I agree with pretty much most of these! But I have my tops that really nerve me.
My first is Edmund's name. There's a few others who already said this but it's EDMUND, not Edward nor Edwin. Plus it is NOT spelled Edmond.
Second, is when people start calling the Pevensie's old. Or saying that they should know better for some things they do. I mean, if you look at the time line, Peter is 13 in the LWW. Susan is 12, Edmund is 10 and Lucy is 8! Everone naturally assumes they are one year apart! Also Eustace is younger then Lucy by a year as well!
Third is how you say Aslan's name. I guess this one could be argued, depending on your accent. But it bothers me when they pronounce it like 'Aslon', with a long o.
I also got this once 'Why does the professor have a bunch of women's coats in a wardrobe?" C. S. Lewis adressed this once, he said that it was the professor's mothers. Really though, do you have to ask things like that?
Lastly, I hate it when people think they are making fun of Narnia when they shout out 'For Narnia and for Aslan!'. It's NOT an insult in anyway!
Yesterday my friend said that Narnia was the garden of eden and the author tried not to make it Biblical but he kept putting stuff in it from the Bible. It made me really angry and I started arguing with him.
They have books with more than one picture per chapter?!!
It's a shame a company like Harpercollins who have the exclusive rights publishes inferior editions time and time again. (When are they finally going to get them in the right orderrrrr?)
They have books with more than one picture per chapter?!!
They have books with one picture per chapter? You poor deprived soul.
But yeah...there are some editions of the books where there are anywhere from 2-4 illustrations through out the chapter, placed in the middle of the text near the event that they portray. Then there are other editions of the books that just take one of those illustrations and plop them at the beginning under each chapter title.
It's not really too bad either way though because with the latter you can use your imagination more.
Before you see a film adaption of a book, I would strongly recommend reading the book before you see it.
I would disagree. When I've read the book first I've been disappointed by the movie many times, but when I watched the movie first I have never been disappointed by the book.
I looked up the trailer for VDT on youtube because I wanted to see if a certain part was in it and I read a bunch of comments. I almost cried when I saw "Azland" instead of "Aslan" and stuff like "Why aren't Susan and Peter in this movie? waah". They aren't supposed to be there at all!
When people compare Narnia to Twilight... Uh?
What is there to even compare for crying out loud? They are completely different genres for starters, and the characters are completely different. Yeah, this sounds weird, but I've seriously seen this happen before.
Yeah , this really isn't exactly a Narnia Knowledge Pet Peeve, but honestly, it's just as annoying.
when they have never herd of Narnia!! ahh... and they say: oh ya narnia someone named... let me think Lewis or something did that
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
I think this has been mentioned more than once, but I hate it when people compare Lewis to Tolkien. They are two different authors. They did write fantasy and were friends, but Lewis is a great author all by himself and doesn't need Tolkien to boost his popularity.
I also hate it when people mix up the books or characters. Maybe I'm just being a snob, but I'm like that with a lot of things. I always have to correct my mom when she tries to talk Narnia with me. :]
Ya Tolkien is a lot different then Lewis and I Hate it when people compare Narnia to Harry potter that is an insult to Narnia
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
I hate it when people dismiss the series as simple escapism for 5-year-olds, an attitude which clearly comes from ignorance. So many people, even some fans, seem to go "Aslan is like God. Got it" and they think they have figured out the whole series. They totally miss out on all of Lewis deeper themes and nuances.
I can't stand it when people say that what was in the movie is cannon over what is in the books. Of the Walden movies, I loved one (LWW), hated one (PC) and liked one (VDT). But even the movie that I loved had some flaws in it and 7 books are the ONLY things that are cannon.
I also don't like it when people insist that the books must be read in a certain order. I prefer the publication order (because the spiritual lessons get progressively deeper - moving from milk to meat as the Apostle Paul would say), but if you want to read them in timeline sequence - that's fine. However, I had one guy tell me several years ago that MN was the first book, it was written first and it must be read first. Um, no it wasn't written first and if I want to read them in the alphabetical order or throw them in the air and read the one that lands closest to me first - that's okay too.
Further up and further in!!
Hmmm Alphabetical Order... I'll have to try that one day
Whenever people say "I've seen the movie, so I know the plot." No, you don't
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
So many people, even some fans, seem to go "Aslan is like God. Got it" and they think they have figured out the whole series. They totally miss out on all of Lewis deeper themes and nuances.
I'll admit this was the case with me when I first read the books. But now that I'm a bit older, I do understand the books a degree better, and am doing so every time I read them.
I have seen cases of this before though myself, and it annoys me. I have seen some people say that Narnia is biblical lessons for children. For example, when Aslan dies in place of Edmund LWW, some have said Aslan did this because he is Jesus.
*annoyed grunt*
No! Aslan, while I do agree He stands Christ in this world, the main reason to my understanding as to why He did this was because He is Narnia's hope after a 100 year winter!
Mine is when peple ask 'there's more than one?'
It's 'The ChronicleS of Narnia' folks!!
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Everyone has already named a bunch of stuff that annoys me.
Once someone posted a topic on IMDB saying that Prince Caspian is lame, its just a rip off of The Lion King!!!!! I wanted to say "really?"
This isn't an annoyance so much as just being bugged, but once we were watching LWW in theaters and one person asked the person beside them what Turkish Delight was. Their friend replied that they thought it was a type of doughnut.
And once again while watching LWW my aunt thought that Mr. Tumnus was half deer! But neither of them knew so I don't blame them.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis