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[Closed] A Beacon of Hope: Farewell Smallville! (SF)

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Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Through this show, my love and respect for the character has grown, I have found new actors and actresses to follow, and learned some things about myself too. I'm really going to miss this show... thank goodness for dvds! =))

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure how to start this thread. How do you find the right words, and proper goodbye for something that has been a part of you for so long? Has meant so much? I didn't want to come off too sappy, or too lame. But the truth of the matter is, I grew up with Clark. When this started I was a junior or senior in high school... I'm now 27. I watched Clark from his freshmen year to working at the Daily Planet and falling in love. How... how can I say what needs to be said, when I'm not at all sure of what needs to be said? I just know I owed
this show a proper farewell. And that if I didn't bring this up now, no one would.

There is much more that I could say, I'm sure. But I don't want to do all the talking. What are YOUR favourite memories of the show? Which characters do you like the most, or don't like as much? (and why? but please be mindful of our respect rule, people! ;) )

I'll answer those questions for you myself later, but for now I'll leave you with the reminder to watch the two hour series finale on Friday, May 13th! That's this week, so don't miss it!!

Smallville, it's been fun... thanks for the memories!

Topic starter Posted : May 7, 2011 3:22 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

wow, me and my brother used to watch this show, I think for about 2 years, when I was 14 and 15... somewhere around there. But then I always had something going on when it was on TV and I never got back to it. I just might watch the finale, for old time's sake, even though I'll be totally lost about the plot I'm sure. :p

Posted : May 8, 2011 1:45 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

I'll wait til more people respond before I answer my own questions and discuss the latest episodes. (etc) But I wanted to say two things...

1) TheGeneral, if you like, you can pm me with what season(s) you saw, so I can at least sort of fill in enough blanks that you aren't hopelessly lost for the finale. :) (and that offer goes for anyone else that's missed some of it too. I'm more than happy to help if I can)

And don't feel bad. I got sidetracked for awhile too... for some of the years, I had school and there are all the plays I'd been in and church stuff. I saw seasons 1 and 2 faithfully. and seasons... 6 (?) to the present pretty faithfully. But for about two or three seasons (3-5) I only caught it occasionally. So, you're normal I'd say. ;)

2) Last night I posted Smallville graphics I made back in November (of season one). But today I have made a few more... from THIS season. They should be up sometime tonight. (once I can get them on photobucket. and other people post since my last one ;)) ) So, if anyone wants to use them, feel free. You can find them in the Non-Narnian graphics thread, here in the SO.

Carry on! I'll be back!

Topic starter Posted : May 8, 2011 1:59 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I have not watched any of this season, but watched every episode of seasons 1-8. I watched most of season 9, but missed the end due to school starting back up.

Overall, I can look back on this show with a great deal of fond memories. My sister and I grew up with this show, just like you did, PA. We really got into the show during the summer repeats of season 5. Every night from 8-10 it was "Smallville Time" in our house (We own seasons 1-6 on DVD). Dad would have just left for work, and the two of us would sit glued to the television with popcorn and soda-pop seeing what Clark and Chloe would get into next! They are some of the best memories that I have with my sister.

Some of the best memories. . .wow! Like you said, there are too many to remember!

My favourite season was season 4. I like the way that the group dynamic worked in this season, and the plotline was really good (I'm a sucker for supernatural witches :P ). I really liked Smallville's early years (Remember "Freak of the Week" and the "Wall of Weird!") I don't know, to me, it just gave a very honest impression of what growing up in America was like.

In the latter seasons that seemed to be lost on me. The whole series more or less moved to Metropolis, and the beautiful rural scenes (along with the plotlines that were with it) were gone. But that's really what life is, isn't it! When we're young, everything is beautiful and simple. As we get older, the truth about what life really is sets in, and it's very easy to get lost in the meandering metropolis of life, trying to find our place to fit in!

(Wow that sounds really sappy).

My favourite character has always been Chloe. Clark seemed real (and really relatable to me as a teenage guy), but Chloe seemed like the sort of person who would be friends with anybody. The sort of person who you would go down to the Talon with, and have a cup of coffee before spending the evening catching fireflies in the Kent Farm fields, telling ghost stories with flashlights under your chin, and listening to the distant chirps of crickets.

There are so many good episodes I can remember (although I can't remember the proper names). I remember from season one, where the Kents helped the mind-reading boy named Ryan. I remember season two where he came back. Season three had all of that tension with Jorel. Season four had a ton of great episodes (Senior Prom, the last goodbye to The Torch and the Wall of Weird). I can remember Johnathan's death in season five, and I remember crying over a television show when he died; something that's never happened before, and has never happened since.

I can totally get what you're feeling about this, PA. I feel it too. This show has been such an integral part of the person that I am today. I've watched this show since I was a teenage boy (actually. . .since I was Clark's age in Season 1), and now I'm 22, alone in a big city at university, and looking back. . . it might not be a bad idea for me to watch these again (But perhaps. . . to do it on DVD ;)) ).

So long, Smallville! Thanks for the memories!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 8, 2011 3:46 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

My wife and I have pretty faithfully watched Smallville save for this season, since it's not out on DVD yet (obviously! ;))). I watched part of the 1st season way back when and thought it was quite good, despite the "Freak of the Week" episode plots (Clark always ends up bathed in kryptonite and thus powerless, but always gets tossed through a wall into a safe area where he then proceeds to do the Krypton Pummel on said baddy. Every 1st season episode). I then moved and lost track of the whole thing. A year or two ago my wife started bringing home DVD's from the library and we're now roughly caught up, save for this last season. It's soap opera-ish at times and I tend to think that Lana was sometimes a greater enemy to Clark than Lex could ever claim to be, but still a really good show.

Chloe was also my favorite character, although Lex was a very close second for the first few seasons. Lana was almost always my least favorite character almost all the way from the beginning, but then I kinda knew who Clark was going to end up with anyways. I was surprised in later seasons to find myself taking such a liking to Lois, who's a real sparkplug and a hoot to watch hamming it up on screen.

My favorite episodes tend to revolve around when Clark's life intersects with those of other known DC universe heroes, such as Impulse, Aquaman, and especially Green Arrow. There were a few that had nothing less than Hawkman in it...what a trip!

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:56 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I never completed a season, to my knowledge, but I've watched many finales and I really loved the concept. Having that look at Superman's life as a teenager was so cool and out of the box. The later seasons become more adult, as the characters become adults, so I haven't touched those; but I remember watching Smallville at 8pm EST (or 7? I can't remember) with my sisters at my grandma's house, and it was the best part of the evening.

Great show. Great concept.

Lana annoyed me, though. She was so whiny. I really liked Lex in the first few seasons, and as I didn't know a THING about the Superman comics or storyline, had absolutely no idea that he would become bad. ;))

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : May 9, 2011 6:24 am
Lion's Emblem
NarniaWeb Guru

I have been preparing for the Smallville finale for weeks (and I mean that in a good way :) ). Been sporting my Superman apparel all week and will be having a finale party on Friday. The past few weeks of episodes leading up to the final have been so exciting, and yet, there has been a saddness to it as it all comes to a close.

I actually came into the show a little late. I picked up in season seven, missing a few episodes here and there, but following through in seasons eight through ten. Thankfully I was given the entire series, so far, on DVD and spent many a months catching up on the entire story (which as a whole flows so well and connects more than expected).

Favorites: well, let's see. As for seasons, I would have to go with five through ten. I didn't much care for the "high school" years- some episodes were just a little too "wall of weird" for me. As for the later seasons, we got to see more superheroes emerge and the episodes, at least for me, become more epic and "realisitic". I think that's why I prefer the later seasons. However, it is nice to see from earlier on how Clark learns new abilities and how to use them (instead of being innate).

Favorite characters: aside from Clark and the other supers, I definitely pick Chloe. I think it's because she's not the love interest (in personality with Lois or Lana), but a friend of Clark's. This gives her another level. I think DiGoRyKiRkE put it best in the words that I couldn't find, Chloe is someone who could be friends with anybody- down to earth and real. Although, I do like how all the female characters can handle themselves and put up a fight (thank goodness for the non-stereotypical "damsels in distress" at every turn). Tess is probably another favorite as well. I have really enjoyed seeing her character arc in the past few seasons. Cassidy Freeman has done a wonderful job with the character, it's hard to tell when she's being the good guy or when she'll pull the trigger on you.

Favorite episode: another hard one, but probably the two parter of Absolute Justice. We get to see many a hero in this episode and lots of action. Need I say it: epic.

I'm hoping the finale ends on a well note, not a sad ending. Something that gives the sense that this is not the end, but the beginning (sort of like the end of The Last Battle. I'm really excited and I cannot wait to see how it all turns out.

By the by, PA, I'll be looking into those graphics you mentioned :) (great set that you're using now).

Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan

Posted : May 9, 2011 7:03 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

A lot of siblings seem to have bonded over this show. My brother and I went to different boarding schools for high school and colleges across teh country from each other. But we've stayed connected partly through Smallville. Every year for Christmas break, we would have ordered a season or two of Smallville from Amazon sometime earlier in the year and it would be waiting for us at home. I'd start watching the prices in January and pick up a used one. We would bake goodies together early in the break to give out to friends and family. And in the evenings we would eat the leftovers and sit glued to our tv for an episode or three. I've seen episodes 1-6 and then we got saw season 8 this last Christmas. So we have 7,9, and 10 yet to see.

My favorite characters were Lex in the early years (he had such fabulous lines). Then later I've liked Oliver Queen (sometimes better than Clark). When they disagree on moral issues, I can understand where Oliver is coming from even when his ethical reasoning is flawed. Next Christmas we will see how things go in the seasons I haven't seen.

I've liked watching the show evolve. I enjoyed the baddie a week formula of the first season but then I was surprised how happy I was to see it grow beyond that. My favorite episode is when Clark goes to Bellerieve and has to face three of the baddies that he sent there from the first season. I like how the show can make fun of itself.

"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C.S. Lewis

Posted : May 10, 2011 9:14 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Sorry it took me so long to get back in here, you guys!
And many thanks to those that have responded! For awhile there, I thought nobody would post. ;)) I've loved seeing your memories and thoughts, by the way.

Ok, now to attempt to answer my own questions.

Favourite episodes:
Yes, I said episodes. I can remember an overarching of each season (early ones are the ones with the "Wall of Weird", for example). But other than that, I have to ask someone or look things up to remember them. My brain, instead, remembers specific episodes... specific instances.

Some of the ones I most recall are when certain actors have shown up:
1) Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann. Yep, the ORIGINAL Superman!
2) Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a meteor freak in an early season... he was always a fave on Home Improvement as I was growing up, so that was fun.

Other guest stars that are notable (in my mind, anyway): Jensen Ackles & Jane Seymour as Jason Teague and his mother. Kevin Zegers, of Air Bud fame, even showed up once, I think. I forget the rest, but I'm sure there were more. These are just memorable. But...

My favourite episodes EVER:
1) The two with Ryan Kelley, who played Ryan James aka the mind-reading young boy who is probably one of the first people, other than Clark's parents, to know his secret.
Season 1- Stray; Season 2- Ryan

I cried like a baby when he died. I loved him to death, and had hoped he'd return yet again. He was probably my fave guest star ever!!

He has since become one of my favourite actors, and I would never have known about him if not for Smallville. So... THANKS, SMALLVILLE!!! :D

2) Any of the ones that introduced, or included, other superheroes.
Basically, whenever the following people showed up: Impulse, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Supergirl, the Wonder Twins, the Legion, and the JSA. Out of those, though, my faves would have to be...
Season 6- Justice and Season 9- Absolute Justice

3) Other good ones included...
Ageless- When Lana and Clark found that baby that grew up rapidly. (season 4)
Reunion- We get history on Oliver and Lex. I think this was the first time Lucas Grabeel appeared on the show... he was young Lex. It was fun seeing him outside of Disney Movies. (season six)
Scion- Lucas is back, this time as Alexander Luthor. And this is when Alexander becomes Conner Kent! It was soooo funny to see Clark interact with him!! Clark even reminded me of Jonathan at times, which was sad but fun. It really showed how much Clark has grown since the beginning. (current season)
Beacon- This one had me in tears... I can't quite find words for it, but WOW! I dare you to watch it and not be moved in some way. Honestly! (current season)

It's hard to pick favourite episodes or seasons, because I've loved the whole journey. But these are the ones that stick out to me as I look back.

Favourite Characters:
1) Well, the whole journey is Clark's, so... yeah. ;))

1) But tied with him for first is Chloe. She's just made of awesome... there's no other way to describe her. I mean, what other known character in ANY universe has been invented FOR A SHOW, and yet is so popular that she's added into the comics?! That should say it all right there, if you ask me. Digs, I love how you described her! I'd have never thought of her quite that way, but now that I think of it, you're right! Thanks for putting that feeling she gives us into words! I know I never could!

Other Superheroes:
As much as I love Oliver and the rest, I'd have to go with... Bart Allen/Impulse! I don't know why... but it's always so much more interesting when he shows up. He has me laughing and/or shaking my head each time!

That said, it gets REALLY fun when the whole team is involved. I love the group dynamics, and seeing other comic book heroes brought to life. I really wish they'd used them more than they did, but I suppose we're lucky we even got them this much.

Interesting tidbit: Did you know that for awhile an Aquaman spin-off show was considered, but nothing came of the idea? How fun would that have been? How cool would it be if they had a spin-off for ANY of them? I know I'd watch!!

Now, a few responses before I head off for now.
(I shall return though, so don't worry!)

But that's really what life is, isn't it! When we're young, everything is beautiful and simple. As we get older, the truth about what life really is sets in, and it's very easy to get lost in the meandering metropolis of life, trying to find our place to fit in!

(Wow that sounds really sappy).

No, that's not sappy! I know exactly what you mean!

I'm hoping the finale ends on a well note, not a sad ending. Something that gives the sense that this is not the end, but the beginning (sort of like the end of The Last Battle. I'm really excited and I cannot wait to see how it all turns out.

Well put, I totally agree with you there!
Though, knowing me, I might be bawling even if it ends the way we want it to. ;))

Also, where does one find Superman apparel?! :-o
And yay, I'm thrilled that you want to see the graphics!! They're up now, sorry it took so long! And I'm happy you like my current set too!

I really liked Lex in the first few seasons, and as I didn't know a THING about the Superman comics or storyline, had absolutely no idea that he would become bad. ;))

You poor dear! Were you utterly shocked?
I guess now is as good a time as any to get you caught up in the Superman mythology canon. ;))

And I know that you said you liked the earlier seasons better, but give the later ones a try. Some of the best episodes don't even show up til after season four!

There's more in my head, but I'm blanking on it right now. Guess I should head out while my brain is still sorta working. :p I'll be back soon! (hopefully)

Topic starter Posted : May 10, 2011 9:14 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

Ah, I remember this show. :) I used to watch it when I was much younger, and my parents would watch it every night a new episode was on.

Wow, it's been such a long time. I remember my fave characters were Chloe and Lex. Lionel was a good one too.

I only saw... probably the first 4 seasons. It was pretty good from what I saw.

I remember I really liked the one where Clark and Lionel trade places. :)

~Riella =:)

Posted : May 10, 2011 10:36 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I remember I really liked the one where Clark and Lionel trade places.

I'm going to go on a limb and say that that's my favorite episode too. ;)) It was a hilarious experience watching each actor mimic the other and it was quite clear to me that all the actors had a lot of fun filming that episode. Welling obviously had a blast channeling Lionel's character, quirks, and mannerisms and did it to a T. :))

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Posted : May 11, 2011 2:23 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Riella, thanks for posting! ;)
Shadowlander, I'm shocked! :p I thought you said your faves involved the other superheroes! ;)) Just teasing... that was a pretty good episode!

A few things before I continue...
I forgot to mention that I remember Lois' entrance to the show at the beginning of season four. How could I not mention that in my last post?! *headdesk*
And there are others things I'm sure I've forgotten. Wish I remembered them!

Now on to the good stuff!

1) So, I was watching Season 4's episode "Run" last night. (online) It was amazing to see how much both Clark and Bart have grown up since then. And I'll say it again, Bart is amazingly funny. There was some GREAT dialogue in this episode. I'd quote some of it, but you'd get sick of me. :p Too bad the Flash is a boy... as a fan of superheroes, and as an actress... I'm jealous of Kyle Gallner. There I said it... I think it'd be super fun to play Impulse/the Flash in something.

Speaking of Bart... did you know there is speculation as to whether he's actually Bart, or if he could be Barry? I mean, think about it... his background story sounds more like what happened to Barry. And Barry is the one, not Bart, that is close in age to Clark Kent. (at least in the comics) There are more reasons that make it confusing that I've read, but I'll just let you decide. All I know is that Bart/Impulse is the only "Flash" character DC comics would let the show use.

Haha, listen to me sounding all smart and geeky about this! Would you believe my knowledge of any superhero comes from tv, films, and years of internet research... and NOT through reading the comics? Don't get me wrong, I plan to read them... just haven't gotten around to it yet. ;) Too bad I can't speed read like Bart...

2) I love my mom! Wait, let me back up... last night I discovered this. Today, when my mom got home from work, I showed it to her. Explained how if I got this, in the long run it'd be cheaper than getting each individually. Besides, who can turn down over 5 hours of special features that were NOT previously on the individual season releases?! :-o Sure, I already have seasons 1-3.. only got 2 and 3 for Christmas, in fact. But I think this is still a good plan. So, yeah... it's preordered. All I have to do is pay her back over time and wait for it to show up at our door. YAY!!!! *happy dance*

3) More graphics are up! Again, if anyone has requests, let me know!

4) It's here. The finale is tomorrow night. Where will you be? Are you prepared? Don't forget to come back here and report your thoughts! (those of you that watch it anyway. I know some of you are waiting)

I'll be back! I may not be a speedster, but I can't keep away from this place! ;))

Clark: "Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, whatever your name really is."
Bart: "It's Bart. Not that that matters, cause I'll be a thousand miles away, before you can even blink."
Clark: "I don't know, I can blink pretty fast."

I love that part! Oh, one more thing...

If there's one thing I am, it's never late. If I say I’m gonna be somewhere, I’ll be there like a flash!


Topic starter Posted : May 12, 2011 4:47 pm
Lion's Emblem
NarniaWeb Guru

Also, where does one find Superman apparel?! :-o

Pretty much "wherever apparel is sold." I don't know what you have in terms of local vendors, but I can give you some well known locations of where to look. Depending on what's in stock, you can usually find items at JCPenny's, Kohls, Target, Walmart, and even Old Navy and Meijer on occasion. If you are more of an online shopper, the WB shop currently has a few different shirts specifically for Smallville. There a bit on the pricey side, but I haven't seen any Smallville shirts anywhere else, so it's something to look into. Also, has a ton of Superman shirts (and just about every other superhero as well). These are also a bit on the high price side though, but a good variety.

On the merchandise note, yes, I noticed the complete DVD boxset a couple of days ago as well PA. It looks like a really nice set and I would be interested in hearing what all the extras are. Also, looks like itunes released this week the soundtrack to Smallville, for those who are interested in the score side of the show.

In response to where I'll be tomorrow night, I've been planning for the finale for weeks now. The party is set, the drinks are cold and the food is hot. Now I just have to wait for the show to start. I know I will have plenty to talk about when the show is over... it just might take awhile (I'll probably be trembling with excitement for days :) ).

Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan

Posted : May 12, 2011 5:48 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

I won't go into too much detail, as I don't want to spoil you too much... I know most of you won't see it for awhile. And it's not like I can fully say what I felt anyway. It's all a jumble in my brain right now.

For those of you that like me and LE, saw it happen, feel free to discuss it... but put it in spoilers. Thanks! (I'll try and remember that too. And sorry if I've spoiled anyone in this thread already. I didn't mean to. )

See? Even this post is a jumble!! :)) Anyway, let me give you an overview of what I was thinking and feeling... and more can come later. Fair enough?

Earlier I told Mountie on YIM:

wowee. i'm speechless. it was amazing and beautiful. my jaw dropped countless times in the first 30 minutes. I cried almost the whole first hour of it. but the whole second hour I kept randomly screeching and squealing. and the whole two hours I was screaming at the tv whenever I felt strongly about something ;)) CAN I SEE IT AGAIN?!

At one point during the episode I told elle on YIM:

are they TRYING to kill me?!

=)) (I think I was referring to Clark and Oliver. But I could have meant the whole thing)

Once more of you are caught up I could elaborate on what other reactions I had at certain moments. ;) ;))

But, guys, I really think you'll love it. It ties up a lot of loose ends, and ends just the way we've been wanting it to. Some of the dialogue... hit home for me, personally. I needed to hear it as much as the characters did. And as kat could tell you, there were some great nods to the Superman mythology in this finale. Especially in the last ten minutes. :D

I was clapping at the end, with this wide grin on my tear-stained face. I simply cannot wait til that boxed set arrives at my door this fall... so I can live it all over again. What a ride, folks. What. A. Ride.

Anyway, enough of that gushing. :p
I have to respond to a few things...

LE, as long as I'm being completely honest here, I was jealous about your party all week long. ;)) But I kinda liked watching it on my own, taking it all in. Not having to worry about getting funny looks from all the noise I was making. 8-|
How'd it turn out?! :D

And duh... I should have remembered Walmart and Target has stuff like that! I feel dumb. Thanks for the reminder! I looked on the sites you mentioned, and wow those are cool! I want them now. ;))

and I would be interested in hearing what all the extras are.

