^ok cool
So I'm trying to convince my parents to let me take this month's whole allowance to the concert- I want a tshirt...and Do You Feel would be nice too!
WOW, Kat! That's really amazing, and very neat too!!! I'm so happy for you.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
^ Thank you!! I need to start writing his stuff down now... this time the pressure's on
Yeah, you won't be disappointed, Glenstorm! I was pleasantly surprised by how great he sounded live.
Hehe. Well, the posters were only $2. I think the rest of the stuff was the same price as it is on their website. I got this shirt.
Glad you're checking into the recommendations, narnian1.
The Rocket Summer:
I didn't care for Do You Feel, sorry.
Of Men and Angels I thought was good, will have to give it more listens before I decide to buy it or not though.
Walls which I don't think was recommended I like quite a bit, and I might just buy it BUT I will be careful and give it a few more listens first.
Sometimes I like a song on first listen and buy, only to not like it after that.
I mean just the track, no way I could have listened to the whole album already
I have "Save" on the list, I'll do that one next, but once I get a proper feel about the two I liked.
Kat: Your experience sounds great! I'm glad it was so rewarding for you! I don't really like The Rocket Summer, but I do like his voice. I just don't like my music that punk-ish. Every once in a while "So Much Love" pops up on Last.FM and I never skip it though.
Two MAJOR recommendations:
Jonsi. Wow. This guy fronts the Icelandic band Sigur Ros and Jonsi is his solo project. Sigur Ros is really kind of out there, but Jonsi manages to be brought into the realm of pop and accessibility and achieves heights of musical brilliance and beauty I've never heard from a modern artist. Album is being released next week, but it's currently streamable on npr's website.
The Drive Back. Also get's a Wow. Recommended if you like Copeland, this band writes incredible alternative pop rock ballads. Strong vocals, lilting instrumentals that are to die for, and some catchy teen appeal make this band a candidate for best new band of 2010. Maybe they can help assuage the pain of losing Copeland, even though they definitely manage to create their own sound. Listen to "Fact & Fiction" and all the rest.
edit: Kat, you are correct. Kenny Vasoli is the lead singer of both The Starting Line and Person L
my brother finally gave me his extra copy of Skillet's CD "Collide"!!!!!
I will probably play it all day today!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
narnian1: I'm glad you liked him kinda . Do You Feel wasn't my fave song at first but now I really like it
Kat: $2! I'll be getting one (my mom won't be happy- I already have like 5 posters up in my room ). Pretty much everything else was the same price though? Crud. I thought most people put their stuff on sale at concerts
^^ yeah, it's been a long time coming. He promised it to me a year ago!
did anyone know that if you hear Green Day's song "Time Of Your Life" too much, it can effect your brain?
against my will ( ) I have heard that song one too many times.....argh! lol
and it has effected me!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, my brother bought the Daylight EP by Remedy Drive the other day... I like it quite a bit... There's only five songs I think, one is an acoustic version of the song right before it, and the first song is a remix of "Daylight", which I don't like nearly as well as the real version. But I really like the new three songs on there--'Guide You Home' is probably my favorite.
Anyone else heard it?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Quick poll: What do you all think of the following songs? Have you heard of the song? If not, have you at least heard of the artist?
If you've heard of it, on a scale of 1-11 (11 being "my favorite song of all time"; otherwise pretend it's a 1-10 scale), how would you rate the song? Feel free to give any additional comments about the song, too.
"Feel Good Drag" by Anberlin
"Live Life Loud" by Hawk Nelson
"Monster" by Skillet
"Stand in the Rain" by Superchic[k]
"Meant to Live" by Switchfoot
"Fire It Up" by Thousand Foot Crutch
Bonus question: do you know what these songs have in common? (Besides the obvious, of course. ) Answer below:
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
listening to Rocket Summer again,
Of Men and Angels- track- I came to the conclusion, it's nice but not something I'll listen to alot so I won't be it.
Walls is still hanging in there, I really like it, but one small thing is bothering me, and it's in the chorus. I'll give it a couple more listens before coming to a conclusion.
Switchfoot's Learning to Breathe had been suggested to me ages ago,
finally got to it now. I am liking it as well. Again, not sure of the buy yet though.
Stardf29: I have heard the Anberlin one and am a fan of that band! I have heard the Hawk Nelson one and am a fan of that band! I have heard the Switchfoot one and am a fan of that band!
I don't like Thousand Foot Krutch or Superchic[k], but I have heard of them.
and of course I love the Skillet one! Monster is my favorite song! yay!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are