What do you like about it? What pranks have you pulled in the past or have pulled today? What pranks are you GOING to pull today? The festivities are endless.
I laughed when I saw the NarniaFans logo on top of NarniaWeb, and I am looking forward to NarniaWeb's traditional awesome strange news stories.
i've just been all over the NF newspage, some of their newsbits are so good i wish it were true (specially that Leonard Nimoy one
and i noticed the switcheroo with the NW and NF banners. lol nice one!
You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history
...the Telmarine who saved Narnia.
I got lots of people today when i said i was moving back to queensland over the holidays. I can't believe they feel for it i was on the border line of
I do love a good prank. We do enjoy pranks in Underland, particularly if we can play them on the Red Queen. There is this one where we ....
I got very confused when I logged into my e-mail this morning as a news article popped up saying that Britain was going to put clocks forward another hour in order to 'kick start' the summer weather ... I think the reason I fell for it is because I wish there was a quick-fix method to get rid of this snow! (And that is no April Fools joke!)
lol love the name changes mods.
Not sure what you're talking about, ILF
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Name change? What name change? Did someone change their names around here?
That's the rumor, but I don't see much in it myself. People here are so overly imaginative sometimes. Just because there have been April Fools' jokes in the past, they think there will always be April Fools' jokes.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Oh no i have gone mental!!!!! i am imaging these things.
WOW...... that mad guy's mad. ^^^
Don't worry fauny, methinks I have lost it too! How many Jo's/Hobbits do we have here?? or is it all one person? Don't you just LOVE NF's?!
That's all I have to say now.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Ah, love the jokes so far! Or, er, what I perceive to be the jokes.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Jo's? I am not so sure. Hobbits there are a plenty. So far I have counted three running amok on the forum this day.
No you're not, IloveFauns. This is r.e.a.l.i.t.y. Glad you're enjoying it, though ... aside from going mental. (Mind you, I think I am too. )
Hey there, TGW.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Oh no i have gone mental!!!!!
"Gone mental"?
We're all mad here!
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine