For that matter, what happened to any Time Lords who weren't on Gallifrey when it was destroyed? Such as the (First) Doctor's granddaughter Susan, whom the First Doctor left behind on Earth after the Dalek invasion of Earth in (according to the cinema film) 2150?
I know we all are supposed to believe that the Doctor is the only surviving time lord. Then we find that the master was still about. Now side stepping the arrival of river Song, and the Doctor's "daughter", what are the chances of other time lords still hiding somewhere?
Does anyone remember the Rahni? Or the meddling monk?
Using my limited knowledge of the classic series, I would exclude River Song and Jenny from being full Time Lords. They had some features and abilities of Time Lords, but were not fully blooded Time Lords. Anyways, more from personal opinion, but I think there is a small possibility at least a few Time Lords could still be alive. Remember The Doctor's Wife episode? The Corsair survived a short period of time. Some Time Lords could have escaped in fear and trauma and are too afraid to come out of hiding. Too bad we don't have a copy of The History of the Time War to help.
Just a side note, The Dalek Invasion of the Earth 2150 A.D. is widely considered non-canonical because it is an adaptation of a classic Who story.
Just a side note, The Dalek Invasion of the Earth 2150 A.D. is widely considered non-canonical because it is an adaptation of a classic Who story.
True, but the First Doctor left Susan behind on Earth at the end of the original version in the BBC TV series as well. It's just that I'm pretty sure the date of the Invasion was different in the TV version (after 2164 I think) and I couldn't remember the exact details.
Just saw the "Dalek" episode, and it got me thinking. Rose asked the Doctor as they were getting ready to leave if there was a dalek left, why no Time Lords? The Doctor replies that he would know, pointing at his head, suggesting that he would sense them somehow. Yet he apparently was unable to sense the Master. To be honest I have yet to see the episode where the Master makes his comeback, so I might have missed something there.
About the movie adaptations, I have seen both, found them enjoyable, but not going to worry too much about where they fir into the grand scheme of the storyline. I would rather like to see some continuity in the series as it is. I think I see the whole "wibbly-wobbly" "timy-whimy" sometimes as an excuse to be a little sloppy in that affair.
The thing about the Doctor not being able to sense the Master is explained in Series 3 - you have to watch at least three of the episodes to get all of the information to make it make sense. (I won't spoil which three!)
There have been plenty of continuity errors over the nearly-50 years Dr. Who has been running. I watched the final Patrick Troughton story, "The War Games" (1969) last week on DVD and at one point the Doctor says, "Time Lords can live forever". Later it was established that they couldn't, and could regenerate just 12 times.
Well, I am bumping up this thread for a very important reason and a very auspicious occasion.
In about 10 hours we will know who will be playing the Twelfth Doctor.
I will be getting up early to see what the news is, but I suspect that the special BBC programme will not reveal the information very early on.
I hope it's been revealed before I have to go off to work as it'll be Monday morning here!
I'm very much going to miss Matt Smith, but at least I have the DVDs.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I am so excited! So much so that I've decided not to go to bed at all tonight in favor of instead counting down the hours to the announcement.
So why do you think it's going to be? I have no idea, but i do think it's rather suspicious that this is the first time the BBC has elected to make the announcement during a live televised event. It makes you wonder if there's something different about this Doctor - such as the character being played by a woman, by a person of a different race, or by some big name celebrity - that would make the BBC want a live audience reaction to the news.
Personally, I'm hoping the role will go to either Peter Capaldi or Ben Daniels.
EDIT: It's not even 8AM here, so they've not yet announced the next Doctor. But I think it might be Aneurin Barnard. A photographer who did a photoshoot with the new Doctor just started following him since the photoshoot. And there's a few other things that make it look likely that it's him.
EDIT: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Peter Capaldi is going to be amazing. I can't type well enough to express the joy from this occasion.
I am so happy Peter Capaldi got the role. He's older, has experience with Doctor Who before being cast (Colin Baker was the first), and he's been a fan since he was younger. I've already seen people complain he's too old. Most of the classic Doctors were over 40 when they were cast, so I think Peter Capaldi will do fine.
Big congratulations to him!
Peter Capaldi is a great actor, I'm sure he'll make a great Doctor. It'll just take some time for me to warm to him. I last saw him as the Prime Minister in Torchwood: Children of the Earth. He played the role to perfection but in that story he was an evil, evil man!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I have a query:
The Doctor was 900-odd for most of the episodes with Amy & Rory, except for the time he was older (by the lake in USA in the astronaut sequences, when we saw him at two different ages). At the older age he just looked like an older version of himself.
Do we understand that the events we saw in that episode no longer happened, (due to the ending)
Or do we just have to live with having seen the Doctor at 1000-odd looking like Eleven, while knowing that he is going to be looking like Twelve?
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Auntie, my assumption was that we've caught up to that older Doctor through the events of Series 6 and 7. So our current Matt Smith is the older one from that episode.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've got a question as well, well, a few actually:
I just finished watching DW's Christmas Invasion, with David Tennat. It was awesome. This
show is rapidly growing on me... But when he sees PM Harriet Jones, they know each other. How's that?
What exactly is the screwdriver? And how is it able to stop aliens?
Also, why so many different companions? They always change, why don't the new Doctor vodies just go back to Rose? And what about Torchwood & The Sarah Jane Chronicles. Do you have to watch those too to understand, or are they just extra?
Thank you!
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
But when he sees PM Harriet Jones, they know each other. How's that?
They met before in the Aliens of London/World War Three two-parter.
What exactly is the screwdriver? And how is it able to stop aliens?
It's mostly used as a useful tool to track things and open locked doors, etc.
Also, why so many different companions? They always change, why don't the new Doctor vodies just go back to Rose?
Not sure what you're asking. Usually companions change when the current companion either gets killed, is somehow permanently separated from the Doctor, or they just decide they don't want to travel with the Doctor anymore.
And what about Torchwood & The Sarah Jane Chronicles. Do you have to watch those too to understand, or are they just extra?
They're just extra spin-offs. If you ever consider watching them, keep in mind Torchwood has a lot more suggestive content than Doctor Who.
So glad you're enjoying the show.
David Tennant's Doctor hadn't met Harriet Jones before, but he remembered her, and she knew he was a Time Lord and could regenerate from the briefings she must have had from UNIT when she became Prime Minister.
Although The Sarah Jane Adventures is made for children, it's very very good, and in some ways captures the feel of Classic Who more than the current Doctor Who - the episodes are just 25 minutes long (like the old Doctor Who episodes) and every story is a two-parter, so every other episode ends on a cliff-hanger. It was very sad that Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith, passed away two years ago.