^^ they are coming out with a new album? I didn't know that! yay! cool title!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^yep I've known about it for a bit but I've been waiting for the title and now it's here! Yay!
So I got an email today saying part of my order is backordered. I don't know which CDs, I only know that Cities is for sure shipped. So hopefully I'll get that soon. I just hope that this doesn't mean I won't get the extra stuff that was supposed to come with TF3G.
^^ aw.....that's no good! I hope you get your stuff soon!
yesterday, I was home by myself and I played Skillet so loud that my ears where ringing! it was awesome
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
It's fun to turn that music up, but, without seeming to be a wet blanket *nods to Puddleglum*, be careful of doing this, for loud music (as with any excessive noise) can seriously damage one's ears. The thing is, often you won't notice the full effect until you're older ... and it's too late.
*speaks also to herself, as well, for when she puts on her "LotR Complete Recordings*
We attended many, many concerts as our kids were growing up, and always insisted they wear earplugs to help protect their ears. But be aware in your own home as well how loud the stereo or MP3 player is. If you experience that ringing, that is a warning sign. Just saying this because I care ...
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
^^ I know. my dad tells me that all the time
I have only worn ear plugs to one concert. all the others I don't notice
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^You should take Jo's advice,Libby. I've only been to one concert(WinterJam),and I really wish I had earplugs for when Fireflight was performing because their music was way too loud.
Perhaps you should think about investing in one of these. They're really great listening to music in your room and with friends.
Back to music...
Switchfoot's going on tour with The Almost and Paper Route this October/November. I would LOVE to go. That's such an incredible lineup.
Also,Switchfoot's released the official music video for "The Sound":
Click me!
^^ I thought it was pretty good. I loved that John Perkins was in it.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
last night, I went with my family to a concert. there is a Christian celtic/rock&roll band called Iona and that was the band we saw. I like their music, but I'm not a huge fan but it was my dad's Father's Day gift and I was forced to go. it was good, but I was tired and I almost fell asleep!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^lol they're pretty good though!
Still waiting for the CDs .
Lark, I quite liked how the video for The Sound turned out. I think it does a good job of illustrating what the song is standing for.
I finally went to States' myspace and listened to their demos/full song that they had posted. I really like Time To Begin! I kept meaning to look them up but forgot, until a couple days ago when I was on Parker Young's photography website, and he had pictures of them.
I'm trying to look for the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack, but, does anyone know here the song used in P&P 2005 when Jane and Mr. Bingley were dancing for the first time together?? I can't find it!
"Two sides of the same coin"
The first notes of Anberlin's Dark is the Way... is now available. They posted the music video for "We Owe This To Ourselves" today. You can watch it here.
I really like it. It seems to have the edge that New Surrender was missing. Christian's guitar riff gets a little repetive, but it's nice. The song is raw, very Anberlin-y and bodes will for the new album. To me, the song reminds me more of Blueprints and Never Take... than the last two albums. It sounds very Saosin-y too.
In other music news, States posted my favorite demo yet called "Anxious." The chorus is just so incredible. It gave me chills down to my toes. I think the song lags a bit, but if they sped it up, it would be a masterful song.
The Album Project is having a donation drive this week and giving out two albums as thank yous. I'm planning on doing that and getting the Concerning Lions and The Gallery albums for the price of 5$. Sounds like a deal to me!
I finally broke down and bought the whole All the Day Holiday album. I love the song "Mountains". I love their whole sound, it's so melodic and bright, yet raw.
that Anberlin song sounds very good! Looks like this will be a great album .
I really like the States demo too. They seem pretty cool.
I got an email about The Album Project donation drive, and I'd like to do it, but I don't think my mom will let me .
check these videos out!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
One of my friends gave me Phil Wickham's Heaven and Earth CD as a late bday present and I'm sooo happy . I love that CD and I almost bought it a few weeks ago, I don't know what kept me from doing it, but it's good I didn't buy it now
Called the place I ordered my CDs from and they said they were probably lost- they reshipped them