^^ "In The Light" is one of my favorite DC Talk songs ever! Tobymac sings it a lot now in his concerts!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Oh my gosh. I can't believe the Esterlyn albums are on noisetrade. I bought Lamps a couple weeks ago on iTunes. Oops. Oh well. I really enjoy it, but as you said, their style doesn't really seem to be established.
I listened to the songs on Joywave's myspace. They were pretty good. I like their sound, even if they sound a bit different from The Hoodies.
Ah yes... if you get the courage to ask DV about TPIPR, that would be awesome.. On youtube their song "All of Me For All of You" is on there and I love the lyrics. It would be awesome to get it somehow...!
The Pendragon, I'm glad you got Beneath Medicine Tree. I love the whole album. Brightest, Priceless, Take Care, Testing the Strong Ones, Coffee, and California might be my favorites. For some reason, I absolutely love the guitars in the instrumental outro in California. It's kind of repetitive, but there's just something about it that gives me this yearning and yet contented feeling at the same time.The only one that I don't like too much is When Finally Set Free. It takes too long to get to the vocals.
Oh, do you mean comparing TAN and Ohio Avenue in that one thread on the SF boards? Haha, that was because Jake said something about "Christian bands and their Avenue names..." and then I said that they weren't really that similar.
I didn't know that Hoopes played the guitars in Light as Air. There are disadvantages to iTunes...lol. I wish all albums came with digital booklets!
A few days ago in the mail I unexpectedly got a $10 iTunes gift card from this radio show that I was on. I downloaded Freelance Whales' album Weathervanes with it. (Kate mentioned them a while ago). I really, really enjoy listening to it. I don't know why exactly, I guess because I find their music very relaxing. They're definitely unique. I love the combination of banjos and synths
Also, I've been listening to The Classic Crime a lot lately. Abracadavers is amazing--the lyrics are actually what I appreciate about that one, in addition to the music. I've been listening quite a bit to their new songs that they keep putting out
Oh yeah, has anyone seen that one UPS commercial? It uses the opening of the song Such Great Heights during the ad. I just find it so funny that they probably only did that because it's a song by The Postal Service. I tried to explain the irony to my family, but they weren't as amused by it as I was...
Sorry for the poor wording in this post. I'm tired and it's hard not to repeat yourself in longer posts
I didn't know that Hoopes played the guitars in Light as Air. There are disadvantages to iTunes...lol. I wish all albums came with digital booklets!
yep, that's why I buy the physical CDs . It's a pain not to have the booklets...
A few days ago in the mail I unexpectedly got a $10 iTunes gift card from this radio show that I was on. I downloaded Freelance Whales' album Weathervanes with it. (Kate mentioned them a while ago). I really, really enjoy listening to it. I don't know why exactly, I guess because I find their music very relaxing. They're definitely unique. I love the combination of banjos and synths
cool. What radio show were you on? What were you doing? Btw, what band is on your sig? Anberlin?
yep, that's why I buy the physical CDs
. It's a pain not to have the booklets...
It's just much easier for other people to give you gift cards, then you can buy multiple things with it and they don't have to worry about what CDs you specifically want. I do like physical CDs though.
cool. What radio show were you on? What were you doing? Btw, what band is on your sig? Anberlin?
It's a radio program called From The Top, for kids (ages 8-18) who play classical music. It's an NPR show. My brother composed a piece for harp and cello, and I played it with a cellist friend of mine. Basically their goal is to get classical music out to a wider audience by making it fun for kids to hear other kids playing and be inspired by them. There are usually like 5 different "acts" on the show, with a variety of instruments/combinations of instruments. On this show there was a trombone quartet, a pianist, a flutist, a cellist, and then us. The other kids were so fun to meet and spend time with. I believe this one will air in May or June (not sure yet) so when I find out the exact time you could probably listen and hear us
Oh, and it's based in Boston. They tape a lot of their shows there, but much of the time they come out to other states and record.
I was on it last year playing a harp solo, I could PM you the link to that show if you wanted to listen.
Yup, that's Anberlin in my sig. And Nate Young and Stephen Christian in my avatar.
Ooh, if you could PM me the link of the show you played last year that'd be great, Kat! I remember you mentioning it, and I know I wanted to hear it... but it slipped my mind and I didn't know any details anyway.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
It's just much easier for other people to give you gift cards, then you can buy multiple things with it and they don't have to worry about what CDs you specifically want.
I do like physical CDs though.
most people give me Target gift cards, if I get gift cards. Most of the time I get checks. So I buy music with that. I hope I get some iTunes gift cards for my bday though. My wishlist is like $100 worth of stuff
Cool about the show. Aah Boston right by me. *sniffs* that city makes me sad and happy at the same time. Happy-first concert (RK). Sad- Owl City there and I'm going to miss it. But anyway, could I have the link?
Kat: I love your avatar and siggy! good pictures of Anberlin! speaking of them, I have been really addicted to their album "New Surrender" lately.....I have been listening to it a lot!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
BIG NEWS!!! Tomorrow...well,I guess it's today now. Anyways, March 24th at noon EST,the music video for "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City will be released at http://www.owlcitymusic.com
Kate: With Deas Vail? That sounds like so much fun! I still need to check out concert dates for...well,lots of different roups,really.
Ohio Avenue is coming to a college extremely close to me on April 17th! I'd love to go see them! I still need to ask my dad if I can go,though.
Ali: Liar,Liar is a good song. Have you listened to anymore of their music?
Alrighty,so lately I've been listening to these beauties:
"Devastation and Reform"-Relient K
"Abracadavers"-The Classic Crime
"Shoreline"-Deas Vail(free download on their purevolume!http://www.purevolume.com/deasvail)
"That's What You Get"-Paramore(free download on their purevolume! http://www.purevolume.com/paramore )
"Brick by Boring Brick"-Paramore
"Paperthin Hymn"-Anberlin
"Done Writing Love Songs"-The Morning Light(the only song of theirs I really like )
"Days Like Masquerades"-The Academy Is...
"Never Going Back to Ok"-The Afters
"Clouds"-After Edmund
"Thanks God"-After Edmund
and some Dashboard Confessional and Paper Route.
I should probably stop there. But there is this one other group I have simply fallen in love with.
He Is We
Rachel's voice is absolutely gorgeous!! Here's a link to their pure volume: http://www.purevolume.com/HEISWE (more freebies there!) And they were chosen as the #1 unsinged band on PureVolume in 2009! I really like "I Wouldn't Mind", "His Name" and "Give it All". Ironically(or not )those three are grouped together.
Oh,and in case you couldn't tell,I've been using PureVolume a LOT lately.
^yes I just finished watching the video, and I posted it on my blog! Awesomeness! I lvoe his vids, they're never what you'd expect and very original
good songs btw, especially the first one . THat's one of my absolute fave songs by RK
I heard another song by Ohio Avenue the other day...I can't remember what it was called but it was one reccomended to me...I'll have to listen to more later, I like them
there is this band that just came to the music scene called Satellites And Sirens and they have their first CD coming out! they have awesome music, very much like that of Run Kid Run or The Fold or Hawk Nelson!
check out the music video to their hit song "Take Me Back"!
http://musicremedy.com/s/satellites-and ... 37052.html
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^aah yes. One of their songs was free a couple weeks ago on NewReleaseTuesday.com. I believe I posted a link. And yeah I saw that music video a while ago, you showed it to me actually
Ok I have an announcement that might shock you guys. I love Anberlin! I bought a few more of theirs songs and I really like them now! The song that made me fall in love was The Unwiding Cable Car! Lol this happens to me like with every band I like- first I think they're only ok or barely tolerable and then somethinmg clicks and I love them! So yeah, now I like Anberlin
Btw, Chasen has a song for free single of the week on iTunes. And House of Heroes song In the Valley of the Dying Sun is free on Amazon
http://www.amazon.com/Valley-Dying-Sun/ ... 419&sr=8-2
The whole EP was free last week so if anyone wants the other two songs shoot me a PM and I can email them to you.
*leaves humming Paper Thin Hymn*
Ok I have an announcement that might shock you guys. I love Anberlin! I bought a few more of theirs songs and I really like them now! The song that made me fall in love was The Unwiding Cable Car! Lol this happens to me like with every band I like- first I think they're only ok or barely tolerable and then somethinmg clicks and I love them!
So yeah, now I like Anberlin
I am not really surprised. you didn't like Skillet for a long time and then loved them, so anything is possible! I recall trying to tell you that "The Unwinding Cable Car" was an amazing song.....and so is "Paperthin Hymn"!
i am glad you like them!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^yeah. I was the same with Switchfoot too . And Relient K. Yes I LOVE Paper Thin Hymn
. So awesome
I was just listening to Third Day's CD "Revelation" again and I really like that album! Third Day said at a concert I was at last year that "Revelation" was their favorite CD! pretty cool.....it's my favorite too!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^I love that CD! It's my fave too but I love Wherever You Are as well!
btw Lark, I downloaded that EP from He is We and also there old demos. Rachel's voice is good, it kinda reminds me of Taylor Swift's but a little rougher. I don't love their music though. Blame it On the Rain reminds me too much of Crush by David Archuletta to be enjoyable, but I do love their version of O Holy Night