I downloaded An Epic, No Less' album on Noisetrade, and it's awesome! It's like Owl City worship music haha. I love it!
Okay, Kate, I see what people mean then. I didn't really know much about Tom Delonge, except he did/said weird things.
He claimed that AVA was going to revolutionize the music industry and basically said it would be the next Beatles.
That's pretty funny
A couple days ago my older brother randomly asked me for a playlist of some of my favorite songs. I gave him some songs by Relient K, Switchfoot, MuteMath, Deas Vail, Anberlin, The Rocket Summer, and Mae. I didn't think he would like any of the music, because he really only likes classical music (all other music he basically thinks is less intricate and he would be right, of course). But so anyway, it turns out he really likes all of the music!! Especially Deas Vail and The Rocket Summer. He said that it was all very refreshing to hear rock/pop/contemporary music like that. I'm so happy.
I just put myself to sleep in the best way possible: by listening to Skillet's live CD "Comatose Comes Alive"! that CD is amazing! it's so soothing.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
My sister really likes Skillet.
Currently listening to Switchfoot's 'Hello Hurricane' album. I really like their music and have all seven albums on my iPod. Right now I'm on 'Your Love is a Song'--great song!
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
You can get Anberlin's song Pray Tell from their upcoming album for free here: http://www.spin.com/articles/exclusive- ... g-anberlin
Yup yup! What do you think MissA? The buzz around the song has been very positive, but I am not thrilled. I like it, but it's not amazing. I get the feeling that this album will be more like NTFP, not so much stylistically, but because those songs were very melody-driven and relied on conventional verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, chorus format. Cities was much more experimental. I wanted Dark to be like Cities, but I think it will be more melodic and formulaic. That's fine, and I love "Pray Tell"'s percussive instrumentals and the raw production on the vocals.
Lark: I'm glad you found some good stuff on NoiseTrade. Ben Rector and Quiet Science are great. Awake Awake! Isn't really my style.
I should go listen the the new album project podcast now. I just got it today,and I've been hoping a new one would be released soon!
Haha. People actually listen to those? I barely ever listen to them (although I usually get the music beforehand anyway). I'm glad to know you enjoy them. On the most recent one, I recommend The Graduate and Brightwood (though I'm not a huge fan of the song he chose for the podcast).
Oh,yes,I'm really enjoying Ben Rector's music.
YES! I really liked The Graduate's song. That one was my favorite. What was the name of the Brightwood song? It doesn't say...
I like the new Anberlin song a lot.
I've gotten my sisters' hooked on An Epic, No Less! I'm so happy,that they're enjoying the music.
A list of music I've recently bought:
Absence(Bonus Track Version)-Paper Route
Acoustic EP-Lights
Southern Weather-The Almost
White Lights EP-Deas Vail
Christmas Signs:A Falconer's Christmas-The Jingle Twins
"So,In this Hour..."-The Rocket Summer
"Hot Air Balloon"-Owl City
"Fidelity"-Regina Spektor
"Dark Blue"-Jack's Mannequin
"The Mixed Tape"-Jack's Mannequin
I've been in love with Deas Vail's music so much lately.
And Absence is SO incredible. It really blew me away.
Also, Lights' voice is really pretty without being autotuned.
Just downloaded Anberlin's song. First off let me say I am not a big fan of theirs, nothing against them- I just haven't had the chance to listen a variety of their music. I've only actually ever heard 2 songs: Hello Alone and Love Song, which they covered. I enjoy both of those a great deal!
Pray Tell, Song is definitely catchy
I quite like it! I can't say how much just yet because I'm just finishing up my first listen. As I listen to it more I will see how I like it.
narnian1, that looks like a nice list of music you got!! How exciting!
An artist I've really gotten into recently (though I know they've been around for years) is Jars of Clay. Some people think their style is a little old (it is), but it's still really good and lyrically they're probably one of the best bands I know!! I have their albums The Eleventh Hour, The Long Fall Back To Earth, and Good Monsters. And we have some of their older stuff, but I can't remember what it's called...anyway, they're a good band!
