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Favorite Music: Album Two

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Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

There has been a new development! Both Davey and BOS put on facebook:


"Starting today, the voting option for each Top Five finalist will be closed and Charles, Hillary and Dave will go through each final video and hand pick the winner to announce on Friday.
Your voice and votes have been a great way to see where the social buzz is coming from, but now Lady A will take on the task of choosing the final winner of the contest."

So THIS will be the LAST day to vote!!!!! Help us make a FINAL stride!!!

I guess it's now or never, guys! PLEASE help out! And thanks again for all you've already done! And I promise to keep you all updated further as I hear things!

Posted : October 16, 2012 12:07 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Relax, it's been 24 hours! :p

Anyway, BOS wrote a message on their facebook wall this morning. And I thought you'd want to see it. (since some of you helped us out)

The competition isn't over yet but we would like to take this time to THANK our fans for really showing up during the voting period! You are all amazing! What gets us the most are the wonderful comments that you all are leaving for us! It means the world! Let's keep those VIEWS and COMMENTS coming!!!

So, yeah... we're still allowed to comment. So, let Lady Antebellum know who should REALLY win this competition! And let the guys know you're pulling for them! It really does make a difference, guys. Think how you'd feel, if you were in their position... ;)

Posted : October 17, 2012 11:53 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

And I quote:

The moment has arrived... Congratulations to Breath of Soul!! Y'all are amazing and we are SO excited to have you be a part of SunTrust Bank Presents Lady Antebellum On This Winter's Night, a special holiday show with us on December 3rd! Thank you to ALL those a part of this great contest, everyone was amazing. For more details on our exciting event click here:

:-o :D


*falls over*

(I'll add the picture later)

Thought you'd want to see what Breath of Soul has to say...

WE DID EVERYONE! Thank you SOOO much!!!!!!! We can't even BELIEVE it right now!!! Thanks to ALL our fans - YOU ROOOOCKK and especially to Lady Antebellum!! We are SUPER pumped for December 3rd!!!!!! Check the details attached!!

Posted : October 19, 2012 12:15 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Technically, I could just edit my last post... but thought this deserved it's own. And I can do that, because it's been 24 hours. :p =))

I showed you what Lady Antebellum said. I showed you what Breath of Soul (as a group) said. Now it's time to show you their individual comments!

Yesterday, by phone=

Ummmmmm WE WOOOOON!!!!! Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!

Later, as a comment under said status:

Thank you EVERYONE for your support!!! This wouldn't mean as much without each and every one of you!!! Thank you!!!


I haven't had the chance yet to give my complete thanks to ALL of you who helped make our dream of performing with lady A come true!! You are all amazing and it means the world to me that you helped us out. YOU ROCK!!


Seriously, a very BIG and heartfelt THANK YOU all of you for helping us and supporting us until the end! You're support has meant so much and we couldn't have done it without all of your great comments, votes and support!! We are so excited!! Thank you GOD!

Hasn't really said much yet (except stuff on things others have said), if he posts something, I'll let you know.

I know some of you voted, and still others prayed. So, yes... I thought you should see these messages from the guys.

As for me:
I really don't know what to say... I mean, for seven years, you guys have always been there for me through good and bad times. Lifted me up in prayer, soothed my worries, put up with my rants...

But the thought that many of you would do all of this for people you don't know, just because it mattered to me...

The thought that so many of you screamed with joy for my kid brother, and gave congrats to (and through) me...

I don't know if words can ever express what that means to me. And I don't know if I can ever repay you for that. So, thank you... on behalf of the guys, and myself... THANK YOU!

I might give you all a break for a while... I know I've flooded this thread. But if you like, I wouldn't mind updating you on the group every now and again. In terms of the Lady Antebellum concert, or in general.

Oh, and all you new fans? If you wanted to... I have made BOS graphics in the past, and am making more. So, feel free to use them if you so choose! ;)

*tackle hugs everyone*
*leaves, with eyes full of happy tears*

Posted : October 20, 2012 3:48 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

*tackle hugs PA back* I'm so glad they won :D You shall definitely have to give us updates about the concert :P

*Notices she hasn't posted here yet...

Let's see what music do I like... Well I'm a big country fan (Sugarland, Rascal Flatts, Kieth Urban, Big and Rich, the Highwaymen, Hank Jr... I'll stop there but I like all kinds of country music.) I also like lots of classic rock and Christian music though I don't know the names of many artists (I like lot's of Matthew West's songs though). Finally I like listening to the soundtracks of various movies (Balto, Spirit, and Narnia for example :P)

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : October 20, 2012 4:33 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

That's really awesome, PrincessAnna! :D

So, has anyone heard Jeremy Camp's Christmas: God With Us or Francesca Battistelli's Christmas? My brother got JC's CD early this month. And my sister got FB's CD yesterday, it was waiting on the porch when we got home from our trip. Both are awesome! :D I really like Christmas: God With Us. I can't decided which songs I like best, besides Jingle Bell Rock and Mary, Did You Know?. :D And as for Christmas, I have only heard it a couple of times, so it's too soon to know which songs are the best. ;)

BTW, has anyone else started listening to Christmas music? We start the very end of September, it was my Mom and Grandma who requested Christmas music so they could get in the mood for sewing Christmas things. :) I would have waited until the 1st of October to start, but my grandparents weren't here that long.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : October 22, 2012 12:29 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

*tackle hugs PA back* I'm so glad they won :D You shall definitely have to give us updates about the concert :p

For all I know, you might have read the article yourself when I linked to it a few posts ago. But, I still consider this an update, sorta... and as not all would have seen the article...

Fan Club pre-sale tickets go on sale beginning Mon., Oct 22 with the public on-sale scheduled for Fri., Oct. 26 at 10:00A CT here. GAC will also air the special concert for fans across the country beginning Wed., Dec. 5 at 7:00P CT.

There was a link in there somewhere... where'd it go? :- Oh, well... it got the point across! ;))

But yeah... I'm trying really hard to find a way to pull off going. In fact, several people from church want to go! But shhh!, don't tell Davey! :-$ ;)

Oh, right! Don't go buying up all the tickets now, before I can get one... he's MY brother... I get dibs! :p =))

That's really awesome, PrincessAnna! :D

We all think so (we, being: his family, our church family, me & my family, the families and friends of the other three guys...). :D But, we're utterly biased. :p

I have to say... I don't know if it's fully sunk in yet. I mean, I know it's huge... and crazy... and all that. And I know part of me predicted it all along during the contest. But it still feels odd to think, or say out loud "Davey's group is gonna open for (and sing with) Lady Antebellum." I'll think or say it, then pause... my eyes will bulge, and I'm like "Davey's doing what now, with WHO!?" =))

Yeah... VERY surreal. I mean, how would you all feel if someone you'd known since they were 8 and you were 12, was gonna share a concert with a world famous group? You'd probably be in shock too. It's actually like... 8-}

I just hope the guys aren't seeing (or are ignoring) the mean stuff some fans of the other groups have been saying about them, and about Lady Antebellum. :( (but let's ignore that and focus on the cool part... THEY WON!!!! *dances around*)

Anyway, moving on...

I can't decided which songs I like best, besides Jingle Bell Rock and Mary, Did You Know?.

I know I might have said this earlier in this very thread... but did you know that "Mary, Did You Know" was written by Mark Lowry? :) (the lyrics, anyway. I forget who did the accompaniment though)

BTW, has anyone else started listening to Christmas music? We start the very end of September, it was my Mom and Grandma who requested Christmas music so they could get in the mood for sewing Christmas things. :) I would have waited until the 1st of October to start, but my grandparents weren't here that long.

*sighs, shakes head, mutters "Here we go again", and slowly backs away* :p

Posted : October 22, 2012 1:43 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

I forgot to tell you all I went to one of Francesca Battistelli's concerts with my Mom and sisters. It was awesome! :D I'm so glad we were able to go (we had company that same day). I really liked City Harbor, I'm looking forward to their CD. :) And Andy Cherry was really good, I'm thinking about getting his CD sometime soon, as in when I have some money to. ;) And of course Francesca was awesome. I really like Angel By Your Side and Hundred More Years.

Yes, I did know. We have his version, but I like Jeremy Camp's and Kutless's versions better.

Ahh, come on, Princess, don't you like Christmas music?


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : October 26, 2012 12:43 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Cool about getting to see those artists/groups live! :D

Yes, I did know. We have his version, but I like Jeremy Camp's and Kutless's versions better.

I don't know if I've heard those ones... though I've heard lots. I've even sung it in church choir before (once with Larry Carter singing most of it, with us as back up!). And Davey's done it alone too. I just like the song, and wasn't sure if you knew that bit of trivia about it is all. ;)

Ahh, come on, Princess, don't you like Christmas music?

*can't answer this question without putting foot in mouth*
I plead the fifth! You can't make me talk! (I'll pm you) I don't know anything!

Well, actually I know one thing...

But before I say it... guys, please leave this off my facebook wall for awhile. At least til I finalize a place to sleep. (and announce it myself) I mean, Davey knows, but still... feel free to message me there or here, or say stuff in here... but don't say nothing on there til I have all my ducks in a row.

But, yeah...

Yep, you heard/read that right...
Come December, I can still claim "I've been there for every step of his musical career. Haven't missed a thing". :D *bounces gleefully*

His response? I kid you not... and I quote:


Yep. He's happy. I'm happy. All is right with the world. :-bd

*bounces happily out of the thread*

Posted : October 26, 2012 1:28 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Yep. He's happy. I'm happy. All is right with the world. :-bd

*bounces happily out of the thread*

And I'm happy to hear it!

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : October 27, 2012 7:49 am
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

My favorite songs ATM are Call me Maybe (Carly Rae Jepson), Poker Face (Lady Gaga) and Hot n Cold (Katy Perry). Are those pop? :P

Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!

Posted : October 27, 2012 10:51 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Okay, Princess Anna. But if I didn't listen to Christmas music starting in October it would break the tradition started by my Mom and her sister. And I would hate to be the one to break the tradition.

That's awesome, Princess. :D You will have to be sure to tell us all about it. :)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : October 27, 2012 11:27 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

*sneaks in three days after her last post*
I can't believe you're not sick of me yet! =))

Varna, your post made me smile!
SnowAngel, I will... promise!
Lucy of Narnia, I think they are? It's kind of hard to say. Because sometimes artists try several different genres... even if they mainly stay in one. It might change by the song. But, in my mind those songs are pop. (or pop/rock) ;))

Thought you guys would want to see what BOS said earlier today, on their facebook page:

Because of YOU, and the help of Lady Antebellum, our medley video is over 19000 views!! WOW!! Thank you guys again for your support and get ready, because our next video release is just DAYS away!!!

*is excited they're excited*
and a new video soon? yay!!! it's. about. time! Having 12 videos is fun... but you can only play them so many times before you start to get tired of them... :p

Posted : October 29, 2012 11:58 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

SnowAngel, I will... promise!

I'm going to hold you to that! ;)

Right now, I really like this video....

I love Andy Cherry's version of Nothing But The Blood, it's awesome. B-) I'm definitely going to get his CD when I have the money, which I hope will be soon. :) Because if it's not, I'm going to get in trouble for being YouTube so often. ;)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : October 29, 2012 3:45 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Just popping in here to ask if there are any Mat Kearney fans on the forum? I'm adoring his album, Young Love. My favorite songs are... well, every single one, honestly. But the ones I find myself listening to over and over are Hey Mama, Chasing the Light, She Got the Honey, Down, Ships in the Night, and... okay, okay. I love the whole album. I can't pick. :p

Anyway, if you're looking for some good music, check out Mat Kearney. He's fantastic and he's so different from any other artist I've ever heard. His lyrics are catchy and deep all at the same time and each song is different in style from the last. He doesn't stay in the same territory for long and isn't afraid to experiment with new things, which is something I appreciate. He's definitely very talented and I just love his music so very much. ♥

av by dot

Posted : October 29, 2012 3:53 pm
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