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The Wingfeather Saga - On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness - Book 1

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NarniaWeb Regular


Yes, we have watched all the episodes currently out. They are very faithful to the material and a nice break from the regular cornucopia of CGI offerings on the web. That said, as always, it is hard for a video to compete with a book. You can buy Season 1 (and maybe Season 2) at Walmart, However, you can still watch the episodes for free on Angel Studios

Lost in the woods and weary he looked into the night sky and a voice spoke to him, "As long as the moon shines, I will be with you. The day the moon no longer shines, you will be with Me."

Topic starter Posted : January 17, 2025 9:00 am
NarniaWeb Regular

@meldred I binged Seasons 1 and 2 on New Year's Eve. Season 1 played fast and loose with the plot, but Season 2 was spot-on. The voice actors are incredible, and so's the animation.

Posted : January 17, 2025 9:11 am
NarniaWeb Regular


Though slightly off-topic, the show IS about the book, and it is easy for me to geek out about the show!

I tend to agree, the plot was a bit fast and loose in Season 1, and I'm glad they reigned that in with Season 2.

The voice talent picks were beyond my wildest dreams! Any animated show would hope to gain such talent. Here are some of the better-known voices...

Jodi Benson - Nia (the original voice of The Little Mermaid)

Kevin McNally - Podo (Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean)

Andrew Peterson - Oskar N. Reteep (Author/Singer/Songwriter/Producer)

Henry Ian Cusick - Peet (Desmond, LOST)

Enn Reitel - Zouzab (voice of Nestor, The Adventures of Tintin)

Kari Wahlgren - Stonekeeper (voice of Tigress, Kung Fu Panda)

Billy Boyd - Overseer (Pippin, Lord of the Rings)

Matthew Rhys Evans - Florid Sword (Lloyd Vogel, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood)

Lesley Nicol - Nurgabog (Mrs. Patmore, Downton Abbey)

Ellie Holcomb - Ferinia (Nashville Singer/Songwriter)

Dave Mullins - Armulyn the Bard (brother of the late Rich Mullins)


Lost in the woods and weary he looked into the night sky and a voice spoke to him, "As long as the moon shines, I will be with you. The day the moon no longer shines, you will be with Me."

Topic starter Posted : January 17, 2025 1:05 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @carithewriter

1) Is this your first time encountering the Wingfeather Saga? Nope, I've been a fan since covid.

Did you watch Andrew Peterson read these books aloud on Facebook during this time? 

Posted : January 17, 2025 3:13 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

@fantasia I watched him read the last 2 live on YouTube, yes! I watched all of Monster in the Hollows and some of The Warden and the Wolf-King 

@meldred I know! The cast was filled to the brim with talent. I was impressed when the casting for Nia was announced and shocked when I found out Billy Boyd, whom I'd come to know as Pippin from the Lord of the Rings films, was playing a villain role. And Andrew voicing Oscar was perfect. I don't think anyone else can do him justice. 

Posted : January 17, 2025 7:19 pm
meldred and fantasia liked
NarniaWeb Regular

1) Is this your first time encountering the Wingfeather Saga?

No, I read the first one a few years ago, but couldn't really get in to them. However, in the last month I reread the whole series and loved them. 

2) How did you first hear about these books?

I'm not really sure, to be honest. I think the librarian recommended it to me.

3) Looking at Book 1 - OtEotDSoD (On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness), who is your favorite Character and why?

I like Janner and Leeli (Tink/Kalmar is a little annoying to me) but can't talk about my favorite characters in this series without mentioning my favorite character by far, so the character is in the spoiler tab below because it is in later books.

My favorite character
Sara Cobbler. I just love her determination.

4) Is there a line or passage that especially resonates with you?

Not any that can think of off the top of my head (I don't own the books)

5) How many "Easter Eggs" have you found, so far, and (perhaps use the spoiler feature) what are they?

I haven't found any in this book.

Posted : January 18, 2025 6:08 am
meldred liked
NarniaWeb Regular


Yes, the YouTube readings were great, I understand Peterson made a special request to the publisher so he could do the readings and keep them up for a limited time. You're right about Oskar, and I think they tried to find a voice actor but ultimately decided nobody else but Mr. Peterson could pull it off, you can tell he puts his full heart and soul into that character. 


In regard to your responses...

1) Very similar to my first encounter with the series.

2) This caused my wife to smile, as she is a librarian who has often recommended this book series

3) Peterson's protagonist females are truly inspiring

4) If you are into digital books, I highly recommend the digital version of this series, as they come with fun attachments

5) There are more than a few... I've listed off several spoiler-protected "Easter Eggs" in the thread, and here I'll include yet one more that was mentioned to me, though I haven't found confirmation this reference was intentional... 

First Page
Dwayne, the Rock, Johnson reference on first page



Lost in the woods and weary he looked into the night sky and a voice spoke to him, "As long as the moon shines, I will be with you. The day the moon no longer shines, you will be with Me."

Topic starter Posted : January 20, 2025 7:10 am
NarniaWeb Regular

@meldred Yep, I remember the interview

Posted : January 20, 2025 9:46 am
meldred liked
NarniaWeb Regular

At the back of the book, there is a "Readers Guide", which rather seems to be "questions for thought".

Question number 3 in the "Readers Guide" talks about Leeli's compassion for two characters, 1

and 2

This caused me to go back and re-read portions of Chapter 27-28, because while compassion toward Person2 seemed obvious, compassion for Person1 jarred me and I couldn't remember her expressing compassion toward Person1

As a part of question 3, it asks, "What do you think would have happened if Leeli had had a chance to show kindness to Person1?"

It is fascinating/humbling/sobering to think about the watershed decisions of book characters, and of my own decisive moments.


Lost in the woods and weary he looked into the night sky and a voice spoke to him, "As long as the moon shines, I will be with you. The day the moon no longer shines, you will be with Me."

Topic starter Posted : January 21, 2025 11:40 am
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator
This is a re-posting of a previous message. Something went wrong with the spoilers and the editing feature.
Posted by: @meldred

Regarding the voice of the footnotes… we’ll just let that simmer a bit. Wink  

Of course we didn't actually, see him die. Whoever heard of a (fill in the blank) who ever died? You can always get them back. Maybe he has a book called "How to Save yourself from a Fatal Wound."

3) Looking at Book 1 - OtEotDSoD (On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness), who is your favorite Character and why?

I started out liking Podo,

but I can’t stand the way he treats Peet.
I guess Oskar would be my favorite. I love his interest in books and preserving history. I do wish he had some more common sense. Nia is good character as well. I love
how she stands up to the Fangs and Podo.

5) How many "Easter Eggs" have you found, so far, and (perhaps use the spoiler feature) what are they?

Not sure these are really Easter Eggs so much as similarities.


Mayor Blaggus reminds me of Governor Gumpas

Music plays a very powerful role in this book as well as Middle-Earth and Magician’s Nephew.

Water from the First Well reminds me of Lucy’s Cordial

Janner, his desire for more and to travel, and his being displaced royalty reminds me of Shasta and his situation. Although Janner wanted to be king unlike Shasta who did not.

When Tink is awoken in the jail he says, “Pass the gravy.” One of the Lords in VDT says pass the mustard when they attempt to wake him.

Oskar uses quotes to communicate like Mrs. Who in A Wrinkle in Time.


What are totatoes? I imagine they are some kind of a cross between a tomato and a potato, but I am having trouble picturing something that would be firm enough for Leeli to peel and soft enough to cover Podo with juice.


Did Zouzab come to Glipwood because he suspected the “jewels” were there? Did he somehow know the Igibys were from Anniera? Did other towns have Ridgerunner spies? Why were Zouzab and the other ridgerunner in league with the Fangs? Footnote 2 Chapter 5 says that ridgerunners were neutral in the Great War because fruit wasn’t directly involved. Is there fruit involved now? Did Zouzab know they had taken the map? Or did he think they had just taken something they shouldn’t have? Or was it just the boys’ guilty conscience that made them suspect he knew. If he did know about the map, it appears he didn’t know what it meant or how to use it since the Fangs didn’t have access to the door. Or maybe they did know but didn’t have time to use it. Or maybe Zouzab kept the knowledge to himself. I apparently filled in the blank about what Zouzab suspected; I was convinced there was a line about him suspecting Nia would use the jewels if the children got caught. Of course the jewels Nia used were not the jewels of Anniera.

What compelled Leeli to sing? Was it the song or the singer or a combo of both that caused even the Sea dragons to stop and listen to her.

When the boys ask Leeli what happened, she explains that she was throwing sticks for Nugget during the handyball game. She doesn’t mention the bard coming at all. Did she actually leave during the singing or during the game? The bard sang at least 3 songs but likely more until sundown.   Depending on the length of the songs, they could have been listening for a long time or a few minutes. If Leeli chased after Nugget during the game, why was the fight with Nugget still going on? One would think that other Fangs would have come by then or Peet. And if she disappeared right before the end of the last song, why was she not focused on the song? The audience was described as “enthralled” and “rapt.” Janner and Tink were pushing back tears. Leeli was the musical one of the family; it makes sense that she would be more interested in the singing than her brothers. Yet, if Janner was right when they were looking for her that she and Nugget were there a minute ago, she was not focused on the music at all. If Nugget was playing fetch during the game and the singing, he has amazing stamina for the game. Maybe that is normal for dogs. I have cats and they don’t focus for that long.


Oskar (Chapter 5) tells Janner on the day of festival to come to the bookstore the day after tomorrow. However, Janner and Tink go to the bookstore the day after the festival. Nia says that morning, “The dragon day festival is over, and life goes back to normal today.” The festival is one day only.

I still have more to say but have run out of time.

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Posted : January 28, 2025 1:43 pm
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

This post was actually written a week after the above post.

More questions / goofs

I’m really confused about the movement of Khark. Khrak was in Torrboro (A night and day trip as the fangs drive from Glipwood and a 2 day journal for others) when he discovered that the medallion was from Anniera. Gnorm says, “But I just received an interesting message from General Khrak in Torrboro. … You see, there is a treasure that the Nameless One has sought all these years, a treasure beyond imagination, And General Khrak, my superior, has just sent a message saying that he believes you know where it is. He's waiting for us at Fort Lamendron.” How can General Khrak be sending a message from Torroboro and waiting in Fort Lamendron? According to the footnotes, “The road to Torrboro was well traveled, both by humans and Fangs Fang troops traveling to and from Fort Lamendron marched north and west from the coast, through Glipwood, and followed the road along the edge of Glipwood Forest until it met with the River Blapp.” Unless there is some other way to get from Torrboro to Fort Lamendron, Khark couldn’t have gotten to Fort Lamendron before Gnorm got the message. Unless Gnorm only thought the message came from Torrboro and Khrak really sent it from Fort Lamedron. If Khark was travelling through Glipwood, why didn’t he just investigate Glipwood on the way through and pick up the Igibys up and take them with him?


Unfulfilled expectations:


I wanted Armulyn the Bard to play more of a role. He’s coming right before things really started to happen made me think he would be more important. I was surprised that music wasn’t used as a weapon against the Fangs. At the very least, it seems to weaken them and Armulyn seemed to practically paralyze them.

I expected the jewels of Anniera to be actual jewels. In fact, I was rather annoyed with the power of an item of jewelry to rule the world / control the world trope. I’m glad that the power didn’t end up being in real jewels, but I don’t think there were enough hints to make it make sense. Khark says, “When we sacked…Anniera … many writings of King Wingfeather were found. In them, he spoke of the Jewels of Anniera and the ancient power they hold, a power that could destroy the Namelesss One and restore Anniera to its glory.” Why would the king write that stuff down? (Obviously those were the papers he wanted to get).  It didn’t end up protecting his children by referring to them as jewels. The fangs still came after them. I don’t understand why Nia didn’t know what to do when Gnorm offered to spare her children if she told where the jewels were. If she told him where the jewels were, it wouldn’t have spared her children anyway. That scene makes a lot more sense if the jewels are actual jewels and not her children. What did you think of the Jewels not being jewels?

I think I have covered everything now ...


NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Posted : January 28, 2025 2:57 pm
NarniaWeb Regular


Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been away. 

Regarding "the voice of the footnotes", your comment "Whoever heard of a (fill in the blank) who ever died?", made me laugh. You seem to have gotten a number of plot points before I did, so I thought you would have figured this one out... but I'm glad it isn't spoiled for you. 😉

Regarding the relationship between P & P, it is a tension that continues to build. One of the things I like about this series is the messiness of relationships, which more closely reflects real life.

Regarding "Easter Eggs": The Gumpas, cordial, mustard, and Shasta similarities are interesting connections. I also had not thought of the Mrs. Who connection, I love that Idea, but I wonder if it was on Peterson's mind. The music connection is something Peterson would readily admit to.

 Regarding "Totatoes", I had imagined them as a type of eggplant that I grow annually called "Melanzana Rossa di Rotonda". I have no idea what Peterson's fun imagination had in mind, but this is what I had imagined.

Regarding Ridgerunners and fruit! This is not a spoiler, but an affirmation of an important point made in the description of Ridgerunners. Fruit is to a Ridgerunner as nectar is to a hummingbird, except that hummingbirds are among the "dumb beasts" of the animal kingdom versus a Ridgerunner which has both the capacity for good and evil. Oskar employed a Ridgerunner because it suited his purpose and the Ridgerunner was very pleased with the arrangement of payment in fruit. As to "the why" this person has met that person at that particular time or that particular place, we are not given all the reason(s), but I suspect there is "a will" at play that is beyond any design of a Ridgerunner or of Oskar.

