sorry if there is a topic similar to this.
I am not good at dance infact I am terrible but i participated in a flashmob the other day. It turned out okay since we only practiced it.
Very cool, IlF, and I think I saw you. Well done! There was another dance topic ages ago (link), but it was locked last year, so, everyone, feel free to discuss anything dance-related here. As IloveFauns did, please make sure your comments are related to areas you have been/are involved.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Yay! Another dancing thread!
I've been meaning to open another dance thread for some time now, but I've been far too busy to do so. Thanks ILF, and nice flash mob! I think I saw you.
So.. now that it's open.. any dancers or dance fans around here? Many of you already know how crazy I am about it (especially ballet) so I'll try to refrain from exploding before we even get halfway through a page.
Oh, and.. I have dance tonight.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
You probably did because the camera focused on me in one section. I was wearing red glasses and a a mono expression face.
I love dance. So far I've tried a jazz/lyrical, ballet and tap. Ballet I love how graceful and beautiful it looks, but it can be a bit painful (lol and I'm not even en pointe), and the others are just SO fun. I had my first tap class Tuesday and now = me gusta.
Has anyone seen the Psych episode Feet Don't Kill Me Now?
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Cool video IlF, I think I spotted you
Gen, it's so cool that you dance ballet, it's probably my favorite type of dance, though I have a good many that I like
Lucy of Narnia, so awesome that you get to do tap dancing, I've always dreamed of learning how too, don't think I ever will though
I've been dancing since I was little (I had my first show when I was three, it didn't go very well though since I was filled with stage fright and refused to do any of the motions
ah well, we all have to start somewhere) when I was six I went to dance classes for kids that were near our home and when I was around nine me and my siblings went to acrobatic (or stunt) rock-in-roll. Those were the golden years of my life, from nine to twelve, when our dance troupe fell apart it was really sad. My sister is now a choreographer and I am a part of her older dance group (all together she teachers five differnet age groups). I'm actually really not the best of dancers (I'm not very coordinated and have a tendency to do everything the opposite the way it's supposed to be done
) but I love dancing, even though I'm not very good at it. Maybe sometime I'll even post videos of myself and my siblings dancing
My dream now is to learn to do early 19th century ball dancing. I was at a ball recently and even though I didn't know a single dance, it was heaps of fun. The good thing about those dances is they aren't difficult, the motions repeat themselves, so it's pretty easy to get the hang of it (though naturally I messed up several times ) Now my older sister and I are trying to inspire the rest of our family that this would be an awesome project to do all together
....oh dear, I should stop rambling now, this post is getting dreadfully long hehe did I ever mention that I was very long wended
always be humble and kind
Rambling?! Wild, you haven't seen rambling until you've seen me talk about dance. ^^
Lu, isn't tap dancing fun? Although it's not ballet, I do like it. Currently though, since my knee injury in June, tap is a lot harder then it was before though, and I've had to stop doing several moves now, so that's gotten me pretty annoyed.
Ok so.. when I last posted in this thread two years back, I was in tap, jazz, and ballet and about to get my pointe shoes. I have since then dropped jazz, stuck with tap and ballet and as of next week will have been on pointe for two years and starting my third year of it.
It's so much fun! I pretty much did pointe in my sleep for the years I was waiting to get my shoes, and it's every bit as hard/amazing as I expected it to be as odd as that sounds, lol. My feet are finally starting to look like a ballet dancer's! (beaten up
I also this year am a teaching assistant for three lower level ballet classes that my ballet teacher teaches. I've done it for three weeks now and absolutely adore it. Those of you who know me know that teaching dance has been a dream of mine for years now, so having this opportunity is amazing. Plus I'm able to give back and help out after everything my teacher has taught/give me over the years.
This year I'm taking two tap classes, two ballet classes, and two pointe classes. While I do wish I could take ballet 3+ times a week, my studio doesn't offer it so I'm happy with what I do have. I have dance tomorrow, actually.
*cough* Now I've been rambling.. So once again, now that i've given a general update on my dance that probably no one knows or cares about, I'll stop and wait until someone else posts again before I kill the thread with my 8 foot long posts of Dance! excitement.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I can't yet make the actual taps least not for flap. I just...scrape acorss the floor. Not very tappish sounding.
Also, last class it was soooo har, I just couldn't keep up. I need to see if I can learn to actually do the baffulo [step?] this week.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Last class it was soooo har, I just couldn't keep up. I need to see if I can learn to actually do the baffulo [step?] this week.
Oh, I like buffalos. They seem hard at first but get easier pretty fast. Keep trying!
Tap right now is pretty discouraging for me. Because of my knee, there are so many moves in my class that I have to stand out of right now.. and these are all steps that are done weekly, and are going to be all over my recital dance. At least I have until June... Thankfully I've done the majority of these steps for years now, so I can at least mark them and hold off for several months if I have to. The newer ones though? Ack.
Why oh why must we do toestand wings?!
On the plus side.. I'm now landing clean double right pirouettes on pointe 50% of the time! I could always get the double turn, but never a decent landing. Now I've got the landing. And Thursday, I got a triple en pointe in, too!
I'm happy.
Tomorrow I assist ballet classes all afternoon. I also have a ballet class of my own, too. I can't wait. I love Mondays.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I have yet to practice the tap (lol I forgot) but I have sort of been working on dance; straetching some and trying to work on cartwheels, backbend, bridge... Hopefully I can eventually do those neat back walkovers.
BTW this is just my one self not really something we have to do for class. XD
I wish I could do some gymnastics too BTW, like, a class or coach or something.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Whoa it seems like I'm a bit late for the party Dance is a BIG part of my life because I danced my whole life, my sister is a dance teacher and I am currently studying to be a dance teacher. Sooooo where to start
IloveFauns, The falshmob was really cool. When the first group started dancing I nearly jumped Wasn't expecting them to jump up like that! Really cool!
TheGentleWarrior, I LOVE ballet!!!!! And ever since I started studying and actually dancing it I love it all the more! The only part that kills me is the jumps, but I'm learning...the hard way
Lucy of Narnia, I LOVE tap dancing, but sadly haven't had the oppurtunity to learn it. One thing I'v noticed though that in Russian dancing we have what we call "drabushky" and they're really similar to tap dancing (at least I think so). We always joke that it's Russian tap dancing
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Wow, haven't posted in here awhile.
De_De, Isn't ballet amazing? I love it enough just watching it and talking about it, but actually getting to dance it? Honestly, I don't think I can describe how much I love it.
I do have to agree though, the jumps are hardest! I'm currently on hiatus from jumps because of a knee injury healing (which is sad.. I love petit allegro!) but the combinations are still hard regardless! One combination my teacher is fond of giving is 8 jumps in first position, followed by 8 jumps in second, and then 8 jumps in fourth. Close to fifth and do 16 changements. After THAT proceed to do multiple echappé/beated jumps.
You're studying to be a dance teacher? That's awesome! Any specific style you want to focus mainly on teaching, or are you doing a bit of everything? I'm currently a teaching assistant at my studio, and I want to be a purely ballet teacher in the future. I'm at a pretty high level in tap dancing and also know some jazz, but I honestly don't feel I would be able to teach those well. That's why I'm sticking to ballet.
Funny, as I sit here typing this, I'm also sewing a pair of ballet shoes. I need them for class.. tomorrow! It's Halloween week at my studio and all the teachers have to wear costumes. Since I technically count as one, I had to find something pretty fast to wear. I'm going as a black cat, as it's the simplest thing I could do. I already wear black to class regularly so I just decided to switch to black shoes/tights instead of my pink for a day and add a pair of ears and paws. I don't actually celebrate Halloween but for dance it'll be fun.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
TheGentleWarrior, whew I can imagine after a combination like that you guys must be exhusted!
Well, I'm not quite sure which style I'm gonna teach yet. I'll probably start with simple chreography for kids and then we'll see. I'm very intrested in mixing styles though. Like, for example jazz and tango, or hip hop and classical, or jazz and Russian, so I hope to experiment a bit with that.
Hey, that's really cool that you dress up! Where your students shocked, or where they expecting it?
Today is a big day for me! I made my first dance!!!! Well, nothing grandiouse of course, just a small kid's polka. For my studies we have to make a dance with as many stage patterns as possible. Of course they have to logically flow into each other. If you want to I can upload a video of it I got an A for it
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
*reappears to post after a lifetime of absence*
yay I'm so excited for another dance thread! I must say I think you all would enjoy mine and TGW's PMs to eachother about dance lol
ok well from 4-18 I have been dancing. Ballet, jazz, tap and hip hop I have done some in all of it. My favorite is ballet though I think my strongest is hip hop. I had to stop after I graduated, because though you are allowed it is not very customary to continue going to the studio after one graduates (I could go because I am just going to the community college in my town) and I miss it dearly. To the point(e) that I will dance all over my house. I hope to take dance next semester in college, taught by a women who works at my old studio
ok my tiny life story over
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
I went to a dance workshop yesterday to get ready for the musical. I had never done anything like that before and it was surprisingly survivable
Although I did not enjoy two hours of the "Justin Beiber slide"
memento mori