Hmm one of my friends yesterday who has super similar taste told me he bought The Open Door (Evanescence's latest LP) so I'm tempted to listen to them more.
I just downloaded The Vinyl Thief's "Control" EP from noisetrade. They're kind of MuteMath-y and I really like it. You can get it here:
Hmm... I've been listening to a lot of random things lately... Armor For Sleep, Secret & Whisper, Jeremy Enigk, Umbrellas, Further Seems Forever, Civil Twilight, My Epic, Far-Less, and Brand New to name a few.
My most recent album purchases were Dream To Make Believe (Armor For Sleep), Define The Great Line (Underoath), and In Shallow Seas We Sail (Emery).
Wow, I feel so lame right now. I've never heard of any of those bands except Further Seems Forever. Are there any must-hear tracks from those bands? I checked out In Shallow Seas We Sail, but nothing really stuck out to me. Maybe I need to try it again.
My friend & I found out about this little garage band called Between Blue, & I really like them! I mean, they're not great or anything. But for a bunch of 17/18 year old kids, they're actually pretty good. They only have one EP out called "Beggars Park EP" with 3 songs on it, but they're coming out with an album around February/ March.
The songs are:
1. Little Flash of Light
2. Compelling
3. Tin Cans Rattling (Wherever it Beats)
The last one is my favorite. It has the best melody, I think. And it has a cool ending, where everyone sings without the music wherever it beats, wherever it beats! Then everyone just breaks out into screams & yelling. It's pretty cool. If you so choose to give them a listen, please, please don't judge them! I think they have lots of potential. But remember, they're just kids!
Here's their Myspace and Bandcamp.
About a week ago, my mom heard this song on radio that she really likes, & it's REALLY good! You might have heard it already. It's called "What Love Really Means" by JJ Heller. We got all of her albums, & they're all very good. You can hear it here. Very touching!
avatar by Flambeau!
Did anyone else use to listen to Joy Williams the Christian pop singer?
Well, I was listening to the super indie band The Civil Wars and suddenly realized that Joy Williams is one of the 2 members. I was shocked. Then I went and listened to her old solo project and all of her new music is super awesome. It's a mix of States on "We Mapped the World" and then just really great female vocalist singer/songwriter stuff.
Last Monday, I got Move by Third Day. I love it. My favorite songs are Children of God, Trust in Jesus, and Gone. Right now I'm listening to Sound Of Your Voice.
Finally got around to Children of God. Love the song. Trust in Jesus is my favorite off the CD, with it. Both.
I got Francesca Battistelli's new single: This is the Stuff.
My first listen I was "this is it? this is what I've been waiting for?"
My second listen I was hooked. Bought the song. and Haven't stopped listening to it.
Can't wait for March when the full CD releases. Already preordered it.
Did anyone else use to listen to Joy Williams the Christian pop singer?
Well, I was listening to the super indie band The Civil Wars and suddenly realized that Joy Williams is one of the 2 members. I was shocked. Then I went and listened to her old solo project and all of her new music is super awesome. It's a mix of States on "We Mapped the World" and then just really great female vocalist singer/songwriter stuff.
Are you serious?! Joy Williams apart of an indie band?! I gotta check this out! I've only heard a few songs of her old stuff. She seemed pretty typical. I didn't know what happend to her though. Thanks for the info Kate!
avatar by Flambeau!
I listen to Joy Williams. Not very much. I have three songs by her and only listen to them about once every 6 months if that. I like them it's just I don't think about listening to it and I like other stuff better.
I had no idea she was part of an indie band! Wow!
Did anyone else use to listen to Joy Williams the Christian pop singer?
Well, I was listening to the super indie band The Civil Wars and suddenly realized that Joy Williams is one of the 2 members. I was shocked. Then I went and listened to her old solo project and all of her new music is super awesome. It's a mix of States on "We Mapped the World" and then just really great female vocalist singer/songwriter stuff.
Yes, yes, YES! I absolutely LOVE The Civil Wars. They did a stream of their album debut album Barton Hollow yesterday, and it was incredible. "20 Years", "C'est la mort", "The Violet Hour"(a GORGEOUS intrumental) and "The Girl with the Red Balloon" are my favorites.
The album releases on February 1st, and I highly recommend it to you guys!
I've never heard any of Joy's other music though.
Well, Liberty got us started, but I'd love to hear people's most anticipated albums of 2011.
I'm looking forward to the new Paper Route, Deas Vail, Eisley, Fiction Family, Mutemath, and Switchfoot albums. (I think that's all...) Jon Foreman also *might* be releasing some more solo music this year, so lets keep our fingers crossed!
A friend of mine sent me a demo clip of "Calm My Soul" by Paper Route a week or so ago and it's SO good! It made me even more excited about the new album! I'm still a little sad that Andy Smith left the band...
But at least he's still making music in Brother Leather. That guy has so much talent.
Jeremy Larson is quickly becoming one of my favorite men in music. He has so many ideas that they can't be confined to one project. I'm so glad that this kind of renaissance man songwriter is coming into fashion. He is starting another project with Stacy (Dupree) King of Eisley and Darren King of MuteMath. Is that drool-worthy or what?!
Ahhh!! This is going to be amazing. Those three are so talented, it'll be interesting to hear what kind of music they'll make together.
Also, Eisley's new album is looking goooood (link goes to 30 sec clips). "The Valley" and "Ambulance" were both fab and then I just heard "Smarter" for the first time and it is excellent. It sounds like it's a sort of angry reply to poor Sherri's sort of publicized relationship issues and it has a very sassy flavor to it. It's really more like Paramore than anything Eisley usually does.
(Also, I just listened to the 30 second clip of "Please" and it is jaw-dropping)
Hmmm, that link isn't working for me...
Gates' debut ep is avaliable for a free digital download:
A question - do any of you know what the most beautiful music you have ever heard is? For me, it's the last half of the song Waking Up, by OneRepublic. It's instrumental, and just amazing.
I shouldn't listen to such good music when I'm cold - it makes me shiver all over.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Lark: So glad you like the album! I got to review it and I just loved it. It will definitely be on my top 10 list at the end of the year. My favorites are "C'est La Morte," "Falling," "Dance Me To The End Of Love," "20 years," "Barton Hollow," and "The Violet Hour." (So, almost all of them. )
Would you mind PMing me the link to the Paper Route demo? I'd like to hear it.
Sorry about the Eisley link, the site appears to be down. I think maybe the clips were taken down. Thanks for the Gates link! They're a little rough, but here's hoping!
Yes, I'm also really looking forward to Eisley's new album. I loved "Ambulance" and "Smarter" was quite good. I don't think I've heard "The Valley" (the EP's unavailable in Australia).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
What good timing! Hopefully you can hear this. AltPress is hosting a stream of "The Valley" here. I think "Ambulance" is still the best track off the record, so far, but everything they've put out is good.
Kate, that's so cool and rather coincidental. Thanks for sharing!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I just got the most amazing album I have heard since I first got Skillet's "Awake": "Until We Have Faces" by Red.
that CD is awesome! I cannot begin to find all the right words to describe how awesome that CD is! I highly recommend it for all!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^Is that title in any relation to the book "Till We Have Faces" by C.S Lewis? Cause that would be really cool! Thanks for the recommendation, Libby!
avatar by Flambeau!
^^ yes, I am almost positive that it's based on Lewis' book! your welcome!
Hawk Nelson's new album is coming out next week! I can't wait!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are