thou Fount and There Is A Fountain from it, and they're great, (song titles just a coincidence). It's like I have two new CDs to listen to from them.
How could I forget? Chris Tomlin just released a CD as well! I love White Flag which was on the Passions CD. Crown Him [Majesty] and Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies] are very good too. Once again I am listening to in pieces so I haven't listened to any others. The second to listed I just began to listen to.
For someone who hasn't listened to him or even know who he is, I liked the song.
It's a great song. You should try the rest of the CD, if you like Reckless.
Of the CD, I have only heard 3 songs since I am trying hard to listen to it a little at a time to make his new music last longer. At first first I was only WOW'ed by one song, but all three I really like a lot now. I am choosing my songs randomly.
WOW! I couldn't do that, if my brother hadn't bought the CD I would probably be listening to it on Youtube.
In other news, I'm also enjoying Third Day's latest CD. I'm also listening to it in pieces. I Need A Miracle I'm just starting to listen to. I love For The Rest of My life. I haven't heard any other.
For the Rest of My Life is one of my favorite as well as Your Love is Like a River, I Need A Miracle, Forever Yours, and The Victory. The whole CD is awesome!
It's definitely one of my favorite CDs.
I also love their version of Morning Has Broken, wish they would make a hymns CD.
I got to go play Splinter Cell: Conviction with my brother.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
I'd love to comment on the last several posts, but I'm way too excited to focus!
Earlier today, I found something out, that I thought you'd want to see:
Anndd, here's the cover of our brand new album, 4 THE RECORD! Thanks to Disc Makers, the physical CD's just shipped out today, so the physical/digital release date should be very soon!
*squeals for the millionth time today*
I simply can't wait for my signed copy...
oh, and just for fun, while we wait? Let's enjoy this video that they uploaded the day after the Lady Antebellum concert!
Question: Is it wrong that I love the fact that I knew the title before today, or that I know already what songs are gonna be on the album? I feel bad for those that aren't "in the know" yet, but it's not really my fault... right?
Don't know why I waited this long to tell you, but I found this earlier today...
Here's another album teaser for you guys.... Track listing goes as follow on 4 THE RECORD (asterisk denotes a BOS original!):
1. Pumped Up Kicks
2. Bad Romance
3. Bee*
4. House of the Rising Sun
5. Fix You, Fix Me*
6. Michael Jackson vs. Queen
7. Give Yourself*
8. Rollin in the Deep
9. My Last Season*
10. I Won't Give UpThe album will be available on iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Spotify, Rdio, A Cappella Records (ACR) and of course our website!
I'm most excited to have Fix You, Fix Me and Give Yourself on there. (the first, i've only seen them sing live. the other in a video on fb) We all know I'm excited about the rest of it too, of course. But still...
It's odd, but I caught myself thinking "Only 10 tracks? Davey made it sound like there were more than that." But hey, a new cd to wear out is a new cd to wear out. It's a way to change things up... so I'm not complainin'!
Anyway, thought I should give you guys the heads up. I'll be sure to let you know when they share a release date!
Ok, bedtime for me!
I know, I know... third time in a row! But it's not all my fault... you all have been leaving me to do all the talkin'!
Anyway, guesswhatguesswhat GUESS WHAT?! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!
Again, two of the easiest ways to buy it, are on iTunes and the Breath of Soul website! Enjoy!
Edit, a few hours later:
Mom and I just ordered mine!!! Can't wait til it gets here!
Fourth time in a row? Sheesh.
Anyway, I thought you'd want to know...
I've already listened to the whole cd once through, and played most of the songs several more times following that. I love all of the songs, but the most played so far is Fix You, Fix Me (like that's a shock. ha!)
Ok, a few more things... then, I promise to leave you alone for awhile (unless you say otherwise).
1) They did end up signing it for me... all four of them! (yay for Davey!)
Speaking of which, it was sooo funny. Yesterday, he was in church, and when I talked with him afterwards...
me: "Dude! If I had known you was coming, I woulda had you bring me my cd!"
him: "But if it came with me, it wouldn't have been signed. Can't have it both ways, silly."
me, after pausing to think it over: "And... I'm ok with waiting for it!"
him: "Sheesh"
2) I kind of hesitate to say this, but it says it on their website, so...
Did you know you can get a free copy of their Lady Antebellum medley when you buy the cd? (but only the physical copy. sorry, to those of you buying it digitally!
3) Talked with Davey through email while listening, earlier. Thought I'd share part of it, cause I found it funny... ok, and it made me grin!
What do you think? I LOVE IT!
*wishes she could hug her lil brudder*
4) I took pictures, so... I will edit those in once I upload them!
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings, guys! You're the best!
Way cool, Princess!!! I like reading your posts!
Tenth Avenue North has a new music video!!!
This is one of my newest favorites....
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
I have recently discovered, among other things, the massive amount of Brony music on youtube. Many of the songs are awesome, and these are just a few of them:
Tick tock, tick tock
Goes the clock
Here comes your final hour
Best use it well
But remember yourselves
The worlds left in its wake
Way cool, Princess!!!
I like reading your posts!
Well, you're in luck then... cause I'm back!
Firstly, I haven't been able to watch all those videos yet, guys. But I want to, and I'll let you know what I think as soon as I get around to it. Ok?
Newest Breath of Soul news:
The boys put up a new promo video!
