I agree with Lion's Emblem, it anoys me a lot whep peopel compare Narnia to Harry Potter. I very much dislike Harry Potter and many things in it go agaisnt me faith. Whereas Narnia is totally oposite in that it supports my faith and is like, secong to the Bible to me!
Narnia and Harry Potter very different.
signature by Beginte
One thing that I've corrected people on multiple times is that his name is EdMUND. Not Edward (nearly had a fit when my friend was listing them "Peter, Susan, Edward, and Lucy") or Edwin (really?! ). This mistake came once even from someone who had read the books. And from my father, who recieved quite a long talking to about the importance of getting his Narnian facts right, at least around me!
I agree, it is also very annoying when people compare Narnia to Harry Potter and LotR. They are all separate, unique, great books series. (Narnia being the greatest, of course. ) I don't see why Narnia is always the one that gets labled as the one that copied off one of the others
"The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended:this is the morning."
And as He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion.
What annoys me is watching PC with people who haven't read the books. My best friend, my best friend's sister, my older sister, myself, and my younger sister watched it together. The four of us (my younger sister being the one exception) are all avid Narnia fanatics and have read the books too many times to count. So during the first half of the movie, my younger sister had to keep asking questions and was all "why is that happening" "what's up with this?" etc. And the rest of us were all "shhh". And of course, we all knew what was happening.
I hate it when people say, "I don't have to read the book; I'm watching the movie". They are missing out on so much! And that doesn't work because the movies are so different from the actual books. LWW is the closest of the three movies to the books and even that is different. Grrr lazy people!
I hate it when people say they have "read" the books, when really they have only glanced through it, or "read" it quickly for a school assignment. And then they act like they know all about it, and they mix characters up, mix characters together, and get everyone's name wrong.
Now that I've read all the way through this thread, I'm very annoyed at the general population of People Who Know Nothing. I am very much a perfectionist, and anything that's incorrect annoys me. I am very possessive of the things that I love, Narnia being one of them. If I know someone has only seen the movies, not read the books, I usually won't even talk to them about it.
I guess I probably should work on that. But it's so annoying...
As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.
I'm very annoyed at the general population of People Who Know Nothing.
I think that can cover a whole lot of pet peeves... in light of that, it annoys me when I think I have found a new Narnian buddy to discuss the series with, their view of "reading the books" means just reading LWW... either that or starting with MN and then got bored and quit
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Yeah. ^^ I was talking my friend about Narnia, and this other girl from our class who sort of our friend butted in and said, "Don't see it. I didn't like it. It didn't even seem like a Narnia movie, because the other two weren't there." I just gave her this blank stare. And then I said, "Well The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has always been my favorite book, but I also love The Silver Chair, so I hope they make that one next." She got a confused and sort of embarrassed look on her face and went off to talk to someone else.
As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.
king caspian....that is a classic
I don't appreciate it much when people think LWW is the only one that matters. I know quite a few people who say that because they've read that one book, they know the series. obviously, it's the first, an integral part, a favourite etc, but I mean...there are 6 others
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Okay, I know I've probably posted too much here. But... I just have to share this. There's a video (a few videos, actually) on YouTube of Susan after LB. This was one comment, supposedly in explanation of the video (despite the fact that it contradicts the very video description):
"every 1 from all the movies came back in the end to defeat the Dark lord - but lucys revival vial runs out an susan get shot an dies - very sad- but nickabreech the mouse an that dwarf an all that come back".
As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.
Wow.... just wow, Lucy_the_Oracle, that emoticon you used underneath completely sums it up.
Oh goodness Lucy_the_Oracle, ummm, that's quite different from the book And don't worry about posting too much here (well... unless a mod tells you otherwise...), those stories are pretty entertaining
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Hmm, where to start? Like others said, I hate it when the books are compared to Harry Potter (or any series, for that matter, but for some reason HP bothers me the most).
You don't have to automatically make comparisons. Can't you like both?
Another one is when people call the series "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" series.
I can't stand it when people assume that the Lady of the Green Kirtle (SC) is a reincarnation of the White Witch. Lewis never wrote that, or alluded to it in any way. People who've watched the old movies assume so because the same actress played them both, but that was just because they weren't able to pay another actress to do the role.
"None of this fazes us ...I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love..." Romans 8:39
My major pet peeve is sometimes with some of my friends who will ask me at times why I read or why I'm obsessed with these stories. Some of them think that fantasy stories should only be for boys not grown women. And I'm so tired of them which is why I hardly see some friends a lot. I only have four friends who support my liking in Narnia and likes it too.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!