Coriakin explains that the source of evil that is destroying the good in the world is from the White Witch inside the Dark Island. Coriakin states that the seven swords of the seven lords can prevent and stop the evil. They must follow a blue star to Ramandu’s island. “Beware- you are all about to be tested. Evil has the upper hand, it will do all in its power to tempt you- do not fall into the temptation.”
Doesn't sound like a nightmare to me. Unless the Dark Island can see the future and generated Edmund's nightmare months ahead of time.
Is that in the screening with all the spoilers? I have not read them and I don't plan to
DiGoRyKiRkE: wow! that's a very good point! and it is SO true.
if Edmund were a real person, it would be like when someone gives their life to Jesus, they are n a new creation. but that doesn't mean that they can't be tempted. they will still be prone to weaknesses and so with Edmund, he still has that past of WW. so that's his temptation.
I think it makes sense to bring back WW for the same reason that DiGoRyKiRkE pointed out!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
It makes theological sense, but not book sense. And I would say book sense is what matters. For me, what always made the Dark Island so scary is the fact that Lewis doesn't describe what they're afraid of in great detail. Its all left up to your imagination. Its so vague and dark and shadowy, there's something there but you don't know what it is, it appeals to all your own nightmares--not necessarily the type you have after traumatic experiences, but the kind that everyone has. Making it so vague and shadowy works better, I think. Edmund may very well have been thinking about the Witch. We don't know because we're seeing it from Lucy's point of view. However, I don't think this is a good reason for putting the Witch in randomly for maybe 30 seconds and then having her blow away again. I'd rather more be left up to the imagination--and play on the fear of the dark and unknown, rather than on a danger we already saw.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I was just wondering.. a few people have said that the WW was definitely not in PC and there was no definite allusion to 'witches never die..' I just looked in my copy of PC, and it said 'learned Master Doctor, who ever heard of a witch that really died? You can always get them back.' Then the hag and werewolf 'prepare the blue fire' to call her up again. In my view, Hollywood only took it a few minutes further - to the point of here being called up.. also, she's referred to as 'The White Lady' by the hag. It's like Satan - underneath, spreading roots of evil, waiting to be called up. I'm not sure if I agree with her being in VOTDT, but I agree with a few people who have said this - The Dark Isle is the Isle of Nightmares. Edmund's nightmare was the WW coming and tempting him again... and possibly him succumbing. So it sort of does make sense for her to be there. Sorry if I offended anyone... totally unintentional.
Thank you, flambeau, for my loverly avatar! *hugs it* And thank you, Starsy, for my wonderful siggie!
(Thanks to Rising_Star for correcting me about the sig
I have no problem with the WW appearing as a temptation or nightmare on the DI either that would make sense with the book. As long as she is not running the DI just a nightmare from it.
It makes theological sense, but not book sense. And I would say book sense is what matters. For me, what always made the Dark Island so scary is the fact that Lewis doesn't describe what they're afraid of in great detail. Its all left up to your imagination.
I have to agree with these points. As well I don't mind a nightmare of the WW and edmund feeling old guilt again, but I don't want him tempted. Yes we are continually tempted but the WW is dead! Edmund could be tempted by other the gold at Deathwater.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
^True! Like in the book where he and Caspian are about to start fighting over it until Aslan stops them.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Yes I think its fine to have Edmund tempted again. I mean even Lewis wrote about it. However it doesn't have to be the same thing in the same form all the time does it? Edmund could still struggle with the desire for power and greed at Deathwater.
I think film maker will have a problem giving Edmund any flaws because he was so perfect in PC. I mean I loved him, but I wish they gave him his witty remarks and everything. I hope it doesn't look odd that he goes from brat to perfect to unperfect. He isn't supposed to be perfect in PC of VDT but it seems there will be some inconsistency in the movies. I hope I'm wrong.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I think they keep putting the White Witch in places she doesn't belong because they want to materialize the element of evil. An enemy to fight against. I doubt they are trying to make a statement with it- just a causality of adaption for the big screen.
signature by Beginte
I disagree that it is a problem, they made it very clear that she was just a nightmare haunting Ed. The sea serpent was the materialized evil they had to fight.
Anyone think the garden where Eustace was undragoned, was the same place where Diggory went to get the apple and was met by Jadis in MN?
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Warrior 4 Jesus, What would make you think that?
The way the garden was described, it's location. Check the details, they're there.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I always thought that the garden was on Dragon Island, but I doubt Lewis intended them to be the same.