Yes, I loved the "Peace on Earth" CD too. My favorite song on it was definitely "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Ahh I really need to frequent here more often
I kind of have to agree about Aaron Gillespie's new song. :/ It disappointed me a bit because it's way poppy and generic. I was expecting something a lot different esp. 'cause Sprinkle was the producer. But, I still like it... and I still think I'll be getting his album in March. If anything it'd be kind of cool for him to get some radio play.
I'll make my top 10 list later when I have more time!!!
Lately I've been listening to As Cities Burn (Come Now Sleep = some of the best lyrics I've ever heard), Emery, Explosions In The Sky, Copeland's "Dressed Up & In Line" album, The Juliana Theory (they have like 8 free songs on purevolume), and I bought And Then There Were None's album "Who Speaks for Planet Earth?" It's a huuuuuge guilty pleasure and I can't say that it's actually good music but it's seriously so ridiculously catchy that I don't even care.
As far as Christmas music, the only thing I've been listening to really is Relient K's album. And I bought Copeland's version of Do You Hear What I Hear on iTunes.
Oh man, Sprinkle was producing? That pairing should have been incredible. I guess I was just expecting something different. I thought it was going to be a slow, maybe more acoustic worship album. I was excited to hear Aaron really work the vocals and really thoughtful lyrics and melodies. (i.e. The Glorious Unseen).
LOL. Copeland's "Do You Hear What I Hear" is very amusing with the emo vocals and electronic effects. You can tell it was recorded a while ago. I would recommend Sleeping At Last's free Christmas album on NoiseTrade. Once you learn to appreciate his voice, it's excellent. (Also, the Future of Forestry Christmas album).
I actually enjoy ATTWN too. I don't think they necessarily have to be guilty pleasure music. They have some really nice beats and lyrics.
I've been on a spree lately with Mumford & Sons and Andrew Belle. Mumford & Sons is a British folk/indie/rock band (that has been nominated for a Best New Artist Grammy!). They are so, so talented. They are kings at simplistic, yet super catchy and driving melodies and at using banjo to draw you in (who knew that was even possible?). They have a lot of spiritual themes in their music, but then others are NOT family friendly for language reasons (really just "Little Lion Man"). My favorites are "Awake My Soul" and "The Cave."
Andrew Belle is a folk/pop singer/songwriter. I always just thought he was one of the many of that kind of musician, but he is not. He has (initially annoying) incredible vocals and a flair for really intentional and impressive songwriting. Try "The Ladder."
watch this! it's so epic!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So, I am as of now offically THE slowest person to get into music ever. I got "If My Heart was a House" by Owl City & I loved it! So I kept getting more & now I'm kinda obsessed with it.
I didn't get into it before cause I thought it'd be boring, I guess, but I was totally wrong!
I know, I'm a terrible person for not having Ocean Eyes all this time!
A friend of mine told me about Sufjan Stevens, who does folk/ alternative music. She gave me basically all of his songs & I've been listening to them a lot. They're really different, but I like it. These are my favorites:
-Come on! Feel the Illioise!
-To Be Alone with You
-Size Too Small
I also got most of the cd "Armistice" by MUTEMATH last month, & I LOVE IT!!! My favorites are:
-the Nerve
-Pins and Needles
-Lost Year
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^ Sufjan Stevens, huh? I have a handful of friends who are huge fans of his. Huge. But I can't say any of the music I've heard of his has jumped out at me yet. Maybe I should give it another try...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Kate: Same, I thought the songs would be sort of more like Awful Direction, Amazing Because It Is, etc. Oh well...
I really like the Sleeping at Last Christmas collection. His voice is quite wonderful.
haha, okay! For some reason, I wouldn't have expected you to like ATTWN
Oh, and thanks a ton for voting for me
The Pendragon: I like Sufjan but it took me a while to get into his music. The Age of Adz is a really great album (if you can make it through the 25min closer) and it's only 7.99 on itunes right now so if you like his music I'd definitely recommend that.
I bought Terminal's album "How The Lonely Keep" last week and it's pretty great. I think most of you on here would enjoy it a lot. It's like alt rock/emo/slightly post-hardcore (I hate trying to classify music haha). It's disappointing that they only released one album... anyway, try the song Dark if you can't get the whole album. They have good lyrics too.
I also got Explosions In The Sky's album "All of a Sudden I miss Everyone." If you're into post-rock/instrumental music at all, I would definitely give it a listen. It's some of the most beautifully epic (literally) music I've heard in a while.
Speaking of instrumental rock, a good friend of mine released an album on noisetrade last week. You can get it here. Considering he recorded everything by himself (except for drums) in his basement and he's only 16, it's pretty impressive. I know he'd love to know what you think so if you listen I'll pass your comments him
Another random plug: one of my friends on the Switchfoot forums is in a band called Difference of Forever, and they just released a single. You can listen/download here: Again, these guys are like 16 so keep that in mind. Just trying to get the word out.
One final thing... check out my sig for a link to vote for me in Owl City's talent show contest ... the winner gets an iPad/Owl City discography/etc Voting closes tomorrow. Thanks a ton!
The Pendragon: I like Sufjan but it took me a while to get into his music. The Age of Adz is a really great album (if you can make it through the 25min closer) and it's only 7.99 on itunes right now so if you like his music I'd definitely recommend that.
It took me like a day! When I first heard 'Come on!' I was hooked! I have 'I Walked' from that album & I really like it! He's definitely talented.
Another random plug: one of my friends on the Switchfoot forums is in a band called Difference of Forever, and they just released a single. You can listen/download here: Again, these guys are like 16 so keep that in mind. Just trying to get the word out.
I don't believe it! I haven't been on the boards in a while, & I thought that Travis ditched the whole thing!
This is really good though, seeing as they are only 16! He doesn't sound 16 though.
I think I like Saying Goodbye the best.
avatar by Flambeau!
^ Yeah, I was surprised too, because it seemed like they had kind of fallen apart and then all of a sudden he announces a month ago that they're in the studio recording..! So yeah I was really excited. I think Hurricane's On is my favorite track followed by Saying Goodbye. I bought the EP about 1 min after he got it up on bandcamp Obviously they have quite a ways to go but it definitely surpassed my expectations- I wasn't expecting the production to be so good.
^Same here! Were they actually in a studio, or just someone's house? I wanna know how they did this cause I want my sister to record some of her songs just so that I can listen to them but I have no idea how to start recording or get a microphone or anything. That's neat that they're on bandcamp. How much was the EP?
avatar by Flambeau!
They did it in a studio. That's why it sounds pretty good. I'm not sure how much it cost them but Travis said it was like the cheapest one in Minneapolis It was $4 for 5 songs.
Had a 15hr car drive yesterday and listened through Copeland's discography. I'm actually thinking now that In Motion might be my favorite album. The last 5 tracks are so, so wonderful.
Hm... I'm also liking Mew a lot right now. I got their album Frengers. If you check it out you'll hear some Deas Vail similarities (especially in their melodies)
hey did it in a studio. That's why it sounds pretty good. I'm not sure how much it cost them but Travis said it was like the cheapest one in Minneapolis
It was $4 for 5 songs.
Oh, wow! They were lucky!
Had a 15hr car drive yesterday and listened through Copeland's discography. I'm actually thinking now that In Motion might be my favorite album. The last 5 tracks are so, so wonderful.
That's cool. I really like In Motion right know. I got the whole thing a few months ago, & I love it!
No Really Wins is probably my favorite. The guitar beginning is so cool!
Pin My Wings is probably my second favorite. I love how he equivelated the idea of "pinning your wings" to gaurding your heart. And it's beautiful.
I really like Sleep too, though. Especially the "Oh's" part. Love is a Fast Song has an awesome chorus, & meaning. I haven't really gotten into the last 3, except Don't Slow Down. And even then, I don't listen to it that much. I guess they'll grow on me.
avatar by Flambeau!
Reading what I wrote up there, that kind of came out funny. I meant the EP costs $4 if you want to buy it (here: ) Don't know how much they had to pay to record in the studio... but I'm sure you understood what I meant originally haha.
Looks like we have different favorites from the album The whole thing is amazing though; they're all great songs. I'm really loving You Have My Attention, Don't Slow Down, and Love Is A Fast Song at the moment. And the "if you fall in love, fall in love and hold nothing back" line in Hold Nothing Back is so wonderful.
Oh, I thought you actually meant the that they recorded 5 songs for $4! I was wondering why it was so cheap.
I'm sure the whole thing is good, it's just taking me a while to get into the last ones. I'm sure they'll grow on me.
A few months ago, I got 2 songs from Audrey Assad's album, "The House You're Building" & "Restless". I really like them both, so I decided to gt a few more which I also really like: Carry Me, Ought To Be, Known, & Show Me. They're all soft, sweet songs. Kinda like a cross between Sara Groves & Kari Jobe. I like her better than Kari Jobe though. I'll probably get the rest of the songs soon, cause I really like these!
avatar by Flambeau!
Linkin Park is one of my favourite bands. Their music, particularly some songs that contain rap are not of my type, but other such as "Breaking the Habit", "In the End", "Somewhere I Belong" and "With You" are great songs. Not all of their songs are of my liking, but I really do enjoy their music. So my question is, who here listens to Linkin Park? Actually I'm not expecting many people to do so, but it would be interesting to see who does.
Before closing, I want to leave a link to one of Linkin Park's best songs "Crawling", in piano version. Even if you are enot into their music, I'm sure many would enjoy this piano piece.
"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."
I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.