Question #1- How much do we know about the 12th movie? I know that the villian will be played by Benedict Cumberbatch, and that the movie will come out in (supposedly) the summer of 2013. Do any of you know anything more than that?
I know I don't. Except, I have seen a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain.
Question #3- Where do you guys stand on the whole Star Trek vs Star Wars issue? I've personally been a fan of both, for as long as I can remember... and think the feud kinda silly. So, what's your take?
I think it's a bit of an odd issue. It makes me wonder why it's even a battle. I mean, it would make sense if they were the same sort of thing, like Mac and PC users might fight over who's better. But the only thing Star Wars and Star Trek have in common is that they're both Sci-Fi. Just because two things come from the same genre, that doesn't mean they're battling against each other. What's more, one is a movie and the other is a TV show. Not really comparable.
If people must bicker, they should at least bicker about Star Trek vs. Doctor Who, since those are at least both TV Shows (Doctor Who would win, by the way. ).
And one more comment from me for now... you all do know that you can talk about more than just answers to my questions, right? This thread is for anything Trek related!
Yeah, we could do that. But then we'd have to actually think about something to talk about. And thinking is hard. We'll just let you keep on doing all the work!
Just kidding.
Hmm... Maybe we could each add an question or two to our posts.
Questions for you all:
1. Personal Preference: Klingons or Romulans?
2. Spock or Data?
3. If you could be captain of the Enterprise, what crew would you want (i.e. the crew from TOS, TNG, ENT, etc.)?
Which was the best series? TOS. I like TNG, but TOS has always been my favorite. DS9 had some good episodes and some not so good episodes. I liked what very few episodes I've seen of Voyager. Still haven't seen enough of ENT to really get a good grasp of it. I like the characters though.
Best captain? Kirk! Probably why I like TOS the best.
Best film? Wrath of Khan. Really, what other choice is there? Admittedly, the only TNG movie I've seen is Generations so I don't really have a whole lot to form an opinion on.
Which characters? Spock, McCoy, and Kirk, naturally. From TNG I really like Data and Geordi and from DS9 I love Dr. Bashir and O'Brian. The best DS9 episodes always seem to be the ones where either Dr. Bashir or O'Brian is the lead for some reason. Quark and Odo are pretty cool too when Odo isn't being angsty.
City on the Edge of Forver
The Trouble With Tribbles
Journey to Babel (I think that's the title...)
There are more but I'm terrible at remembering titles.
Our Man Bashir (Bashir! As Bond! In the Holosuite!)
Trials and Tribble-ations (Tribbles! Klingons! Time Travel!)
Little Green Men
Haven't seen enough of the others to list favorites.
Where do you guys stand on the whole Star Trek vs Star Wars issue?
I have made it a standing policy to never address this question. The only issue I have is when people try to make me choose. Never. Going. To. Happen. Unless of course my choosing Star Trek would mean the prequel Star Wars movies never happened.
10 - Nemesis - defies the 'even numbered movies are better' logic.
Actually, a fellow Star Trek fan pointed this out to me recently: If you count Galaxy Quest (the only Trek movie that isn't actually a Trek movie), Nemesis is an odd-numbered movie because Galaxy Quest was released between Insurrection and Nemesis. So the "even numbered movies are better" logic still counts.
*slips in*
Star Trek. One of my favourite shows! I'm so glad to see this SF.
Which was the best series? Well, I can't really say anything about DS9, ENT, or VOY as i've seen nothing of those asides from the random VOY episode here and there. However between TOS and TNG I have to say TNG. It may be perhaps that I was introduced to TNG first and it's what I grew up with.
Best Captain? Picard, hands down. He was a well developed and strong character. He didn't just jump headfirst into a problem when it came about, he tried to learn as much as he could about it before acting. He was also as Anna said, a gentlman and he cared about his crew and ship very much. Kirk was ok but his constantly going after a woman tends to annoy me, and he can be a tad careless at times. Then again as I mentioned above, TOS isn't the first Trek I ever watched, so that may contribute too.
Best film? Wrath of Kahn, The Search for Spock, and The Voyage Home. I also loved Star Trek 2009 (asides from the lense flares that is ) The Motion picture was too dull and boring for me (could they pan across the Enterprise ANY slower?) and The Final Country and The Undiscovered Country were not favourites of mine either. I haven't seen any of TNG films asides from a small bit of First Contact. I do however know a lot about them.
Which Characters are your favourite? Spock, Scotty and Bones from TOS. From TNG I like Picard, Wesley, Data, Geordi, Troi.... uh, pretty much the whole crew? I've only seen a few episodes of VOY and none from deep space or ENT so i'm going to have to leave those blank until I finally watch the shows.
Favourite episodes?
TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles, The City on the Edge of Forever.
TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise, The Inner Light, The Best of Both Worlds 1 and 2, Remember Me, Where No One has Gone Before, Data's Day, Clues, Disaster, Power Play, A Fistful of Data's, Face of the Enemy, Timescape, etc... there's far too many to name here!
Favourite Quotes? "Sir, I protest… I am NOT a merry man!" That's all I can remember at the moment. I'll have to look the rest up.
Favourite guest stars? Uh... I don't know guest stars by name. If I see them in an episode I like, I'll remember them though.
Favourite Themes? Hmm, that's a tough one. I like episodes that revolve around family. I also like episodes that keep one in suspense or wondering. Mysteries (what Picard loves ) or episodes like the BoBW two parter and such.
How much do we know about the 12th movie? I haven't heard any news on what it's going to be about so far.
Does anyone know anything about Star Trek Online? To be honest, i've never heard of it in my life, strangely enough.
Where do you stand on the whole Star Trek vs Star Wars issue? Nowhere. I haven't seen Star Wars so no comments on that until I actually watch it one day.
Klingons or Romulans? Tough one... I suppose Klingons.
Spock or Data? Oh great, a REALLY tough one! Spock is great, but I adore Data, too! I have to say i'll go with Data on this one. He was one of the first characters i've ever adored on Trek. I loved his quest to be more human and his childlike curiosity.
If you could be captain of the Enterprise, which crew would you want? TNG hands down. From watching the show so often I feel like I know and would relate to them the best. They're also a great crew!
So yeah... don't have any questions of my own for any of you at the moment, so that's my final report! Beaming out for now.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Random observations:
Doctor Who vs. Trek: Why not both? Consider this crossover featuring Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, Captain Picard - as well as the Borg and Daleks. (Thanks to Lady Arwen for the link!)
You know, that's a combination that could be great in live-action TV: Imagine the TARDIS showing up on the bridge...and "I'm the doctor, caretaker, or get off this planet" to Picard's inquiry of who he is.
Romulans or Klingons: as a friend recently observed, that depends to some extent on which series you mean. In TOS the Romulans were something like the old Romans: militant soldiers valuing honor ("Balance of Terror"), while the Klingons struck me more as pirate types.
But in TNG and later series, this was almost flip-flopped; Worf's honor was a big subplot in TNG and the Romulans' ruthlessness was often emphasized ("The Defector," "The Mind's Eye" and "Unification").
I wonder if this is because once they'd decided to have a Klingon character aboard the ship (and having a Romulan would be too much like a Spock 'reboot'), they had to retool the Klingons a bit to make them more palatable to Picard and crew.
Star Trek vs Star Wars: Some friends are rather concerned about this, but I like both. So there.
Galaxy Quest: thanks for mentioning this movie, dot. Great spoof on Trek. I should rewatch it some time.
Nice choices for favorite episodes, dot and TheGentleWarrior.
Spock or Data: Yes.
Character chemisty: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy had some great on-screen moments. And over the years, a nice friendship developed between Data and Geordi LaForge. DS9 had O'Brien and his family, who transferred from the Enterprise of TNG to the new show after Molly was born. O'Brien and Bashir had some fun adventures in the holodeck.
The female captain made for some different dynamics in Voyager. She often seemed like a mentor and nurturing figure to Harry Kim and other young crew members after they became stranded so far from home.
Music: Several have mentioned the TNG episode "The Inner Light." That's such a good episode, I think, and an awesome concept: Picard gets to experience something he's missed as a Starfleet Captain - a loving wife and family, even grandchildren. And that music! I'd be remiss not to link the "Orchestral Suite from the Inner Light" composed for the Trek 30th anniversary collection; it's on YouTube here. Just watching that video makes me realize again how good that episode was.
Random Remarks: Nana Visitor (Major Kira) did a great job as her evil counterpart in the DS9 Mirror Universe episodes.
I liked the Kes character as Voyager began - the idea of someone living a whole life in just 9 years was an interesting concept. She sometimes seemed so full of childlike wonder in the new adventures on the ship. But they never really explored her full potential. I didn't like her last episodes: "The Gift," in which she suddenly starts evolving quickly and has to leave the ship with no chance to say goodbye - though by then we knew she'd been written out of the show and had to make a quick exit - and "Fury," in which a powerful and angry Kes returns to the ship because she feels betrayed by Janeway (but later on, after another viewing, I didn't mind "Fury" quite so much).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*rescues the thread from the brink of being sent to the SO's page 2*
Yay, more people! Welcome to the discussion, Dot and Gen! gazer, Izzy... thanks for helping me keep this going! (I'd hate to see it die) 's for all four of you!
Ok, prepare for yet another long post from me, guys. It would seem I have a lot of catching up to do. And I apologise in advance for the number of smilies in this post. *headdesk*
Question #3- Where do you guys stand on the whole Star Trek vs Star Wars issue? I've personally been a fan of both, for as long as I can remember... and think the feud kinda silly. So, what's your take?
I think it's a bit of an odd issue. It makes me wonder why it's even a battle. I mean, it would make sense if they were the same sort of thing, like Mac and PC users might fight over who's better. But the only thing Star Wars and Star Trek have in common is that they're both Sci-Fi. Just because two things come from the same genre, that doesn't mean they're battling against each other. What's more, one is a movie and the other is a TV show.
Not really comparable.
I mean, one would think that having both Wars and Trek be Sci-Fi that they'd have more fans in common. Not fans fighting. I mean, a fan of the genre should be a fan of the genre. It just seems illogical.
Besides, there are enough similarities and differences between the two to make both interesting and fun. To be honest, I grew up wanting to be both part of Starfleet... and a Jedi knight. I mean, making us pick is hardly fair. At least you guys agree with me!
If people must bicker, they should at least bicker about Star Trek vs. Doctor Who, since those are at least both TV Shows (Doctor Who would win, by the way.
Would it make more sense to put two long-standing Sci-Fi tv shows against each other? Yes. YES YES YES! That said, I like both in this case as well... so, I refuse to answer.
And one more comment from me for now... you all do know that you can talk about more than just answers to my questions, right? This thread is for anything Trek related!
Yeah, we could do that. But then we'd have to actually think about something to talk about. And thinking is hard.
We'll just let you keep on doing all the work!
Oh, right. Because it's so easy for me to come up with all these things to discuss. Y'all are LAZY! Oh, well.... I guess that's what I get for being "Acting Captain".
Just kidding.
Hmm... Maybe we could each add an question or two to our posts.
Questions for you all:
Why, thank you! (I just knew you were kidding!)
1. Personal Preference: Klingons or Romulans?
gazer made a good point... it kind of depends on which view/series you're looking at this from. But, I guess Klingons.
1) The war is over... and they aren't as mean as the Romulans.
2) Let's just put it this way... do we have a Neutral Zone with the Klingons? Nope
3) I think Worf would be very mad at me if I chose Romulans over his people.
2. Spock or Data?
Oh, you come up with all the hard ones, don't you?! I like them both... and they have a few similar qualities. So, it's really hard to say. I don't know if I can pick.
3. If you could be captain of the Enterprise, what crew would you want (i.e. the crew from TOS, TNG, ENT, etc.)?
Wait, I'm allowed on the bridge?! Since when? They barely let me in engineering!
Anyway, let's look at this for a minute. In terms of how it would get to me taking over... all the senior officers would have to be dead (not to mention, a good number of lower ranking officers too). And so that would defeat the purpose of this question, since you're basically asking "Who would you want to work with?"
That said, if we look at it from another... "just for fun" way (in which they'd all survive), I guess I'd go with the crew I know the best: The Enterprise-D and her crew. (aka TNG) I'd be happy to be working with any of the crews, though... to be honest.
Dot, I like your answer to my question about Star Trek vs Star Wars! And counting Galaxy Quest as a Trek film... yet not? CLASSIC!
(great film, too!)
Which was the best series? Well, I can't really say anything about DS9, ENT, or VOY as i've seen nothing of those asides from the random VOY episode here and there.
You should watch them! I think you'd like them a lot. (seeing as I like them so much, and we seem to look at the franchise the same way) I'd love to hear your thoughts on them.
Which Characters are your favourite? Spock, Scotty and Bones from TOS. From TNG I like Picard, Wesley, Data, Geordi, Troi.... uh, pretty much the whole crew?
YES!!!! That.
Like I said... we have the same taste when it comes to Trek.
(and I'm still not over the fact that I'm not the only fan of the Crusher family! I think you are my new best Trek-friend
Re: Worf is NOT a merry man! Did you remember that quote on your own, or is it because I included it? hehehe! And yes, do look the rest up! I'd be interested in hearing which are your favourites!
Does anyone know anything about Star Trek Online? To be honest, i've never heard of it in my life, strangely enough.
Hmm... maybe we should look into it together?
OHHHHH!!!! *knows EXACTLY what to talk about in our next YIM convo*
Re: Star Wars... you haven't seen them yet?! You should so totally watch them! Though, if you do... start with the Original Trilogy first. Watching the Prequel Trilogy first, is like having your first Narnia read ever be in chronological order, rather than publication. It ruins things a bit. Then again, unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know the main spoilers already. So... I guess just use your best judgement.
So yeah... don't have any questions of my own for any of you at the moment, so that's my final report! Beaming out for now.
I look forward to our next discussion! Dismissed!
gazer, thanks for the great links! And I loved getting to hear more of your thoughts on all things Trek! Please stop by again soon!
Did I get everything? Ok, I'll be in my ready room... I mean... I think it's time for another holodeck adventure. Yeah... that! (I'm not allowed on the bridge, what makes me think I'd be allowed in the ready room? Oy. Delusions of grandeur, here I come!) If you need me... oh, I'll be back. We all know that.
Which was the best series? TOS is by far the best! Yes, the effects are not that great (although, a few still hold up okay!) - but the characters were better developed that on any of the other shows. Each character actually had a personality - and it didn't seem like they gave personalities to any of the characters on the later series (with the exception of Data - and he should have been the one character that didn't have one! After all, he was supposed to be an emotionless android!) And it was before political correctness! Some of the cheesiness is what I like too - for example, in the episode "Galileo 7" - Spock orders them to go on without him because he's pinned up against a canyon wall by a boulder and it's obvious that he's holding the paper mache rock in place. The crew runs to him, they roll the rock to the side and he runs to the shuttle. I don't overlook those things, they make me smile - and they don't dimenish the story any, because the script was pretty good to begin with.
I also liked DS9 - but not as much after they brought Worf to the series.
Best captain? Well, I'm probably the only one who will give this answer - Captain Christopher Pike. I wish that we could have seen more of him. The whole Kirk/Picard debate - doesn't interest me. They were both okay - of those two I'd probably have to go with Kirk simply because with TNG, it felt like they took Kirk's personality and split it into Picard and Riker. Picard got his intellect and Riker was the stud of the universe part 2.
Best film? That's a hard question - I really liked The Voyage Home (ST:IV) it's really a fun movie to watch. I also really liked The Wrath of Khan (ST:II) - it's the only Trek movie that makes me cry. And I cry earlier in the movie each time I see it. The first time I watched it - I cried when Spock died. The next time, I cried when he gives his katra to McCoy (that scene is probably my favorite out of all Star Trek - McCoy tries to stop him from exposing himself to the radiation (which is basically him saying, "I love you.") and Spock gives his katra to McCoy ("I love you too")) AND I really liked the latest Trek film - I think the new cast did a great job of capturing the characters - no, they aren't the original cast, but they did a really good job. I look forward to the next movie.
Which characters, episodes or quotes are your favorites? Spock is by far my favorite character. Amok Time, Journey to Babel, The Trouble with Tribbles, A Piece of the Action, Bread and Circuses, Mudd's Women, and I, Mudd are among my favorite episodes. And quotes? There are many - but I'll name two. "I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me." and from ST:IV - "The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!"
What guest stars did you like best? Mark Lenard (Sarek - Spock's dad)
And what themes did you like best? Gosh, I want to answer this with
I much prefer the original theme song (and thought actually having words to the last series - Enterprise - was awful). But, I take it you mean the messages of the episodes. I really liked the episodes that focused on friendship and loyalty. But my favorite message was from Bread and Circuses. At the end of the episode, they are discussing the fact that they were surprised that the people of that planet would be sun worshippers - Uhura interrupts them and says something like "I've been monitoring their communications and they are talking about the sun in the sky - they're talking about the Son of God."
