The new states demo is lovely! I like it even more than Time To Begin. I've been listening to Lydia a bit too and their sound is definitely along the vein of what I love.
I like We Owe This To Ourselves, but I don't love it. I definitely agree that it bodes well for the new album, though.
What do you guys think about Swimming With Dolphins signing onto Tooth and Nail? It's kind of weird if you ask me...
Ali: Whoa, I'm sorry, that really stinks! Hopefully they didn't make you pay shipping again?
What do you guys think about Swimming With Dolphins signing onto Tooth and Nail? It's kind of weird if you ask me...
yeah I was really suprised when I saw that. Totally unexpected and weird
Haha no they didn't make me pay shipping again, which is good. I would have sued them . I really hope they come here soon though. I'm tired of waiting. Times like these make me wish I didn't feel it necessary to buy physical copies of CDs
I think it makes sense that they're moving to Tooth & Nail. T & N have been trying to diversify over the past few years. They signed Poema, Copeland, and for a while they had this like folk/worship guy who doesn't seem to be on their website anymore. They are also home to the band Joy Electric which is also like an electronica/pop act, but more electronica than pop. T&N seems like they've decided to pick up the most talented alt-Christian acts out there, regardless of whether they are "hard rock" or not.
Agreed Kat. "We Owe This" isn't a song I love, but it is good. It's kind of the way that I like "Godspeed", and "Feel Good Drag," but I don't love them.
Adam Young is offering one of his Sky Sailing songs for free if you sign up for his email updates. Here's the link.
The songs is called Tennis Elbow. Also, Brielle is now a single on iTunes and you can pre-order An Airplane Carried Me to Bed exclusively on iTunes before it's release on July 13. It releases everywhere else on July 27. Also, if you preorder it on iTunes you get an extra song . I think I'm still going to get the physical copy though
Thanks for informing us of the download + the link, Ali! Does anyone know if these songs are like polished-up and edited versions of the old songs he wrote before Owl City, or if they're the actual songs he recorded before?
That's true Kate. I actually thought of Joy Electric after I posted that, so that does make sense.
I just heard the song "Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape" by Underoath. Don't let the fact that it's Underoath turn you off if you dislike them. It's actually a really, really beautiful song, and the lyrics are wonderful. Aaron Marsh sings vocals throughout most of the song. Aaron G. doesn't sing the lead vocals until the last minute or so along with Spencer (there isn't any screaming until this point and it's not obnoxious in my opinion ). Check it out!
^I'll try to listen to that song later,but I still need to listen to a Stryper song one of my friends recommended to me.
Btw,I agree about "The Sound" music video.
I just got back from camp,and a lot of the music we sing for praise & worship there is by Hillsong and David Crowder Band. But before chapel when all the kids were being seated,they played some music from the new Needtobreathe album. (Needtobreathe is actually from South Carolina,which is were the camp was.)
And Wednesday,I went to the canteen to buy a Team Emmett sweatband,and there was only one staffer in there,and he had a Leeland cd playing in the store's sound system. So I got to talk to him about music some,which was really fun.(but not as much as I wanted 'cause my leader made me leave. )
Also,I met another camper there who was wearing a Relient K t-shirt one day,and a House of Heroes t-shirt the next. I told him that I liked them both,and he seemed so surprised that I even knew House of Heroes even existed!
So...for a camp that doesn't let you bring your iPod,I still got to listen to some really good music.
*clicks "Submit"*
this song is awesome and I like it even though I'm not a huge fan of Leigh Nash:
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*GASP* Not a fan of Leigh Nash? I agree she doesn't sound the greatest in that song, but she has the most amazing voice. I adore Sixpence None The Richer and her work with them.
Kat: Pretty song! Aaron Marsh does do most of the vocals. He must be a cool dude because everyone seems to want him on their album. (It was an odd moment when I discovered it was his vocals I loved in the background of Anberlin's "Inevitable." It also made a lot of sense).
You like Fun. right? You should check out Steel Train. Try "Bullet." It's an awesome song. (I admit to dancing around my room all by myself to it. )
Kate, Same, I love Leigh Nash, I think her voice is gorgeous! Come to think of it, Sixpence is probably the first "good band" I ever really liked.
