1. When did you join NarniaWeb/HobbitWeb? About 2 years ago.
2. What is your current post count? Over 4000.
3. Do you meet the age requirement? Yes, I'm 21.
4. How fluent do you consider yourself on general Tolkien knowledge? Fluent enough to tell both the stories of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, in my own words, to someone who's never heard it before. Without looking at the book.
5. Why do you think that you would be a good forum moderator here? Because I am responsible.
6. What are your qualifications? (Feel free to post a full resume) Oh well... I've moderated in so many places! I moderate my room. I moderate my mind. I moderate my blogs (all 3 of them). Oh yes, I am very experienced.
7. How have you displayed leadership ability on this forum? I yell at rule breakers.
8. What additional comments would you like to add to your application? Tolkien rocks.
By the way, has anyone posted their scores from the quiz yet?
Wait... so I can actually be a moderator? Wow! What will I be able to do if I get it?
1. When did you join NarniaWeb/HobbitWeb? Today!
2. What is your current post count? Not too many, but the first page said there could be some exceptions?
3. Do you meet the age requirement? Yes.
4. How fluent do you consider yourself on general Tolkien knowledge? My dad reads it to me every year and so I think I know it pretty good, although it might be scary to enter a contest about it with someone really super knowledgable who does nothing but read it ALL DAY lol!
5. Why do you think that you would be a good forum moderator here? Well it looks really fun and it'd just be really cool!
6. What are your qualifications? (Feel free to post a full resume) Well, I'm really friendly and I like rules. Rules are good because we need rules in life. a lot of people don't like rules because they think rules get in the way but they are needed I think.
7. How have you displayed leadership ability on this forum? Not yet, I'm new, lol.
8. What additional comments would you like to add to your application? Well, there was that quiz thing. I got to Level Four and then it stopped. I got all of them right except for 5. is that good???
Posted as Hugo Bracegirdle:
By the way, has anyone posted their scores from the quiz yet?
Check the applications of Hugo Bracegirdle and Rosie Cotton and Marcia Brady
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
This is just stupid.
Why does the prospect of moderator-hood have to depend on a quiz of such obscure details? Not to mention how unfair it is... I mean, you miss too many early questions in a section and you're doomed...
Moderator-hood should be based on heart and maturity and ability to lead and keep other members in line, not on such useless trivia like this.
I am so glad I am no longer a full moderator.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
*Blows trumpet*
The Gremlin King has proclaimed that quizzes are detestable... and if any gremlin should be remotely asked to take one... it shall be a cause for war. Quizzes are to be exclusively used as forms of torture for prisoners (specifically prisoner wolves).
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The Gremlin King has proclaimed that quizzes are detestable... and if any gremlin should be remotely asked to take one... it shall be a cause for war. Quizzes are to be exclusively used as forms of torture for prisoners (specifically prisoner wolves).
Gremlin King? Can't say I've heard of him. Although, I hardly think a quiz is something worth declaring war over. Are quizzes considered an insult on his planet? If so, you should tell him that this planet's culture is much different. And this is a peaceful site.
1. When did you join NarniaWeb/HobbitWeb? Yesterday.
2. What is your current post count? 6.
3. Do you meet the age requirement? Yes, I'm well over it by a few hundred years.
4. How fluent do you consider yourself on general Tolkien knowledge? Very fluent, considering I witnessed the events recorded in the books.
5. Why do you think that you would be a good forum moderator here? Well, I'm quite good at anyone attempting to break any sort of law.
6. What are your qualifications? I've stopped the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels, the Sycorax, and a few dozen others from taking over your planet.
7. How have you displayed leadership ability on this forum? Well, I like to hope I display it everywhere.
8. What additional comments would you like to add to your application? Welll... I'm a Timelord. We live a lot longer than you humans do. So, I could serve as moderator for a few hundred years, if you'd like.
Moderator Note:
We want to thank you all for participating in our extended April Fools event this year! As some (or all) may have figured out, we started April Fools on April 1st New Zealand time and have kept it running through the U.S. day as well.
Night is upon us and all good things must come to an end. HobbitWeb must give way to Narnia Web. At 9 p.m. Mountain in the U.S. (10 p.m. central, 11 p.m. eastern, 8 p.m. west coast) we are asking that all posting with duplicate accounts cease and we will begin cleaning up any Hobbit Web related threads.
Thank you and we all look forward to next year!
Wait a minute! I didn't get my application in!
1. When did you join NarniaWeb/HobbitWeb?
I can't remember.
2. What is your current post count?
It should be located to the right of this message.
3. Do you meet the age requirement?
4. How fluent do you consider yourself on general Tolkien knowledge?
I watched the movies a few years ago.
5. Why do you think that you would be a good forum moderator here?
I watched the movies a few years ago.
6. What are your qualifications? (Feel free to post a full resume)
I watched the movies a few years ago. Also, sometimes I pretend that I'm an elf. (At Christmas I even make toys.)
7. How have you displayed leadership ability on this forum?
I'm pretty sure that I've lead some revolts against the previous moderators at some point.
8. What additional comments would you like to add to your application?
I would just like to take this opportunity to say that this is a great opportunity for -oh, my computer is running out of battery.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto