Ugh, I'm too lazy to catch up in this thread
I was watching some 10th Ave vids today and saw that Mike had a tattoo and then heard what he said about it and it was pretty cool. Good reason for having a tattoo, though I hope this doesn't make my parents like the band less
Anberlin was featured in USA Today!!! ... htm?csp=34
Wait--so does TAN have 5 members now?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
^I think so. I was really confused, but didn't Brendan tour with them? So yeah I think they're 5 now.
Matt Kearney is amazing. Except his rap-sounding songs on Nothing Left to Loose (the title track brings back some kinda bad memories: sad, cuz I love the song). City of Black and White is outstanding.
Switchfoot's "Hello Hurricane" *jumps up and down like crazy*
I've been obsessed with Jars of Clay "Long Fall Back to Earth": Boys (Lesson One), Safe to Land, Two Hands, Closer, Headphones are my favorites.
Lifehouse's "Smoke and Mirrors," soooo many awesome songs.
Any Death Cab for Cutie fans? The song "I'll Follow You Into the Dark" is my latest repeat song.
avy by narniagirl90
*is listening to Sky Sailing for the first time*
Hmm, I actually really, really like this. Although I still kind of like Owl City better. And I honestly think these are the most random songs I have ever heard.
And, sweetness Coldplay is coming out with a new album this year.
Mat Kearney is amazing. Except his rap-sounding songs on Nothing Left to Loose
How is that even possible?! The rap ones are some of my favorites. "Can't Break Her Fall", "Bullet," and "In the Middle" are amazing.
Signature by enigmaffliction
^I like Sky Sailing better than Owl City actually . I think I prefer the more natural sounding acoustic guitar of Sky Sailing over the electronic keyboard driven pop of Owl City. But I LOVE all of Adam Young's projects
greenleaf: I write reviews for a music website which technically makes me "press" (
) so I get to preview music like Suburba.
That's awesome! Especially if you get to preview your favorite bands. I got to hear "God Save Us Foolish Kings" on the YouTube channel, and I'm hoping to hear "Independence Day for a Petty Thief" soon. For some reason it makes me think of Eugenides from Attolia
greenleaf23: it looks just like LOTR in that bit!
I wonder if that's what the picture is supposed to be..... ?
That would be awesome if Red were LotR fans!
The End is Not The End is a brilliant album! House of Heroes is just an amazing band all-around...You can hear God Save Us The Foolish Kings here. And you can get Independence Day For A Petty Thief (for freeeeeee!
) here. You can hear Elevator somewhere online, but I can't remember where...:/ (EDIT: I looked it up...You can hear Elevator on their MySpace page.)
Thanks so much for all the links!! I'll have look up their other CDs (I just looked them up on Amazon, and if you search House of Heros in the MP3 store you can listen to previews of some of the Suburba songs!)
Although I think there are fewer stand-alone songs on this its better to just listen all the way through the album than just listening to one song and skipping to another artist...I'm not sure I explained my thoughts on that right.
I agree Especially with all the outros and intros, when you listen to it as an album it seems to fit together really well (haha, I'm not sure I explained that well either
) I hope you get to see Relient K, that would be awesome!
Oooh, now that is a great album. I love "Shadow Proves the Sunshine" and "Daisy." And isn't "The Blues" on that album too? I forget sometimes.... but that song is awesome.
Oh, I like The Blues too, and Shadow Proves the Sunshine is such a great song! (I LOVE your sig by the way, White Collar is an awesome show!)
greenleaf23: I love that song too! It is pretty catchy.
It was actually playing before chapel will the campers were being seated. One of the staffers actually did a sort of "robot dance" during the begining. My cousin really liked it,so I'm going to let her borrow "Church Music". It makes me so happy that she likes the song.
Lol! Is the rest of the album really good? I only got "Oh, Happiness", because I wasn't sure. That's awesome your cousin liked it!
I'm glad you like the SF album! I really like "The Fatal Wound" and the three that AJ listed. I've actually been listening to "Shadow Proves the Sunshine" a lot lately. I love the drum beats on the chorus. Haha...Oh!Gravity...when I first bought it my mom wanted me to show it to her in the car. She looked at the cover and pointed and said,"Look! Skulls!" like it was so horrible. I thought she was being serious and was scared to death that she would fobid me from listening to them again. But thankfully she was only teasing.
And when I showed her the picture of the guys behind the cd(she asked to see them.) she said,"They look old."
She was probably just teasing me again.
On that album "Let Your Love Be Strong" is probably my favorite track.
I'm not sure which Switchfoot album is my favorite...
Thanks! Shadow Proves the Sunshine is just so beautiful...and the lyrics are amazing. Lol, that's hilarious! At least she was only teasing. That's a great song! My favorite is probably Burn Out Bright (I think it may be my favorite Switchfoot song ever ) followed by Oh!Gravity and Awakening.
Thanks so much for that link! It is incredibly beautiful... Vice Verses sounds like it's going to be an awesome album has an MP3 of it in their media section. Oh,and if you're interested check out "Against the Voices." But this song's going to be on Vice Verses too,so if you'd rather wait until the album comes out to listen,I totally understand.
Sadly,no. Rumour says Summer 2011,but Hello Hurricane was re-scheduled a lot. It could be another year before Vice Verses gets released.![]()
Thanks for the link! Against the Voices is beautiful is "Vice Verses".
They mentioned here (about halfway down the page) about maybe doing a double length album with Goodbye Hurricane and Vice Verses. It would probably release a little later than though.
I got the new Newsboys album the other day, and it's pretty great. I really like the fast rock songs they have, but there are some really good slower ones too.
