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Favorite Music: Album Two

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NarniaWeb Guru

Thanks for that post SnowAngel. I didn't realize the single was ready to release. I did know the CD would be released in August. Listening to the song as I type. I like that it's mellow. It feels like them, but it also feels different from their previous stuff, (or is it just me?). But I like it. It's a really nice song. Can't wait for it to release. :)

Posted : April 22, 2012 3:34 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

You're welcome, narnian1! :) I was surprised they had already release a single for The Struggle. I thought it would still be a while before they released it. I agree with you, it's a little bit different for their previous music, but it's still feels like them. :)

I have been listening to a lot of music lately. Since we are in the process of moving, there isn't much else to do while watching the younger kids play outside (especially I keep leaving the book I'm reading at the hotel). :) I have listened to most of Kutless' music, Third Day, Tenth Avenue North, Robin Mark, Brandon Heath, Francesce Battistelli, and Aaron Shust. I think that's all of them. ;)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : April 24, 2012 11:30 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

@Lady Haleth Ah, you're so lucky. D: Switchfoot never comes near me. :(

Okay, so I haven't been on here in forever, so I thought I'd update. I've really been getting into TobyMac, Skillet, and Disciple these past few months.

TobyMac - I heard a few of his songs a while back, but I didn't really start listening to his music consistently till I started listening to Air1. He's currently my second favourite artist, and I really want his Tonight CD; Dubbed and Freq'd sounds pretty rad too.

Skillet - I admit that I wasn't exactly a fan when I first heard Skillet, mainly because although I LOVED the music, I couldn't handle how incredibly rough John Cooper's voice is. :P But I've gotten used to it, and even grown to like it. Skillet is my third favourite artist. I'm most interested in getting their Comatose and Awake albums.

Disciple - So, I heard Disciple's newer music almost a year back, and found myself liking it a lot. However, I didn't bother listening to more of their music till early January, and found that some of their old stuff is pretty heavy metal. :P It was kinda shocking for me at first, I'd never heard anything like it before. But it grew on me quickly. I saw these guys live at the Rock and Worship Roadshow 2012. I admit that I didnt think theyd be very good live, but boy, did they prove me wrong! They put on an amazing show, Kevin Young has an amazing voice, even live. I convinced myself by the end of their set that they didn't know the meaning of the word exhaustion. :P They were my favourite band there, my fourth favourite artist overall, and I can't wait till the next time they come around here. :) I'm most interested in buying their Horseshoes and Handgrenades CD.

Posted : May 4, 2012 6:19 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Owl City released a bunch of new songs today from their (his?) upcoming album:

"Take It All Away": ... ng-star-ep

"Dementia": ... 2_dementia

"Gold": ... old-audio/

"Shooting Star": ... 4552.story

I know there are a lot of Owl City fans here so I'm curious to hear what you think, but I... am very disappointed by them. I literally just heard them (other then "Dementia", that was released for a while now), and they're just not Owl City. When I heard "Fireflies" on the radio it struck me as something I had never heard before. It was innocent, heartfelt, introverted, unique, and beautiful... everything Adam Young has done has been like that until now. If I heard these new songs on the radio, I wouldn't even raise my head.

When I heard "Dementia" a few days ago, I liked it. It was different, but a good song and, as long as the rest of the album is full of Owl City goodness, I'll be fine. I wasn't expecting Adam to totally revamp the sound! "Shooting Star" is also slightly better, but I really don't like "Take It All Away" and "Gold". They're generic, they're mainstream, and they're just not my thing.

I know that Adam Young collaborated with many different artists and producers, so that will explain the change in sound. I just hope this is a one time thing. If Adam wants to experiment, fine, but there's a certain quality in Owl City that I fell in love with and it isn't there in these new songs. Owl City taught me to be optimistic, so that's what I'll be. I'll hope the old sounds of Owl City will one day reach my ears again, but until then I'm heart-broken. :(

Posted : May 11, 2012 9:13 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Sorry it took so long for me to get back here! Anyway, I thought I could start off with a few updates from my end... and then move on to respond to your stuff! Does that work? It does? Awesome! ;))

Ok, first off... I forgot to tell you guys! Breath of Soul has had a new single available for awhile now. :D It's called "Beautiful Catch", and it's so adorable!!Thought you'd want to hear it! So, here it is! (you can get it either on iTunes now, or wait and get the whole cd when it comes out!)

News on Blake's front...
1) He's still working on his EP, I'll let you know when I hear anything.
2) He's been over the moon the last few months... he got to be the opening act for Tyler Hilton for a few weeks. And he got to be an extra on the series finale of his favourite show (One Tree Hill). So, he's still excited about that. ;))

I figured while we wait to hear new stuff from him, that I'd show you a great rendition he did of James Ingram's "I Don't Have the Heart". However, I've forgotten how to show videos on here. So, until I can do that, you can find it here. Enjoy! :)

Oh, and I've realised something while playing around on pottermore. A fellow Ravenclaw of mine was right... this Owl City song could be the 'Claws theme song! ;))

And another thing I forgot to tell you! A few months back (?) I got to go with my Pastor's family (and some friends) to see the Called to Love Tour! (not only that, but to see it in an old movie theater!!) For those of you that don't know about it... it's made up of Aaron Shust, Jason Gray, and Downhere. And it was AMAZING!! :D (yes, I got stuff while there) I'm hoping they come through again, actually. It went by way too fast.

