I like:
C.S Lewis
Jane Austin
Gail Carson Levine - Her books are so funny.
Shannon Hale - I LOVE The princess academy and The Goose Girl. They may be my favorite books...
May the force be with you!
I LOVE Pixar & Disneyland!!!!
J.R.R Tolkien - My favorite author, read frequently The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings. I also liked The Legend Of Sigurd & Gudrun, about Norse mythology, released last year.
C.S. Lewis - Only read The Chronicles Of Narnia. I'm considering to read Screwtape Letters.
Raymond Feist - Like his first books, Magician, Empire Trilogy and Serpentwar. His later books aren't as good, but still enjoyable.
Robin Hobb - Read her 3 trilogies (Farseers, Liveship Traders, The Tawny Man)
Harry Potter - Loved them when i was in High School and also a fan of the movies. Though i haven't read them since 2 years. I wonder if i'd still like them now i've read more fantasy.
Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace is one of my top 3 books, it's definitely an unparalleled reading experience.
Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar, but also for her poetry and diaries.
Stephen King - What can I say, I love horror. I also love the recurring characters and universes in all his work.
Mikhail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita is my favorite, but I've loved the other works of his I've read too.
J. D. Salinger - There is more to Salinger than Catcher in the Rye! His short stories and novellas are outstanding.
H. P. Lovecraft - Another horror author, I love reading his short stories with a cup of tea. I just need the learn not to do this right before bed
Then there are some authors who wrote books I consider favorites, but haven't really explored their other work or liked further reading enough to call them favorite authors, like Willa Cather, Milan Kundera, Cormac McCarthy, Doris Lessing, Carson McCullers and Donna Tartt.
And the obligatory C.S. Lewis, of course
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
CS Lewis
Mark Twain
Anne Frank
Eve Titus
Beatrix Potter
Richelle Mead
JK Rowlings
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
AJoanna, I am very happy with your inclusion of Nicholas Sparks, I went through all posts waiting for at least one to mention him, in it was you. No one else?
Nicholas Sparks: I've read 4 of his books, though I already have 3 other of his books pending a read. (I have seen all the movies related to his books though, only Dear John which I also read so far).
CS Lewis: Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and currently reading The Great Divorce.
JRR Tolkien: The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
JK Rowling: Harry Potter.
Louisa May Alcott: Little Women is terrific, Currently reading Little Men and though LW is better- this one is great too. Already have the third of the trilogy, Jo's Boys, to read.
River Jordan: The Gin Girl, her first, is great. The Messenger of Magnolia Street the second is better, and Saints in Limbo her third is probably the best- (possibly a tie with the last two). She has another, which is a collection of short letters I think of her life or something. Her fourth official book releases this September and I can't wait for it.
Mark Twain: only read Tom Sawyer and its sequel Huckleberry Finn. The first is great, but the second is a masterpiece.
Jerry B Jenkins and Chris Fabry: The Wormling series. Book for kids to be sure, but I really enjoyed them- though the final two in the series were a bit of a letdown.
I haven't read more than one book of any other author that I could remember right now. Though Charles Dickens is great too, I love Oliver Twist. I also like Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird.
SnowAngel: Did you take your username from Jamie Carie's book Snow Angel?
I forgot to mention Deeanne Gist (good historical fiction) and Candace Calvert (a new author who writes medical fiction).
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
Jane Austen
Wendy Alec
Christopher Paolini
Louis May Alcot
William Shakspeare
H.G. Wells
Ann Rinaldi
Donna Jo Napoli
J.R.R Tolkien
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (lol it's almost like i've fallen in love with Sherlock Holmes )
lol I know I have more favorite authors but i'm drawing a blank right now...
Team Edward and Team Jacob are overrated. I'm Team Avatar!
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Avvie by Rising_Star
C.S. Lewis - was my introduction, as a child, to quality books. His works fuelled my young, wild imagination and later his fiction and non-fiction helped me explore the Christian faith
Ted Dekker - an extremely creative storyteller with a flair for illuminating God's Truth in a different light (less preachy than Peretti)
Frank Peretti - was my introduction to more mature Christian fiction. His writings proved that they didn't need to be biblical stories or prairie-romances
Steven James - an excellent suspense author - a real word-smith, also a Christian
J.K. Rowling - a very talented storyteller who needs to learn to lay off the adverbs and adjectives
Roald Dahl - was one of the first authors to get my attention early on. His books are creepy and deliciously imaginative and quirky. He is one of few children's authors who doesn't patronise children
Paul Jennings - Another series of books that helped me learn to enjoy reading (along with Narnia and Tintin). Jennings remembers what it was like to be a child. His stories are about childhood and contain all the joys and sorrows therein. Most of his stories are hugely imaginative and downright hilarious. Some of his stories are poignant. His short stories were adapted into a much-loved TV series - Round the Twist!
Herge - creator of Tintin
Agatha Christie - mistress of murder. Writes great mysteries but they can become a bit redundant after awhile
H.G. Wells - master of sci-fi
Jules Verne - master of sci-fi
Donald Miller - encourages and challenges me to live my faith
Philip Yancey - helps me look at biblical truths in a different light
I also enjoy some Stephen King and Dean Koontz but I haven't read enough of their books to decide.
Dean Koontz and Stephen King both tell stories of great suffering and redemption that challenge readers. Unfortunately King at times relies too much on overly graphic content, language and excess padding. It's rarely necessary and cheapens his writing quality. But still, there's so much to like. Both authors accept the spiritual realm as part of our everyday reality. They both glamorise evil and then reveal it's destructive nature. They're both amazing storytellers but Koontz manages to be the better writer.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Jane Austen
Louisa May Alcott
Charlotte Bronte
Charles Dickens
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Henry James
C. S. Lewis
Beverly Cleary
All amazing authors!
Do you enjoy any authors who are still alive?
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I love C.S. Lewis of course because he creates such great books like The Chronicles of Narnia and other great books too. I love his imagination and is really good in making stories, making him a legend in English Literature.
Other is my all-time favorite.... Jane Austen. I started liking her when I first watched Pride and Prejudice. I planned on reading the book after and voila! I loved it so much! And her other works were very interesting to read too. I just love how she creates romantic novels which makes me hope on finding a guy like Mr. Darcy in real life! . Oh well, long live Jane Austen!
"Two sides of the same coin"
Always the strange one, I don't really like Jane Austen. There's just something about her writing that doesn't exactly agree with me. Whenever i try to read one of her books, I feel like it's going in circles.
Haha Warrior 4 Jesus, I don't like waiting for alive authors to finish that particular series, but I also don't like reading books by dead authors because then they're dead and theres no more goody goodness. I'm so conflicted!
And some more cool authors
Amy Tan
Shannon Hale (I love Enna Burning)
Jennifer Holm
Tamora Pierce
Dia Calhoun
Team Edward and Team Jacob are overrated. I'm Team Avatar!
Find me on Tumblr!
Avvie by Rising_Star
SnowAngel: Did you take your username from Jamie Carie's book Snow Angel?
Yes, I did. It seems to fit me.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I have a new author that I like! Roland Smith! he's amazing! I love his style of writing! yay!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are