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Favorite Music: Album Two

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NarniaWeb Nut

Thanks for sharing that SnowAngel...I'm looking forward to a new CD!

On a side note, Brandon Heath has a new single out, "Jesus in Disguise".
Guess that means he'll have a new CD out soon?

Song's very good, the words remind me of Ronnie Freeman's "God Speaking".

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : August 22, 2012 4:12 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Thanks for sharing that SnowAngel...I'm looking forward to a new CD!

You're welcome! Me, too. I can't wait. ;) I'm listening to I Need A Miracle again. :D

The Struggle came yesterday. I love it! :D I'm not sure which songs are my favorites yet. I have only listened to it three times since it came later yesterday afternoon. ;)

My sister is a big Brandon Heath fan. She loves Jesus In Disguise. It's a pretty good song, IMHO. I'm pretty sure she's counting the days until Blue Mountain is released. :) (Blue Mountain is the name of his CD that coming out on October 9.)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : August 24, 2012 1:57 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Re Breath of Soul:
So, you know how I had said you could choose to get "Beautiful Catch" on iTunes, or wait til the cd? Yeah, um... :-s Apparently that was wrong.

I talked with Davey yesterday, and (to my horror) "Beautiful Catch" and the "Pop Medley" (from my fave video of theirs. it's actually the one I showed you) won't be on the cd. :((

So, to sum up...
Beautiful Catch= find on iTunes (or their website)
Pop Medley= only on youtube

He assures me there are a ton of other great songs that will be on the cd, though! All I know, is they better hurry up and finish it! I'm starting to get tired of their old stuff. :-o :p

Anyway, as I mentioned in the "Make Your Day" thread, they're having a concert here tomorrow! :D I'll report back to you on saturday, if you like! ;)

Posted : September 6, 2012 2:46 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Anyone know of any good MP3 sites (possibly Christian sites) that I could upload my album onto? I had it on a site that's now defunct. It's an album of 10 songs, all written by me.

Posted : September 13, 2012 1:06 am
NarniaWeb Nut

King_Erlian, it's not a Christian website, but the first thing that comes to mind is Grooveshark.

People upload everything from albums to sermons to radio interviews.
Maybe that would work for you?

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : September 13, 2012 5:54 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Sorry, King_Erlian, I have no idea what to tell you. But AslansChild had a good idea! Hope you can find what you're looking for! :)

Wow, I just realised I never reported back to you all after the concert! :-o
Well, it was amazing... as I expected. Then again, as you know, I'm completely biased when it comes to BOS. So, even if they had done poorly, I wouldn't be able to say so. =))

Anyway, before I say more about them, I have news on Blake's front! He got back to me a few days ago, and among other things, wrote:

I'm hoping to have the album done soon. It's been a process, but that's only because I want the music to be great. Thanks for helping to spread the word to others about my music. :)

First of all: awwww!!!!!
Second of all: It's coming soon!!!! Well, he'll be done soon. And that translates to... being one step closer to me (and you!) getting to hear it! :D :D

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of the way... it's time for the BIG announcement!!!! ;)

Breath of Soul has entered an a cappella contest run by Lady Antebellum! If they win, they will get to sing onstage... with said band in December!!! :-o :D

The guys told us they were going to do this. But until today, none of us fans had gotten to see their entry. :( Anyway, it was put on youtube last night!! Now all we can do is wait, pray, and spread the word for awhile. And when the guys give the go ahead... it'll be time to vote!! :D

Thought I'd give you a heads up. ;))

So, the general idea of what they had to do is: to choose their favourite Lady Antebellum song and do a cover of it. But Tony (the bass of BOS) said that

We couldn't pick just one favorite Lady A we each picked our favorite and put together this Lady Antebellum Medley! We hope you enjoy it!!

And let me tell you, it sounds amazing!! (they have my vote! not that that is a surprise. it's a given :p Again... read: biased best friend of David speaking ;;) ) But why should you take my word for it? Give it a listen, and judge for yourself!

p.s. If you want me to talk about their concert from a few weeks back... just say the word. I have no problem talking about it! (I can even show you videos of songs from it, because people used their phones to record them!)

Posted : September 28, 2012 5:44 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Update Post on:
BOS's journey in the Lady Antebellum Contest

Lady Antebellum started choosing the top five today! :-o
Once they've picked their five fave videos, the voting will start. I REALLY want "my" guys to make the top five. Not sure if the number of views and comments will influence Lady A's decision... but, it certainly can't hurt. So, here is the link to the guys' contest page... clicky!

All we can do now is wait, pray, watch, share, and hope for the best! Cross your fingers for them! And I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything either way. Ok? ;)

p.s. The video on the link doesn't always work for me (it does on my phone, but not my laptop), if it does that to you too... then feel free to watch it in my last post! Or, you can go watch it on Breath of Soul's youtube page, here. No matter how you watch it, please remember to share it with anyone you think might love it! Thanks!

Posted : October 3, 2012 12:32 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Slight BOS update Post:
What, am I taking over the thread now? WHERE IS EVERYONE? Ok, self, calm down! 8-|

Let me see... where was I? *resists the urge to sing the song from "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"*

OH, I KNOW!!! Two things I forgot to mention the last few days:

1) In terms of the contest...
The judging portion (done by Lady Antebellum) will be finished late on the 7th. That means that the top five are announced on Monday the 8th! And once that happens, we'll be able to vote... whether or not Breath of Soul made the top five. (but I'm still praying they do) Again, I'll keep you updated as I hear more. But PLEASE keep watching and sharing the video!

2) At the concert, back on September 7th, they announced that their new cd will be available in early 2013! :D I guess that means it's not much longer now! (thank goodness... I'm beyond impatient over here! ;) )

Ok, bedtime for me! See y'all later! ;)

Posted : October 4, 2012 6:07 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Ok, I'm so excited that I'm going to overlook the fact that you're making me quadruple post. [-x


I never doubted that... what I worried about was "Would Lady Antebellum or the viewers agree with me?". And I still kinda am... they are third in terms of most votes currently. :-s BUT THEY MADE THE TOP FIVE!!!!!!!!

*squeals again, and mock faints* What, no one's gonna help me up? :p

Anyway, I really want them to win... I mean, it's perfect! If any other group won, the winner would have to be flown out to Nashville for the concert in December. My guys ALREADY LIVE THERE! Besides the convience of it, they really are the best group talent-wise. (noo, I'm not biased! I swear! ymwhisle Ok, I am... but it's not just 'cause of that! I have a musical background... and it's agreeing with my bias :p )

I'm begging you, they need your votes! So, do me a favor and go watch the video again and vote? ;;) Oh, and we can vote every day. So... do that. ;)) Vote for them every day til the voting period is over (in about a week and 4 days, I think). I'd really appreciate it a lot... and I know that Breath of Soul would too. ;)

Ok, more updates to come! (and thanks again for all the support for them so far!)

Posted : October 8, 2012 10:27 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Five in a row? REALLY, PEOPLE? That's just sad. :p

Anyway, why am I in here? Oh, yeah!!

Thanks to me... ok, ok! And other people... BOS has gotten up to 1,007 votes today!! (I think when I got on this afternoon we had like... 800 something, maybe? I forget) :D :D

Now, they're still in third place in terms of votes... and the two ahead of them have LOTS of votes. But if you guys all vote every day, in addition to me doing so, and in addition to other family and friends doing so... we may make it to the top yet!

But yeah, it's fun to think that I got 15 or so (possibly more?) people voting today... and promising to vote every day. And that's not even counting the people that promised me yesterday...

Who's the best "big sister" ever? Oh, right... THAT WOULD BE ME! Honestly, what would that boy do without me? Oh, right... they'd be a LOT less likely to win! ;)

Lesson learned from this? NEVER mess with an older sister's siblings! ymwhisle ;))

Seriously, if you guys ever need someone to promote something for you... maybe you should ask me. =))

Posted : October 9, 2012 4:59 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm rekindling my love for Regina Spektor. I just find her music so weird and poetic. Her songs often seem to be a series of random thoughts but they're very ambiance-driven and refreshing and provide moments of thought-provoking relevance often connected by a theme, emotion or story.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : October 9, 2012 7:15 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I am obsessed with Switchfoot, and jon foreman's solo stuff. To me Vice Verses was their best album yet. It really got their message across with songs "Afterlife" and "Thrive." Also, check out the new single from Disciple. Its called Draw The Line.

Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!

Posted : October 12, 2012 2:22 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I am obsessed with Switchfoot, and jon foreman's solo stuff.