And they just released their newest song "Out Of My Hands" featuring Mike Donehey from Tenth Avenue North, which made them a million times more awesome in my opinion!!
You can download the song for free here at their website:http://providentpromos.com/outofmyhands/main.php
Another album that I have yet to buy is Sanctus Real's Pieces of a Real Heart. I so, so, so want to buy it! I've heard two of their singles, "Lead Me" and "Forgiven" and I have their album We Need Each Other and I love it! So yeah, when I get the chance I'm going to buy it!
My sister bought and gave me Andrew Peterson's new album Counting Stars. If you've ever listened to Andrew Peterson (I don't think many of you have), his newest album sounds a lot like one of his older albums. It has more of the bluegrass/country style than the contemporary Christian sound. But don't worry, he doesn't sing with a country twang (I can't stand it when people sing with a twang!! I know, it's funny, because I live in "cowboy country"). If you've never heard Andrew Peterson, I highly recommend his albums Far Country and Redemption Letters Vol. II. Very, very good both of them! Though all of his music is good.
So, that's about me and music as of late.
Oh! For my birthday this summer, I got the entire folio of music for Tenth Avenue North's album "Over and Underneath". We went to a Christian book store that had a huge collection of Christian contemporary sheet music! It was amazing! The folio includes piano, vocals, and guitar chords. Awesomeness! I haven't had much time to work on many of the songs, but I can play "Hold My Heart" all the way through, most of "Lift Us Up To Fall", and I'm working on "Beloved".
FYI, Kat's (or MissA's) sheet music to songs "By Your Side" and "Love Is Here" are waaay better! The versions to those songs in my folio are boring.
That's about it for me and music as of late!!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
RubyGamgee, thanks for the link, I listened to the song and think it's great
Hey! I was just on NoiseTrade to check out An Epic, No Less, and I noticed another CD there that I own. It's called "This Battle" and it's by Ben Lueders.
These Tears
Come Follow Me and
Wish You Were Here are my favorites.
Not sure if you guys will like the style, but who knows. I would suggest checking him out.
I'd really like to hear your opinions on his music!!
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
RubyGamgee, I do like the Andrew Peterson I've listened to. We have three of his older albums: Carried Along, Clear to Venus, and Love and Thunder (though that's cracked). I'll have to see if I can find that new one sometime! My favorite songs of his are:
The Silence of God
The Chasing Song
Hold Up My Arms
Why Walk When You Can Fly
Nothing to Say
High Noon
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Recently got another collection of songs:
Jesus Saves by Jeremy Camp, (ok, this one I have had for some weeks, but I am not sure if I ever mentioned it).
Save Me from Myself by Michael W Smith
My Own Little World by Matthew West
Lift Up Your Face by Third Day
those are all from upcoming albums , TD's single actually releases tomorrow, but I'll be getting it tonight.
Also bought:
I'd Rather Have Jesus by The Crab Family
I Will Sing of my Redeemer by Selah and Barlow Girl
Orphan's Lullaby by Reggie Ham
this aside of the two I got for free from the links posted previously, Jars of Clay and Anberlin
EDIT: Actually just checked and Jeremy Camp's full CD releases tomorrow/tonight
Happy happy happy news for alt/indie music lovers. Deas Vail has proved themselves brilliant in just about everything they do. Even their cast offs are amazing. The band has released two singles that didn't make it on to Birds & Cages on iTunes. This came as a big surprise to me. Both songs are classic Deas Vail and are excellent.
Also, Anberlin's upcoming album is now available for preorder on iTunes and you can listen to a 30 second clip of each song. I decided I would be spoiled rotten for this album (my sister is going spoiler free) and I listened. Some are amazing, some it's too early to tell. I think "Take Me" will be my favorite.
Valiant_Lucy showed me the music video to "Say You Don't Want It" that introduced me to the band One Night Only. I've been listening to their debut album and it is really great. I'm a sucker for Brit Rock and it's super catchy and very well done. They know how to craft serious melodies.
wow! I finally got around to seeing The Classic Crime's video for "Abracadavers"! I LOVE this video!
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=w ... YnSKWhD7eQ
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are