Further up and further in!!
One of the other websites I'm a member at had a Secret Santa thingie going this past Christmas and one of the items I got was a brand new board game; Star Trek: Fleet Captains. Hey, this is Star Trek related after all.
This is a very large game with a plethora of cards and bits and pieces. Long story short one player plays the Klingons and the other plays the Federation. The game can actually accommodate up to 4 players so that two people can play each side. Players randomly select their ships, from small scouts (USS Equinox) on up to dreadnought class battleships (Enterprise-E). Then depending upon the types of ships drawn players are given a set number of missions to accomplish during the course of the game. These can be diplomacy missions, combat missions, or the ever present science mission.
Here's all of the Federation ships. Every one has been pulled from either the movies or from the various television shows. And they are definitely the stars of the game .
There are 10 decks of cards to draw from, each with its own purpose and theme, and in those decks one can often find famous persons from the ST universe. Here's two of my favorites. The Captain Kirk deck tends to be more combat oriented while the Picard deck veers more towards diplomacy and influence missions. These guys can be attached to individual ships (above) to make that ship stronger. Unless the ship is destroyed of course and then these cards go into the discard pile.
And so what happens when both folks have their fleets picked, and the cards selected and their missions picked, is they go explore the universe. That's depicted by some hexagonal cards on the board. Move your ship onto one and it turns it over. Sometimes there's a random encounter lifted straight from the movies or TV shows, while others contain ancient civilizations that want you to prove to them you have what it takes for them to join your faction. Others contain wormholes to other parts of the game board, or another may trigger a supernova, changing all of the cards directly adjacent to it. It's like a big episode of TNG or Voyager, but with Captain Kirk, Spock, and Khaaaaan! thrown into the mix.
Captain Sulu, Spock, The Doctor, and Lt. Broccoli (er...Barclay) are all assigned to the Excelsior, which is already a pretty good ship. But with all 4 of these officers assigned it becomes super powerful!
It's inevitable that at some point both sides are going to get into the occasional dust up. In fact the game encourages it. In my opinion the Klingons tend to have the stronger ships and more of a focus on combat while the Federation is geared more towards research, but in ship to ship combat they're usually pretty well matched. Oh...and Klingons can also cloak their ships, something the Feds can't do.
Klingon Bird of Prey! Yikes!
The goal of the game is to experience a set of adventures while completing missions (much like in your standard episode). Each mission completed awards a Victory Point. Whoever gets to a set number of Victory Points first (default is 10 points) wins the game. And then everyone scrambles to play the game again because it's about the closest I've seen to actually living an episode of Star Trek. It really is a lot of fun . At some point in the near future word on the street is they're going to be releasing some expansion packs, no doubt adding Romulans and Borg, and perhaps some Cardassians too.
Look! It's the Enterprise-D! it's not . It's actually the USS Venture, a Galaxy-Class starship and regular visitor to DS9 on that show.
The game is pricey, but worth every cent. And if anyone wants to play a match (or twenty) please let me know. I'm always game for a game!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Okay - so who has met cast members from any of the shows? What were they like? How many have you met?
Further up and further in!!
Parable, I actually agree with you about Captain Pike. He always fascinated me because of the one episode I remember him in from TOS. I was glad to see the character put to such good use in the new film (especially the nod to TOS at the end, with him in the wheelchair). I always wanted to see more of his time with Kirk before Kirk was captain of the Enterprise.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Also agreed about Captain Pike. I liked to see him in the latest movie, and the wheelchair nod to TOS.
On meeting actors - I quite accidentally came upon a book signing by George Takei (Sulu) at a small shopping center in the mid-90s. He was promoting his then-just published autobiography, To The Stars. The line was long, but I did get to shake his hand and talk to him briefly. He said his favorite episode as Sulu was "The Naked Time" since he got to run around with a sword. He seemed very nice even with all the people eager to talk to him.
That sounds like quite the detailed game, Shadowlander; I like the ships miniatures. I'm reminded of the days when our gaming group played something called Star Fleet Battles. It was a good enough strategic game, especially for its day, though often play would break down into discussions about resolving its extremely detailed rules.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Which was the best series? Welll... probably the original series. Oldies are goodies, they say.
Best captain? I've met quite a few of them. Kirk was the kindest, but Picard seemed more wise, in my honest opinion.
