When people complain that SC, MN, or any other book doesn't directly star the Pevensies. *headdesk* It's not all about the Pevensies! Eustace, Jill, Digory, et al, are great characters!
Also, when a fan of the movies says they didn't even know they were based off of a book series. Ack. >_o
When people compare Narnia to Twilight... Uh?
What is there to even compare for crying out loud? They are completely different genres for starters, and the characters are completely different. Yeah, this sounds weird, but I've seriously seen this happen before.
Yeah , this really isn't exactly a Narnia Knowledge Pet Peeve, but honestly, it's just as annoying.
It could be a knowledge pet peeve- as in these people have no knowldge of Narnia whatsoever.
I suppose there could be somthing for comparing the books. But the word "book" is where the similarities end.
Another one wis when people don't know can't think of any Christain themes in Narnia. Thhey aren't buried that deep in the plot!
memento mori
When people call Lewis sexist for the whole Susan thing, without looking any further into it. Its like they have a double standard. If it had happened to one of the guys, they wouldn't care, but since it happened to one of the girls, he has to be sexist. Because any male writer who has anything bad happen to a female character must hate women.
Absolutely, completely, 100% ditto. Everyone is so quick to point out how "Lewis sent Susan to hell!!!!!" (which he didn't do), but the character who by far and large is the closest to Aslan is not Peter the High King, not Edmund whom Aslan died for, but Lucy.
Same story goes for the people who cry "Racist" because of the Calormen race. Again, they completely ignore Aravis and Emeth, not to mention how the "Whitest" character in the story is the biggest villian.
Yeah, this is by far and away my biggest pet peeve.
One thing that really got to me was an instance that I had with a friend of mine. We were discussing Narnia shortly I had finished the series (she had read it several years before) and were talking about the Pevensies being the Kings and Queens of Narnia. She came out with a comment, "Lucy really should have been made High Queen over Narnia instead of Susan - she had so much more faith!" I said "Wait a minute, there is no High Queen, there's only a High King - The High King Peter" and she said, "No, there's the High King Peter and the High Queen Susan." We argued for hours into the night and nearly started yelling at each other. It took all of my older sisters' power just to keep us from pouncing on each other!!!
While I knew I was right, I have to admit I felt a little bad for making such a big deal out of a really minor detail in the book, and I apologized to my friend afterwards. I don't know if she got the facts straight later on, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship over something so terribly minor, so I haven't brought it up since.
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RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
I hate it when people take the Narnia books (or any other story) and try to twist it to prove that it means something it doesn't. Like if someone was trying to say the moral of the story is to go Vegan, or stop violence, or any other kind of belief system that really has little to do with the book. And it's usually just because that subject is a cause they personally like, and they read it into everything. What makes it even more ridiculous is when they say it was the author's intention. Especially if it goes against the author's beliefs.