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[Closed] Doctor Who SF Reboot! - Series 7 part 2

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Ditto these comments on last night's Christmas special. It did feel more like the Who episodes of old.

Bookwyrm, thanks for that connection to

the Second Doctor and the Great Intelligence. As you said, the snowmen were an interesting concept but fell short in being very ominous.

Also liked seeing Vastra and friends again. Some slapstick humor there. And Clara's

"It's smaller on the outside" ;))

Like most, I was most interested in the introduction of Clara, who reminded me a little of Donna as well. I'm looking forward to

the resolution of this 'girl who died twice' arc, and I liked that the Doctor recognizes her as 'souffle girl' from the Dalek Asylum. The rumours are flying on the internet as to what it all might mean, and how it'll tie into the 50th anniversary.

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : December 26, 2012 5:16 am
Louloudi the Centaur
Member Hospitality Committee

I have finally caught up on Doctor Who Series 7, and have seen the Christmas special.

I am actually kind of glad the Ponds left now. There really wasn't any story arc left for them. Besides, I didn't really like The Angels Take Manhattan. It may be just me, but I have not found the Weeping Angels to be that frightening, especially post-Blink.

Well, I think the Chris Chibnall episodes are improving, on a positive note. They may have been more for pure fun, but they certainly were. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship showed a darker side to the Eleventh Doctor towards the end, if you know what I mean. Power of Three had quite the interesting plot, albeit a rushed ending that did not make much sense to me.

Now the Christmas special was great. I thought it was better than the 2011 one, but I can't judge a Christmas Carol since I have not seen that. However, writers: please stop making the companions kiss out of romance! If you know about the First Doctor's history, it's just... unsettling. The Doctor loves each and every companion in different ways, but does every show have to have a romance? On the up side, I did like Clara other than the one scene. I wonder what her next "incarnation" (I'm just calling her next life that) will be like?

Posted : January 2, 2013 1:53 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Yes! So tired of every new companion having a crush on the Doctor. I think Donna is the only female companion to have escaped this. It's just not interesting anymore. I didn't even find it that interesting when Rose did it. :P

I think the reason why the Angels were so frightening in Blink was because it was just normal people like the viewer dealing with them. They really aren't a threat to a time traveler, much less a quasi-immortal like the Doctor and so they have to keep manufacturing increasingly absurd scenarios in order for them to be a threat to the Doctor. If we ever see them again, I'd prefer it to be an episode completely absent of the Doctor. Something like Turn Left where the companion is on their own and has to survive based upon their own wits.

Posted : January 2, 2013 2:43 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

1.)When did you first hear about Doctor Who? In the NW chat. It's hard to be a member and not hear about Doctor Who. :P
2.) What was the first episode that you watched? Season 1, episode 1; Rose.
3.) Classic Who fan or NuWho fan? NuWho. :)
4.) Who is your favorite Doctor? I love 9, 10, and 11, it's pretty much impossible to choose a favourite for me.
5.) Who is your favorite Companion? Amy and Rory Pond are my ultimate favourites, but I also love Rose.
6.) Who is your favorite Villain? DALEKS. :D
7.) What is your favorite episode? Argh, this one is too hard. :P I can't choose. I love every episode. ...mostly.
8.) How excited are you for Series 7? Well, as I am a bit late on this, half of season 7 has already passed, but I'm very excited for the rest. :D

NW siblings: TheDwarfMan, TheGentleWarrior
NW Cousin: Weirdo

Avvie by: RubyGamgee - Signature by: Tarkheena

Posted : January 4, 2013 2:26 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Must admit, I wasn't keen on this year's Christmas special. I thought the snowmen, with their big toothy grins, looked silly, like something a five-year-old had drawn. I think they would have looked more menacing if they had looked like ordinary snowmen, but had had some way of devouring people (maybe by enveloping them and then dissolving them?) Instead they copped out by cutting away from the scene and you just heard the workmen screaming, supposedly to leave it to your imagination but it made you wonder why the men couldn't just push the snowmen over and kick them to pieces. A comparison is how the Autons were depicted: they didn't have silly snarling faces, they continued to look "normal", but that didn't make them any less deadly. (Incidentally, when I was 6 and the Autons appeared for the first time in Jon Pertwee's era, I found them much more frightening than the Daleks because the Autons looked like something real and I found myself imagining, what if the shop window dummies in my local clothes shop did come to life?)

I also wasn't convinced by the "Doctor's Friends". The Silurian lady was just about credible (I mean as a character; I've no problems with the standard of the acting), as the Doctor had always been equally on the side of the Silurians as the humans on Earth, but I still can't work out how the Sontaran came to be not just a friend of the Doctor but also a servant, when the Sontarans had always been enemies and intent on conquering everywhere. His character just seemed to be played totally for slapstick humour.

I find that with most Doctor Who episodes in recent years, I have to watch them at least twice to understand properly what's going on. A lot of the dialogue is delivered very fast, and important lines can be buried in a quick exchange; if you miss them, what follows doesn't make much sense. The trouble is, I can imagine many people just watching it once and thinking, "I don't understand this - Doctor Who's rubbish." If too many people say that, then it may get taken off our screens again...

Posted : January 7, 2013 12:30 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I suspect we're probably never going to find out exactly how Vastra and Co. ended up as associates of the Doctor. It was vaguely hinted at in A Good Man Goes to War, but I don't remember the exact details.

I actually wish they had left Strax dead and created a new character to fill that role. He got a good heroic death which is completely undermined by bringing him back from the dead so he can be hilariously inept.

Posted : January 13, 2013 10:31 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

1.) When did you first hear about Doctor Who?

I was on a ski trip with my Venturing Crew, our crew leader advised my sister and I to watch them. When I first heard the plot I even thought it sounded dumb. But, I watched a episode he brought, and my sister loved it and eventually, I became a fan.

2.) What was the first episode that you watched?

''The Unicorn and the Wasp.'' My sister is an Agatha Christie fan, she loved the references.

3.) Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?

I think a little of both. I can't find as much as the old ones as I can on the new ones, and I love Tom Baker.

4.) Who is your favorite Doctor?

I have 2. One from Classic and one from NuWho. The 4th and the 9th doctor.

5.) Who is your favorite Companion?

Rose. Every single time.

6.) Who is your favorite Villain?

The Master. I wanted him to live so badly. I wanted him to become good and travel with the Doctor.

7.) What is your favorite episode?

That's hard. I love any episode with Rose and the 9th Doctor best. I think I like,

8.) How excited are you for Series 7?

Yes, and no. Very mixed. I am sad to see the the Williams go.

Homeschoolers taking over the World!
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Posted : January 22, 2013 12:40 pm
Member Moderator

Apparently BBC America is running a series called the Doctors Revisited. They are starting with the first Doctor on Sunday. Totally cool! I hope it's better than some of their more recent "specials" that focus only on the current doctor and have some people nattering on about some stuff that is totally pointless.

Posted : January 25, 2013 1:57 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I watched that last night. It was pretty cool. Interviews with the First Doctor's companions and assorted people like David Tennant, Moffet, and Neil Gaiman and then The Aztecs serial. Finally got to see some Classic Who. :D

Posted : January 28, 2013 5:03 pm
Louloudi the Centaur
Member Hospitality Committee ... -45880.htm

Two new Doctor Who Series 7b trailers! :D They're pretty close in footage except for a few shots. Major spoilers... possibly, especially at the end of both trailers.

Posted : March 16, 2013 12:23 pm
Member Moderator

Thanks for posting the links, Louloudi. At the moment I'm resisting the temptation to watch them before series 7 starts up again.

Bookwyrm and starkat, I finally got around to watching that First Doctor special on demand today. I especially enjoyed the Aztecs serial. I followed it with another viewing of "Asylum of the Daleks" and "The Snowmen."

I was thinking that not only has Doctor Who changed a lot over the past 50 years, but television in general has...writing, pacing, incidental music, and special effects all have very different expectations now than they did back then. It reminded of other shows from roughly the same period, such as the first Star Trek episodes and slightly earlier shows like The Twilight Zone or even Dragnet.

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : March 19, 2013 7:13 pm
Louloudi the Centaur
Member Hospitality Committee

Okay, two VERY big things have happened today in the Doctor Who universe.

First, today was the return of Doctor Who with the episode "The Bells of Saint John". I am still gathering up my complete thoughts from this, but I think it was a good episode that was a lot of fun.

Second of all is the 50th anniversary. Today, it was confirmed by the BBC that

David Tennant and Billie Piper will be returning for the 50th anniversary special.
I would post a link, but the entire internet has exploded in the news, so you may look it up on your own time, plus I have no idea how to make links able to be clicked in words. :p

Either way, my hopes have gone up for the 50th anniversary and the rest of Series 7.

Posted : March 30, 2013 3:53 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

The second half of Series 7 is getting close to finishing, and I'm curious what people have thought of it. I'm still behind (just saw the Christmas special), but I noticed that a lot of people here were kind of 'meh' on the first half, which is pretty much how I've felt too. So, how have you all felt about the second half? Is it better, worse, or the same? Should I be rushing to catch up, or just take it when I have spare time? ;))

Also, how has Clara settled in? I haven't been at all impressed by her first two appearances, for most of the reasons you all have mentioned already, but then again, the first episode with Donna was a bit of a shock and I ended up loving her. :) So, does Clara grow on you, or have her first two appearances been pretty standard for the rest of the series?

On another note, can someone clear up something about River's timeline for me?

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Posted : May 15, 2013 3:46 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I'm liking Clara but I much prefer the stories of Series 7 part 1 (excluding Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and The Snowmen) to part 2. I enjoyed The Bells of Saint John but everything beyond has been either average or mediocre. Even Neil Gaiman's episode - Nightmare in Silver was merely good. We've learned some interesting things along the way, but most of the part 2 episodes themselves haven't been cohesively of good quality. I hope the final episode is better.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : May 15, 2013 4:44 pm
Louloudi the Centaur
Member Hospitality Committee

Yesterday was the Series 7 finale. Wow. A lot of what happened was unexpected.

I loved the opening title sequence.

Doctors 1 through 8 appeared, even if it was just from archive footage. Shame that the Eighth Doctor only got two seconds of screen time, and we hardly saw his face.

Character wise,

I am glad River Song was the mature woman she was in Series 4. The last time we saw her this series, I cringed. I thought Matt Smith was brilliant, having yet another moment of award deserving acting. Is it just me, or is the Eleventh Doctor getting much darker?

For some reason, I was a little underwhelmed on Trenzalore. Perhaps I was expecting it to be more grand, but at the same time I am happy the plot wasn't too overcomplicated, a problem I had with Series 6. Clara's mystery was wrapped up nicely as well. Who knew that she would just be a normal girl with the willing nature to sacrifice herself for the Doctor?

The ending...

What in the name of the Doctor happened in the Doctor's time stream that there was a "lost incarnation" or something along the lines of that, that he is a secret? A lot of people are speculating he is the Eighth Doctor and he ended the Time War, or if you have seen the classic series, the Valeyard. Who knows? John Hurt was cast months ago in the 50th and has been seen with a familiar looking leather jacket... The 50th anniversary will either do something very right or very wrong.
Otherwise this was a very nice episode with more questions to be answered.

With the six months we have of waiting, I'm going to try to watch more of the classic series. Having already seen at least one episode per classic Doctor, I must say I am fond of the Third Doctor episodes for some reason. BBC America has been airing monthly specials on each incarnation of the Doctor, and I believe next Sunday they are showing a Fifth Doctor episode. :)

Posted : May 19, 2013 8:21 am
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