If it's Jon Foreman's voice you like, you might want to check out Fiction Family. He's there too. I've only sampled it, haven't yet had a chance to listen to properly. But I guess it's worth a look if you're interested. :)

Posted : October 14, 2012 3:50 am
Lady Haleth
NarniaWeb Junkie

I'm a Switchfoot fan too. I've seen them live. :)My favorites on Vice Verses were "Blinding Light," "Restless," "Dark Horses," "Souvenirs," and "Where I Belong." I just discovered Jon Foreman's solo recordings, and I like them too. They kind of had a more folk-ish sound to them, I guess? My favorites of those were "The Cure for Pain," "Learning how to Die," "I Am Still Running," "In My Arms," "Baptize my Mind," "Resurrect Me," and "Instead of a Show."

The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot

Posted : October 14, 2012 7:03 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Yay... people are here! :D
Switchfoot and Regina Spektor are both cool. :) (I haven't heard tons from either... but I've liked what I've heard)

Anyway... it's time I gave you an update, right?
Why the sigh, you ask? Fair question... but the answer's not pretty. :-s

The Facts:
Breath of Soul made the top five! This we knew, but it's worth reminding myself of this every now and again. I mean, there were a lot of groups that didn't make it that far. They may constantly be in third... but they made it in!

You know how I said they're in third? Well... the two groups ahead are ahead by a lot. Like, try 6000+ (or 7000+) ahead of BOS. At this rate... I'll be glad if we can just close the gap somewhat! :-o

No, you're not hearing things... I'm trying to meet little goals each day. "Let's hit 2000 tonight." "Let's hit 3000 tonight" "Let's gain ANY amount of ground!" "Let's get the word out!" I may seem like I've given up... but that's not true. Far from it, actually. If you thought I was in "super sister mode" before... watch out world... this big sis is MAD!

I mean, no matter what I'd want them to win. But if they can't, I'd rather them lose FAIRLY. And I don't feel they are getting a fair chance. Want me to explain? Ok... I can.

Rubyfruit (switches between 1st and 2nd place)
These girls are from a college. And there are about... 10 to 12 of them. So, 10 to 12 families... plus all their friends... plus their whole school... do you see where this is going? They could win on sheer number of people behind them... not on actual talent!

Acappella (switches between 1st and 2nd place)
I like this group, I really do. If BOS can't win, I want them to. But here's the unfair part... these six guys are the next generation of a group that has been around for 30 years. I mean, I grew up with the group that is now called "Acappella Classic". They have a 30 year fanbase backing them!

Breath of Soul
My guys? These four have all been singing for most of their lives, but have only been singing together since 2009. (2006 in the case of three of them) They're still relatively new on the music scene, and not as well known as either group. And yet, they are louder (part is the microphones. but I guarantee you they could still project like that without them. I know David can!), have a tighter sound, blend better...

And get this...
Rubyfruit- one song, that was basically a solo with back up. And it wasn't even creatively arranged. I mean, sure they are talented girls... really talented. But this seems sub-par to me... they could do better.
Acappella- one song, two of the six guys featured. But you can mainly only hear about... three parts? (if I had to guess) They were awesome, but... I don't know.
Breath of Soul- seamlessly arranged a medley of four songs, where three (if not all four) of the guys were featured in some form or another.

And this is fair HOW!? /:) Even if I didn't know them, I'd still find it unfair (call it my Ed side :p ). But fact is... I do know them. One of them is practically family. And it's killing me to see their talents ignored just because they have less of a fanbase. It's killing me to see how frantic their pleas on facebook are when asking for votes. It kills me to feel Davey's urgency and panic, and not be able to fix it.

I'm the big sister... it's my job to protect him! So... WHY CAN'T I?! He's already had some hard times thrown at him in his life... can't he be cut a break with this? Can't I help him? Can't ANYONE?! X(

Ok... breathe, self. Count the good...
1) We got a killer new medley to listen to from now on, no matter the outcome.
2) Lady Antebellum loves their sound... thinks they are awesome. That's got to count for something!
3) They've gotten a TON more exposure than they've had in the past. They're getting new fans by the day!
4) It's nice to see our church family rallying behind David and the guys. We always believed we were a family... but times like this help prove that without a doubt. :D
5) And it's nice to see my friends from theatre, Nweb, and old school friends working with me to help him. It's like all my "families" are becoming one big family for this project. And that makes me smile. I like to think it makes God smile too.

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant, you guys! And for putting up with all of my posts about it. You're the best!

Oh, and voting ends the 19th. So, please consider helping us out? It would mean to world to me, Davey, the other guys, and all the rest. Thanks! (I'd add the link, but I've added it a lot. ;) )

Posted : October 15, 2012 2:45 pm
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