@The Pendragon Yup! They opened for the Rock and Worship Roadshow when they were here a few weeks ago... can't remember which songs I heard, but I liked them a lot.
Not sure if this goes in the future films thread or here, but since i was the last person to post in the other thread, i'll go ahead and post it here.
Has anyone seen Taylor Swift's music video for her Hunger Games soundtrack song, "Safe and Sound"? It's not on youtube yet, but you can find it on-line pretty easily.
It made me think of The Village more than The Hunger Games, but i thought it was very good anyway.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Has anyone seen Taylor Swift's music video for her Hunger Games soundtrack song, "Safe and Sound"? It's not on youtube yet, but you can find it on-line pretty easily.
I saw it. It premiered on MTV so you can find it on the MTV site. Really really good quality too!
I liked the video itself. Very sad and very haunting. Quite like I imagined with everything burned and dead and cold looking. I'm not a huge fan of the song itself just because I'm just not a big fan of that 'sound'/genre. That folky/ballad type stuff.
]Has anyone seen Taylor Swift's music video for her Hunger Games soundtrack song, "Safe and Sound"? It's not on youtube yet, but you can find it on-line pretty easily.
I just saw it! I really love the song, and Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars are awesome, but I just felt something was missing from the video. I liked the setting and everything though, and Taylor's dress and hair were perfect!
Here are a few of my favorite artists (in alpha order since I can't really choose favorites!): Adam Young (Owl City), Brandon Heath, Britt Nicole, Christina Grimmie, Colbie Caillat, Hillsong, Hunter Hayes, Jamie Grace, Kari Jobe, Michael Bublé, older Miley Cyrus songs, Newsboys, One Direction (read my sig! ), PureNRG (even though they separated
), The Rubyz, some Selena Gomez, and last but not least Taylor Swift (also in my sig!)
Wow That's a lot! Anyone have similar tastes?
Av-lover of narnia
DancingPrincesses+Adeona-RL Sisters
Phillipians 4:6-7
Swiftie and DIRECTIONER 4ever!
So I went to Winter Jam last night and saw:
(Couldn't understand hardly anything they said, but what I could understand was okay.)
For King & Country
(Fairly impressed with their sound, and I liked the style. I'll probably check out more of their stuff.)
(Didn't play many of the songs that I knew, just the current ones that are on the radio, which are okay.)
(Probably the second best show there. Very energetic, good stage presence, if that's how you say it. I really enjoyed their performance.)
Peter Furler
(Pretty good, I enjoyed the Newsboys stuff he sang too.)
Kari Jobe
(Sang a lot of worship songs; I liked her)
Dara Mclean
(Didn't much care for her songs I guess.)
and Skillet
(Absolutely amazing. I've been waiting to go to a Skillet concert for years, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. Their shows are seriously amazing.)
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Has anyone seen Taylor Swift's music video for her Hunger Games soundtrack song, "Safe and Sound"? It's not on youtube yet, but you can find it on-line pretty easily.
I saw that last night and I thought it was beautiful! I'm not a huge Taylor Swift fan, but this song was much different than what she normally does, and I thought she did it very well! I loved the video, too. Her hair and dress and the scenery were just perfect!
@Queen Susan, sounds like that was a good concert! I've never heard of WeAsHuman, though.
avatar by Flambeau!
Hey guys!
I rarely venture into this thread (read: never ), but I have something to share. I recently discovered a wonderful artist who goes by the name Summertime's End, and he is really, really awesome! He's a self-acclaimed style combination of Owl City and Relient K, AND he has an Australian accent, so that makes it even better, imho.
Here's the link to his website. He just released a new album (on Valentine's Day) called Light and Colour, and it's available to download for free! He just wants people to hear his music, so even though it's hard for him, he's giving it away. And, if you like it and feel so inclined, you can purchase the special edition of Light and Colour which has even more lovely songs on it!
Sooo, check him out! He's good!
Hope you enjoy it!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Just two more days until Kutless's Believer is released! I can't wait. I'm hoping my brother will buy it. If not, I'm going to have to find away to get myself.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
Djaq, I really like that artist Summertime's End! I really like "Light and Colour", and "More Beautiful Than You Believe" and "Live Like You". Good lyrics and really catchy!
Has anyone heard Paper Routes' new song "Better Life"? It's on Noisetrade here, along with the whole album "Absence". It's soooo good! I love the lyrics and musically it's really catching and upbeat, but still rather solemn, as many Paper Route songs are. It's officially my favorite song of theirs.
I love the lines "and what is done is done, piece together what's been broken, can you ever give up someone?"
avatar by Flambeau!
Has anyone listened to Believer? We've been listening to it on YouTube, it's awesome. Every song I have listened to is good! I love it!
My brother said he is going to order it soon.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
So it's been over a year since I've been to a concert. I was supposed to go to one in Nov but never did. Anyway, I have seen many of my favorite Christian Artist, some twice- (one three times). Some I've seen:
Chris Tomlin- (my first)
Casting Crowns
Third Day
Tenth Avenue North
Relient K
Barlow Girl
...among many other lesser known bands.
I am happy to say I will soon be able to add two people to this list.
One of them has been a favorite of mine since his official debut CD in 2002, he has consistently gotten better- and I think his latest CD is his overall best.
The other has quickly become a favorite of mine as well. She only has two CDs so far, (the second only released last year). But in just two CDs she has packed a lot of great songs that I simply love.
Mar 23: Jeremy Camp w/ Francesca Battistelli
Now the only group I need to see, that I really really want to see one day is MercyMe.
August 21st is the release date for Tenth Avenue North's new CD, The Struggle. (http://www.tenthavenuenorth.com/journal/entry/the-struggle) I'm so excited! I can't wait.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
Jason Dunn has left Hawk Nelson!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
had my concert tonight.
Adam Cappa was very good, first time listening to his music.
Francesca Battistelli was amazing. I love her voice, it's so beautiful.
Jeremy Camp though, I've waited 10 years to see him in concert. I've been listening to his music since his debut in 2002. It was totally worth it. Every moment of it was brilliant.
I'm a horrible singer, but I sang to him! (hopefully nobody heard me- I REALLY am terrible).