My history teacher ans I were discussing Voyage of the Dawn Treader the other day and she said something that made me cringe. She pronounced Eustace as Youstacy. That annoyed me and also I was thouroughly annoyed when a former PE teacher asked me if "The Magician's Son" was coming out next. I have never heard of this "Magician's Son."
“I am,” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
My friend and I were talking about narnia when I started talking about Aslan. I told him he was the son of the Emporer over the sea. Then he said "Is Aslan a dog?" omp
it drove me crazy. How can you say aslan is a dog. He is the king of beasts and king of all narnia.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I read all posts and all of the people you've written about just made me go crazy! I don't understand why people talk about a thing without having any idea about that. I would feel ashamed if I talked about Narnia without any knowledge and someone corrected my words.
I really hate when people compare Narnia with Harry Potter. They're just two different beautiful worlds and wonderful stories. (Yesterday, "Narnia/Harry Potter" was a worldwide trending topic on Twitter!)
I think I can count myself lucky because there's no people around me pronouncing the names wrong, talking about the movies without reading the books and finding my Narnia love ridiculous.
I hope I could explain myself.
Avatar by lover of narnia | Signature by me
Once I was catching up with some friends in the holidays. When asked what I had been doing with my time, I proudly answered, "I've been on Narnia websites all day!" to which one of my friends replied, "Narnia, as in Ozland the lion?"
I have another friend who is convinced that fauns are called 'goat people', Narnia is called 'Nardia' and that Caspian is French. Not even Spanish, like the movies, but french. I try to explain that he's actually a blonde that's in his EARLY teens, most of my friends have heart attacks.
This last one is perhaps a bit nitpicky of me, but I really can't stand it when someone who has read the books spells Edmund as 'Edmond'.
Set by Princess Anna
Actually Ionic, I think I read somewhere that 'edmond' is the french way to spell it or something like that... idk, it was a while back so I'm not sure if that's completely accurate...
My mom (of all people... ) told me after I read LWW and told her that I didn't want to read the rest of the series, that peter goes back into the wardrobe to fight battles on his own, and lucy is the only true sibbling that never stops believing (the way she described it was sorta like a parallel to the Polar Express)
.... after that I had to read all of the books and prove her wrong
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
I also hate it when people write off the Chronicles for children, and mercilessly make fun of anyone who enjoys them. *sigh*
Agreed wholeheartedly! My freinds sister refused to watch VDT or PC with us because her friends always say how they're kids books and cuz she was afraid of getting teased. I mean seriously people... have you ever watched PC? Or read LB? Yes they're children's books but I think just about anyone who likes fantasy could like them too. And there comes a point in one's life when one does start watching the classic disney stories again... and that point has come in those kid's lives, is there really a difference. You shouldn't tease someone just because they like Narnia.
When critics complain abut the movies being too Christian... That's like saying The Lion King was took place too much in Africa, or that there was too much music in The Phantom of the Opera, or too many dinosaurs in JP... That's part of the point! It's inherent to the story!
When people say CS Lewis was rascist. Yes he may have been depicting rascism, but in the books it went both ways... kind of like the feelings of the Cold War. I don't think he was a rascist, but he was trying to capture that rivalry between two countries that can be taken too far. Besides there were good Calormenes as well as bad Narnians.
When people say PC (the movie) was rascist... really people? Look up... and listen to the interviews!
When people say that Narnia is copying HP... um Narnia was written first (This one I actually find hilarious
When people don't realize that the only character in all 7 books is Aslan.
When people don't realize there are 7 books.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Hi everyone! I haven't posted to these boards in several years but decided to take a look at it when I was looking some info on when to expect Silver Chair in theaters. Anyhow, what bothers me the most is that the people who made the movies seemingly forgot to completely read the books! LOL I know, I know, they can't put everything from the books into the movies...but really? They left out so much and added things that didn't belong. I guess I am a Narnia purist. I have read the books more times than I can count starting at age 6 when I first read LWW and feel I am pretty darn knowledgeable so to see the movies was a giant let-down. I almost don't want to see them but I like to put "faces to names" so to speak and my kids and husband who have not read the books enjoy them so I grit my teeth and sit through them thinking to myself "did the writers even pick the book up once?".
When people call Aslan "Asian". They seem to think the l is an i.
Ithilwen, haha, I haven't seen that. However I have seen people speel "Aslan" and "Azzlan" or something like that.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Ithy, perhaps the dot on the 'i' was too long?
I was talking to my friend about the end of book series and we were comparing LB with Deathly Hallows and then she just stopped and said, "wait i thought in the last narnia book they all become zombies or something???"
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
I think we can all agree that it's really annoying when people assume they can watch the movies and then they know everything about Narnia. You can say, "Who's Ramandu?" or something like that and they would say, "Who?"
Just goes to show how lazy people are when they'd rather watch the movies than actually read the classic stories.
It really annoys me when people with a lack of Narnia knowledge ask,"Why aren't Susan and Peter coming back?" Um, weren't you paying attention while reading or watching the close enough movie? They're too old. Aslan said it loud and clear.
Another thing that annoys me is that people only seem to know Narnia by the movies. One day, I was reading The Magician's Nephew at school, and some kids asked me what I was reading. I responded that I was reading MN, one of the Narnia books. One of the responses of them was," I think I've heard of a Narnia. Wasn't that a movie? And there was a Lion, Aslan I think." Before you see a film adaption of a book, I would strongly recommend reading the book before you see it. It has a lot more depth and detail than the movie ever will.
I have the 1996 HarperCollins versions of the CON, and they have a character list in the front of each book that says that Jadis is the same person as the LOTGK. I actually believed that until the good people here at NW showed me the light.
I think my Narnian knowledge pet peeves have all been mentioned, but I really hate that my 7-in-1 TCON omnibus volume has only one picture per chapter. Grrr.
Sig by lysander
Queen of Literary Linkage
Aslan: the Chuck Norris of Narnia.
They have books with more than one picture per chapter?!!
-When I show my occasional Narnian Knowledge lapses
-When people think the books are bad without even reading them
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
When people say that Narnia is copying HP... um Narnia was written first
(This one I actually find hilarious
A lot of people are referring to the movies, which came after the HP movies.
Ithy, perhaps the dot on the 'i' was too long?
It was typed. And it was actually on a news site quoted by NarniaWeb, ironically.
They have books with more than one picture per chapter?!!
They do! My paperback editions have at least two or three illustrations per chapter.