Best film? The new one was quite good.
Which characters, episodes or quotes are your favourites? Doctor McCoy was a character I was very fond of. The other doctors as well. I seem to have a fondness for fictional doctors. Don't know why.
Wow, it's been awhile. Sorry about that, guys!
Anyway, let's get down to business...
parableproductions- Welcome to the thread!
(first post) Those are some great thoughts there, thanks for sharing! (yes, I agree with those of you that said Pike is fascinating. And I loved that they included him in the new film) And don't worry, discussion of the music is welcome too!
(second post) As I said in my opening post, I've only met one... Robert Picardo. As I said on my blog post about going to the exhibit, I said he was really funny and really nice. (if you want more details, pm me or read the entry. I linked to it in said first post )
SL- Wow, that looks SO cool! I'm really jealous. Say, how about if you're ever in my area, you bring it along?
gazer- How fun that you got to meet George Takei!
Riella, nice April Fool's post as the Doctor! (from Doctor Who, that is! )
Ok, how about you all post a few last minute thoughts, so that I can close this place up? I mean, there are still more adventures to embark on... and that's hard to do when we're docked.
Best series: The series I found the most enjoyable was Voyager. I think the cast had an especially good chemistry, even though Captain Janeway could be rather self-righteous at times and I enjoyed the moment when Q sealed up Neelix's mouth. Seven Of Nine was an extremely good character. I thought the final episode was very clever: it wasn't a question of whether they would get back to Earth, but when - according to the original timeline, or straight away, and they kept you guessing until the last minute of the programme.
I thought that in Star Trek - Enterprise, they had too much technology. They still had transporters and universal translators et al. It could have opened up some interesting ideas for stories if, for instance, there had been no universal translator and they had to struggle to understand each new race they came across - and encountered problems when they misunderstood them.
Best captain: Benjamin Sisko. Always cool, while maintaining a strong sense of authority.
Best film: Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home. I have to admit to being in the minority by saying that I couldn't stand Star Trek II, The Wrath Of Khan.
Best quote: From Star Trek Insurrection:
PICARD: Worf, do you know Gilbert and Sullivan?
WORF: No sir, I haven't made myself acquainted with the new crew arrivals.
Best themes: I liked those episodes that featured time travel in one form or another. Trials And Tribble-ations in DS9 was one of my favourites. In a few episodes there were people from the Federation in the 29th Century who travelled in timeships and monitored time; I think they could have had a series featuring them.
Best characters: Dr. McCoy, Data, Troi's mother, Lieutenant Barclay (Berkeley?), Sisko, Odo, Quark (Odo and Quark are possibly one of the best comedy double-acts since Laurel and Hardy), Tuvok, Tom Paris, The Doctor, Seven Of Nine.
Welcome to the thread, King_Erlian!
I thought that in Star Trek - Enterprise, they had too much technology. They still had transporters and universal translators et al. It could have opened up some interesting ideas for stories if, for instance, there had been no universal translator and they had to struggle to understand each new race they came across - and encountered problems when they misunderstood them.
Hang on... I know it's been awhile since I've seen Enterprise. But I'm almost positive they didn't have universal translators... at least, not very good ones. (if they had them) I mean, Hoshi's job was for the translation side of things. Right? I know that in the pilot, none of them knew of Klingon, and she had to learn that language during their trip. (so, that's at least ONE language they had trouble understanding) Great, I'm confused now.
Best quote: From Star Trek Insurrection:
PICARD: Worf, do you know Gilbert and Sullivan?
WORF: No sir, I haven't made myself acquainted with the new crew arrivals.
Lieutenant Barclay (Berkeley?)
You spelled it correctly. It's Barclay.
Attention, all personnel:
Due to needing to leave spacedock soon, we are ending these negotiations/discussions on Friday, May 4th. Please have all of your closing remarks in order by then. Thank you! Dismissed!
You've done an excellent job in the opening and closing posts, Princess Anna!
I just wanted to note that I've seen a few Trek alumni in other roles of late:
Michelle Krusiec (adult Molly O'Brien in the 6th-season DS9 episode "Time's Orphan") was recently in an episode of Kiefer Sutherland's new series Touch.
Rene Aubejonois (Odo in DS9) voices a character in a couple episodes of the animated Young Justice, to which I've only recently been introduced. (Marina Sirtis also voices a role in this show).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.