With it, they wrote a short paragraph (on fb) which said...
Brand new Promotional Video for 2013! If you know of anyone who may be interested in bringing Breath of Soul to their area, this video is for them. Please, please share this for us! Thanks, everyone!!
When sharing it on fb, I had said...
New promo video! Feel free to share it, guys.
It really tells what the guys are about... why they love to do what they do. I still can't get over the fact that my friends have come this far. And I'm SO proud to say that I've been there from the very beginning. It's been a fun ride so far, and I can't wait to see where this goes!
and... it's bedtime. I'll have to edit in (or separately post) my review of each song on the new cd later! Figured you'd all be curious.
A few days after they posted the video (so, yesterday aka thursday), the guys posted this...
In case you missed our first post on this, check out our new 2013 promo vid! If you are a school teacher or work in entertainment or anything music-related - this one's for you! Please share!
Alrighty, then. I figure it's about time I gave you a review of the new cd!
Oh, and I could go more in-depth then I'm going. If you want me to, by all means, let me know. I just didn't want to drown you in music geekery right off the bat.
disclaimer: Though most of the songs are covers, the guys use their own arrangements of each song. Usually done by Jesse.
2nd disclaimer: Because I'm lame and didn't want to figure out all the ways I could get the picture up, I was lazy and used the one off their instagram. Hope that's ok with you!
1) Pumped Up Kicks
-One of their more popular covers (it's by Foster the People, originally). I'd heard it a ton already, because the guys made a video of it for their youtube, 9 months ago.
-Even though I'd heard it live and on youtube dozens of times... the guys still managed to make it sound somewhat fresh and new for the cd. Loved the harmonies, as usual. And listening to Davey singing lead is always fun, so...
2) Bad Romance
-Not my favourite song... but I like their cover better than Lady Gaga's original version. (which I don't like at all)
-Again, I was used to it, cause of a youtube video... that was made years ago. (I want to say it was the first video they put up) But again, they changed it up a tiny bit for the cd.
-Davey and Jake both did great jobs on their solos! (not knocking Jesse and Tony, cause they do great. I'm just sayin' though)
3) Bee
-written by Jake, so it's a BOS original!
-Davey sings lead again. (shocker ) and Jake does a rap type thing towards the end.
-Tight and well-blended harmonies. Like those and the beat. But I go back and forth on the lyrics.
4) House of the Rising Sun
-the group has been singing this since their 5one days! (it was even on 5one's cd!) But don't think that means it's boring... no. It's kind of evolved with them!
-Jake takes lead on this one... and wow, I can never get over how talented he is. His singing is just as awesome as his vocal percussion!
5) Fix You, Fix Me
-a song by Jesse and a friend of theirs (making it the 2nd BOS original on here)
-Beautiful harmonies, calming tone, lovely lyrics, and a nice job on lead by Davey!
6) Michael Jackson vs Queen
-possibly their newest medley (pretty sure it is), that is getting increasingly popular through their youtube video (uploaded 3 months ago).
-Does a fantastic job of featuring all four of the guys... and I think I almost have more fun with it when watching the video. I mean, it's so fun watching their facial expressions and stuff while listening.
7) Give Yourself
-written by Jake, so yep... original song #3!
-Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I first heard/saw this one in a video on their facebook page.
-Beautiful lead tone by Jesse... LOVE the harmony with Davey towards the end. Followed by a short lead part by Davey *melts*
8) Rollin in the Deep
-this cover of Adele's song came about in an interesting way... someone had suggested they sing it, in the comments of the Bad Romance video. The first time I heard the guys sing it (that I can recall) is at the Lady Antebellum concert!
-Tony starts us out, with his great bass voice. As usual, I love their harmonies, and it's fun to see the lead switch between three of the guys. (Tony, Jesse, and Davey)
9) My Last Season
-written by the friend that cowrote Fix You, Fix Me with Jesse; making this the fourth original song on the cd
-Lovely harmonies and lyrics, calming tones, most (if not all) of the guys are featured at some point.
10) I Won't Give Up
-I think the inside of the cd says it's a Jason Mraz song? Anyways, the guys do a great job with this one too. Very calming, also. Davey sings lead for a lot of it.
And the bonus, for those that buy the physical copy:
11) Lady Antebellum Medley
-I think we know what I think of this one.
-It's a fun idea to think I can listen to it over and over without hitting play on the youtube video constantly.
And... that's my short review of 4 the record!
Yay, Breath of Soul
Actually, thanks to you Princess Anna, I got hooked to Lady Antebellum! I just love them Thanks
I recently just can't stop listening to David Garrett! I got this sudden love for instrumental music. It's really nice to listen to music without words, 'cause then you don't have to think on the lyrics, but can just relax to music. I really like David Garrett becuase he covers a lot of classical music but in a more upbeat or modern form. I just think it's kinda cool
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Has anyone heard this song yet? I think it's amazing. (The band is Needtobreathe).
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I've been continuously playing Regina Spektor's albums - "Far" and "What We Saw from the Cheap Seats". Also, the recent symphonic metal band album by Nightwish - "Imaginerium". Quality music!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Glad to find another Nightwish fan, Warrior!
A lot of my favorite songs come from "Imaginerium" and "Oceanborn". Very good inspiration for fantasy writing and poem writing, if you ask me.
I really like other bands in the symphonic metal category. I'd recommend Within Temptation and Epica for starters.