I heard a song by the Glee cast on pandora the other day, and though I didn't care for the singing, I really liked the song. Defying Gravity.
I absolutely love that song! I have three different versions: the original soundtrack, Idina Menzel (who played one of the witches in the original musical) solo, and Lea Michelle who sang part of the song on Glee.
I think a couple of my latest lyric wigs have part of that song on them.
So I've preordered Casting Crown's new CD. iTunes, $10. Preorder, and you get an extra song. Also, they will be here in Florida this fall. Can't wait. I will be seeing them again, third time I believe. Coming with them: The Afters and Sanctus Real- I'll be seeing them for the first time each. All three bands are some of my favorites, especially Casting Crowns though I've been listening to Sanctus Real longer.
Oh my goodness, you are so lucky!! I'd love to see any of those bands, but all of them together?! Which one is your favorite? I probably like The Afters, though I just recently started listening to them.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Casting Crowns is without a doubt my favorite of the three.
The Afters next, and last Sanctus Real- though I honestly these two switch depending on my mood. I'm excited for all three though, more for the last two since it'll be my first time for them.
I understand, my favorite bands can switch around a lot depending what I listen too, and when I went to a concert of TAN, that instantly became my favorite band. But recently Onerepublic has been my favorite, and The Afters, and Switchfoot . . . but I've only been able to see 3 bands in concert (TAN, Matt Maher, and Addison Road).
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*From quite a few pages ago, is glad to find out that Elanor and The Pendragon like Coldplay, too*
What do you all think of "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall"? It's cheerful, but it's going to take a lot of time to grow on me. I guess the title made me expect something melancholy, so the upbeat tune surprised me.
Good news!! Thanks to Lady L (Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!) I have been introduced to The Civil Wars and like that style of music so much. <3 Most listened to songs- Tracks in the Snow. The Violet Hour is very pretty, too. The simple, yet beautiful, music along with the vocals...
Yesterday I pretty much fell asleep to Tracks in the Snow.
[Lady L, when you get to reading this-- the convincing of Ella to like the Civil Wars is done. She replayed, and replayed, and replayed Tracks in the Snow and really likes their other songs, too.]
That's sooo cool you're going to see Sanctus Real, narnian1!! They're one of my favourite bands.
I've been exploring listening to Nevertheless's music. I loved "Sleeping In" and now like "Topics" and "Rest" (especially the latter.) I have not really listened to any of their songs involving drums and guitar and stuff-- I've kind of been in a quiet, melancholy, indie-music mood. Any suggestions for more songs like this?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I actually haven't listened to Every Teardrop is a Waterfall - or at least, only once, and I don't remember it. I need to.
I'm making myself like The Innocence Mission, but it's somewhat difficult. Every once in awhile, I can't help laughing unstoppably at her voice, but I try to stand it because my sister is always listening to it, and the music itself is gorgeous.
And I'm listening to a little Remedy Drive for the first time - I really like them, though they weren't exactly what I expected. I have to be in the mood for them.
And I recently discovered and fell in love with the song Something in her eyes, by Shonlock. I LOVE IT!!!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I like Remedy Drive too! I especially like the song All Along. But I like so many bands I can't count them all.
To be honest I've actually never listened to Shonlock before (other then Diverse City of course
,) but I looked him up, and I really like the song Something In Your Eyes too!
So Elanor do you like elektro music?
I like to listen to just about any style of music. Though, I think if I had to pick one favorite band it would probably be the Christen Rock band Thousand Foot Krutch. I'm not exactly sure what song of theirs is my favorite. But, if I had to have one it would be Berthe You In.
I'm an introvert! Anyone else?
Tenth Avenue North Club member
Exploring Narnia with Frodo in Obi-Wan's Spaceship Club member
Remedy Drive has three songs I've listened to and I love all three:
All Along
Stand Up
I've always liked All Alone, but the album I've been listening to lately is Rip Open the Skies, and I really like it.
I've never listened to any of Shonlock, or heard of them actually, Lady Faith. I'll have to try Diverse City! *goes and looks up the meaning of elektro music*
I don't think I'm a huge fan of it, but there are certain songs from every single genre of music that I like.
Favorite genre's are probably pop and soft rock, as well as some harder rock. Most of the bands I like are Alternative Rock bands.
