^cool I'll ahve to listen. Cool about the vids too
GtG: Ok, well it must have been an off day for Britt.
I've heard several other live recordings of her and her voice was phenomenal.
There are a couple parts where she autotunes in her records but that's obviously done on purpose to give it a certain sound.
well it was a live preformance on KLove but whatever
narnian1: I added you as a friend as well
Deas Vail:
Dance in Perfect Time
The Great Physician
The Leaper
White Lights
Light as Air
The Rocket Summer:
Do You Feel
So Much Love
Break it Out
You Gotta Believe
Nothing Matters
Of Men and Angels
Japanese Exchange Student
Pull Myself Together (Don't Hate Me)
The Fight
alot I know but try to listen to them all
that is a lot, but I will try.
Switchfoot news sounds great too. I have found with that Cd that my early favorites turned out to be my lesser liked. my early lesser songs turned out to be the best!
accepted both
I am REALLY excited about the new music videos!!! Now that they are actually doing REAL music videos, not just concert footage.
I find that I always go back to the artists that got me into music in the first place. And right now, I'm on a Sara Groves kick. She is SO amazing! I love her stuff cause it's so pure, & relaxing, & beautifully genius! I am obsessed with Different Kinds of Happy! It's so sweet & beautiful.
I heard my first Mae song today! I know! I'm REALLY slow... but I'm getting there! The song was The Ocean, & I really liked it!
I thought they would be more like Anberlin for some reason, but this song was fairly peaceful.
avatar by Flambeau!
The Pendragon: Mae is more like Copeland or Deas Vail than Anberlin. But I love them a lot. I still think that The Everglow is the most perfect album I've ever heard.
Kat: Thanks for the Freelance Whales recs, I'll check them out.
I just returned home from Copeland's Farewell Tour! It was so great. Deas Vail played first and they played amazingly well, as always. They played through 7 songs off of Birds & Cages really quickly. Since there were 4 acts, they didn't get a lot of time. My friends and I were some of the only DV fans there, at one point, Justin realized that the 4 of us were singing along and came over and played to us and sang, which was really cool. After their set, though my friends and I talked to Wes for a while at the merch table. My three friends were at the concert almost exclusively for Deas Vail and Wes was surprised at how enthusiastic they were about Deas Vail. Two of my friends are seeing Owl City in a little bit and they were saying how they were sad DV wouldn't be with them anymore, and Wes was super unenthusiastic about Owl City. He made it pretty clear that OC just isn't really his cup of tea.
Person L went next and they were pretty unextraordinary. They had two drummers though, which was interesting. Then I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business went and I enjoyed his set. Ace Enders is very winsome and fun. I bought his new album when Amazon messed up and sold the whole thing for 99 cents, so I recognized some of the new songs.
Finally Copeland went. I really came to appreciate how good Deas Vail is. They really know how to balance live energy with staying true to their recorded sound. Copeland's set sounded mostly like all my favorite Copeland songs on steroids, as fierce rock songs. Aaron Marsh is pretty awkward too. But they slowed things down for "The Day I Lost My Voice (The Suitcase Song)." The highlights were surprising. "Suitcase" was really good, as was Aaron's encore solo "Brightest," and a surprisingly effective high energy "The Safest Ledge," and the already rockish "No One Really Wins." They played a lot of older songs, which was too bad, because I really prefer their two most recent albums, but oh well. And I got a tshirt, which is super awesome.
I'm going to write an official show review for The Album Project, which I'll link to when it's posted, but I wanted to share some immediate thoughts.
^that's so cool about getting to meet Wes! And Justin playing to you guys! Awesome! Too bad Wes doesn't like Owl City- I love them both . Did he say why? But, wow that whole thing just sounds so cool! Aaah you're so lucky!
well, I listen to Skillet so much that they have to be my most played band!
Tobymac is second and Hawk Nelson will follow third! fourth.....that is probably Kutless and I have been playing Switchfoot a lot so that is probably fifth!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I don't have time to catch up just now, but I thought it was worth mentioning to anyone who likes Mae that their new EP is coming out tomorrow. The MP3 album is available here for $4.99. It's a pretty good deal; I'm not sure if I want the physical album or not, but I think I might just stick with the digital album. Anyways, I like what previews I've heard of the album and I love their (m)orning EP, so I think it'll be good.
[/rambling] (Even if you didn't read the rambling, you should still look into Mae. Anything off Everglow is amazing).
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
any Jimmy Needham fans here? I have his first Cd: Speak. I have his second Cd: Forgiven and Loved. and I loved them both!
I just found out his third Cd will be coming out in May, titled: Night Lights
EDIT: I just got an official tweet!!!
New dates for Casting Crowns' Until the Whole World Hears Tour,
I know I just saw them in November, just prior to the release of the Cd but I hope they come back my way, because.....
Tenth Ave North will be with them!!!!!
Did anyone know this?
there is a song by Disciple called "After The World" that is so awesome! ya'll have to hear it!
here's the regular version:
and here's the acoustic version:
both versions are calm and awesome! I love this song! I have seen this band live and they are awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Narnian1: Yep, knew about TAN and CC touring together for a few months now. *laugh* They're coming to "our city" on April 8th, but we have something going on that night already, and the next day we're leaving for a 2 week vacation or something...
Liberty: That's my favorite Disciple song. Probably the only one I've heard... I really like it.
Also, heard there was some way you could download Newsboys' new single "Born Again" from their website... haven't found the exact link yet, though my brother has...
Ok, here's a link---hopefully it works.
http://www.shakeproject.com/shake_downl ... 4b261a6874
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
^^ I heard the Born Again song.....not the best song ever......my Dad downloaded it, but I have no idea how! sorry!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Catch up in a bit - just want to encourage you all to vote for Deas Vail's music video for Excuses here: http://www.mtvu.com/music/the-freshmen/nominees-032910/
You can vote as many times as you want
Pass it on/repost everywhere!
Are there any switchfoot fans out there who know if the credits version of This is Home has been released yet out side of the audio track on the PC DVD.
^I'm pretty sure it hasn't been but maybe it's on The Land of Broken Hearts site.
how do you vote Kat? Do you have to be signed in?
Thanks for the link Queen Susan! I downloaded it but I haven't listened to it yet . I don't know if I will like it, they look a bit silly on the cover
awesome narnian1! I didn't know
nevermind Kat, I figured it out
Glad you figured it out GtG!
Keep voting guys! The Carney video is catching up, and it's kinda iffy :S
Narnian1: To GtG's Rocket Summer recs list I would add Let You Go, So In This Hour, Save, I'm Doing Everything, Never Knew, & Hills and Valleys. And I would remove Japanese Exchange Student.
And yeah, like QS, I heard about that tour a few months ago. We got our tickets in February. My mom is really looking forward to Casting Crowns and TAN, but I'm only really going for TAN... lol.
The Pendragon: Yeah like Kate said, Mae is more like Copeland or Deas Vail. But that's not to say that they don't have some songs with guitars that are "rockier" like Anberlin (many of the songs from Singularity are more this way, Sometimes I Can't Make It Alone, and Telescopes, for example).
Kate: Sounds like an amazing show! That is really interesting about Deas Vail vs. Copeland live. That's too bad that Copeland didn't play many of the newer ones you liked better though. Did you vote for their setlist? I guess more people in general like their older music. That's awesome about Justin!!! Funny that Wes doesn't care for Owl City much
Apparently Bryce's sets for the TRS headlining tour are all going to be 1 and a half hours long. And from one of my friends on twitter who went to hear him last night, he said that he was taking audience requests too. I am unbelievably excited.