My favorite albums are:
Pink Floyd-The Wall
Immortal-In the Heart of Winter
Rush-A Show of Hands
Mercyful Fate-Dont break the Oath
Ali, I'm not really sure what it is about Lacey's voice that I dislike. It's just different.
Something interesting I came across...
Very very cool. Though I'm sure they won't be coming near me.
Also, Switchfoot released their video for The Sound today: ... -218681915
Something interesting I came across...
Ooh nice vid!
So with my bday money I got Cities, Southern Weather, and TF3G . I also got a couple PureNRG CDs for my sis since it's her bday next month
. I can't wait til they come!!!
^^ you are going to love Cities! it's awesome and addicting!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^hehe I'm sure. I've heard alot of good stuff about it .
check out this video that I found:
... 15&h=ca6ed
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^Kat just posted that .
I am so happy, I'm probably going to RevGen!!! I will DIE when I see RK again
. And seeing The Almost will be pure awesomeness! And Phil Wickham too! I wonder if there will be any meet-and-greets
Just bought Robin Mark's song: Come Heal This Land
it had been recommended to me by SnowAngel way back at the start of the first music thread on this new forum. I'm slow, but I did finally get to it.
^awesome interview...I'm definitely going to check out more of their stuff (btw I love his hair!
I am SO addicted to Do You Feel right now. I've been listening to it practically non-stop since I got it .
Still waiting for the CDs...
^ You really need to! (What is it with you and hair?
lol, jk)
Lately I have been enjoying some piano-rockish sort of bands like Waking Ashland, Augustana, Mêlée (I hope I got the accents right haha), and Jack's Mannequin. I was really disappointed with "Holiday from Real" by JM but then I realized that iTunes had two versions of the album so I was able to get the clean one. Also, I finally checked out The Drive Back, and I really like them!
I just recently found out that Crash Kings didn't have a guitarist... I was pretty amazed, because I never noticed that when I had listened to them
MissA: Lovely post. *loves piano rock* I like Melee a lot. I have their first album and a few songs off the second one. The first album I got for a dollar and it has plenty of good songs, but the quality is awful. I'm glad they rerecorded "The War". I also love Crash Kings. Keane also doesn't have a guitarist. The vocalists of Waking Ashland and Jack's Mannequin kind of bother me. You should listen to Lydia. It's very much in the vein of Copeland and has a lot of piano. Aaron Marsh even sings back up on some songs.
Mae has been releasing portions of a photo over the past 3 days. The first day it was the part including Dave, the next had Jacob, the third (today) was of Zach. My guess is that the next portion will include either Dave or Mark. There was a rumor that Mae had gotten their old members back, and I think this is their way of revealing that. I hope that we'll hear that Mae got their stellar pianist back tomorrow. At this point, all we've gotten is photos of their current members. The real news comes tomorrow.
^eek I can't wait to see if he's back!
^ You really need to!
(What is it with you and hair?
lol, jk)
haha I will sometime soon . (Oh, and I don't know...I just like long hair on guys
"Built to Last" is probably my favorite song that I've heard from Mêlée so far. I still need to listen to a lot more of their music. Keane doesn't have a guitarist? I didn't know that either. I guess the way they distort the piano/keyboard makes it kind of hard to tell sometimes that it's even a piano.
Lydia is one of those bands I randomly listen to on but never enough to get a good idea of what they're like. I'll head over to their myspace now
I saw that with the Mae photos, but I totally didn't catch onto the thing about revealing the members. That's pretty awesome!
I really like "Built to Last," but "You've Got" and "The War (Alternate Version)" are also great. "Teenage Maniac" is also incredibly addicting.
today's Mae photo is of Mark Padgett. He's their old bassist. It's not huge news that he's rejoining the band because he's been recording them and basically just hasn't been touring with the band. But it's still exciting! My guess is they're saving Rob for last.
Today is the day Anberlin announced the name of their new album. It is called Dark is the Way, Light is a Place. It's interesting...