Ok I have an announcement that might shock you guys. I love Anberlin! I bought a few more of theirs songs and I really like them now! The song that made me fall in love was The Unwiding Cable Car! Lol this happens to me like with every band I like- first I think they're only ok or barely tolerable and then somethinmg clicks and I love them!
So yeah, now I like Anberlin
WHAT??? I thought we were in on this together! TRAITOR!
Just kidding!
I guess I'll check out Unwinding Cable Car.
I kind of like Paperthin Hymn... maybe it'll grow on me.
Oh, & um.... hehe... so ya...
avatar by Flambeau!
^yes!!!!! Join the fun ! What songs of theirs have you listened to lately? Btw, sorry about Anberlin
. I can't help who I fall in love with though
Ok, I PMed you guys, QS and Glenstorm.
Well, you guys made me very happy. I'm glad you like Anberlin, Glenstorm. That didn't take too long! And I'm ecstatic that you are obsessed with Relient K, The Pendragon.
Some of the He Is We stuff is way too simplistic (esp. with the piano parts) and it's nothing extraordinary, but then some of it just makes me really happy when I'm feeling down.
I really need to stop spending money. At a store the other day I got The Silver Cord by TCC (they didn't have Albatross, otherwise I probably would have gotten that instead). Then on amazon yesterday I got Paramore's Brand New Eyes since it was only 5 dollars. The first track, Careful, I think is probably the best. There are several good ones on there, and a few so-so ones. It's a nice album though.
Next Wednesday I'm going to hear The Rocket Summer since he's headlining in my city. Hot Chelle Rae is the opening band. Apparently they're a dancey-rock sort of band. Anyway, I wasn't sure that I could go because my mom was really wary of the venue (it's at a bar). She finally decided we would go, but if anything gets out of hand she said we were leaving right away. I just hope I can stay for the whole concert.
^aaah you're so lucky! Take some vids and pics, if you're allowed
Well, you guys made me very happy. I'm glad you like Anberlin, Glenstorm. That didn't take too long!
hehe, yeah
Just went to WinterJam, and man, it was awesome!
I went mostly to see Tenth Avenue North, but Third Day rocked the house! They were the best performers there, but throughout the entire concert the energy level was high and I enjoyed every second.
Fireflight was there, a band that I'd only heard about, and they were very good. Their lead singer came up to sing with Mack Powell from Third Day during the song, "Born Again".
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
^awesome ! I'm glad you like Fireflight's performance
, no else on here who went did
Btw, Jack Mooring (from the band Leeland) and his wife just had their first kid! yay
^Did you see the vid?? Smith is soooo cute!! Here's it is:
Btw,glad you finally got into Anberlin! Do you like The Classic Crime?
Yay!! I'm so happy you like He Is We!
Taylor Swift??
Rachel can sing circles around her.
(I really like that last sentence because of my name. haha.
The Pendragon,so are you a "Relient Northie-Footer" now instead of just a "Northie-Footer"?
I'm in love with "In Love With the 80's"! RK's older stuff is so cutesy!
there's this band called Above The Golden State and they are awesome! most of their songs are right from the Psalms and they are really good!
here's the music video for one of their songs called "Sound Of Your Name"!
it's really good!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Liberty, I like Above The Golden State. I've been listening to them for a few months now. They're pretty good as far as Christian rock goes
LOL Lark, sing circles around her. I do love her voice.
I'm glad you enjoyed WinterJam, sweeet. I dunno, I guess I'm just odd for not liking the show that much, but that's probably only because I was comparing to my first concert experience, which was phenomenal.
Check out http://backstage.shirock.net/?p=595 for a free acoustic version of "Man Inside" by Shirock. It's pretty good.
^thanks for the link, Kat- I love free music
^Did you see the vid?? Smith is soooo cute!!
Here's it is:
yeah I saw it on their blog- he soooo adorable!
Btw,glad you finally got into Anberlin!
Do you like The Classic Crime?
Yay!!I'm so happy you like He Is We!
Taylor Swift??
Rachel can sing circles around her.
(I really like that last sentence because of my name. haha.
lol. No I haven't heard any TCC but a few people have reccomended them to many...I guess I'll ahve to listen to them
I'm in love with "In Love With the 80's"!
RK's older stuff is so cutesy!
haha I love that song
Haha, so I'm not the only one who did that! I totally read it as Electric Chair the first time I saw it. It's a great song though.
LOL, I'm glad to know it's a fairly common error. I've only listened to it a few times, but I'm liking the song so far.
I hope you listen to Fair's Disappearing World soon. It's very good. Very calming, soothing album. "Disappearing World," "One Last Time," and "The Worst of Your Wear" are some of my favorites from there. The latter also features Aaron Marsh from Copeland.
Heh, after that time last post where I gave All the Houses Look the Same another listen, I've been overplaying it. I love it as well. I think the reason I enjoy Birds & Cages just a bit more is that all the songs seem to flow together a bit more and that I relate more to the lyrics on that album. Love them both though!
Hmm, I think I'll pass on Collapse, for now at least. It's not expensive, but I don't really want to purchase it now. I was just getting the discography off Wiki. I didn't realize how hard it was to get This Place is Painted Red.
Hmm, most of those modern songs are done by female artists....
Just now realized that.
And, 90% of my music is by male artists. Not really sure why. Sopranos do tend to annoy me with the high notes at times, but I'm not sure if that applies very much. Interesting. . .
Kate, well, I've mostly just followed your recommendations and been pleased with what I heard. You're the one with exquisite taste.
I'm excited for the release! I might get to review the (a)fternoon EP for the site I write for if Mae sends the mp3s soon enough.
Ooh! I hope you do/did. Let us know if you do; I'd love to read your review.
though at the moment Tobymac is touring with Skillet,
over the summer it'll be Chris Tomlin he's touring with- odd pairing.
Chris Tomlin and tobyMac are touring together? That's. . . different. Very different.
Lark, what'd you (and others) think of the "Vanilla Twilight" music video? I thought it was pretty and loved the lighthouse, but didn't really care for Shaq in it. He seemed a bit annoying with mouthing whatever it was he mouthed and I was stuck trying to figure out why he looked familiar for the first half of the video.
Ok I have an announcement that might shock you guys. I love Anberlin! I bought a few more of theirs songs and I really like them now! The song that made me fall in love was The Unwiding Cable Car! Lol this happens to me like with every band I like- first I think they're only ok or barely tolerable and then somethinmg clicks and I love them!
So yeah, now I like Anberlin
That was fast.
*chuckles at the sensible tone used by Pendragon in her spoiler*
*leaves listening to "Rewind"*
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Glenstorm: I didn't know Matt Hoopes played on that song, that's cool. The only songs I have from All the Houses look the same are "Shoreline" and "...Still." Do you recommend any others? Hearing "Rewind" live is almost spine-tingling. When Wes does, "This is how it fe-e-els..." it's so crazy. The recorded version doesn't do it justice.
Yay for liking Anberlin! That's how it worked for me with Copeland. I heard the second half of "No One Really Wins" and got interested, and then heard "Good Morning Fire Eater" and was totally sold, then I was able to enjoy the music I hadn't previously.
Kat: That's too bad about Esterlyn. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose confused. I've heard that rare Deas Vail song on YouTube and it's pretty good. I wish it were available.
I'm glad you like Freelance Whales! What are you favorite songs? Listening to them is quite relaxing. I only have 3 songs, but I love "Hannah" and the "Don't Fix my smile, life is long enough" part of "Generator^2nd floor" is amazing. I think "Abracadavers" is a great song. I love the synth in the pre-chorus. Will you be checking out their new album next week?
I'm pretty sure TRS show will be just fine. The shows I go to here are in bars and it's never a problem. The bar is actually split in two, one side for shows, the other with the actual bar. Obviously, I can't speak for all bars, but they want people to enjoy music there, so they'll do their best to make it safe. And the audience will probably be mostly underage--so no drunks.
To be totally honest, I'm not a huge fan of early Copeland. I only own Eat, Sleep, Repeat, You Are My Sunshine and "No One Really Wins this Time." I also like "Brightest." Their early stuff is a lot more emo and Aaron's vocals are less controlled.
Did anyone else think that the fact that Shaq was in the new Owl City video made it really cheesy?
Lark: I really like the Morning Light's song "Honestly," but that's the only one I really like.
LadyLiln: No word from Mae on the EP. It's been over a week, so we probably won't get a review copy. My favorite song from Disappearing World is "Take Some Risks." I think it's so sneaky, but so good.
so I've been listening more to Tobymac's new Cd and it's excellent, those I've heard so far.
Relient K,
I just listened to Savannah and it was quite catchy. Nice. I had hear Forget and Not Slow Down and Sahara before. Love both.
I also really like Over It.
PS. I just got an account with Last.fm,
still trying to get used to it. Just got it yesterday.
^Awesome,narnian1! Yeah,it took me awhile to get used to last.fm too,and I still don't know that much about it.
I like those RK songs too. What do you think of "Therapy"? That's one of my favorites.
Ali,listen to "Abracadavers" by TCC. It's sooo awesome!
Check out http://backstage.shirock.net/?p=595 for a free acoustic version of "Man Inside" by Shirock. It's pretty good.
Btw,I found these guys earlier today,and I think they're pretty good!
Glenstorm: I didn't know Matt Hoopes played on that song, that's cool. The only songs I have from All the Houses look the same are "Shoreline" and "...Still." Do you recommend any others? Hearing "Rewind" live is almost spine-tingling. When Wes does, "This is how it fe-e-els..." it's so crazy. The recorded version doesn't do it justice.
Yay for liking Anberlin! That's how it worked for me with Copeland. I heard the second half of "No One Really Wins" and got interested, and then heard "Good Morning Fire Eater" and was totally sold, then I was able to enjoy the music I hadn't previously.
I really like Light as Air, Surface, A Lover's Charm, ...Standing, and well pretty much the whole CD . You should get it
. Aaah I'd love to heard Rewind live- Wes sounds so amazing
. For some reason or other some of my friends and I were talking about marriage and one of my friends was like "I know who Ali wants to marry- Wes Blaylock" and I'm like "nope, he's married, but I'll accept a klone".
His voice is soooo beautiful. Seriously, I listen to their music to go to bed every night to go to sleep b/c it's soooo soothing and peaceful. And it's more then just his voice- the piano is gorgeous and just *aaah*. Sorry, I'm slightly obsessed with them at the moment
. I could go on for ages, but anyway...
Yeah, I love Paper Thin Hymn and Unwinding Cable Car so I think those two songs awesomeness made me like everything else some more .
Btw, about the Owl City video. Idk. I liked the vid I just wish Shaq hadn't been in it. I don't like random famous peoples in music videos
narnian1: I'm glad you like those RK songs . Savannah's pretty cool, I didn't like it at first but now it's one of my fave songs on the album
. Last.fm can be hard to get used to at first but once you get the hang of it it's really cool- I'm glad I got an account
That was fast.
hehe, yeah