Regarding Leeli (and the boys for that matter), that is an unfolding mystery, but it reminds me of Lucy who found Narnia before her older siblings.

Regarding the incident with Nugget, it was definitely during the singing, and though she would not have left of her own accord, she left nonetheless for the love of her dog. Having brought up many dogs, they have a mind of their own and can often throw off the plans of their human companions. 🙂

Yes, the Dragon Day festival is indeed only one day, the day the dragons arrive at the cliffs of Glipwood and then they are gone again.

Regarding the movements of Khrak, it may very well be a goof, I would have to go back to the text to study in detail. However, these are fun links as references when navigating in the lands of Aerwiar:

Maps of Aerwiar

Map of Skree

Regarding the "weapon" you mentioned, again you astound me with an insight that I did not realize until the fourth book! Hold that thought, at present, it is only the barefoot wanderer who has realized it... to be continued.

Lastly, regarding the thing Gnag is seeking, it is important to understand there was a time when Anniera was seen as impervious to attack, much less a much worse tragedy that befell it. Thus anything written down in that seemingly untouchable land, even more so within the castle walls, would have been for posterity, and nobody would have dreamed such writings could end up in enemy hands. 

Like you, the answer to the question of "what" was more than a pleasant surprise, as it speaks directly to a problem in our modern culture which often places value on t----- rather than p-----.


This post was modified 1 week ago 4 times by meldred

Lost in the woods and weary he looked into the night sky and a voice spoke to him, "As long as the moon shines, I will be with you. The day the moon no longer shines, you will be with Me."

Topic starter Posted : February 3, 2025 11:31 am
Lady Merian
NarniaWeb Newbie

Hello, I’ve just finished a reread (re-listen, really) to these books and would love to jump in, though the only one left for me to reread is Wingfeather Tales.

1) Is this your first time encountering the Wingfeather Saga? It’s my third time, and will be my second time for Wingfeather Tales as that wasn’t out yet when I first read them.

2) How did you first hear about these books?
I first saw them in the children’s section of a Christian bookstore. The covers intrigued me but I was not impressed by the redundancy in the title of the first one at the time. Then my brother discovered the Rabbit Room and Jonathan Rogers’ Wilderking Trilogy, and recommended them, and one of my sisters and I read them and loved them. My sister then delved into more from the Rabbit Room and gave these a try. I have rarely heard her laugh so much while reading as with these! Or weep, for that matter. And in the meantime I’d tried AP’s music and liked a good deal of it, so I ended up giving them a try once I realized the name Dark Sea of Darkness was redundant on purpose. Giggle  

3) Looking at Book 1 - OtEotDSoD (On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness), who is your favorite Character and why?
So hard to choose just one, but I’ll go with Oskar N. Reteep. If I had a better memory I would probably go about quoting relevant books exactly like he does. 

4) Is there a line or passage that especially resonates with you? [see above about my memory] alas, this is one downside to the audiobooks in that when I notice a really excellent line I haven’t gotten into the habit of adding a bookmark to transcribe it later,  but here’s this one line which I went to my physical copy to find and transcribe:

when Leeli has been taken by Slarb and Podo has gone after them and Nia is comforting the boys she says “You have to think hard about the very thing before you, dear. Nothing else. To think too long and hard about what might happen is a fool’s business. Right now, for your Podo, the thing before him is to find Leeli, not to think about how it happened or who’s to blame. And the thing before us is to wait in this old cottage without giving up hope. Even if hope is just a low ember at night, in the morning you can still start a fire.” It gets a little overshadowed afterwards by Janner asking if that’s why they never talk about his father, because the past is beyond their reach*, but Nia has a good perspective here.

*and of course Janner doesn’t know why they don’t talk about his father, and for a time I questioned why they wouldn’t have at all, but now both sides make sense to me.


5) How many "Easter Eggs" have you found, so far, and (perhaps use the spoiler feature) what are they?
I don’t think this is a spoiler but the title of chapter 5 is The Bookseller, the Sock Man, and the Glipwood Township and if that’s not an allusion to LWW I don’t know what is. I also think the part where

Leeli is telling the boys about Peet’s castle and how he hummed a tune and she fell asleep is very like Lucy with Mr. Tumnus, and most likely intentionally so. I know I’ve seen others but that one stood out to me this time.

Also I think I remember hearing or reading that the footnotes are inspired by Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell but I cannot remember for sure.

Posted : February 11, 2025 9:40 pm
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