Ok, I think that's it from my end. Now on to the catch-up...
Let's start with the end, and work backwords. k?

page 73 (aka the current page)

AslansChild, I don't think I've heard the Maccabeats yet. But I know another Nwebber (or two) has mentioned them before. :) (I'll try and listen soon)

page 72

Mountie, I've only heard a few songs by U2. But what I've heard, I liked. :)

narnian_at_heart, yes, Alison Krauss is pretty talented :) I haven't heard any of her songs in years though.


I don't remember if I knew that was a Coldplay song or not! (I haven't heard too much of their stuff) However, I know I found it funny that you brought up this particular song! Why? Because that group I keep talking about, the one with my friend David in it? They've done that song before! (it's on one of their cd's actually)

Want to listen? You can find it here.

page 71

I'm not even going to attempt you all's question of "which 5 cd's". I'm not that decisive. :p

narnian1, wow you go to a lot of concerts! I'm glad you enjoyed them all (and that Jeremy Camp's was worth the wait. :D to be honest, i'm jealous now :p )

page 70

Djaq, thanks for the info and links on Summertime's End! I loved listening to that. And I'm glad I'm going back through the last few pages of this thread now, because I'd forgotten. Anyway, once I have more iTunes cards, I think his stuff will be on the list of "must buys"!

So, are there any other people on NarniaWeb besides me who are big Bohemian Rhapsody fans?

I've only heard a few versions...
Chapter 6 (my second fave)
and the mixed show choir when I was in high school! ;)) (which was my fave; but I'm biased, because my friends did it)

I don't remember if I've heard the Muppets one or not! (but I think I have) So, no... you aren't the only one who likes or has heard it. ;)

Does anyone like Celtic Woman?

Gosh, I haven't heard anything from them in years! ;)) I do like them, though... in fact, I have a cd or two! :)

page 69

And the last awesome country song is by Blake Shelton. It's called God Gave Me You and it's an really sweet awesome song.

Aww, I love that song! Glad someone else has heard it. :)

Anyone heard of New Found Glory? I heard a song the other day, and I liked it - never heard of the band, though. :)

I'd heard of them before, but I don't think I've heard tons of stuff. To my knowledge, I've only heard one or two songs? And the one I'm sure of, because I heard it when watching a fan video for "3 Ninjas" on youtube in recent weeks. :p

Does anybody here like Chris Daughtry?

Wasn't he on American Idol one year? Anyway, I've only heard a handful of his songs. Sorry! (I liked what I heard, though!)

and on to page 68!

The Pendragon, thanks for those links! I can't wait to listen to them. :)
Adeona, that sounds so fun! (and thanks for the links!)

I'm also a country fan *prepares to be shunned* :P

No, no... nobody's gonna shun you!! A few of us like country! (in fact, we even had a SF on it a few months ago ;) ) But yeah, some of my fave artists are country singers, so no shunning from me! (if they try it, I'll protect you)

It's amazing what you can do with just voices!

I know, right?! :D
(in fact, just this past Sunday, my church sang one song a capella. And those of us in choir sang it in parts too! [we had been in our own seats, not up front] It sounded SO awesome! I can't believe you get to do that all the time! Way to go! )

gazer, I don't know if I'd heard Glad before or not. Thanks for the links! :)

Ela and Ruby, thanks for expressing interest! Have you listened to Breath of Soul yet? And if so... what songs did you like best? (would you like to know my favourites?) Feel free to ask questions, if you like!

#:-s That should do it for now, I'd say!

Posted : May 24, 2012 3:17 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Jeremy Camp fans,
If you didn't know already... He'll be releasing a Christmas Album this year, one song on it will be Let It Snow. Also, come August, he'll be starting work on his next album, recording since the songs are written. :)

Posted : June 17, 2012 1:37 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Ah! Good to know narnian1. Jeremy Camp isn't my favorite, but I don't dislike him. However, I know people who do like him, and will be very pleased.

Have you heard his newest song? I actually really like this one. :)

Chris August released a new single "Center of It". It's pretty good, I'm liking it!
Has anyone heard of Mandi Mapes? She has two songs on the October Baby soundtrack, very good ones. But I can't seem to find much more of her online. :-

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 17, 2012 1:49 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

AslansChild, Of course. You should actually listen to that full CD if you haven't already. It's amazing. Everyone singing from the perspective of various people from the Bible. Amazing CD. :)

Posted : June 17, 2012 5:07 pm
Lady Haleth
NarniaWeb Junkie

Owl City will have a new album coming out soon! Its called The Midsummer Station. :)

The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot

Posted : June 18, 2012 4:54 am
NarniaWeb Nut

AslansChild, Of course.