Yeah, Marsh does seem to be really popular. I can easily see why, because his voice is just so ethereal and unique. And I can't believe I didn't realize that was him in Inevitable! I love when he sings "stay in this moment."
Oh and I listened to the Steel Train song, and I love it! They do sound quite similar to fun., except for their singer.
Lark, hehe, Stryper. I can't say that I really like any of their music.
I'm glad you still got to listen to a lot of good music even without your iPod! I would have been so excited if I saw someone wearing a Relient K shirt. The only time I've seen anybody wear one was at the RK concert I went to.
Right now I'm watching a live stream of Aaron Gillespie work on recording his new worship project. There isn't any sound, but it's still fun to watch him play and see Aaron Sprinkle's reactions.
Right now I'm watching a live stream of Aaron Gillespie work on recording his new worship project. There isn't any sound, but it's still fun to watch him play and see Aaron Sprinkle's reactions.
An Aaron Gillespie worship project produced by Aaron Sprinke? Can I have it?
Glad you liked Steel Train! Surprisingly, it was my father who shaped all of my music preferences as a child. These days he barely ever listens to music, but he listened to lots of good bands. The Beach Boys, The Monkees, The Beatles, etc. He's also the one who bought the first Sixpence record.
You didn't know about Aaron on "Inevitable" either? Well, that makes me feel better. He also sings on Lydia's "Hospital" which I like very much.
Also, Amazon has a clip of Anberlin's single "Impossible" up. None of these songs really have the jaw dropping quality the band is capable of yet, but I like them. You can't even hear the chorus of "Impossible" though. i Love the guitar in the second half of that clip. Not to mention the background vocals.
Kate: well, I love her voice, but I don't care for her style of music/singing that much. I got to meet her, though, a couple years ago and she was nice
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Kat: I'm pretty sure the songs are polished up. I'm pretty sure he wrote that somewhere. B/c the Brielle single on iTunes is different than the demo version he originally had on his myspace.
Hmm maybe I'll listen to that Underoath song. They tend to scare me so idk .
Where did you see that live stream? Do you know if it's on youtube?
Awesome Lark! I'd screech if I saw anyone wearing an RK shirt . Like Kat, I've only seen one person wearing an RK shirt, and that was at the RK concert I went to
. I have gotten a few thumbs up or friendly, um, nods or whatever when I wear my RK shirt or carry my RK bag
Kate: I know, I'm so excited about the project! I'm sure it'll be incredible. I heard about it a month or so ago in an interview w/ Aaron G. and he mentioned he was going to start recording in July, but I don't know when he plans on releasing it.
That's interesting about your father! Neither of my parents listen to what I'd consider my favorite music now, but they definitely made me love classical music when I was little
I like the clip of Impossible. Its sound is really nothing new for Anberlin, but it works for them, and when bands change their sound too much anyway, everyone gets in an uproar.
Ali: Okay, I see. Thanks for clarifying! I don't really remember what the demo version sounded like, so yeah.
Okay, well, if you want, you can stop the song at 2:52. That's where Spencer starts screaming. Believe me though, there is NOTHING scary about the song before then. It's just peaceful, relaxing, and beautiful. Nothing at all like what you would ever think of as Underoath. (I was shocked when I first heard the song, I didn't believe it was them) Even after Spencer enters, I don't think it's scary. It's still in a major key, and it sounds very hopeful. Aaron Gillespie sings the clean vocals from here until the end, and Spencer is more sort of in the background. Although I don't know if you particularly like Aaron Marsh or not, if you do, you should definitely listen to it!
Well there you have a description of the whole song, you may not even need to listen
The live stream can go on for an hour or more at a time, so no, it's not on youtube. You just have to watch it when he's actually streaming it live. Usually he posts a facebook/twitter update when he starts streaming. This is where you go to watch it. There's nothing to see though when he isn't streaming. It's not extremely exciting or anything when he is, but it's still kind of cool to be watching him record his project live!
Kat: haha I'll probably listen to it sometime...just not now. I actually got nightmares from the last Underoath song I listened to so I'm a little wary
Ok, well how do you know when he is going to stream live?
A great piano cover of Skillet's "Awake and Alive".
... re=related
^^ ooh, that's so well done!
check this video out! it's Fireflight's song "You Decide" with clips from LWW!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are