But I like a little bit of Hip Hop and Rap, taken in small doses. I've only heard three songs by Tiao Cruz, but I absolutely love them all, so I was wondering if anyone else listens to him more, and could tell me some other clean songs by him. The one's I've heard are Dynamite, Break Your Heart, and Higher.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I like pop, soft rock, with a little harder rock too! I like those songs by Taio Cruz too! You can try the song "DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again" by Taio Cruz.
And I thought you might like Bruno Mars, especially the song "Just The Way You Are", I also like the song "Grenade" by him as well. And sense you said you like pop, I thought you might like FM Static as well. If you would like some more suggestion for songs or bands, feel free to PM me.
I'm an introvert! Anyone else?
Tenth Avenue North Club member
Exploring Narnia with Frodo in Obi-Wan's Spaceship Club member
Rip Open the Skies was the first album I really listened to by Remedy Drive-- it's one of those albums that reminds me of when I was younger. I really like it though.
They had some good ones on their Daylight album as well though... I do like All Along as well.
Let's see... I don't know what new stuff I've listened to lately. Mostly just new songs, not new artists. I listened to some Adele for the first time, and her voice surprised me-- I thought it would be higher, but she sounds almost African. And no, I'm not being racist or anything by saying that. 😉 She has a pretty amazing voice- I like a few of her songs okay...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Thanks for the suggestions, Lady F!! I'll listen to that Tiao Cruz song, and yes, I love those two songs by Bruno Mars!! I'll check out FM static as well!!
I've also started listening to a little bit of Jars of Clay. I think I like them, but something about them isn't quite my style . . . They sound like a mix between Death Cab for Cutie (which I highly dislike) and TAN (which I HIGHLY love), so it's weird. Something about his voice, in some of the songs . . . But I think I like them.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Let's see......
I like:
Unknown Soldier
Into the Nothing
(by Breaking Benjamin)
Hey, Soul Sister
(by Train)
Never Say Never
(by Justin Bieber. No I don't like his other songs. I just like this one)
End of Line
Around the World/Harder Better Faster Stronger
One More Time/Aerodynamic
(by Daft Punk)
This Is Your Life
This Is Home
Dare You To Move
Meant To Live
Only Hope
Your Love Is A Song
Oh! Gravity
The Shadow Proves The Sunshine
Learning to Breathe
American Dream
Happy Is A Yuppie Word
Hello Hurricane
The Sound
Bullet Soul
Mess Of Me
Needle And Haystack Life
Vice Verses
Adding To The Noise
We Are One Tonight
New Way To Be Human
You Already Take Me There
The War Inside
Dark Horses
(All by Switchfoot. These are only a few of my favorites. I've got tons more. I haven't found a song of theirs that I haven't liked yet.
End of Line.
I also took Kate's advice and treated myself to the album Young Love by Kye Kye. It is just amazing! I am completely obsessed with it! Every song is so beautiful! My favorites are: Reach, Broke, Rooftops, Knowing This, Trees & Trust, Went About, and Sleeper. They have wonderful lyrics, and I love the electronica sound they have. Thank you SO MUCH Kate!!!
Haha. You're welcome, though I didn't really find them. I'm glad you like them. I'm pretty obsessed right now too.
LL: That sounds SO amazing. I'm so jealous. They are such a quality act. I hope they will stick around for a long time. I'm also glad you enjoyed the DV and Kye Kye music.
I've heard the new Deas Vail record. Overall, I'd say I'm kind of disappointed. It's more in the vein of pop/rock than what I usually like from them.
Elanor: Woah, Jars sounds like Death Cab? I would have to disagree with that. Jars has had a very long (much longer than Death Cab) career and they've gone through a lot of progression in their sound. There is something simplistic and pre-indie about their sound. They are definitely one of the greats in Christian music.
I went on a 6 week Urban Project this summer and was kind of deprived of my music, but I did learn about other peoples' music a bit! I had a friend teach me about Hip Hop and I've started to listen to some great Christian Hip Hop artists.
I love the song "Fire and Dynamite" by Drew Holcomb. The lyrics are really phenomenal. It's a really standout love song.
I've also been introduced to a lot of great worship music, which has been fun for me to get back into that genre.