Ha. Should've known. :-bd I've listened to the whole CD, it's very very good. Question though: Who's Todd Smith? He sang the Job song on the CD. I know some of the singers were part of groups: e.i. Mark Hall & Megan Garret (Casting Crowns), Bart Millard (MercyMe), & Mac Powell (Third Day)...but I've never heard of Todd Smith. I like his song though, I like alot of the songs on that CD! It's certainly worth getting. Also, Dan Haseltine & Matt Hammit...they sound familiar. Are they from Switchfoot or something?

*in best newscaster voice*

In other news: MercyMe released there newest CD "The Hurt & the Healer" recently.

The CD has a total of 10 tracks. And defiantly a more louder, more pop/rock feel to it...compared to the uber cheerful, snappy "The Generous Mr. Lovewell" CD released the previous year.

The CD's worth listening too, but I wouldn't spend my hard earned cash on it. ;) Sorry, MercyMe rarely has really great stuff. The Generous Mr. Lovewell Was the best I'd heard from them in a long, long, time. :-??

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 18, 2012 7:14 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Ha. Should've known. :-bd I've listened to the whole CD, it's very very good. Question though: Who's Todd Smith? He sang the Job song on the CD. Also, Dan Haseltine & Matt Hammit...they sound familiar. Are they from Switchfoot or something?

*in best newscaster voice*

In other news: MercyMe released there newest CD "The Hurt & the Healer" recently.

Todd Smith is from the group, Selah. I'm sure you've heard of them?
Matt Hammit is the lead singer of Sanctus Real. He released a solo album recently, "All Of Me" is on it- amazing song too. I don't know Dan Haseltine though.

I'm a huge fan of so I've loved virtually everything they have done, though it was Coming Up To Breathe that made me love them. Their first 3 CDs have nice songs, that I love now, but at the time of release I merely *liked*. I, of course, have their latest CD. Title track is amazing. I haven't properly listened to the rest of the songs, though I have enjoyed what I've heard.

Also about MercyMe,
Most people don't seem to know this- (if LAST.FM is any indication of this),
but last Summer they released a CD that is very much worth a listen. "Worship Sessions". It is only available through FamilyChristian Bookstore, which I'm sure is what causes the lack of listeners. FCB can be quite expensive, mostly on the DVD side. That MercyMe was recently on sale for $5. (I love their doorbusters).

Posted : June 18, 2012 9:26 am
SO mod; WC captain Moderator

Pssst, Dan Haseltine is the lead singer for Jars of Clay. :)

Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0

Posted : June 18, 2012 12:09 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

O right! Thank you! :)

Todd Smith is from the group, Selah. I'm sure you've heard of them?Matt Hammit is the lead singer of Sanctus Real. He released a solo album recently, "All Of Me" is on it- amazing song too.

Yeah, I know Selah, very good. Sanctus Real? Yeah, I can hear it now, I should've thought of that. He made a CD of Modern Hymns with Bethany Dillon back in '08. Very nice CD.

I'm a huge fan of so I've loved virtually everything they have done...

A huge fan? O boy, I'm in trouble now! #-o x_x :) I like The Generous Mr. Lovewell CD, & Undone...but that's about it. :-??

And you're right...I didn't know about the Worship Sessions CD. :)

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 18, 2012 2:16 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Pssst, Dan Haseltine is the lead singer for Jars of Clay. :)

Thanks for this info. Jars of Clay has quite a few songs I really like, love. But I don't follow them like others so I would never have guessed that's where he's from. It's good to know though. In that way, they got representative from most of the "biggest" christian bands/singers. :)

A huge fan? O boy, I'm in trouble now! #-o x_x :) I like The Generous Mr. Lovewell CD, & Undone...but that's about it. :-??

Though I love their music, I can't deny it's not for everyone. I went through a big period where I just didn't understand why they were so loved. Then it hit me one day...

Posted : June 18, 2012 4:36 pm
A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? Hospitality Committee

Recently i took the time to make a list of songs i wanted to buy (download), and so my collection has gotten a lot bigger and more eclectic lately.

I've also been listening to a bunch of Switchfoot the past couple days. I can't say i'm as crazy about them as i know a lot of people are, but there are a number of their songs i like. I think my newest favorite is "Selling the News".

Random notes/thoughts on other artists i've seen mentioned on the past couple pages:

~ My sister loves Coldplay. I didn't care for them at all at first, but through constant exposure i developed a taste for some of their songs. Then my sister got my mom listening, and we bought pretty much every Coldplay CD in existence. ;)) I still wouldn't call them a favorite, but there's a sizable list of their songs i like; "Fix You" is probably my favorite. There are some beautiful a capella covers of it on youtube.

~ I love Owl City. I haven't heard all the stuff from his Shooting Star EP (not even sure what that means .. ), but i love "Dementia" and "Shooting Star" was pretty good.

~ I don't much care for MercyMe, though there are a few of their songs that i like.

~ I've listened to a few (maybe three) of the Maccabeats' music, but i only really care for "Candlelight". That song is unbelievably catchy.

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon

Posted : June 18, 2012 7:25 pm
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