Well, amazon tells you what some of them are. I won't post them here, but take a second look at that link I gave last time. ;) If it hadn't been for those, I might have just stuck with getting them all individually. (especially since I already own 1-3, as previously mentioned) They were what cemented the decision for me. So, yeah. And it'll be ages (again, it comes in the fall) til I get it... but if you still are curious then, I'll be happy to let you know what all is on there. :)

That's cool about the soundtrack being on iTunes. I assume you mean instrumental? Because in the past they put out two cd's/soundtracks(?) of songs used on the show. I bought a song or two off each several months to a year ago (I forget exactly when).

There is probably more I could say, and will say... but my mind is a blank from the overload. And it's late/early, and I need my sleep. But I'll be back to discuss it more soon, I promise!

p.s. I'm sorry that my posts in here are always so huge. I guess I just have a lot to say, and not a lot of people who are also fans to talk to.

Topic starter Posted : May 14, 2011 12:48 am
Lion's Emblem
NarniaWeb Guru

Well, my mind has had sometime now to calm itself and hopefully now I can organize my thoughts on the finale. I'll try to remember to put spoiler marks on all that needs it- I might end up with an entirely blacked out post :) .

Oh where to begin. The finale was, if you'll excuse my lame pun, SUPER. It had everything and was everything that it needed to be. There were no over the top bells and whistles or extra fancy moments to make it memorable, it was just itself (if that makes sense). The final shot was perfect, really giving the viewers the sense that this is the end of one thing, but an entirely new beginning- we know that the story continues without being there to see it. Although, I had predicted for awhile that

the final shot would indeed be the appearance of the Superman crest going into the credits. Though, I don't know how many points I get for this prediction seeing as it is the most obvious choice to end the series.
We definitely see the mythos of Superman in the finale and that's what I enjoyed the most.

I do have to mention some lower points that I felt. I miss the fact that

we didn't see more of the heroes in the finale. With such a big disaster looming, one would think we would see them helping out or getting more of a mention. Not to mention seeing them throughout the season. I won't complain though because the show was only two hours long, so you can't really fit everybody in
. I also didn't like the fact that
the villians seemed to have a really quick demise. The three masterminds are taken out real quick by Green Arrow and Clark quickly desposes of Darksied. These villians were really pronounced throughout the season, so I was hoping for something a little more in fighting them. I understand it though as a connection back to this being only the beginning, as in Superman will have to face these enemies again- this is not the end of them, but I was hoping for a bit more of a clash

My absolute favorite scene has to be of

Clark in the fortress where he witnesses all that he has done in the past. Seeing his memories in the columns of ice parallels so perfectly with how Lex looses his memories. While Clark's memories are preserved in ice, Lex's dissolve in fire. It's just a perfect comparison, Clark tends to stay calm in character while Lex is more urgent and fiery in action. It's a perfect analogy. Also, I'd have to see it again, but I think Lex's memories were more of his destructive moments ratehr than anything positive, so the fire and ice theme has more impact here as well. I also really love how Clark's superman suit was passed on, both literally and through 'rite of passage', by Jor-el and Johnathan Kent
. On that note, I really liked seeing
the return of older characters: Johnathan and Martha Kent as well as a "younger" Jimmy Olsen at the Daily Planet. I particularly liked how Jimmy acted so desperate for Lois to see his photos and she kept on as business as usual. When you add this with Perry White in his office, it's the perfect shot of the classic Superman that we know
. I was very sad to see
Tess killed by Lex. I must say that Tess really grew on me as a character, even when she was playing the villian. I loved watching her character arc, so I was very upset to see her demise. At least she was able to do one last good deed before the end by erasing Lex's memories.

PA, the party was awesome, thank you for asking :) . I agree with you, there are times where I prefer to watch shows on my own. This however was a special occasion and there was a need for group commentary and energy. Well, the only reason I asked about the extra features on the entire boxset was because my computer is just not wanting to accept links right now, so I couldn't see any of the details (not unless I read it really fast and that's just not one of my super abilities ;) ). And yes, the soundtrack is instrumental. This one was just released last week, right before the finale. It's definitely worth checking out :) .

Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan

Posted : May 16, 2011 6:19 pm
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