Gorgeous work, everyone! Shame this topic has such periods of inactivity! I hope we can liven it up
Shantih, oh, gosh, I love the horsie! It's so cute! I'd love a plushie like that, and you did a great job in resembling the original!
Mehinen, I love the paintings! Especially the first one, such great colors, the clouds are painted in a wonderful, airy style
wild rose, I love the details on your pencil drawing, and the perspective is top great!
~renaelaughs~, great job! Such a big format and such details! I love the motion, the rush of emotions, everything is moved in the drawing... amazing job!
A painting done by tablet from moi... it used to be in the Non-Narnia Graphics topic because I couldn't find this one. But it's hand-drawn, so qualifies for this thread...
Since I missed Asa Butterfield in BBC's Merlin, I made a portrait of Mordred age about 16/17. My reference was a promotional picture of Mordred from season 2 and while looking at it, I drew an older version of him, trying to imagine how would he look and how would his features change. I wanted to make him alike to how he looks presently, but also show that he's visibly older... I also wanted to give him this dark promise of haunting strength and ability to change fate about him, tying to his origins from the original Arthurian Legends... I hope I managed! Anyway, here's the small image, click on the link below to view a big version
FULL SIZE HERE: http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42 ... eginte.jpg
Done with tablet in Photoshop.
Comments are loved!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
I feel a little intimidated posting on a thread with such amazing work, but i thought i might showcase mine!
(if i can figure out how to attach photos :S)
here is a link anyway:
... 0003577690
Hmm, I get a message the link is lost... maybe you can make an account on Photobucket or something like that and upload the link from there?
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Meltintalle thanks for you comments and criticism, actually I am not quite sure what I am illustrating , it started out with just a picture of a basketball court on a rainy day then I thought it was quite boring so I added De_De in there. Though now that I think of it, it probably would be better to draw her actually throwing the ball or something
Beginte: wow awesome job
I love it
Jill_Pole it say 'page not found' maybe you could try reposting
here's another picture that I drew, I really like it so I thought maybe I'd post it
(I called it motherhood )
always be humble and kind
my shoes:
I used pictures for the best shoe.
Here's a book cover I designed for Parelandra by C.S. Lewis.
The complete cover: http://www.rebeccabrasby.com/portfolio_ ... andra.html
Design by Narnian_Archer
My Portfolio website
I'm writing a Children's book called Super Phillip and I need an illustrator. (there wouldn't be any pay) I'm asking anybody with a talent for drawing to draw a picture of a boy with a cape and mask. I know its not a very detailed description. Just a boy about age 4, with reddish hair, about medium weight, wearing a cape (any color) and also a mask (any design). Then send it to son_of_God12@yahoo.com by may 30.
I will choose then who i want to be my illustrator and let them know be email. I'm planning on writing more than one Super Phillip so i need this person to be devoted. probably will be around 6-9 illustrations per book. like i said no pay, but I do plan on trying to get this published, so others will see your work.
-csjesi1 AKA Justin
Gotta go make waffles
Narnian_Badger decides to breathe a bit of life back into this thread
Arya: Really nice cover. The peach was a good choice, it looks just enough like a planet to fool one's eyes.
I really should get around to uploading more sketches... but for now, a set of sonic screwdrivers will have to do.
awesome Narnian_Badger
In my studies we are now beginning to work with pastels. I'm still not so good at it, but I thought I'd share what I drew today
always be humble and kind
ok, heres something I've been working on for a while now, its the first character for an animation I'm preparing to do, please tell me what you think, and what I could do better one.
Sorry its just a link, I'm not sure how to put it as an image
Tick tock, tick tock
Goes the clock
Here comes your final hour
Best use it well
But remember yourselves
The worlds left in its wake
Here's a picture I drew using charcoal, I enjoy working with charcoal more than with pencil, somehow it comes out better with charcoal
always be humble and kind
Great work, guys!
Sorry I can't make specific comments, but it's been awhile since I looked really hard at your stuff. (and even then, I don't know if I could figure out what to say) I'm proud of you, though!
As for me, I haven't been drawing as much this past year. However, last night when I couldn't sleep, I revisited McGee and Me. and naturally, that lead to me wanting to draw. So, going on the fact that I am missing B.I.G. Choir, I drew this...
It's not my best of him... and he looks like he got a tan, compared to normal. But that's because I forgot what colour I used for his skin before... shows how long it's been!!
More will probably be coming soon. I've got an idea or two... and have people thinking on ideas to give me. So, yeah... you might be seeing more of me very soon. (which after my long absence, is probably a good thing )
See ya, then!
*skips out, singing along to McGee and Me songs*
*wanders back in two days later*
Wow, did I kill the thread? Oh, wait... no. Because I had to dig it out from page 2 or so to begin with. (the other day) Anyway, I told you'd I'd be back... so, here I am!
And I hope you don't mind stories, 'cause you're gonna get some for each picture. Sound good? Great! Let's get started...
1) the new way to draw McGee
Well, perhaps I shouldn't call it that. I mean, well... gah, start at the beginning, self! *facepalm*
Ok, well... first off, I've been drawing this character for over a decade. (yeah, i'm old... get over it ) But, the other night when watching videos on youtube, I came across a "How to Draw McGee" video by another fan. I was like "Interesting." and watched it. I thought that this guy's interpretation looked much more like the "real" McGee than mine normally do. So, I set about following along with the video to see if I could do it his way. Well... as you can see, it's alright. But I was upset, because it didn't look like the end result in the video!
Anyway, it still has made my drawings of him better the last few days. So, it wasn't a total loss!
2) The Mountain Project
Now this one's backstory is interesting...
So, listening to a song from episode 10 (a favourite of mine) I started to get an idea... and the funny thing was, when I put it to my fb friends to give me ideas Libby gave me a similiar idea. So, seemed simple. The idea?
I'd have him mountain climbing. (the characters did that in this episode) Thing is, I'm not that great of an artist yet, nor am I totally confident in the drawing skills I do have. So, I decided I'd compromise with myself...
I would show him at the foot of the mountain, with indecision showing on his face. (and/or nervousness/fear... take your pick) And would have Nick (the "Me" in McGee and Me!) saying "Don't be afraid" and add a Bible verse. Story's done, right? WRONG!
So, it took me ages to figure out how I was to draw the mountains. I kept fretting over it, getting advice, and looking at youtube videos on "How to draw mountains". After I got a little more confidence, I made an attempt but got tired and went to bed. The next day, I did the same thing... and eventually attempted some mountains and decided "They're ok". And from there I added other stuff to "make it look better". Then I fretted over the colouration of them. (and got advice from Menelve and Mel. thanks, girls!) But I needn't have worried.
So... tada! The funny thing? After all that fussing over it? This is probably my favourite picture I've drawn of him to date. Weird how that worked out, huh?
and 3) The Angel One
This one's story is much simpler. I got the random idea to draw him as an angel. (which is really funny, to me... having seen what he's like all these years ) I don't know if it's quite what I envisioned it to be. But it's still pretty cute!
But don't take my word for it... take a look and make your own decisions!
Disclaimer: Yes, some of you have probably seen that I put these (and all the old ones) up on facebook. Feel free to comment there too, if you wish. Thanks for taking the time to look!
And I'll be back, I know it. I've got more ideas running around my head. So, I guess we'll see where they lead me...
The mountain picture turned out nicely, PA! I told you you could do it.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I love you'e pictures PA
here's some of what I have been up to recently
I've been experimanting with the style of art nouveau, not so good at it but still, it's a lot of fun
always be humble and kind