Good to hear from you again, Tesseract. I will respond to this when I can find full time to do so properly (Which is definitely not tonight). But when I respond, I will post my response in the CHRISTIANITY, RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY thread, as the discussion has moved a bit off-topic, away from Puddleglum and onto Pascal. I'll post the video you linked me to as well. This will also give the other NW Theology-Giants a chance to respond as well (And they're way better at this type of thing than I am, anyway
Christianity and some other religions both promote the idea that life on earth is meaningful for what you will get in the next world.
I find that many Christians view the idea that good works will get you to heaven as offensive and incorrect.
Yes, you're right, Tesseract. The idea that good works get you to Heaven is incorrect -- the Bible even says so. It says that we are saved by Grace through Faith, and not by Works. The works are our way of serving God because we want to serve Him, and a way of helping others. But they are not what gets us to Heaven.
Though, Riella, you must keep in mind that the Bible also states very clearly that Faith without works is dead (See James in the bible), thoroughly negating the argument that faith is all we need to get to Heaven. The two go hand in hand.
As for Puddleglum's argument, I like it. I agree with it. I think that a bit that many writers of this thread don't seem to have addressed is that Puddleglum did not only say that he would blindly believe in Narnia even if it didn't exist. I think that would not be a good idea. He said that he would go searching for it, to chase after it. He was meaning to go find the goodness, because he had hope that it existed, and the life of there, right then, was pretty pathetic compared to what he dreamed (and at this point he supposed that he dreamed) could exist.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Though, Riella, you must keep in mind that the Bible also states very clearly that Faith without works is dead (See James in the bible), thoroughly negating the argument that faith is all we need to get to Heaven. The two go hand in hand.
I'm quite aware of the scripture in James that says Faith without Works is dead. However, I don't believe that scripture is referring to salvation, but to something else. I will explain my view on that fully when I post in the Christianity, Religion, and Philosophy thread, because to explain it here would probably be off topic. I'll add it to the post I am making in response to Tesseract.
Tesseract, I will begin working on that post today. As it will be rather long, I will type it up in a Word Document first, and then post it on the thread once it's finished. I'm sorry for the delay.
I had a few real life projects I had to finish first before I could properly devote my time to this.