hmm, the 00's took up about half of my life.
For the most part, they were good. 2003-2004ish weren't very good. Most of 2007 wasn't the greatest either.
Between September 5th and October 5th 2001 my family moved to a new town, experienced September 11th and celebrated the birth of my little brother. So '01 was definitely an interesting year.
My little sister was born in '06.
I graduated this year ('09).
So I guess '01 '06 and '09 were my favorites.
2008 was disappointing, but other than that the 00's were good for me
If this Sig is by you please let me know, because I can't remember
"I am going to live forever, or die trying!"
well, the 00's have been pretty good for me.....all except for 2007.
2007 was a very sad year for me because I had to attend 3 funerals that year for people who were close to me.
the first one was my Grandfather's funeral in June 2007
the second was the funeral of my praise and worship dance teacher who died of cancer in August 2007. she was like a secong mom to me and that was (and still is) really hard.
the third was my cousin who died of medical complications.
but other than that, the 00's have been good!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
'00: Can't remember a whole lot of it really... But my younger years were great.
'01-'05: Pretty much the same--life went on, life was good, life was normal for me. Things went well--I was young and usually carefree.
My Grandpa died in the 90's, and I don't remember him much, but my Grandma died in early '05. I guess that was pretty sad for me, but everything was still "good." My youngest brother was also born that year.
'06: Wow. What a year! Why? Well--we moved. Not a surprise or a big deal for many people--but my Dad had been living at our old place for 54 years or so. It was a bit hard for him to make the change, and me as well. It wasn't a bad year really--*shrug* Even though it was slightly tough in some respects, it really wasn't bad.
'07: First year after our move--made a lot of new friends at our new church and got used to the new place--things became more normal and everything. That was a good year too--though nothing huge happened.
'08: Very good year. I can't say which year has been the best--they've all been wonderful. But life seems to be getting better all the time. Last year I became friends with a wonderful girl--and throughout the past two years we've become really close.
So in '08 I got to know her more. My only sister got married, which was exciting and another change.
Only a few things stick out as hard: One of them was one of my friend's little sister's dying. It was a huge shock, and those were kind of hard days... She was brain-injured and 8 years old--we were very close to their family... *sigh* Yeah, I guess that was difficult for us all--but God is still good and sovereign.
'09: Wow. This year has flown by--yet so much has happened! It's been a wonderful year--life is good. I have a new niece now--wonderful family and friends. *happy sigh*
My favorite great-uncle died also--a day before my birthday, and since I've only seen him a few times it wasn't extremely-extremely hard.. but he was so sweet- and I'll miss him.
Of course there have been hard times--in '08 I had 2 of the worst days of my life: One because I thought I was going to die and the other one because of an incident that happened with my brother hurting himself. Don't know why I was so worried though since it was a very small incident.
Then of course there have been challenges--but so many blessings.
About all this "finding out who you are" stuff... Hm. I dunno--I don't remember ever being really confused over things--I mean, sometimes. But most of the time it seems I was pretty carefree.
I worry WAY too much, and of course there were times I was worried--but I don't have a lot to worry over...
*shrug* So... I guess I never deeply searched for "who I was"...
Over the past 3 years I've sanctified the most... So I'd say they were the best years. Out of them I'd probably choose 2008 or 2009. They've been good for different reasons, so who knows. *shrugs again*
Soooo yeah. There's my rambling. I really can't remember very many bad things that happened to me... Almost everything seems wonderful.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Here is 10 questions. which you may wish to answer
1. What has been your best and worst years of the 00's?
2. what was your favourite month in the 00's?
3. what was your favourite Day of the 00s?
4. can you remember the 90's?
5. What decade has been your fav. for some people they will only be able to choose the 00's?
The 00's took up more than half, in fact they took up more than four quarters of it...
2000: An ok year, I learned how to use the royal throne and to run a little...
2001: Other than the fact that this nation was attacked and all the schools were closed and a terrorist attack aimed for DC landed less then a couple thousand miles from my house... It was ok, I began learning how to throw a base ball and how to add two plus two...
2002: I entered kindergarden... It was ok... I learned how to read here...
2003: 1st grade, learned about the double letter sounds like 'SH'
2004: I don't think anything special happened here...
2005: Or here
2006: Or here...
2007: Or here....
2008: A major turning point in my life: I joined Narniaweb and became NARNIANERD! Your worst nightmere! DUH DUD DUH!
2009: A great disastor happened which I shall not utter a word about here.
If you ain't first, you're last.
I feel old. - I can recall stuff back to the early 60s.
One thing I like best about the past decade is that it marked the adoption of my nieces and nephews from China and Korea. It's been so much getting to know them and play with them.
And finding NarniaWeb and the friendships I've made here are also a highlight of recent years.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
19-20 day until the 00's are over. 2993 days have past once we reach jan 1st 2010. Corect me if i am arong on the number since i could of missed a year when adding it up.
2000-2002: ages 2-4
2003: I was five and the most I can remember is going to Disneyland. Entered kindergarten, but then skipped to first grade.
2004: second grade. very carefree year
2005: third grade. don't remember too much, about the same as 2004
2006: fourth grade was a great year, but then I found out we might be moving, so i was kinda sad towards Christmas.
2007: I moved to Indiana. Good year.
2008: Great year.
2009: best year yet. First year of NanoWrimo, too
Can't wait for next year!