It's that time again! In less than a month, writers everywhere will get out their typewriters, pens, and computer keyboards and embark on a journey via the written word. Camp NaNoWriMo, just like it's November equivalent, is a competition in which writers attempt to write 50,000 words in just one month. Everyone who reaches this goal is a winner! Prizes include coupons from sponsors; but the biggest prize of all, of course, is the novel you write during the competition. Camp NaNo is held twice per year - once in April and again in July.
April approaches quickly, so you planners better get to work. In the meantime, you pantsers out there (for those of you who don't know, a "pantser" is someone who doesn't plan, but writes "by the seat of their pants") are welcome to take a seat, grab a drink, and hang out here as we all wait in anticipation for April 1st to arrive.
Let's start the discussion with a few questions:
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go?
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel (i.e. someone competing in NaNo, but writing less than 50K, writing something other than a fictional novel, someone continuing a story they've already started, or anything else that breaks the technical rules of the competition) this year? If so, what are your goals for the competition?
!!! I didn't know Camp NaNo was in April! I've been working on my writing, and this seems like the perfect time to actually jump in and attempt my first novel.
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
I'm a serial pantser... I'm very much the slave of my Muse. Which is why I don't have a completed novel yet.
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go? I did NaNo a few years ago, and I got through doing a couple short stories and poetry. I've tried NaNo in the following years, but I edit a lot and don't plan much, so I've never really attained the goal of a whole novel in the month of November.
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
I have a couple story ideas that are underdeveloped. I think I'm going to pick one and force myself to develop it. The ones I'm thinking about are A. Two people go on an expedition to find a hidden library. B. One with a time/world traveller who is followed by a girl from a seaside town C. One about a boy whose mother is diagonsed with cancer. I'm working on a Science Superhero League, which has some really neat characters, so I'm considering working on that. Maybe I'll just pick papers out of a hat and decide.
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo? Well, one of my new year's resolutions was to write everyday and to take my writing, both fiction and non-fiction, seriously. Part of this resolution involves doing something I wouldn't do: bravely plotting out a novel without worrying about it being perfect and then, even more frightening, writing the thing. I'm looking forward to achieving that goal. The story might not be what I regard as my "pet" story, but maybe it will be my break to start writing longer projects.
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel (i.e. someone competing in NaNo, but writing less than 50K, writing something other than a fictional novel, someone continuing a story they've already started, or anything else that breaks the technical rules of the competition) this year? If so, what are your goals for the competition? For some of my stories, yes, I'd be a rebel. But others would be fresh. And if I play by the rules, I'll actually be really excited to write the thing all month that I won't experience that first day low.
I'm really excited about this now. Thanks for posting the thread, Riella!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Only a month till CampNaNo!!!! I've got a lot of serious planning to do!
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
Generally, I am more of a planner. It's a lot easier for me to write when I've come up with a plan ahead of time and don't have to try and make things up on the spot. Usually that just leads to writer's block. I do have a habit of changing the plan as I go along. Plot changes are normal to me, but still, a basic plan is a must and even a detailed plan will be a great help to me even if it does change. Planning also helps me from losing track of the novel and where it is all going. So yeah, I'm certainly a planner!
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go? My first attempt at CampNaNo was in 2011. Back then it wasn't April and July, but July and August. I won both times and ever since I've participated in every CampNaNo. The only time I didn't win was last year in July, thanks to the fact that we were on vacation with no internet connection so I wasn't able to verify the novel. It's still a touchy subject for me Because tecnically, I did make it word wise.
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
This year I had several story ideas and I couldn't choose between them. With help from Ithie, I was able to settle on one. It's a dystopian novel where the world is divided into the Upper and Lower class, with low class citizens living in what is known as The Gutter. This is the first part of what is really a trilogy. The novel centers around a girl and two boys who are friends and have been born and raised in the Gutter. At one point the girl was able to get out and live in the Upper Clas while her friends remained. The story starts with the girl returning to the Gutter, and finding everything there has changed, including her friends.
The novel's title is "Children of the Gutter" and I'm in the process of coming up with a synopsis
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
Word Wars!!!!! There's nothing I love better than a good word war
Oh and I look forward to discussing writing and characters and stuff like that with other crazy people like me! That's one thing I really love and NaNo and CampNaNo is I can talk and communicate with others who are also writing and it just makes the whole process so much fun!!
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel
Nope I'm a good girl following all the rules
Do any of you like making book covers for you novels? I really like to. Even though I'm not looking into publishing in the near future (but who knows, maybe some day) I still like making covers for my novels, it helps with inspiration. Also, since I'm beginning to learn how to draw people (at last) I REALLY hope to be able to draw at least a few of my characters this year and make some illustrations. I don't know if by April I'll have enough knowledge to do so, but I'm hoping
Oh, and what music do you think you'll be listening to as you plan/prepare for you novel? What sort of music gives you inspiration?
always be humble and kind
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
I am an obsessive planner. When going into a chapter, if I don't know all of the events, the reasons and themes behind the events, a basic idea of all the dialogue, and a list of words describing the scenery, I get stuck. I have to live out every moment of my novel in great detail in my mind before putting it down in the form of prose.
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go?
2011 NaNo: Wrote 17K in the first two days. Considered quitting due to over-exhaustion. Was forced to quit on Day 3 due to computer virus.
2012 Camp: Wrote about 5K on the first day. Quit after that due to stress, and not having the book well-planned out enough to know what to write next.
2012 NaNo: Could not participate due to being out-of-state all month.
2013 Camp: Wrote 5K in the first two days. Quit after the second day due to stress.
2013 NaNo: Won after reaching 50K a week early.
2014 Camp: Upcoming.
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
I do have a story idea, though it's rather new. Being the obsessive planner that I am, I would normally wait about a year before attempting to write it. But I'm so eager to try my hand at it, I'm just going to plan as much as I can between now and April, and then wing the rest if I can. It's a fantasy novel.
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
Finding out if I can actually make this novel work when it's still such an underdeveloped idea.
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel?
Probably. As soon as a new novel idea comes into my head, ideas for dialogue and passages of prose start coming into my head. So, of course I'm going to write those passages down. I'm not going to ignore them and lose them forever just because it's not NaNo yet. So for every book I have, I also have passages that will go in that book. I don't count those passages toward my word count during NaNo, of course, since they weren't written during the competition. So it's definitely not cheating. But it does count as rebelling, I've been told, because technically you're supposed to start from scratch for the competition.
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
Well, I try to be a planner, but somehow the half-finished plots go flying out the door when NaNo (or Camp NaNo, in this case) starts.
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go?
I've done five NaNos and won all of them. I've done Camp NaNo before, but I think I've won only once, maybe twice. I usually start them, but stop part way through due to lack of inspiration or time. I’m not sure of the exact amount, but I think it’s closer to three or four.
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
I have some characters that are begging to have a story written, but I haven't found a plot to match them with. I'm also consider rewriting my 2013 NaNo novel, but there's still a lot of planning and world building, so I'm not positive if I'll be able to get the planning done in time.
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
Hm...getting back into writing every day and not worrying about editing.
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel?
No, not this year. I'm never one for NaNo, though I've broken rules for Camp NaNo before.
I enjoy making covers, though I’ve never made one of my novel. I have a hard time deciding what the title will be/what I want the cover to look like.
Aslanisthebest: I hope you can decide on one. They all sound like good story ideas, especially the first one.
Wild Rose: Your novel looks really interesting. Is it a fairly recent idea or have you had it for a while? And maybe this time we can actually do a word war? (=
Ithilwen: I hope Camp NaNo goes well for you!
I like making covers, but I have a hard time deciding on a title for my stories, so I haven’t made on for any of my novels yet. I haven’t decided which music to make a playlist out yet, since I want it to match with the theme of the novel.
I don’t have a pinterest account, but I’ve been gathering pictures for one of my novels for a while now and I now have a fairly large folder.
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I don't have a pinterest either, but your collection of pictures is really cool, Ithie. I was rather taken back at first when I recognized a lot of the pictures there
I find it interesting how you find pictures for your novels, it's not something I do. Sometimes I will download a few pictures for reference, but only if it has something to do with historical fiction. It's a cool idea though
Summersnow, thank you, I'm glad you think my story sounds interesting . Um, it's a fairly recent idea, I think I came up with it in the fall of 2013. I was actually considering doing it for NaNo 2013 but then I decided against it.
Making a cover for you novel can be hard, I haven't come up with one for mine yet. One thing that always limits me is I only use material that I own. I hope to come up with a good cover, but it may take a while for me to figure out what it should look like.
haha, yeah, I hope we'll actually will be able to word war this time
I haven't made a playlist to listen to yet (I've had to do some serious catching up with my studies ) Generally, I plan to be listening to House of Heroes while planning my story, because it was their songs that actually inspired this story (and a big thank you to them for that
always be humble and kind
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
I'm a planner most of the time. When I'm a pantser I usually get an idea in my head that I cant make go away until I write it all down.When I look back at it it's always a huge mess. I do this in fanfiction a lot. I have at least 3 incomplete stories out of 9 and that's because I didn't really plan those. I always succeed in stories that I plan out first and this year I have an original idea so hopefully I can go all the way this time.
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go?
Yes, once and that was this previous November in NaNo. I only made somewhere over 6,000 words before time consumed me towards something else so I didn't update for a long time and called it quits. I have since still worked on that story in the meantime though
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
Yes. I've been doing so much research on it too and have looked at futuristic art, etc to create my own world. It's a thriller set in the very far distant future where the sun has already become a red giant and it's how humanity endures earths last days.
I really want to publish this, this year so I may do a head start on it before April gets here.
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
I really want to find out how to use my free time and only that committed to writing and not giving up this time because I'm really in love with my story and the characters I've created so far. I want the world to know them soon and fast.
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel (i.e. someone competing in NaNo, but writing less than 50K, writing something other than a fictional novel, someone continuing a story they've already started, or anything else that breaks the technical rules of the competition) this year? If so, what are your goals for the competition?
Well I do want to get a head start on my story. I'm going to try and do a little writing today. Does this make me a rebel?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
1. Are you a planner or a pantser?
More of a planner, especially as regards NaNo. It doesn't always work out as well as i would like, and on my own terms i often start a story without any real idea of where it's going to go, but with NaNo i always have something planned.
2. Have you attempted NaNo or Camp NaNo before? If so, how did that go?
I've done NaNoWriMo ... several times now, i don't know how many offhand. Never tried Camp, yet.
3. Do you have a story idea yet? If so, what is it?
Same thing i worked on for NaNoWriMo 2013. It's a fusion of the video game Portal 2 and the movie Pacific Rim. A few more details and an excerpt on my NaNoWriMo profile here.
4. What do you look forward to most this coming Camp NaNo?
5. Are you a NaNo Rebel this year? If so, what are your goals for the competition?
I'm working on the same story i worked on for NaNoWriMo 2013, which reached 50k but didn't actually finish. I've also set a word count goal of 30k, which will hopefully be less difficult than 50k.
I don't expect to finish it in April, either, but i hope the deadline/progress bar/etc. will be an encouragement to make progress on it. Re-reading Portal Rim is a much more encouraging experience than re-reading most of my previous NaNoWriMo efforts, so i have hope that someday it might actually be a decent work of (fan)fiction.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Has anyone not gotten into a cabin yet? I'm scheduled to be in one in eleven hours, but I'd love to put some fellow Narniawebbers on my list before then.
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sorry, Summer, I've already been placed in a cabin.
Camp starts this Tuesday!
I'm almost finished planning. Not quite, but I have made a lot of progress in the past three days.
Have any of you come up with synopses? I'm TERRIBLE and writing a synopsis, but I did give it my best shot
oh, and have any of you made covers yet? I have. Here's a link
CampNaNo Book Cover
if anyone wants, I can make covers for them as well, I'll just need a good briefing as to what the story is about and some ideas as to what you would like. I'm not good at making something complicated, probably should mention that too
Only two more days till the madness begins
always be humble and kind
SummerSnow, I'm not sure if this is too late, but I'd like to be in the same cabin! I've never done Camp NaNo, so I'm not 100% sure how the whole cabin thing works, but I'm InkRain on the Camp NaNo site if that helps any.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Bella, if you go to your campnano page, and go to the section 'community' there will be a page there called 'cabin settings' there you can manage if you want to be placed in a cabin, and there is the option of choosing who you would like to be with.
always be humble and kind
I'd like to participate in Camp this year, especially since real-life events conspired to minimize my participation in regular NaNo last November. Only time will tell.
If I do, I'll probably try to finish several past NaNo stories, some of which hit the 50k mark but remain unfinished.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'm not going to quit like last time but I don't know if I'm going to reach 50k this week. I got cast in a web series and I am a recurring role. I've been super busy so I'm all the way up at 3.5k at the moment on my story. Will try and write more tonight.
How is everyone doing though?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Bella: I was already in a cabin, unfortunately, when I saw that.
Are you planning on doing the one in July?
On April first I was really busy trying to save the mods, so I didn't get much writing done. The next day I was having a hard time writing so I experimented with some other stories. Those didn't want to be written, so I switched back to (and restarted) my original story. Now I need to write 3459 by tomorrow night to get back on track. But despite the setbacks, it's going pretty well.
I hope you gets lots of writing done, DamselJillPole. By the way, do you have a nickname?
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