My list of favorite songs now are:
"Brielle" by Sky Sailing/Adam Young
"In The Night My Hope Lives On" by Andrew Peterson
"You Came So Close" by Andrew Peterson
"If My Heart Was A House" by Owl City
"Light Up The Sky" by The Afters
"Lesson One" by Jars Of Clay
I have a lot of other favorites, but these are my "new" favorites right now.
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member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Yeah, I think there was a problem with bandcamp and he's no longer offering it for free download. You should still check out his music though. He is however offering the first single from his side project Fort Christmas for free download, so be sure to check it out. There's something about it that reminds me of Copeland with an infusion of the Beach Boys. I'm not sure if that's possible, but it's awesome.
Be sure to check out Melee and House of Heroes as iTunes' two free singles for this week.
I'll also admit that I've been enjoying the Afters' new album. I haven't had a ton of time to devote to listening to it, but it's really pretty good.
Thanks so much for mentioning the free iTunes songs, Kate! I also got the Jeremy Larson song.
Amazon mp3 has Jimmy Eat World's new single My Best Theory for free right now.
edit: I just looked and it's no longer free. Sorry!
The Pendragon, it makes me really happy to hear that you're enjoying The Almost and Anberlin's new album.
I've heard Tal & Acacia on Air 1 (I think it was their song Garbage In) and it was pretty cool. I also like Clearview.
At the moment my favorite songs are as follows...
Picture - MuteMath (I'm not sure why it's taken so long to get into this song, but it's amazing. I love the guitar in the chorus.)
You're Not Alone - Saosin (really beautiful. I'm sad that Cove Reber is no longer their vocalist though )
Let Love Bleed Red - Sleeping With Sirens (features guest vocals with none other than...who would it be going by my past posts in this thread lol... you guessed it, Aaron Marsh )
I'm really getting into mewithoutYou right now. They're a bit stranger than what I typically like, but they have some really fantastic, thought-provoking lyrics that are fun to dig through and think about. I also love the variety in their instrumentation. In A Sweater Poorly Knit has an excellent harp part.
Underoath has revealed their new song "Illuminator" on their website now. It's definitely too much on the heavy end for me to really enjoy, but I'm happy that Aaron's departure from the band hasn't hurt them much... because Spencer's clean vocals are actually really impressive. And their new drummer sounds great too.
I think my favorite new songs right now are -
Hey Soul Sister by Train
Superman by Five for Fighting
Deathbed by Relient K
Symphony in C by Cake
And I'm fanatical about everything Tenth Avenue North, after the concert I went to.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
He is however offering the first single from his side project Fort Christmas for free download, so be sure to check it out.
Is there a link or something you can give me? I'm not sure where to find it...
Thank you!
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Are we talking about current favorite songs now? Awesome!
"Noticed" & "Typical" by MuteMath
"The Day I Lost My Voice" & "Love Is A Fast Song" by Copeland
"Traveler's Song" by Future of Forestry
"Brielle" by Sky Sailing
"Prey Tell" by Anberlin
"Vice Verses" by Switchfoot
"Light & Heavy" by Jon Foreman (if you don't have this song or VV, you're really missing out! You can get them both free (cause they're just recorded from a show, not live) here.
By the way, I joined the Land of Broken Hearts boards a little while ago, & I'm UncomonlyOne. Just in case you didn't know. *coughLarkcoughyoustolemysiggcough* I know you thought you could get away with it!
HAHA! By the way, I just saw those awesome pics of you and SF!
That's SOOO cool! I'm glad you had a good time!
avatar by Flambeau!
I love lots of different music. Owl City, The Afters, and Group 1 Crew are some of my favorites. I really like "Light Up the Sky" by The Afters. Owl City's new album is wonderful too.
Like Narnia? Read Reading with the Heart: the Way into Narnia
Sig & avie: Checkers
have you heard Owl City?? So awesome!!! I also like a some coldplay and the afters. Plus I like the music from the musical Wicked.
Sig by Checkers
Welcome to the thread Lion Lover! Actually, Owl City (and Sky Sailing), Coldplay, and The Afters are all favorites of the people who frequent this thread. Do you have any favorite songs?
Kat: That sounds like an amazing line up. I hope you can go. It's coming no where near me, but it would have been great. Sherwood, the third band on the tour is from the town where I live and the band all went to my university.
Also, have you heard the new Sleeping at Last? I haven't gotten a chance yet.
It's been sooo long since I posted in this thread!
Anyway, I've been listening to some new music lately. Mainly...
Underoath: This band is so amazing. I remember when I hated screamo and I'm glad I didn't hold on to that because this music is really awesome. Of course the best songs are the ones with clean vocals, but Spencer's screaming does bring alot of depth and emotion to their music. I've mainly only heard They're Only Chasing Safety but I've heard a few songs that aren't on that album and they're really good. So I'm pretty addicted to them at the moment
House of Heroes: Once upon a time I didn't like their sound . I couldn't stand "Serial Sleepers" or "Friday Night" or "If" or anything else of theirs because I thought they sounded off and slightly random and maybe a little atonal. But now I love them. I'm rather obsessed with them too
Anberlin: I have liked them for a few months but I didn't really give everything a good listen. Now I've really fallen in love with them. I now see what's so great about Stephen's vocals- I wasn't so fond of them before. I'm really glad I bought Cities now (somehow I stupidly regretted it at first ) and I really really want Light is the Way, Dark is the Place now. So I've been listening to them alot as well.
The Almost: I got Southern Weather a couple months ago but I only listened to a few songs on it consistently. I listened to the whole CD the other day and it really is amazing. I'm really wanting Monster, Monster now
I've also gotten back in to Relient K. I'm always obsessed with them, but of course obsessions calm down and then flair again . So I've been listening to them a lot, especially FANSD and Two Lefts.
And I'm still very addicted to Owl City. I listen to his music constantly- I just love it, it's so beautiful and happy.
I've also been listening to a lot more worship music lately. I know most CCM is very cliche and it all sounds the same but nothing brings me to love and praise my Lord like Christ Tomlin, Phil Wickham, or Kim Walker
Oh and I am more than likely going to a The Rocket Summer concert on the 24th and I'm really excited about that. He is We is opening so that shall be very cool. Just Kait is another opener- I've never heard any of her music, is she any good?
I do have a lot of new bands that I'm starting to love.
Anberlin: I haven't listened to too much of them, but everything I hear, I love. They have great lyrics, and I like the lead singer's voice.
Relient K: I love them so so much!! I got a cd of theirs recently, and I want more! I started liking them six months ago, and then I stopped listening for awhile - and then when I found out that one of my brothers liked them a lot, I started again.
Sanctus Real, Owl City, Switchfoot, Coldplay . . old favorites.
And I listen to a little OneRepublic, sometimes.
And Tenth Avenue North has jumped to number 1. Their lyrics are so moving and true, their music is gorgeous, and Mike's voice is amazing!!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Is there a link or something you can give me? I'm not sure where to find it...
Thank you! ... nload.html That's where I got it!
Hi Lion Lover! Yes, I love Owl City and The Afters! Beautiful Love is an amazing song.
Hope to see you around here more.
Ah yes, Kate, I remember you mentioning a while back in this thread that Sherwood was from your town. That's really cool! I'm not very familiar with their music though. Could you give me a few songs to check out?
I'm actually going to hear Relient K at the end of October. For some reason they have a random show not on part of a tour that's near me. I'm really really excited. The opener is a pop/soul singer Angel Taylor who I had never heard of before but apparently she's somewhat popular.
I have not heard the new Sleeping at Last release yet (the October EP, right?) I'm not sure where I can go to listen to it because it's not on their myspace or anything...I heard that Stacy DuPree is on one of the songs; I'd really like to hear that.
Your whole post makes me happy Ali.
I really wasn't sure if you would ever like Underoath... I guess I was wrong. I still feel really weird liking them because they're so different from all the other music I listen to, but oh well haha. Now when I listen to them, the screaming feels totally normal. It definitely adds to the desperation of a song's mood.
I do have a lot of new bands that I'm starting to love.
Anberlin: I haven't listened to too much of them, but everything I hear, I love. They have great lyrics, and I like the lead singer's voice.
I do agree. Stephen Christian's voice is amazing. It just has this certain tone to it that's really smooth and velvety... or something. I don't know how to describe it. I love how in parts of "Take Me (As You Found Me)" his voice sounds very raw and vulnerable.
*pops in* I haven't been here in forever...I wonder if anyone remembers me? Oh well.
MissA: If you're looking for Sherwood recommendations, I like "Worn", "Maybe This Time", & "No Better".
Some of my most recent obsessions:
Fair, I was really ambivalent about Disappearing World the first time I heard it a few months ago, but it has definitely grown on me! It's probably one of my favorite albums now! The piano is absolutely stunning on the entire album, I think.
Lecrae (wow, that's a pretty big jump from Fair to Lecrae... ), His new album, "Rehab" is his best work yet! The lyrics are much less cheesy & the music is much better than many other Christian Rap albums. Rehab sounds like it could be playing next to any mainstream Hip-Hop/Rap album except that the lyrics aren't total garbage.
Dave Barnes, his album "What We Want, What We Get" is really wonderful. Some of my favorite songs of his are: Chameleon, Someone's Somebody, & My Love, My Enemy.
Brooke Fraser, She is releasing her third album on Tuesday. I'm really excited! "Something in The Water" is the only song she has released from the album and it sounds really good. I am going to get to see her live in November. Which makes me even more excited for the new album!
I'm also going to see the Relient K/Deas Vail/Sherwood acoustic Christmas concert! I'm really excited since it will be only my second time seeing Relient K live!
Icon/sig by me
So, I got two itunes gift cards for my birthday. They're so marvelous.
My first order of business was to buy the songs on my list of "Songs to Buy" that i've been compiling for the past few months. The list has scratched out songs too-- those are the ones I used to like and got sick of pre-gift card.
Must Have Done Something Right by Relient K was one of the songs that held up to the gift card, so when I went to buy it, I made a marvelous discovery! If you just buy the song from its original album on itunes, it's $1.29. But if you buy the bonus version (it's an ep type package), you get Must Have Done Something Right AND a song caled Fallen Man, together for 99 cents! It's marvelous! It's the exact same version of Must Have Done Something Right as the more expensive one, too!
I wasn't sure about Fallen Man, but I thought, "Hey, together they're 99 cents, separate they're 99 cents. Might as well get both." and I don't regret it because I LOVE the new song.
Oh, the joys of itunes gift cards!
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."