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!! has an MP3 of it in their media section. Oh,and if you're interested check out "Against the Voices." But this song's going to be on Vice Verses too,so if you'd rather wait until the album comes out to listen,I totally understand.
Sadly,no. Rumour says Summer 2011,but Hello Hurricane was re-scheduled a lot. It could be another year before Vice Verses gets released.![]()
Thanks for the links (again )!
Nooooo...I don't want to wait that long for more SF songs!
Tour dates should be posted anytime. Everytime I get online,I've been checking to see if they're up.
Awww...well,maybe we could start a petition or something.
I think it'll happen...eventually....'cause Sara Watkins did guest vocal on "Stones Under Rushing Water",and Jon's really tight with her and Sean. And when Deas Vail was up for a music video award,Tim tweeted about it,asking people to vote for them.
I think it would be so rad if SF and NTB toured together because both bands have incredibly talented songwriting brothers.*coughmaybetheycouldevenwriteasongtogethercough*
Sweet! I want to see SF live desperately! I bet they're amazing live...
Ha! Sign me up!
I didn't realize SF knew about Deas Vail...Awesome!
I agree! That would be an amazing song!
Thanks so much for all the links!! I'll have look up their other CDs
(I just looked them up on Amazon, and if you search House of Heros in the MP3 store you can listen to previews of some of the Suburba songs!)
You're welcome! If you listen to Air1 you can hear "Constant" (the song inspired by LOST!) I heard it yesterday and its amazing! And HoH also released "Love Is For The Middle Class" a few days ago. I love it! Really fun song!
I agree
Especially with all the outros and intros, when you listen to it as an album it seems to fit together really well (haha, I'm not sure I explained that well either
) I hope you get to see Relient K, that would be awesome!
Exactly! You explained it better than I did! Yeah, I think I'm gonna get to go. I can't wait!
And, sweetness Coldplay is coming out with a new album this year.
What?! *Didn't know anything about this* Awesome!
And, for any fellow Matt Hires fans, he's releasing an EP with two new songs and a new version of "Honey, Let Me Sing You A Song." Both of the new songs are some of his best work, yet, I think. Listen to the EP here.
Icon/sig by me
greenleaf23: that would be so awesome if they were! I need to post a question about that on their Facebook page and see if they answer!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I've been listening to some Nickel Creek: So far I've heard 3-4 songs. Not super impressed yet actually... :/
I've been listening to Coldplay: I like a lot of their stuff. The more catchy ones probably.
Newsboys: Love the "new" Newsboys sound. Old Newsboys fans can throw tomatoes at me, but--the New Newsboys rock way more. *laugh* Just IMO. I liked some of the old stuff to. But not nearly as much.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Newsboys: Love the "new" Newsboys sound. Old Newsboys fans can throw tomatoes at me, but--the New Newsboys rock way more.
*laugh* Just IMO. I liked some of the old stuff to. But not nearly as much.
I don't know what to say to this
I really like the single Born Again, haven't heard the rest though. I don't like the "old" Newsboys, but from He Reigns forward- those last three Cds I think, are amazing!!!
^yeah I like the "middle" Newboys sound . I don't like their new stuff too much. It's just not the same with out Peter
I've been listening to some Nickel Creek: So far I've heard 3-4 songs. Not super impressed yet actually... :/
Which songs have you heard, if I might ask? I certainly like some of their songs more than others and I think their earlier stuff is better---there are only a couple of songs on their most recent album that I listen to/like. I also think that each of their cds has a different feel to it, so perhaps you've been listening to the wrong one?
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Oh my, don't get me started on the Newsboys!! <3
Their best song, imo, is "Something Beautiful." Gives me goosebumps and takes me up a notch, every time.
He Reigns, Wherever We Go, Stay Strong, In the Hands of God, Breakfast, In the Belly of the Whale, You Are My King, Joy, Upside, Devotion, Dance, I Am Free, Gonna Be Alright (<3 Little trek down memory lane with that one) That's enough to get you started
Ooh, Nickel Creek. Queen Susan, are you more into vocals or instrumentals? I love their singing tracks a lot: Lighthouse, Hand Song, When You Come Back Down, Out of the Woods, Seven Wonders are all good.
avy by narniagirl90
*shuffles in awkwardly*
Hey guys.. I haven't posted in here since page.. I'm not even going to check, but it's been so long.
I just haven't had much to say, I guess.
So. Right now I'm into Sky Sailing - just pre-ordered the CD. Like Ali, I like it better than Owl City. I wish Sky Sailing was his main project and OC the side one.
Meet Brendan? Wasn't it meet Ruben? But I know Brendan is/was the keyboard guy.. I'm confused. And too lazy to check.
Speaking of TAN, I already posted this in the Music of Narnia thread.. but seeing as you guys probably will care more about this, Mike Donehey posted this on his twitter:
"Reread "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" on the flight home Reminded of the hope of another country. Gonna try 2 write a song for the soundtrack"
What do you think? At first I was really excited, but I'm not sure how exactly TAN would fit.. If he means for the (if there is one) the inspired by CD, then great, but I'm not sure about the soundtrack.
Lifehouse's "Smoke and Mirrors," soooo many awesome songs.
*is in disbelief*
Did someone else actually mention Lifehouse on Narniaweb?!
That's so cool.. I absolutely love their music, although I'm not so fond of the direction Smokes and Mirrors took.. Favourite songs?
And I honestly think these are the most random songs I have ever heard.
That's why he's awesome.
So, Switchfoot is releasing a new album? I'm excited, but it also makes me feel hugely guilty because I still haven't checked out more of their music outside Hello Hurricane and all the songs on their hits CD. Help, anyone?
I know I've asked this before.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North