speaking of free music. Amazon has free MP3s of Chasen and Stellar Kart:
Eyes of A Rescue, Chasen
Everything is Different Now- Stellar Kart
Oh yay, new thread!
Perhaps The Pendragon was comparing Ohio Avenue to TAN because they both have Avenue in their names?
Interesting about Anberlin. For some reason, I didn't really think they would be the type of band that people have to force themselves to like I fell in love with their music pretty much instantly, but to each his/her own!
Glenstorm: That's funny about your sister... yeah, seeing him actually sing just makes it 10x more amazing. Like Kate said, his voice is record-ready. It's incredible that he can hit all those notes in a live performance.
Lady Liln: Haha, so I'm not the only one who did that! I totally read it as Electric Chair the first time I saw it. It's a great song though.
Which leads me to ask Kate, have they released anything under the name Joywave yet? What other songs by The Hoodies would you recommend?
About Fair... I got their first album a little while ago, but I have yet to listen to their new one. I need to do that. Their first album is quite good, though I don't know how it compares.
As for Deas Vail, I LOVE All The Houses. Birds and Cages does seem a bit more polished though. (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for, but it'll have to do) The Collapse EP I think is more of a hardcore-fans only thing The songs are all on other albums, the versions are just a bit different.
This Place Is Painted Red is something I've been quite curious about. I've listened to a couple songs from it on youtube, but I don't know where you can buy it. I've searched everywhere and it seems to be impossible to get. From looking at the track listing, several of the songs are on later albums - A Lover's Charm, This Place Is Painted Red, Anything You Say, and Follow Sound.
*Again, enters from left field*
Well, since the last time I stopped by this thread I have found/discovered some more songs/artists that I like:
Supertramp (It's Raining Again, Take the Long Way Home, Logical Song, Breakfast in America)
Derek & the Dominos (Layla)
Led Zepplin (Kashmir, All My Love)
And believe it or not, I have actually ventured into more modern music. Granted, it's music from the past 15 years, but anyway. It's recent to me.
Sheryl Crow (Soak Up the Sun)
Taylor Swift (You Belong With Me)
Aly & AJ (No One, Walking on Sunshine, Chemicals React)
SixPence None the Richer (There She Goes, Kiss Me)
Leigh Nash (Never Finish)
Jonas Brothers (Keep It Real, Paranoid)
Hmm, most of those modern songs are done by female artists.... Just now realized that. And yes, I like two Jonas Brothers songs, mostly because they remind me of older songs.
*disappears into left field again*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
If you're anything like me, all of you probably have so much music to listen to and to check out, you don't actually spend enough time listening to the music you love, but let me recommend NoiseTrade.com for being awesome. It is a awesome source of free music. I downloaded samplers from a few artists, but really hit the jackpot with Ben Rector. I love his songs "The Kill" and "Hank."
I've also really been enjoying "Flowers and Fireworks" by All the Day Holiday.
Does anyone else listen to Esterlyn? I got their albums from NoiseTrade, but I don't understand them. Sometimes they sound like Copeland and sometimes like pop/punk/rock. And they're described as indie, but they don't sound indie. *Is confused*
Glenstorm: Honestly, it's probably good that worship songs have only 3 chords. Otherwise, all the amateur worship leaders couldn't lead worship!
Liberty: This conversation inspired me to go listen to lots of DC Talk. I think maybe my favorite song of theirs is "My Friend (So Long)." It's a good alternative rock song. I'm kind of surprised that I don't listen to hip hop and rap now since DC Talk is definitely an influence on my music tastes and they lean that way. "Jesus Freak" is an awesome song, isn't it?
LadyLiln: You have no idea how happy your post just made me. I think you win an award for person with most similar music taste to mine. The second runner up is my sister and then Kat. I'm so glad you liked the Seabird & Fair I recommended. "Comfy" is actually a pretty good word for that album. Sorry I misinterpreted your Mae question. I'm excited for the release! I might get to review the (a)fternoon EP for the site I write for if Mae sends the mp3s soon enough.
I kinda blew a good chunk of birthday money doing the same thing.
I linked my iTunes to my debit account, which normally would be a bad idea, but I'm so terrified of spending all my money that I've only spent about 10$ all year so far.
I'm currently mainly listening to Anberlin, Fair (I've only gotten Disappearing World, is any of their other stuff good?), Deas Vail, and Mae.
Those are only 4 of my favorite bands ever. Um, let's see. Fair's first album is good, very good, but pretty different. But still the same awesome Fair. It's kind of hard for me to say, because I got it like 3 years ago, so I'm honestly a bit tired of it by now. The odd thing about Fair is that they do all these things in their music that are very surprising, but they can only surprise you once. And their surprises are so simple that later you forget they ever intrigued you. One of the members, Erick, has a side project called Subways on the Sun that has one really awesome song out called "Softer Light" that sounds a lot like Fair.
Kat: Good joke about the Avenues. The songs up on Joywave's myspace seem to be Joywave tracks. They are kind of different-sounding than the Hoodies. As for The Hoodies, I only own "Electric Choir," but "Backwards" is a very good song. I love his voice. I didn't know you listened to FAIR. That's cool. I'm also interested in This Place is Painted Red, it seems to have some cool songs on it. I might get the courage to ask at the show, so I'll let you know if I find anything out.
PrinceCor: Eclectic music tastes! I love Sixpence None The Richer. If you like them and Leigh Nash, you might like Eisley. You should check them out.
Kate: I love the song "Jesus Freak"! I have to tell you this story about that song: a couple years ago, our church was having Pastor Appreciation day. a lady from the church came up to my sister and I and asked us if we would join her in singing Jesus Freak (our Pastors love that song). so when the Sunday came to do it, she surprised my sister and I by giving us wigs: mine was purple, my sister's was blue, and the lady's was pink. we came out and sang Jesus Freak (the CD was playing behind us)! it was SO funny! everyone was laughing! I saw the pictures afterward and we looked so funny in those wigs! you should have seen it!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
though at the moment Tobymac is touring with Skillet,
over the summer it'll be Chris Tomlin he's touring with- odd pairing.
Chris Tomlin has several new songs, not yet on a CD of his own, but in the latest release of the Passion projects: Passion Awakening which features various other people including David Crowder Band and Hillsong United.
Tomlin's songs are:
Chosen Generation
Our God (currently #27 in the Billboard Charts)
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is (featuring Kristy Nockels)
though at the moment Tobymac is touring with Skillet,
over the summer it'll be Chris Tomlin he's touring with- odd pairing.
I know! It's like Skillet touring with Tenth Avenue North!
Tenth Avenue North's Healing Begins just debuted in the Billboard charts at #41
speaking of free music. Amazon has free MP3s of Chasen and Stellar Kart:
Eyes of A Rescue, Chasen
Everything is Different Now- Stellar Kart
haha yay! Thanks for posting that! I'm downloading the SK song now
That's fine. You're not required to love any of this music raved about here, you know.
I like Relient K well enough, but I'm not a fan of FaNSD as many of you here are. And, I've not been chased out yet.
I'm glad you guys don't seem to mind. I tell some people that I don't like a certain band or song and they start flipping out...wait what?! You don't like FANSD?!?!?
What are you even doing posting in this thread! FANSD is like the most worshipped album by us ever! JK
Glenstorm: That's funny about your sister... yeah, seeing him actually sing just makes it 10x more amazing. Like Kate said, his voice is record-ready. It's incredible that he can hit all those notes in a live performance.
*happy daydreaming sigh* I know. I can't imagine how awesome it would be to see him live live. You know, not in a video . Lucky Kate is going to have that privilege in a few weeks *is jealous*
Interesting about Anberlin. For some reason, I didn't really think they would be the type of band that people have to force themselves to like
I fell in love with their music pretty much instantly, but to each his/her own!
from what I heard of them I always thought I would like them. I don't know why I don't. Idk...it's kinda wierd. I don't know myself!
Glenstorm: Honestly, it's probably good that worship songs have only 3 chords. Otherwise, all the amateur worship leaders couldn't lead worship!
well yeah. But still, expound a little please! I just like more complicated songs....
Yay me! My CDs are coming tomorrow! I wish I ordered more since I got free shipping. Btw christianbook.com has alot of good $5 CDs right now. TobyMac's Portable Sounds, Meredith Andrews' The Invitation, Rebecca St. James' If I Had One Chance To Tell You Something, and Group 1 Crew's CD Ordinary Dreamers all among them. Not to mention some CDs for cheaper, like most of Jump5's for less than $2 and Audio A's are on sale too
^^Wow! You're gonna have SO much music to listen to! A few days ago, I got Copeland's Beneath The Medicine Tree, & it was pretty good. I really liked Pricless & Coffe.
I listened to all the songs on Fireflies & Songs by Sara Groves, & they're all so good! I had just been listening to 3, but From This One Place, Twice as Good, Like A Like, & Different Kinds of Happy are SO amazing! I am obsessed right now!
Twice is Good is so sweet... "life with you is half as hard, & twice as good...".
From This One Place is my song right now.
"From this one place, I can't see very far. In this one moment, I am square in the dark. These are the things I will trust in my heart, You can see something else."
Perhaps The Pendragon was comparing Ohio Avenue to TAN because they both have Avenue in their names?
Lol! No, I thought you were compairing them. oh well...
avatar by Flambeau!
I know! It's like Skillet touring with Tenth Avenue North!
that wouldn't be so bad.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^it wouldn't be bad, just shocking, not expected, and a little weird.
I got the CDs!!! Matt Hoopes has a quote on a little sticker on the front of ATHLTS "Pretty much if you like good music you will like this band." So true . He also plays guitars on one song, "Light as Air".
GtG: Have you listened to The Invitation yet? It has a few songs on it that I absolutly love, and some I don't really care for.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
I wish TobyMac and Tenth Avenue North would tour together , They are like my two favorites to listen to, but I think that to would be an odd pairing.
are there any Audio Adrenaline fans out there? or any DC Talk fans? I grew up listening to those bands! too bad they aren't around anymore.....
I LOVE DC Talk! I grew up listening to Jesus Freak!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
winterlife: no. i've only heard a few songs, b/c i saw her live when i sang in the MWS concert, and i have two songs off of it, but i haven't heard the whole thing.
7chronicles: i think them touring together would be awesome, just unlikely...
I LOVE DC Talk! I grew up listening to Jesus Freak!
I grew up listening to that song too! yay!
I grew up listening to DC Talk's music because my brothers would play it all the time and I love it! yay! don't you just love the song "Supernatural"? I do!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I grew up listening to that song too! yay!
I grew up listening to DC Talk's music because my brothers would play it all the time and I love it! yay! don't you just love the song "Supernatural"? I do!
I Love that song! Oh, and I also love, In the Light!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis