I have returned from Soulfest and I had an awesome time!
I saw Hawk Nelson live and that was awesome! I met Switchfoot - the whole band except for Jon Foreman! that was only because he was at another venue while the signing was going on.....oh well! I still got to meet the rest of the band and they are so friendly, nice, and awesome!
(ducks to avoid the rotten tomatoes Ali is throwing at me)
I saw Switchfoot live and the next night I saw Tobymac live and the next night was MercyMe. I didn't care about that so I skipped it.
the nest night I was Kutless live and now I have lost my voice and my throat is sore and I feel great!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
wait, you skipped MercyMe and Tobymac? (or just one of them) HOW? MercyMe he at least I think is so much better than Switchfoot, whom I also love btw. Kutless is great too.
Glad you had fun
Libby: that's sweet! Stupid question, probably, but how long is Tim's hair now?
stardf: my longest song is Seasons by Mae and then second is Deathbed by Relient K.
lucky lucky HH! I neeed to see them live again! I was so upset the other day b/c I was looking at their tour dates and found out that last week they played at venue less than an hour away from me and I didn't know . Paramore was there too!
Hmm, I think my longest is part of "Scheherazade" by Rimsky-Korsakov. It's 11:21.
I also have "Deathbed" by Relient K and "All Because of Jesus".
And I have this random-ish guitar song by Explosions in the Sky called "Your Hand in Mine" that is probably about eight or nine minutes. It's actually kind of cool.
I think I have other songs that are longer, but I don't ever listen to them so I guess they don't count.
Signature by enigmaffliction
narnia1: I said I saw Tobymac.....he's awesome! it was my 5th time seeing him live! MerceyMe just isn't my type of music. glad you like them though!
Ali: Tim's hair isn't much different than on the Hello Hurricane CD cover.....why do you ask? lol I think I know. don't worry, it's still long!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^what did you say to them/they say to you?? Ack,Libby,that's soooo exciting!
how long is Tim's hair now?
BADDDDDDD WORD!!! *shakes her head at Ali*
Lately,I've been enjoying Ben Rector's music.(I got his sampler on Noisetrade,thanks Kate and HelloHurricane for mentioning it!) I relly like "The Beat","The Kill","The Sophmore",and "After All". I LOVE into intro for "Disarm".
And I got Cady Groves' free song on purevolume. She's got such a lovely voice.
I also got some free music from Awake! Awake! and Quiet Science,but I haven't got a chance to listen to them yet.
Some other songs I've been enjoying lately...
"Dreamer" by Jon Foreman and Molly Jenson
"Don't You Know You're Beautiful" by Seabird
I should go listen the the new album project podcast now. I just got it today,and I've been hoping a new one would be released soon!
EDIT: I forgot to mention this earlier,but I heard "Therapy" by Relient K on the radio Saturday night on the same station that played "I Don't Need a Soul". I'm so glad they made it a single!
^^ they were all very nice! I told them that I have been listening to their music since I was 6 years old and they thought that was awesome! my sister also got to meet them and after she menioned that she loves their song "This Is Home", Chad said he couldn't wait for VotDT!
okay, everyone has to watch this video! there was an accedent at Soulfest involving Tobymac's trailer and a red truck. this is really funny because the man in this Tobymac podcast is a close friend of mine his name is Dave "Big Red" Dresser, but all his friends know him as "Red" or "Big Red" and he is one of the top volunteers at Soulfest (I have been volunteering at Soulfest with my family for 6 years now and he's a good friend of ours)! so this was soemthing that happened at Soulfest when Tobymac's trailer got stuck trying to leave Soulfest and Red tried to pull it out and here's the video:
... GU&h=4dd55
it's hard to see in the video, but after the accedent, Tobymac signed Red's truck. it says: "Nice work!" and then Tobymac's signature! lol
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
reeeeally addicted to LIGHTS. And Breathe Electric and Kill Paradise. Well, electronica/pop music in general .
Ali: Tim's hair isn't much different than on the Hello Hurricane CD cover.....why do you ask?
lol I think I know. don't worry, it's still long!
yes! The long-ness is good
*shakes her head at Ali*
we are not on the SF boards!!!
And I got Cady Groves' free song on purevolume. She's got such a lovely voice.
hehe- knew you'd like her
EDIT: I forgot to mention this earlier,but I heard "Therapy" by Relient K on the radio Saturday night on the same station that played "I Don't Need a Soul". I'm so glad they made it a single!
Does anyone know the soundtracks of Pride and Prejudice 2005? .
"Two sides of the same coin"
^yes I love that soundtrack! One of my favorite movie soundtracks of all time . I think this conversation would be better suited for the soundtracks thread though...
Oh, thanks^! . Do you know any other kinds of this music?
"Two sides of the same coin"
^do you mean soundtracks? If so yes, I really like soundtrack music .
My Sky Sailing CD came today! Wehee I'm so happy! Can't wait to give it a full listen .
Right now I am really enjoying some stuff by Angels & Airwaves. I feel guilty because a lot of it is really cheesy, but it's just so enjoyable. I-Empire is quite a catchy album, particularly the tracks Sirens, Everything's Magic, and Call to Arms. Lifeline and Breathe are beautiful (yes, and cheesy. haha). For some reason, a couple of other people I've talked to about AvA completely hate them and act as if it's horrible music taste to like them? I didn't really think they were that bad, maybe it was just their opinions.
I just got an email from amazon, with a promotional code for $5 so I just bought several songs:
King by Audio Adrenaline
We Shine by Fee
Heart by Jars of Clay
From Where You Are by Lifehouse
God-Shaped Hole by Plumb
Stand Up by Remedy Drive
Love is The Movement by Switchfoot
Already Home by Thousand Foot Krutch
Lark: I'm glad you found some good stuff on NoiseTrade. Ben Rector and Quiet Science are great. Awake Awake! Isn't really my style.
I should go listen the the new album project podcast now. I just got it today,and I've been hoping a new one would be released soon!
Haha. People actually listen to those? I barely ever listen to them (although I usually get the music beforehand anyway). I'm glad to know you enjoy them. On the most recent one, I recommend The Graduate and Brightwood (though I'm not a huge fan of the song he chose for the podcast).
Kat: Not at all, I really like Angles and Airwaves. There are a lot of reasons that AVA is ridiculous. Tom Delonge is a funny guy. He claimed that AVA was going to revolutionize the music industry and basically said it would be the next Beatles. And then he has all those ridiculously emphasized dipthongs and whatnot. People are also bitter that they are not Blink-182. But that doesn't obscure the fact that AVA makes good spacey alt-rock. I love "Secret Crowds." Their albums are all very similar, and I think their heyday is probably over, but I still like them.
Here's a few recommendations.
For the Owl City and The Rocket Summer fans out there, check out An Epic, No Less on Noisetrade. They sound like a combination of the two aforementioned bands.
Lissie is a really great female pop singer-songwriter. I don't usually dig that stuff, but she's amazing. "Worried About" is amazing. Her song writing is top notch, lots of complexity and twists and turns. And her voice is amazing.